The construction of
makes a few important assumptions that are worth examining in depth. First, we will describe the general mathematical framework. In general, if
are random vectors of length
, then the covariance matrices of
are constructed:
are the
covariance matrices of
, respectively; the bracket operator denotes the expectation operation, and the superscript
denotes the transpose vector. Notably, the covariance matrix is symmetric and positive semi-definite. The covariance matrices can also be constructed in the following manner:
is a diagonal
matrix with the standard deviations of
is the correlation matrix with correlation coefficients
As standard,
, and the diagonals all must equal 1. The
cross-covariance matrices can also be defined in a similar fashion:
are the cross-correlation matrices and are not generally symmetric. The error magnitudes in Table XX are calculated using a standard error propagation technique as highlighted in Gleason et. al [
is the error magnitude of term
is the estimated one-sigma dynamic range of
is an arbitrary function. We can propagate these errors as the sums of covariance matrices with the derivation below, inspired from Chapter 9 in Taylor [
For an arbitrary function
with random vector arguments X and Y,
, where
and Y
, we can approximate F by its first order Taylor Series expansion about the mean value, assuming that the errors are generally small compared to the arguments:
Noting that
, and using
, then,
and expanding using Equations A5, A7, and A8,
from Equation A6,
The construction of
in Equation 7 ignores the cross-correlation between component terms, i.e., we assert
. This is for two main reasons:
As we further assume that that each component term of the error
comes from a wide-sense stationary distribution where the error magnitudes are treated as constants. This means that for each component of
, and noting Equation A2,
For our error correlation model
, we simply construct
analytically for each term, for which we adopt the nomenclature
Ecorr to emphasize that that it is an error correlation function. Therefore, from Equation 5 (reproduced here),
For this model,
F is drawn from Equation 4 (reproduced here)
where we use the parameters of with the largest error magnitude,
. The relevant partial derivatives
from Equation A10 become:
To estimate
as shown in
Table 1, these partial derivatives are evaluated at the one-sigma value for a reference 10 m/s windspeed using Equation A6. The total error model becomes:
is described in
Appendix B,
is described in
Appendix C,
are described in
Appendix D, and
is described in
Appendix E.
is a normalization constant that forces
to behave like a correlation such that
, and can be thought of as an estimate for the rolled-up variance. Because this model has tunable parameters, it is not necessarily representative of the true variance of
, but rather of the modeled variance from our bottoms-up model construction.
The term
represents calibrated received power from GPS signals reflected from Earth’s surface.
is calibrated both from pre-launch characterizations as well as on on-orbit blackbody at known temperature, which as of 2022 takes a reading every 10 minutes to re-compute gain that may have changed due to the dynamic thermal environment in orbit [
is computed by the Level 1A algorithm:
is the raw counts at delay-Doppler bins where a scattered signal is present and is the measured parameter for an observation,
is an estimate of the background noise without any scattered signal, and
is the receiver gain in units of counts/watt. In current processing,
is an average of the raw counts at in the delay-Doppler map at coordinates at lower delay values than the specular point [
25]. Further, gain
is measured on-orbit by performing reading from an onboard blackbody at known temperature, and calibrated via
is the counts measured while looking at the blackbody,
is the power in watts from the blackbody as estimated from a thermocouple located near the receiver’s low noise amplifier, and
is the receiver noise power in watts estimated from a pre-launch parameterization. Equations B1 and B2 can be combined:
The magnitude of the errors for the components calculating
is displayed in Table B1 and have a similar calculation as before.
Table B1.
The magnitudes of 1-sigma errors for each term in Equation B3. The shaded rows indicate that the absolute magnitude is negligible compared to the dominant error terms, and are neglected in the construction of the error model in this work.
Table B1.
The magnitudes of 1-sigma errors for each term in Equation B3. The shaded rows indicate that the absolute magnitude is negligible compared to the dominant error terms, and are neglected in the construction of the error model in this work.
Error Term |
Error Magnitude [dB] |
0.14 [36] |
0.14 [36] |
0.10 [36] |
0.07 [35] |
~0.04 [36] |
, , and all vary with temperature, and the instrument gain will fluctuate as the satellite enters different thermal conditions in orbit. The most significant errors will occur just as the satellite crosses the terminator. At that point, CYGNSS will go from a nearly steady-state thermal environment, such as approximately half an orbit of illumination or eclipse, and then quickly enter the opposite state. The fraction of orbit spent illuminated is determined by the orbit beta angle, which varies on scales of weeks to months.
