
Functionalization of Ordered Mesoporous Silica (MCM-48) with Task Specific Ionic Liquid for Enhanced Carbon Capture

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19 January 2024


24 January 2024

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This work presents noble composites of AAILs@MCM-48 by functionalizing ordered mesopo-rous silicon MCM-48 with two amino acid-based ionic liquids (AAILs) ([Emim][Gly] and [Em-im][Ala]) to improve carbon capture and selectivity of CO2 over nitrogen. Thermogravimetric and XRD analyses of the composites show that the MCM-48 support's thermal and structural in-tegrity was preserved after the AAILs were encapsulated. An N2 adsorption-desorption study at 77 K also confirms AAIL encapsulation in the porous support. Under post-combustion flue gas conditions, both [Emim][Gly]@MCM-48 and [Emim][Ala]@MCM-48 demonstrated improved CO2 adsorption in comparison to unmodified MCM-48, with a CO2 partial pressure of around 0.15 bar. In terms of maximal CO₂ uptake, the 40wt%-[Emim][Gly] composite outperformed the others at 303K, with values of 0.74 and 0.82 mmol g-1, respectively, at 0.1 and 0.2 bar. These numbers show a 10x and 5x increase, respectively, as compared to the pure MCM-48 under iden-tical conditions. In addition, the selectivity of the composites was improved significantly, at 0.1 bar, the selectivity of composites containing 40wt% [Emim][Ala] increased to 17, compared to 2 for pristine MCM-48.
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1. Introduction

For the purpose of CO2 capture applications, ordered mesoporous silicas like SBA-15, KIT-6, and also MCM-41, MCM-48, have garnered a lot of interest owing to their high surface areas and large pore volumes, in addition to great thermal and chemical stabilities [1,2,3,4]. In spite of this, their use in the CO2 capture process has been restricted owing to their poor CO2 capture capabilities, which were caused by a lack of affinity towards CO2. This is particularly true in post-combustion settings, where the partial pressure of CO2 was close to 0.15 bar. There have been other research groups that have used procedures that include functionalizing the pore surface with amines or ionic liquids in order to improve the capabilities of CO2 adsorption [5,6,7,8]. MCM-41 is one of the ordered mesoporous materials that has been used by a number of researchers for the purpose of surface functionalization [7,9,10]. MCM-41 has a one-dimensional pore channel, and is sensitive to restricted diffusion of guest molecules as well as pore obstruction. Alternatively, MCM-48 is known to have has a 3-dimensional cubic pore structure. MCM-48 is therefore a more desirable option than MCM-41 because it provides a better diffusion channel for the guest molecules and is less likely to get blocked [1,11]. However, details of an investigation of CO2 capture capabilities by ionic liquid functionalized MCM-48 has not yet been demonstrated.
For this investigation, we have chosen two amino acid ionic liquids, also called task-specific ionic liquids (TSILs), to be immobilized into ordered mesoporous silica MCM-48. The goal is to create TSILs@MCM-48 composites that can enhance the ability to absorb CO2 and increase its selectivity over N2. The proposed TSILs are composed of 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium [Emim] cations combined with Glycine [Gly] and Alanine [Ala] as anions, which are reactive amino acids (AA) that produce [Emim][Gly] and [Emim][Ala]. TSILs with an amine functional group have a greater capacity to capture CO2 compared to other physical ILs. Wang and co-researcher [12] showed that by encapsulating [Emim][Gly] and [Emim][Ala] inside the nanoporous polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) microspheres, they were able to enhance the absorption of CO2 and obtain faster CO2 reaction rates. In our previous work, we have also demonstrated an enhanced CO2 capture capacity by immobilization these TSILs into ZIF-8 [13] and MOF-177 [14]. To our knowledge, no research has been published addressing functionalized MCM-48 with these two TSILs. Work focused then on characterizing and investigating the composites of TSILs@MCM-48 from an engineering standpoint. Specifically, the study examined their CO2 capture capacity, selectivity, enthalpy of adsorption, and modelled the adsorption isotherms. CO2 adsorption isotherm was determined at three distinct temperatures (303, 313, and 323 K) and for pressures ranging from 0.10 to 10.0 bar. Furthermore, nitrogen adsorption isotherms were evaluated for both composites and the original MCM-48. This allowed for the calculation of the optimum selectivity of CO2/N2.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Materials

