2.1. Numerical Dissipation
Coherent structures that are the signposts of intermittency [
11] are hard to characterise in controlled laboratory experiments, because measurements can only be made at a small finite number of points. On the contrary, a numerical simulation allows its user to access every state variable at every position. Unfortunately, that advantage comes with distortion from the unavoidable discretisation artefacts.
Simulations of incompressible gases allow to compute gradients in Fourier space. Such techniques ("pseudo-spectral") can obtain exponentially good accuracy with respect to the number of resolution elements. This greatly helps trusting the dissipation terms when the resolution is large enough (i.e. when a bottleneck effect is absent)
2. The results of such incompressible simulations for HD turbulence [
54] show that dissipation is localised around vortices or current sheets, while for MHD turbulence [
55] they show that viscous and resistive dissipation are well separated on sheets which can therefore easily be identified as shearing or current sheets.
Compressible simulations are much more difficult to interpret. The finite size of the zoning and the necessary reconstruction of variables from the center to the edges of each pixel introduces a spurious diffusion length scale for every conservation equation (including mass conservation). To this effect, we built a method to estimate locally the total dissipation including the one inherent to the numerical scheme [
50]. The method consists in replaying a simulation step while integrating a redundant conservation equation for a variant of the energy (total mechanical energy, for example). In isothermal simulations, that quantity is best taken as the generalised isothermal total mechanical energy
B and
are respectively the mass density, the velocity, the magnetic fields intensity and the thermal pressure (with
the isothermal sound speed). An estimation of the flux
of this quantity and its time-derivative then allows to recover the local total dissipation of energy as
Once the dissipation rate is known everywhere, we can study the regions of strongest dissipation. For instance, we can plot the line of sight integrated dissipation as on
Figure 2, which displays ridges of intense integrated dissipation. These ridges appear as a caustic effect from the projection of sheets where dissipation is strong and where the plane of the sheets contains the line of sight (see [
2.2. The Nature of Coherent Structures in MHD Turbulence
Strong dissipation in MHD turbulence is seen to lie on thin sheets whether it is incompressible [
55] or compressible [
In incompressible MHD turbulence, viscous and ohmic dissipation always appear disconnected (e.g. [
55]), and the same probably holds for reduced MHD as in [
56]. In these works, it makes it easy to differentiate shearing sheets and current sheets as connected sets of strong viscous dissipation or resistive dissipation. In compressible MHD, this is much less obvious, as hinted at by
Figure 2 where different natures of dissipation heating can be intermixed. Lehmann
et al. [
57] with the SHOCKFIND algorithm and Richard
et al. [
50] designed several criteria which allow to carefully select strong dissipation regions and characterise their physical nature as fast shocks, slow shocks, rotational discontinuities or Parker sheets. Some of these criteria are based on Rankine-Hugoniot relations [
58], which seem to hold strikingly well far from their domain of application (i.e. in a non stationary medium, inhomogeneous, with curved working surfaces etc...). Some of these criteria are based on a decomposition along free traveling waves, which characterise suprisingly well most of these structures
A systematic investigation of these coherent structures was performed by Richard
et al. [
50] for 3-dimensional (3D) MHD and in Lesaffre
et al. [
59] for 2-dimensional (2D) HD turbulence. For 2D HD, we were able to show that almost 80% of the dissipation was accounted for near the shock fronts, with the remainder as diffuse viscous shear in the wakes of these shocks [
59]. For 3D MHD [
50], we could not clearly prove whether there was a significant contribution from dissipation outside the detected strongest dissipation regions, given the technical difficulties introduced by the 3D geometry. However, we were surprised as most of the dissipation was accounted for by weakly compressive structures. This is illustrated by the distribution of the dissipation rate according to velocity convergence in
Figure 3. Another surprise we found in Richard
et al. [
50] is that the entrance parameters in the Rankine-Hugoniot fronts we extract from the simulations are not spanning the whole parameter space available to them. Indeed, geometry and symmetries alone allow to reduce to three the number of free parameters characterising a Rankine-Hugoniot discontinuity [
58]. However, the dynamics of these coherent structures seem to constrain them to lie on a 2-dimensional parameter space. To be more precise: slow shocks and Alfvénic discontinuities have entrance magnetic fields nearly orthogonal to the discontinuity while fast shocks have their entrance magnetic fields nearly transverse. It will be the object of future investigations to understand the underlying reasons why this is.
2.3. Synthetic Observables and the Regions of Strong Dissipation
Laboratory measurements or in situ probes such as the CLUSTER satellites in the solar wind allow to probe only a small fraction of the volume of interest. In experiments, the progress of particle image velocimetry (PIV) techniques now authorise somewhat more widespread measurements, and Cadot
et al. [
8] cleverly used cavitation bubbles to reveal the strongest coherent structures in their experiments. On the other hand, astrophysical images of the nearby interstellar medium offer a global view. However, this means the data are projected on the plane of sky: we loose one dimension of interest. Nevertheless some distinctive features survive the projection.