The dominant error term in the Level 1A algorithm is , which also varies with temperature. The calibration sequence is designed to correct for this, and we assume that the errors vary slowly with the timescales of interest, which is defined to be on scales of seconds to minutes. Therefore, all errors from are assumed to be 100% correlated in time within a given track of CYGNSS observations, i.e., during when series of samples adjacent in space and time share a GPS transmitter and a CYGNSS receiver. is also very sensitive to radio-frequency interference (RFI), which will present as non-physical signals above the specular point in a delay-Doppler map. We do not aim to model the complex phenomenologies of RFI in this work and assume there are no correlated error structures from RFI.
Errors in occur because of a variety of reasons. The low noise amplifiers were all characterized on the ground prior to launch to establish the relationship of the noise figure with respect to temperature. The values of this relationship were stored in a look-up table (LUT) for processing science data. However, as the amplifiers age, the noise floor characteristics may have evolved, producing errors in this mapping. Further, the thermal environment of the thermocouple may not be exactly same that is experienced by the amplifier itself. For the purposes of this model, we assume all errors due to incomplete or erroneous knowledge of the true receiver noise power are 100% correlated with each other for a given track, as we assume that the errors evolve slowly compared to the timescales of interest.
Therefore, the error correlation terms for
for any arbitrary CYGNSS samples
are the following:
The conditions that must be met are the following: and must share a CYGNSS receiver, a GPS transmitter, and be observed within 10 minutes of each other.
is the measured parameter, the raw counts of power from a science observation near the region of the specular point. The analog-to-digital processing chain is the primary source of errors, such as quantization errors and non-common-mode interference. We assume these error terms are 100% uncorrelated with each other, that is for every sample, it can be treated as white noise. The error correlation term for
is then:
The error term for counts measured during a blackbody sample
is a source of analytically-defined correlated error. Every 10 minutes (earlier in the mission, every 1 minute), the receiver is switched from the nadir science antenna to look at the onboard blackbody source for a period of 4-6 seconds. Science observation processing linearly interpolates the counts between the nearest blackbody looks. When errors are made in estimating
, those errors are correlated linearly with all adjacent samples due to this interpolation. Correlation due to linear interpolation has an analytical form. Assuming a blackbody look happens at timesteps 0 and
, then the correlation between any two samples
at arbitrary timesteps
. The actual values of the sampled blackbodies do not matter, as the correlated error is simply a function of how far the samples are from the blackbody looks in time.
Errors in are due to misestimations in of the blackbody’s true noise power, which may be because the thermocouple is measuring incorrectly. We assume that the errors of this nature not only are slowly varying compared to the timescales of interest, but because of the marginal absolute magnitude, factor a negligible and unmeasurable amount in the overall correlated error structure. As such the model ignores this term.
The rolled-up correlated error model from the sources in
between any arbitrary samples
can be expressed as follows:
Because this model estimates the correlated error in each term that calculates , this contribution to the overall correlated is not multiplied by the error . As such, we do not normalize this construction, as it will be normalized when combined with the other constituent terms in . contains two tuning parameters: is used to size uncorrelated white-noise error, and is used to size the magnitude of totally-correlated errors.
The CYGNSS observatory has three antennas, one zenith antenna that is used for direct GPS-to-CYGNSS signal tracking, as well as two nadir science antennas that are used to capture the scattered signal from Earth’s surface. Each of the eight spacecraft had all three antennas characterized pre-launch, and values were stored in a lookup table for science processing.
Errors in the antenna gain pattern can arise for a variety of reasons. First, the measurement equipment on the ground is essentially a receiver, but in controlled conditions. This means that while systematic and correlated errors are likely well-constrained, uncorrelated speckle-type error can still occur. To produce realistic antenna gain patterns, the results of the ground characterization were smoothed with various filters and techniques.
Another source of error is the fact that CYGNSS antennas were not characterized while integrated with the spacecraft. This was a cost-saving measure decided by the mission management team. However, the electromagnetic properties of the antenna couple in some fashion with the spacecraft bus, and that will inevitably change the gain patterns.