The solvents used were methanol, [Emim][Gly] (CAS: 766537-74-0), [Emim][Ala] (CAS: 766537-81-9) and MCM-48 (CAS: 7631-86-9) were acquired from Sigma Aldrich. The structure of cation and anion of the amino acid ionic liquids are presented in Table 1. Prior to the preparation of the sample, MCM-48 was dried at 150 °C. The TSILs and MCM-48, and their composite samples were stored within a glovebox (Clean Tech LLC) under inert atmosphere by flowing argon gas to limit moisture abs CO2 adsorption. CO2 (99.99 vol. %), and N2 used in the adsorption experiments were acquired from Praxair Inc. Canada.

2.2. Preparation of AAIL@MCM-48 composite

The MCM-48 silica support was functionalized with the AAILs using the classical wet impregnation method, with the assistance of methanol [14]. For each AAIL, three different composites were prepared by varying the content of AAIL (20, 30 and 40 weight %). The composites obtained were then labelled as X-AAILs@MCM-48, where X denotes the weight percentage of AAILs employed. For example, the composite 20-[Emim][Gly]@MCM-48 was prepared using 20 wt. % [Emim][Gly].

2.3. Characterization

Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of all the samples was performed using a TGA-50 instrument manufactured by Shimadzu was utilized. During all the experiments, a nitrogen flow of 50 mL per minute was maintained, while the temperature increase was set at 10 °C per minute, to a maximum of 800 °C. An estimated 10–12 mg of substance was utilized for each sample. An X-Ray diffractometer (Rigaku Ultima IV) equipped with Cu source with a wavelength of 1.54056 Å allowed for the detection of the crystal structure of the pristine MCM-48 support and AAILs@MCM-48 composites. The analysis was conducted over 2θ values with a scanning rate of ranging from 0.5 to 10° at a scanning rate of 1.2°/ min. The N2 adsorption−desorption isotherms of MCM-48 and the composites were obtained using the Micromeritics ASAP instrument at 77 K (liquid N2). The textural properties such as specific Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) and Langmuir surface area, pore volume for each sample were computed from the corresponding N2 adsorption-desorption data.

2.4. Adsorption Isotherms

The N2 and CO2 isotherms were measured utilizing a high precision intelligent gravimetric analyzer (IGA, HidenIsochema Ltd., UK). Utilizing the electro-balance principle, the IGA is a completely automated computer-controlled microbalance capable of measuring weights within 1 μg accuracy. A stainless-steel container containing a known-weight sample is suspended from a gold chain in one arm, while a reference weight is affixed to the other arm. The sample chamber is equipped with a pressure transducer (Druck PDCR4010, ± 0.008 bar) and a thermocouple (±0.05 K) for temperature measurement. The current investigation involved the measurement of CO2 adsorption uptake at 303, 313, and 323 K, while the N2 adsorption uptake was assessed at 313 K. The isotherms were conducted for the pressure range of 0.1 to 10 bar. Each isotherm included a quantity of material ranging from 50 to 70 mg. The sample chamber was heated to a temperature of 453 K using a water-glycol bath and evacuated to a pressure of 10 mbar using a vacuum system (Pfeiffer) until the sample weight remained constant for a duration of 1 hour. This confirmed that the solvent, moisture, and pollutants were eliminated. Following the outgassing process, the sample was brought to the desired experimental temperature by altering the temperature of the water bath. Sufficient time was allowed for the sample to reach a stable temperature. Pressure levels were pre-set from 0.1 to 10 bar in the IGASwin program and isotherm measurements began when the sample was ready. A mass flow controller (MFC) controlled CO2 or N2 injection into the chamber to maintain pressure. The IGASwin program provided real-time monitoring of mass, temperature, and pressure. Following a period of at least two hours allowed for the pressure to reach equilibrium, the MFC introduced more CO2 or N2 at the subsequent pressure level. This was done for each predetermined pressure at a specified temperature. Real-time adsorption data were adjusted for buoyancy after the experiment.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Characterizations of the AAILs-impregnated Sorbents