Figure 2 suggests that when viewed sideways, dissipation sheets can still be seen as prominent features in the integrated image.
Here, we compute some proxies for line of sight integrated observable variables in our isothermal simulations of decaying MHD turbulence (see [
50] for a detailed presentation of the simulations), and we investigate where they vary strongly. The first obvious quantity we can have access to is the column-density
L is the box length and
z is the line of sight coordinate), often probed indirectly by the total dust continuum intensity. Thanks to line profiles measurements (see section 4), one could hope to have access to the average line of sight velocity
, provided one finds a trustable tracer with emission proportional to density. In practice, temperature and chemical effects due to local heating as well as radiative transfer effects strongly hinder this measurement (see sections 3 and 4). Finally, in a magnetised medium, dust and synchrotron emissions are polarised. Modern astronomical instruments are able to measure the polarisation state of these emissions, which they characterise through the Stokes parameters
Q and
U. The observed Stokes parameters are thus probes, however rather convoluted, of the integrated magnetic fields direction along the line of sight. For instance, the polarisation of the dust thermal emission is due to the fact that dust grains are elongated and spin with their longer axis perpendicular to the magnetic fields direction, thus orienting their thermal emission’s polarisation vector orthogonal to the magnetic fields direction. The resulting Stokes parameters of dust emission are therefore
is the position angle of the magnetic fields on the plane of sky and
is its relative norm compared to the local total fields.
In order to emphasise the places where these observables change abruptly, we compute their one-pixel increments on the plane of sky: i.e. around each pixel, we compute the standard deviation of the difference with its nearest neighbours. We then overlay 2-
contours of these increments onto our integrated dissipation map (see
Figure 4). In most cases such contours delimit a region of strong dissipation. Indeed, whenever a physical quantity varies strongly, it is most often associated to dissipation. However, not all dissipation regions are detected, and various observables highlight different parts of the regions, depending on which component of the velocity or the magnetic fields is probed by the observable considered. Indeed, some dissipation regions can involve a jump in magnetic fields or velocity components which cannot be probed by astrophysical observables because of the projections discussed in Sect. 1. Unfortunately, we are not yet in a capacity to link the nature of the observable jumps to the nature of the underlying coherent structure, except for the simple fact that strongly compressive shocks (slow shocks) should appear as a ridge of strong
when their working surface contains the line of sight.
2.4. Intermittency Statistics from Increments of Observables.
Since the early works of Kolmogorov [
60] (K41), who predicted it in the case of incompressible hydrodynamics, one of the first characteristics of turbulence that researchers have strived to predict is the power-law slope of the velocity power spectrum. In the case of incompressible MHD turbulence, the exact scaling laws of the velocity and magnetic fields are still a matter of debate [
63]. In compressible turbulence, theoretical discussions are scarce, but suggest that one could obtain the K41 scaling for
in isothermal turbulence [
64], while numerical simulations [
65] display different scalings for subsonic (K41) and supersonic scales (Burgers). Banerjee and Galtier [
66] also managed to derive exact expressions for convoluted transfer functions in isothermal MHD, from which it is however hard to derive scaling laws for any simply defined quantity. The power spectrum of the density and the column-density have also been discussed and either proven to be K41 in the Gaussian case [
67], or shown to to be close to K41 thanks to numerical simulations [
Twenty years after K41, Kolmogorov [
71] realised that the spatial intermittency of the dissipation rate would introduce corrections to the structure function power-law scalings with lag (the so-called anomalous scalings, characterised by intermittency exponents or multifractal spectra [
72]). These anomalous scalings were linked to the fractal dimension of the dissipative structures, and generic models such as that of She and Leveque [
3] were put in place, with shape parameters for the fractal geometry of the dissipative structures. Based on the observation that these were sheets in the case of MHD turbulence, this led to independent predictions from Grauer
et al. [
73] and Politano and Pouquet [
74] for the Iroshnikov-Kraichnan scaling and later from Boldyrev
et al. [
75] for the Goldreich-Sridhar scaling (similar to K41).
Note that the causal link between the geometry of the coherent structures and the form of the intermittency exponents goes only one way. For instance, Chevillard
et al. [
76], Durrive
et al. [
77] were able to build random fields with controlled anomalous scalings close to those of hydrodynamics [
76] or MHD [
77] while these fields do not display any coherent structures. It is only in the case where a statistical collection of well defined structures of strong dissipation is presupposed that the anomalous scaling coefficients can constrain the fractal dimension and geometry of these structures.
In the previous section, we demonstrated a spatial link between the increments of the synthetic observables and the coherent structures of dissipation extrema. We now investigate these increments at various lags, and look at classical structure functions built from these increments. Even though these indicators are very indirect and probably have not much to do with the underlying physics of the above intermittent theoretical models, we proceed to compute them as they will presumably still be good probes of the relative orientation and size of the salient features in the astrophysical images (they will be sensitive to their fractal structure, for example). As such, they provide a quantitative estimate to link the texture of the simulated images to the observed ones. In addition, the link to physics is blurred by the projections, and this analysis should rather be regarded as a quantitative characterisation of the evolution of the observable increments statistics with scale.