Initial analysis of CYGNSS data shortly after launch showed significant retrieval performance dependence on the observation azimuthal angle with respect to the CYGNSS body frame, which was later hypothesized to originate in errors in the CYGNSS antenna patterns. To compensate for this deviation from measured patterns, the CYGNSS antenna patterns have been updated at several instances over the mission life via empirical calibration. The nadir antenna patterns are updated by comparing a climatology of CYGNSS measurements of
(> 2 years) with model-generate
and plotting a scaling factor in the antenna reference coordinate system.
is generated by using modeled reanalysis winds to generate mean-squared slope with the L-band spectrum extension model as described in [
38]. However, during the generation of these updated patterns, a number of smoothing filters are applied.
This prompts discussion of a conjecture used extensively for this section:
Conjecture D1. Uncorrelated errors can become correlated by post-processing with averaging and filters.
This insight drives much of this section’s analysis. Smoothing and filtering will necessarily impose a correlation in error between previously uncorrelated error. For white noise, that implies that the choice of filter will add color and structure to the noise.
In particular, a handy lemma allows us to demonstrate that for white noise, the information required to capture correlated error structure is the filtering kernel itself. We will explore this behavior for a one dimensional case, but it is generalizable to higher dimensions in our application, as the two-dimensional filters used for antenna smoothing are separable by construction.
Lemma D2.
For a filtered signal , where is a filtering kernel and is an arbitrary data signal, the autocorrelation is the convolution of the autocorrelated kernel and the autocorrelated signal .
Proof of Lemma D2. Assume convolution and cross-correlation have the standard definitions for two real-valued timeseries and , that is,
is the convolution operator,
is the cross-correlation operator, and
is the lag argument. Observe that convolution operations is commutative, and further, that the cross correlation can be written as a convolution by exploiting its symmetry:
Therefore, to evaluate the correlated error imposed by kernel
If the arbitrary signal
happens to be white noise, it is completely uncorrelated, and its autocorrelation collapses to a Dirac delta function centered at
. Therefore, the entire structure of the correlated error is from the filter itself:
For the purposes of this work’s error model, we have no knowledge of the potential correlated structure in the actual errors in the gain pattern. The nadir antenna patterns are updated after applying a 6-degree boxcar averaging filter in both the azimuthal and elevation in the spacecraft coordinate frame, and then an additional 10-degree two-dimensional smoothing window. We assume that zenith antenna patterns use a similar post-processing technique during their generation.
These filtering kernels act like low-pass filters. All correlated structure on scales ~5 degrees and smaller and uncorrelated error will be strongly influenced by the filtering process and the correlated structure can be estimated from the Filter Lemma. This model assumes that there is no residual larger-scale structure in correlated error in the antenna gain patterns.
The generated filter kernel, which applies to both the nadir and zenith antenna patterns, can be shown in
Figure D1. The correlated error is a function of how close any two observations are with respect to the relevant antenna gain pattern coordinates.
Figure D1.
The filtering kernel used to smooth nadir and zenith antenna gain patterns. This kernel imposes correlated error structure onto the antenna gain patterns. The coordinate system should be read in the relevant antenna reference frame. Therefore, if two observations are nearby in the antenna pattern, they will have strongly correlated error. However, if two observations are far apart in the pattern, the correlated structure decays.
Figure D1.
The filtering kernel used to smooth nadir and zenith antenna gain patterns. This kernel imposes correlated error structure onto the antenna gain patterns. The coordinate system should be read in the relevant antenna reference frame. Therefore, if two observations are nearby in the antenna pattern, they will have strongly correlated error. However, if two observations are far apart in the pattern, the correlated structure decays.
For any arbitrary samples
, we compute the gain pattern coordinates
in the relevant antenna reference frame. To retrieve how correlated the error is, we compute the distance between the two observations in the reference frame:
The error correlation function is computed via a LUT of the filter kernel K:
This error correlation holds if the samples
share the same antenna and are on the same spacecraft. If they are on separate antennas or spacecraft, the correlated error is zero. The rolled-up correlated errors for the gain patterns can be expressed as:
where two new tuning parameters have been introduced.
is used to the tune the overall magnitude of the correlated error from these components, and
is used to scale the decorrelation roll-off rate as the samples spread in antenna coordinates.