Samples were heated up to 1173 K with a N2 flow rate of 50 mL·min-1 to evaluate the thermal stability of pure [Emim][Gly], [Emim][Ala], MCM-48, and all AAILs@MCM-48 compounds The resultant thermograms are displayed in Figure 1. The thermogram of pristine MCM-48 indicates that there is small weight loss of 1% below 373 K as visible in derivative TGA (DrTGA) profile (Figure 1), and only 2% additional loss over the temperature range of 1173 K. The fact that it remains intact at temperatures up to 1173 K shows that pure MCM-48 is thermally stable. This agrees with previous studies as well, such as the work reported by Schumacher et al. who found that MCM-48 maintains its structural integrity up to 1123 K [1,15]. The thermograms of pristine AAILs [Emim][Gly] and [Emim][Ala] showed a small weight loss of 1 to 3% below 373 K which can be ascribed to the moisture content and were stable up 473 K. The AAILs showed a dramatic decline in weight above 473 K, suggesting a quick decomposition; based on the DrTGA profile, we can estimate that the onset decomposition temperatures (Tonset) of [Emim][Gly] and [Emim][Ala] are around 588 and 598 K, respectively. When heated to 1175 K, both AAILs evaporated. Any residual solvent (methanol), physically adsorbed moisture, or other contaminants might explain why all of the composites showed a weight loss at temperatures below 373 K. As seen in the DrTGA profiles (Figure 1b&d), the composites began to lose weight at a significant rate at the Tonset of the pristine AAILs for temperatures between 473 and 723K, as anticipated. Beyond 673 K, there was very little weight loss until 1175 K. The resulting weight reduction for the composites is likely due to the AAILs. Since pristine MCM-48 showed very little weight loss up to 1173 K, any weight loss is likely attributable to the impregnated AAILs. It can therefore be concluded that the composites are thermally stable and that thermograms show that AAILs have been successfully impregnated.
To elucidate the impact of incorporated AAILs on MCM-48 support structure, the both pristine MCM-48 and AAILs@MCM-48 composites were investigated using XRD. The analysis was performed within the angular range of 0.5° to 10°, with a scanning rate of 1.2° per minute. The resulting diffractogram is displayed in Figure 2. The unaltered MCM-48 exhibited prominent characteristic peaks at 2θ= 2.61° and a weak reflection peak at 4.5°, which aligns well with the findings in the existing literature [6,16]. After the addition of [Emim][Gly] and [Emim][Ala], the composites exhibited a consistent peak at around 2θ= 2.61° for all the various loadings. However, a subsequent decline in the peak intensity of the primary characteristic peak was detected with a higher AAILs loading. Additionally, the peak at higher indices also vanished. The decrease in intensity may be ascribed to the interaction between amine groups and MCM-48, which has previously been seen in the case of aminopropyl attached MCM-48[1] and PEI impregnated in MCM-41[17]. The XRD patterns of the composites demonstrate that the MCM-48 solid support structure remains unchanged during the impregnation procedure.
To unfold the textural properties of the composites upon encapsulation of the AAILs into the pore of MCM support, N2 adsorption−desorption isotherms of MCM-48 and AAILs@MCM-48 composites were obtained at liquid nitrogen temperature of 77 K. which are displayed in Figure 3. From the corresponding N2 isotherm data the textural properties such as specific Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) and Langmuir surface area, pore volume for each sample was calculated which are tabulated in Table 2. Unmodified MCM-48 support displayed typical type IV reversible isotherm characteristics of mesoporous material with sharp steps for the pressure range of P/P0 = 0.2 to 0.3 associated to capillary condensation and without noticeable hysteresis. Similar isotherm for MCM-48 is also reported in previous literature [1,15,18]. The composites displayed significantly reduced N2 adsorption compared to the original MCM-48. The isotherms also indicated hysteresis between P/P0 values of 0.5 and 0.9, which may be ascribed to the filling of the pores and the blockage of the pore network by the encapsulated AAILs. According to Table 2, increasing the loading of AAILs leads to a further drop in both surface area and pore volume. For example, the BET surface area of composites 40-[Emim][Gly]@MCM-48 and 40-[Emim][Ala]@MCM-48 surface area decreases to 50 and 29 m2·g-1, respectively, and the pore volume decreases to 0.07 and 0.04 cm3·g-1. This suggests that when a large amount of AAILs is loaded, the pores of the MCM-48 support are essentially occupied by the enclosed AAILs.