We now define as the increment of an integrated observable X over a lag ℓ at position in the plane of sky and we investigate the statistics of these increments for lags where the norm is comprised between ℓ and pixels (hence, we compute all increments in a corona of width 1 pixel around each pixel).
Figure 5, for example, shows how the PDF of the increment of the line of sight integrated velocity (
) varies from having strong non-Gaussian wings at small scales to nearly Gaussian at large scales. As an illustration, the interior of the green contours of
Figure 4 corresponds to the wings of the PDF for the smallest lag (dark blue on
Figure 3), where the normalised increment
exceeds 2 in absolute value.
We then define “structure functions” in a natural way similarly to three dimensional dynamically relevant structure functions:
where the average is done over the image. These are displayed in
Figure 6, left panel. We now measure scaling exponents
by adjusting a power law
in a range of scales
. We adopt here the range of scales for the lags between 12 and 48 pixels (over a periodic computational domain of 1024 pixels aside) as this seemed to minimise the dispersion (see
Figure 6 left panel).
The values of the scalings, displayed on the left panel of
Figure 7, usually fall way above K41: even if we would fit a slope to the values of
p, we would find slopes much bigger than K41 or Iroshnikov-Kraichnan: we are clearly not in the domain of application of these theories. Furthermore, all exponents measured on different variables (column density, projected velocity,
U and
Q Stokes parameters) display anomalous scalings in the sense that
is not proportional to
p (see
Figure 7). The uncertainty of the fit is displayed as error bars of one standard deviation around these intermittency exponents. It is a quantitative measurement of whether the scaling is indeed good or not, i.e. whether intermittency exponents are a good representation of the data. Note that these error bars do not reflect the temporal variation in the simulation, as they are displayed here only for one selected snapshot (at a time close to the dissipation peak, about a third of the non-linear initial turnover time). The temporal variability of these coefficients is in fact a few times larger than the displayed error bars.
Figure 6 demonstrates that when we plot the structure functions against
instead of the lag (right panel vs left panel), they behave much more like power laws. This was first discovered by Benzi
et al. [
78] for 3-dimensional velocity field increments in hydrodynamics experiments. Because it allowed to significantly extend the range of the scaling, this property was named “Extended Self-Similarity” (ESS). Similarly, we define ESS exponents as the exponents in the power-law scalings
. This significantly improves the quality of the fit, hence our error bars (see right panel of
Figure 7), even though we now use the full range of scales instead of the small restricted range of scales used in the left panel. This ESS property has been tested and verified in many independent data but has yet to find an underlying physical interpretation or proof. In addition, in our astrophysical case, for the observables integrated on the line of sight, the notion of an inertial range is hard to characterise. Indeed, projection brings larger scales onto smaller ones, and in doing so mixes dissipation, injection and inertial scales: this ESS property comes even more as a surprise.
We have investigated two types of initial conditions (an ABC flow, with large magnetic helicity and small cross helicity and an Orzag-Tang vortex, with zero magnetic helicity and large cross helicity, see [
50]) and we selected two different snapshots for each of these initial conditions. The earliest time is around peak dissipation, when stationarity is most likely to be realised (the second derivative in time of the total energy is zero), which also corresponds to when the coherent structures have just been born. The later time is after one turnover time, as a compromise between a time when turbulence has been well established and initial conditions washed out, but nevertheless turbulence has not yet decayed too much and remains strong.
We summarise the results of our intermittency exponents measurements for all four cases on
Figure 8. There is clear anomalous scaling (i.e. departure from the linearity of
) in all four cases we investigated. However, the intermittency exponents are highly variable depending on the type of variable, the time and the initial conditions. Although the intermittency exponents differ slightly between the different observables, the use of ESS brings them closer to one another (see
Figure 7 for example), spanning values between Grauer
et al. [
73] or Politano and Pouquet [
74] and Boldyrev
et al. [
75]. In all cases, magnetic fields appear more intermittent than the velocity or column density, as already discussed in Schekochihin [
11]. As in
Figure 7, the error bars in
Figure 8 characterise the goodness of the ESS fit for the whole lag range between 1 and 256 pixels. The exponents for the line of sight integrated velocity,
, are always close to the models of Grauer
et al. [
73] and Politano and Pouquet [
74] and also close to the observed values measured in Polaris and Taurus by Hily-Blant
et al. [
51]. Although the variability of the anomalous scalings is strong, ESS
for the column-density scalings stays within one error bar of the scaling by Boldyrev
et al. [
75], except for the ABC flow at one turnover time. Provided we could neglect projection effects, and if we accept that dissipation is mainly occurring in sheets, this could mean that the correct ESS scaling for the velocity is closer to the Iroshnikov-Kraichnan scaling, while that of the mass density is closer to the Goldreich-Sridhar scaling.