Errors in zenith-specular ratio are defined as a function of specular incidence angle , which is a function of the geometry of a given GPS transmitter, a CYGNSS receiver at any given sample time.
is used to estimate GPS EIRP and is a derived via as described in [
where the angles are defined in the GPS reference frame. For specular geometries, the azimuthal angles in the zenith direction are nearly identical to the specular direction, so
. In addition, the elevation angles in the GPS antenna reference frame
can be estimated from the angle of incidence of specular reflection from Earth
As a result,
can be expressed as a function of specular incidence angle and azimuthal angle in the GPS antenna reference frame. While GPS antenna patterns are known to exhibit azimuthal dependence, this variation is less significant than the elevation angle and CYGNSS uses the azimuthal average for its EIRP estimate:
The estimated correlated error in however come two steps of this processing. First is the mapping of Earth scattering incidence angle to GPS antenna elevation angles and in Equations E2a and E2b. This particular mapping is coarse, as even the high fidelity derived GPS antenna maps are plotted to 0.5 degree increments. Because the dynamic range of only extends to about 15 degrees, that only leaves ~30 data points to map the full dynamic range of scattering incidence angles.
The second aspect has to do with the way in which
is processed and generated and invokes the same logic as in the Filter Lemma. For every GPS satellite, a
LUT is generated as a function of observation incidence angle
. To minimize discontinuities, a fourth-order power series is fit. We argue that this smoothing is predominant source of correlated error structure. An example of this is demonstrated in
Figure E1.
Figure E1.
This figure illustrates a calculated zenith-specular ratio as a function of observation incidence angle . The blue trace is interpolated from raw observations over a two-year period at each of the elevation gridpoints in the GPS antenna pattern for a single azimuthal cut of PRN 2. The red trace is a generated smoothed zenith-specular ratio that would be similar to ones used in the operational LUTs using a 4th-order power series fit. Note that at large incidence angles, i.e., grazing observations, there is a great deal of uncertainty in because there are few valid observations in those regions. In practice, only data at incidence angles < 60 degrees constrain error in .
Figure E1.
This figure illustrates a calculated zenith-specular ratio as a function of observation incidence angle . The blue trace is interpolated from raw observations over a two-year period at each of the elevation gridpoints in the GPS antenna pattern for a single azimuthal cut of PRN 2. The red trace is a generated smoothed zenith-specular ratio that would be similar to ones used in the operational LUTs using a 4th-order power series fit. Note that at large incidence angles, i.e., grazing observations, there is a great deal of uncertainty in because there are few valid observations in those regions. In practice, only data at incidence angles < 60 degrees constrain error in .
While linear interpolation itself imparts some degree of error structure, we believe it is the most representative way to express “raw” data in a continuous series for the purposes of exploring correlated error due to the power series smoothing. For each GPS PRN, we calculate the difference between these estimates:
Then, the error correlation is simply:
is incidence angle of the observation at sample
is incidence angle of the observation at sample
. In practice, the correlation is computed by utilizing each azimuthal cut as an instance, and building a LUT of correlation as a function of incidence angles for samples
. An example of this LUT for GPS PRN 2 is shown in Figure D2. The rolled-up correlated error for
can then be expressed as:
with the same tuning parameter
as introduced in
Appendix B.
Figure E2.
This correlation matrix is used to produce . Note that the mapping from coordinates in GPS elevation angle and to Earth scattering incidence angle is coarse and produces the checkerboard-like pattern near the diagonal. A single error in the measurement of in the GPS antenna pattern is will highly correlate within a range of incidence angles in as mapped. At high incidence angles, errors are strongly correlated as the powerseries fit is likely to be wrong in the same direction.
Figure E2.
This correlation matrix is used to produce . Note that the mapping from coordinates in GPS elevation angle and to Earth scattering incidence angle is coarse and produces the checkerboard-like pattern near the diagonal. A single error in the measurement of in the GPS antenna pattern is will highly correlate within a range of incidence angles in as mapped. At high incidence angles, errors are strongly correlated as the powerseries fit is likely to be wrong in the same direction.