3.2. CO2 Adsorption Isotherms

CO2 absorption capacities were measured at 303, 313, and 323 K and pressures ranging from 0.1 to 10 bar for the pristine MCM-48, [Emim][Gly] @MCM-48, and [Em-im][Ala]@MCM-48 composites. Figure 4 illustrates the outcomes for the low-pressure range (0.1 to 1.0 bar), whereas Figure 5 displays the findings for the complete range of pressures (0.1 to 10 bar). CO2 uptake of pristine MCM-48 was 0.07 and 0.14 mmol·g-1 for 0.1 and 0.2 bar at 303K, respectively. CO2 uptake increases linearly with the increase in pressure indicating that the process flowed a physisorption. [Emim][Gly] incorporated composite [Emim][Gly]@MCM-48 exhibited enhanced CO2 uptake than the pristine MCM-48 at pressure below 2 bar. As an example, CO2 adsorption capacity for 20%-[Emim][Gly]@MCM-48 sample was 0.19 mmol·g-1 at 0.2 bar and 303 K. CO2 uptake increases further with the increment of the loading at lower pressure. For 40 wt% loading of [Emim][Gly], the composite exhibited CO2 uptakes of 0.74 and 0.82 mmol·g-1 for 0.1 and 0.2 bar at 303 K, respectively, which are over 10- and 5-folds increase over the pristine MCM-48 at the same conditions.
A similar surge in CO2 uptake was observed for [Emim][Ala] composites when CO2 uptake increased with the increase in [Emim][Ala] loading (Figure 5). 40wt.% loaded [Emim][Ala]@MCM-48 exhibited the highest CO2 adsorption of 0.65 and 0.74 mmol·g-1 at 0.1 and 0.2 bar at 303 K, respectively, which are 9- and 5-fold increase relative to pristine MCM-48 . It is important to highlight that under identical temperature and pressure, the CO2 adsorption capacity of [Emim][Ala]@MCM-48 composites was marginally lower than that of [Emim][Gly]@MCM-48 composites with an equivalent AAIL loading.
The substantial increase in CO2 sorption capacity of the AAILs@MCM-48 sorbent following AAIL impregnation under post-combustion conditions (PCO2 ≈ 0.15 bar) can be attributed to CO2’s strong affinity for the amino group attached to the anion of the [Emim][Gly] and [Emim][Ala] that were introduced into the pore. According to published research [19,20,21], the amino group of AAILs reacts with CO2 via a mechanism analogous to that of aqueous amine solution. According to Wang et al. [12], the reduced size of the cation and anion of [Emim][Gly] enables them to approach an amino group and undergo a reaction resulting in the formation of carbamate with a stoichiometry of 1:2 (Scheme 1). Hence, it can be hypothesized that the amino groups present in composites of [Emim][Gly]@MCM-48 and [Emim][Ala]@ MCM-48 engage in comparable interactions, culminating in the formation of carbamate via a reaction with CO2. This process enhances the CO2 uptake capacity of [Emim][Ala]@ MCM-48 relative to its pristine counterpart below a pressure of 1 bar.
Hence, although surface area and pore volume diminished significantly upon encapsulation of [Emim][Gly] and [Emim][Ala] but they provide the chemical active sites to attract CO2. As a result, at lower pressure chemisorption act as a dominating factor. However, as the pressure increases, there are less chemical active sites available as those are already occupied, then the available surface area and pore volume plays a dominator role over the pressure at 2 bar and higher the loading of AAILs, lower the available active surface available. As the pressure rises to the moderate and high levels, the adsorption capacity of the sorbent is determined not only by the active chemical adsorption sites inside the sorbent but also by the physical adsorption sites that are present [22]. Hence can be observed from Figure 4 and Figure 5, at a pressure above 2 bar, CO2 uptake was lower for all AAIls@MCM-48 composites compared to pristine MCM-48 at the three temperatures studied. CO2 uptake decreased across the board for all composites when the temperature ramped up to 423 K from 403K at the same pressure.

3.3. Selectivity for CO2/N2

For an effective solid sorbent in the post-combustion capture process, it is crucial to have excellent selectivity of CO2 over other gases, particularly N2. Therefore, in order to determine the selectivity of CO2/N2, we conducted measurements of N2 adsorption isotherms at a temperature of 40 °C. The pressure range for each isotherm spanned from 0.1 to 10 bar. The optimal selectivity may be determined by many approaches, one of which involves computing the selectivity based on the isotherms of individual components. This technique relies on adsorption of the components at the identical pressure, as shown in Equation (1) [23].
S = q C O 2 q N 2
where S denoted the selectivity and qCO2 and qN2 symbolize the adsorption of CO2 and N2 in mole, respectively. The computed ideal CO2/N2 selectivity from the isotherms of CO2 and N2 at 313 K of [Emim][Gly]@MCM-48 and [Emim][Ala]@ MCM-48 composites are displayed in Figure 6. It was found that the pristine MCM-48 exhibited almost constant CO2/N2 selectivity of about 2 for the entire pressure range. Whereas [Emim][Gly] and [Emim][Ala] encapsulated MCM-48 composites displayed higher CO2/N2 selectivity at lower pressure below 2 bar and selectivity increases with the increase of loading. Out of all the composites containing [Emim][Gly]@MCM-48, the 40wt%-[Emim][Gly]@MCM-48 composite exhibited the best selectivity of 11 and 8 at pressures of 0.1 and 0.2 bar, respectively. However, the selectivity steadily decreased as the pressure increased. Likewise, 40 wt% [Emim][Ala]@MCM-48 exhibited the highest selectivity among all [Emim][Ala]@MCM-48 composites, reaching 17 and 11 at 0.1 and 0.2 bar, respectively.
The significant surge in CO2/N2 selectivity for the composites compare to pristine MCM-48 can be attributed to the presence of encapsulated amino acid base liquid into the pore of MCM-48. As stated earlier, the loading of AAILs resulted in a significant increase in the amount of CO2 that was taken in. This may be due to the active chemical sorption sites for carbon dioxide provided by the amino acids. It is hypothesized that these sites generate an N-C bond that is similar to the interaction that occurs between CO2 and alkanolamine. Even though the occupied ionic liquid resulted in a decrease in the surface area and pore volume, the amount of CO2 captured was dramatically enhanced. On the other hand, owing to the physical nature of adsorption, which is reliant on the surface area that is available, N2 does not have any affinity for the amino group and was therefore not adsorbed. The final outcome is a higher CO2/N2 selectivity because, at low pressure, the absorption of carbon dioxide is more prevalent than the uptake of nitrogen. However, as the pressure is increased, the adsorption capacity is also governed by the physical adsorption sites present. This is in addition to the active chemical adsorption sites that are present in the sorbent. As a consequence, the selectivity of the composites for CO2/N2 diminishes as the pressure increases, and it reaches a level that is lower than that of the pristine MCM-48 when the pressure is more than 2 bar.
A closer look at both AAILs composites reveals that the 40 wt%-[Emim][Ala]@MCM-48 exhibited higher CO2/N2 selectivity than the 40wt%-[Emim][Gly]@MCM-48 although CO2 uptake of 40 wt%-[Emim][Gly]@MCM-48 was higher than that of 40 wt%- [Emim][Ala]@MCM-48. This can be attributed to the less N2 uptake by 40 wt%- [Emim][Ala]@MCM-48 with lower surface area and pore volume available than 40 wt%- [Emim][Gly]@MCM-48 as explained earlier. Hence despite lower CO2 uptake by 40 wt%- [Emim][Ala]@MCM-48, CO2/N2 selectivity was higher.

3.4. Equilibrium Isotherm Modeling

Equilibrium isotherm modeling is crucial for accurately representing the experimental data in the design of adsorption and desorption processes. The composite in this work exhibits both robust and weak binding sites as a result of the inclusion of encapsulated AAILs inside the pore of MCM-48. Therefore, after considering many models, the Dual-site-Langmuir model (DSL) [25,26] was determined to be appropriate. This model integrates the Langmuir adsorption at two different sites, and the overall adsorption is the sum of the adsorption at each individual site, as shown in Equation (2) [24]
N e = N A b A P 1 + b A P + N B b B P 1 + b B P
where, Ne represents CO2 uptake (mmol·g-1), P represents the pressure (bar), NA, NB, bA, bB represent the DSL parameters. The regressed parameters for the composites [Emim][Gly]@MCM-48 and [Emim][Ala]@MCM-48 are, respectively, presented in Table 3 and Table 4. These figures depict the fitting contours of the DSL model (Figure 7 and Figure 8). The model provided an exceptional fit to the experimental data, as indicated by the close proximity of R2 values to unity. Consequently, the enthalpy of adsorption will be calculated using the model data in the following section.

3.5. Isosteric heat of adsorption (Qst)

The isosteric heat of adsorption (adsorption enthalpy, Qst), is a crucial metric in the adsorption-based CO2 capture process. It discloses the attraction and intensity of the interaction between the gas molecules being adsorbed and the host. Therefore, it signifies the magnitude of the energy needed for the adsorption-desorption process. The adsorption enthalpy (Qst) was calculated based on the CO2 isotherms obtained at 303, 313, and 323 K. The DSL model was employed to initially fit the isotherms, as mentioned in the previous section. Following this, the Clausius–Clapeyron equation, represented by equation (3), was used [24].
ln P N = Q s t R 1 T + C
where, P stands for pressure (bar), N for CO2 uptake, R is the universal gas constant and T for temperature (K). According to the equation, graphs of (ln P) vs 1/T were plotted at a constant CO2 uptake. The slope of the plots represents the Qst corresponding to the CO2 uptake. The calculated Qst for pristine MCM-48 and AAILs@ MCM-48 composites are illustrated in Figure 9. The Qst values for pristine MCM-48 were approximately 20 kJ‧mol-1 which also confirms the physisorption nature of CO2 adsorption whereas a sharp increase of Qst was observed for [Emim][Gly] and [Emim][Ala] incorporated into MCM-48 composites. An upward trend in the isosteric heat of adsorption was noted as the concentration of AAILs on both sorbents increased incrementally. The maximum values of Qst were –71 and –77 kJ·mol-1, respectively, for 40 wt%-[Emim][Gly]@ MCM-48 at 0.7 mmol·g-1 CO2 uptake and 0.6 mmol·g-1 CO2 uptake, respectively. Qst values reached their maximum at low pressures ranging from 0.1 to 0.2 bar, at the initial stage of CO2 adsorption. The observed rise in Qst can be ascribed to a substantial increase in CO2 adsorption within the low-pressure range, which leads to a greater release of heat throughout the adsorption process. As previously described, the amino group of the anion of the TSIL is capable of forming N-C bonds and, as a result, liberating a greater quantity of energy during CO2 adsorption [24]. With additional CO2 adsorbed, the value of Qst decreases significantly after the peak, reducing the number of amine sites with the highest affinity that are available for CO2 molecules to occupy. Comparable trends in Qst variations were detected upon incorporating [Bmim][Ac] and [Emim][Ac] into ZIF-8, consistent with findings reported in a previous investigation conducted by our research group. [26]

4. Conclusions

The objective of this work was to enhance the capacity for capturing CO2 and the selectivity of CO2 over N2 by encapsulating amino acid-based ionic liquids (AAILs) [Emim][Gly] and [Emim][Ala] into ordered mesoporous silica MCM-48, resulting in the formation of AAILs@MCM-48 composites. The thermogravimetric and XRD characterization of the composites indicates that the thermal and structural integrity of the original MCM-48 support remained unchanged after the AAILs were encapsulated. An N2 adsorption-desorption analysis conducted at 77 K revealed a substantial decrease in surface area and pore volume as the support’s pores were almost entirely filled with increasing AAIL loading. This finding further verifies the effective encapsulation of AAILs inside the porous support. Both [Emim][Gly]@MCM-48 and [Emim][Ala]@MCM-48 showed enhanced CO2 adsorption compared to the unmodified MCM-48 at post-combustion flue gas conditions, with a CO2 partial pressure of around 0.15 bar. Among the composites, the 40 wt%-[Emim][Gly] composite showed the maximum CO2 uptake of 0.74 and 0.82 mmol·g-1 at 0.1 and 0.2 bar, respectively, at 303 K. These values represent an increase of nearly 10- and 5-fold compared to the pristine MCM-48 under the same circumstances. Composites demonstrated both enhanced CO2 absorption and increased CO2/N2 selectivity. The selectivity of 40 wt% [Emim][Ala]@MCM-48 composites significantly increased to 17 at 0.1 bar, while the selectivity of the pristine MCM-48 was only 2. It can therefore be inferred that AAILs@MCM-48 composites possess significant potential to be considered as candidates for the post-combustion CO2 capture.

Author Contributions

Firuz A. Philip: Conceptualization, Methodology, Material synthesis, Characterization, Experimental analysis, Validation, Data analysis, Writing-Original draft preparation, Amr Henni: Conceptualization, Resources, Funding acquisition, Writing-Review& Editing, Project administration, Supervision.


This research was funded by a grant provided to the second author by The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) - Discovery Grant (RGPIN-2018-06805)

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable

Data Availability Statement

The data presented in this study are available on request from the corresponding author.


Not applicable.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Sample Availability

Samples of the compounds are not available from the authors.


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Figure 1. TGA and derivative of TGA profile for [Emim][Gly]@MCM-48 (a & b) and [Emim][Ala]@MCM-48 (c & d).
Figure 1. TGA and derivative of TGA profile for [Emim][Gly]@MCM-48 (a & b) and [Emim][Ala]@MCM-48 (c & d).
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Figure 2. XRD profile of pristine MCM-48 and composites: (a) Emim][Gly]@MCM-48; (b) [Emim][Ala]@ MCM-48.
Figure 2. XRD profile of pristine MCM-48 and composites: (a) Emim][Gly]@MCM-48; (b) [Emim][Ala]@ MCM-48.
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Figure 3. N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms at 77 K for the pristine MCM-48 and composites [Emim][Gly]@MCM-48 (a) [Emim][Ala]@MCM-48 (b). Filled symbols represent the adsorption and and unfilled symbols the desorption isotherms.
Figure 3. N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms at 77 K for the pristine MCM-48 and composites [Emim][Gly]@MCM-48 (a) [Emim][Ala]@MCM-48 (b). Filled symbols represent the adsorption and and unfilled symbols the desorption isotherms.
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Figure 4. CO2 equilibrium adsorption capacity of MCM-48 and [Emim][Gly]@MCM-48 composites at 303 K (a & b), 313 K (c & d) and 323 K (e & f).
Figure 4. CO2 equilibrium adsorption capacity of MCM-48 and [Emim][Gly]@MCM-48 composites at 303 K (a & b), 313 K (c & d) and 323 K (e & f).
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Figure 5. CO2 equilibrium adsorption capacity of MCM-48 and [Emim][Ala]@MCM-48 composites at 303 K (a & b), 313 K (c & d) and 323 K (e & f).
Figure 5. CO2 equilibrium adsorption capacity of MCM-48 and [Emim][Ala]@MCM-48 composites at 303 K (a & b), 313 K (c & d) and 323 K (e & f).
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Scheme 1. Schematic representation of the reaction between carbon dioxide (CO2) and ionic liquids containing amino groups (AAILs) impregnated on a solid substrate.[20].
Scheme 1. Schematic representation of the reaction between carbon dioxide (CO2) and ionic liquids containing amino groups (AAILs) impregnated on a solid substrate.[20].
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Figure 6. CO2/N2 selectivity of [Emim][Gly]@MCM-48 (a) and [Emim][Ala]@MCM-48 (b) composites at 313 K.
Figure 6. CO2/N2 selectivity of [Emim][Gly]@MCM-48 (a) and [Emim][Ala]@MCM-48 (b) composites at 313 K.
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Figure 7. CO2 equilibrium uptake of MCM-48 and [Emim][Gly]@ MCM-48 composites fitted using the DSL model (Solid line) at various loadings of [Emim][Gly] at temperatures of 403 K (a), 413 K (b), and 423 K(c), with a pressure range of 0.1 to 2.0 bar.
Figure 7. CO2 equilibrium uptake of MCM-48 and [Emim][Gly]@ MCM-48 composites fitted using the DSL model (Solid line) at various loadings of [Emim][Gly] at temperatures of 403 K (a), 413 K (b), and 423 K(c), with a pressure range of 0.1 to 2.0 bar.
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Figure 8. CO2 equilibrium uptake of MCM-48 and [Emim][Ala]@ MCM-48 composites fitted using the DSL model (Solid line) at various loadings of [Emim][Ala] at temperatures of 403 K (a), 413 K (b), and 423 K (c), with a pressure range of 0.1 to 2.0 bar.
Figure 8. CO2 equilibrium uptake of MCM-48 and [Emim][Ala]@ MCM-48 composites fitted using the DSL model (Solid line) at various loadings of [Emim][Ala] at temperatures of 403 K (a), 413 K (b), and 423 K (c), with a pressure range of 0.1 to 2.0 bar.
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Figure 9. CO2 adsorption enthalpy (Qst) of (a) [Emim][Gly]@MCM-48 and (b) [Emim][Ala]@MCM-48 composites.
Figure 9. CO2 adsorption enthalpy (Qst) of (a) [Emim][Gly]@MCM-48 and (b) [Emim][Ala]@MCM-48 composites.
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Table 1. Structure of cation and anions of AAILs used in this present study.
Table 1. Structure of cation and anions of AAILs used in this present study.
Name Abbreviation Structure
1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium [Emim] Preprints 96891 i001
Glycine [Gly] Preprints 96891 i002
Alanine [Ala] Preprints 96891 i003
Table 2. Textural properties of pristine MCM-48 and AAILs@ MCM-48 composites computed from the N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms at 77.
Table 2. Textural properties of pristine MCM-48 and AAILs@ MCM-48 composites computed from the N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms at 77.
Samples SBET
Pore Volume
MCM-48 1,638 2,700 0.93
20-[Emim][Gly]@ MCM-48 87 287 0.16
30-[Emim][Gly]@ MCM-48 66 192 0.10
40-[Emim][Gly]@ MCM-48 50 155 0.07
20-[Emim][Ala]@ MCM-48 79 236 0.13
30-[Emim][Ala]@ MCM-48 60 196 0.09
40-[Emim][Ala]@ MCM-48 29 117 0.04
Table 3. DSL model parameters for the MCM-48 and [Emim][Gly]@MCM-48 composites at 303 K, 313 K and 323K for the pressure range of 0.1 to 2.0 bar.
Table 3. DSL model parameters for the MCM-48 and [Emim][Gly]@MCM-48 composites at 303 K, 313 K and 323K for the pressure range of 0.1 to 2.0 bar.
Model Parameters 20-[Emim][Gly]@MCM-48 30-[Emim][Gly]@MCM-48 40-[Emim][Gly]@MCM-48
30 °C 40 °C 50 °C 30 °C 40 °C 50 °C 30 °C 40 °C 50 °C
NA 7.277 0.239 6.204 0.520 0.450 0.390 0.780 0.691 0.572
bA 0.102 37.406 0.095 83.374 67.387 52.263 95.804 101.737 81.843
NB 0.248 7.722 0.209 5.896 7.090 7.041 7.017 731.290 531.196
bB 36.92 0.083 29.783 0.105 0.076 0.068 0.058 0.001 0.001
R2 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Table 4. DSL model parameters for the MCM-48 and [Emim][Ala]@MCM-48 composites at the temperature of 303 K, 313 K and 323K for the pressure range of 0.1 to 2.0 bar.
Table 4. DSL model parameters for the MCM-48 and [Emim][Ala]@MCM-48 composites at the temperature of 303 K, 313 K and 323K for the pressure range of 0.1 to 2.0 bar.
Model Parameters 20-[Emim][Ala]@MCM-48 30-[Emim][Ala]@MCM-48 40-[Emim][Ala]@MCM-48
30 °C 40 °C 50 °C 30 °C 40 °C 50 °C 30 °C 40 °C 50 °C
NA 0.026 0.023 349.867 0.433 0.374 0.357 0.679 0.531 0.525
bA 53.033 10000 0.000 58.632 48.183 26.971 90.057 79.650 34.622
NB 8.784 12.152 579.453 4.647 4.692 227.845 3.908 3.753 94.954
bB 0.094 0.056 0.001 0.104 0.102 0.002 0.124 0.135 0.003
R2 1.000 0.999 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
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