1. Introduction
Starting in late 2019, SARS-CoV-2 emerged in Wuhan and spread rapidly around the globe. The rapid transmission in combination with a long period of incubation led to a pandemic of unknown extent in the modern world. Consequently, an instant demand on intensive research about the virus itself and its transmission arose to contain the pandemic. Four years later, a variety of studies and publications have led to an extended understanding and the pandemic has been overcome.
The virus SARS-CoV-2 shows pleomorphism and its size covers a range of 60 to 140 nm [
1], whereby the specification of size is also dependent on the used equivalence diameter (e.g. mobility diameter, outer geometrical diameter w/o spike proteins etc.). However, SARS-CoV-2 viruses are typically assumed to be spherical and in the size range of 90-100 nm [
2]. Such viruses are emitted by infected persons via different emission mechanisms such as coughing or sneezing, but also by speaking and even calmly breathing [
3]. However, the virus is not emitted individually. It is embedded in saliva droplets covering several orders of magnitude in size ranging from 200 nm to several hundred microns depending on the emission mechanism [
10]. Big droplets (> 10 µm) sediment fast. Therefore, they are typically not relevant for aerosol spreading of virus-laden particles. Smaller droplets, however, evaporate fast since ambient air is typically not saturated. This is typically happening within seconds as Xie et al. showed [
11]. They shrink to small, solidified saliva residue particles of mainly submicron size. In this size range, the particles remain in the ambient air for a long period of time, typically several hours, and can accumulate in enclosed spaces [
13]. So, even if an infectious person leaves an enclosed space, the virus-laden aerosol depicts a transmission risk by inhalation of non-infected persons [
14]. In the early days of pandemic, it was assumed that, as with many other pathogens, direct contact would be the main transmission path. However, it showed that indirect contact by inhalation of aerosolized virus-laden particles is the main transmission path [
17], which has also been officially recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) [
18]. For this reason, it is of utmost importance to fundamentally understand the spreading of respiratory aerosols in enclosed spaces to derive useful mitigation measures.
Investigating an aerosol consisting of the actual atomized pathogen would constitute a major health risk to researchers and would require very high safety standards. Because this is unrealizable for most academic research, alternative paths of investigation are utilized and there are mainly two approaches: using submicron surrogate aerosols or tracking a tracer gas concentration, e.g. carbon dioxide (CO
2), to mimic the spreading behavior of respiratory aerosols containing the pathogenic virus. In fact, there are two fundamentally different methods using CO
2 to assess air quality: On the one hand, CO
2 is used routinely as marker for indoor air quality, often used for the design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Here, CO
2 is used as indicator for the quality of air exchange observing natural exhalation of persons present in the room. Monitoring the indoor CO
2 concentration in context with SARS-CoV-2 has been carried out in various settings, e.g. theatres [
19], buses [
20], hospitals [
21], and classrooms [
25]. That this approach is helpful has been shown by e.g. Di Gilio et al. who derived an effective air exchange strategy in classrooms by real-time visualization and monitoring of CO
2 concentrations [
25]. Rudnick and Milton used a Wells-Riley model to derive a CO
2-based risk equation for transmission of airborne pathogens [
26]. Peng and Jimenez extended and adjusted the Rudnick-Milton model to SARS-CoV-2 [
27]. However, tracking CO
2 concentrations for the assessment of virus aerosol concentrations has its limitations. The CO
2 concentration is proportional to the number of the present persons. However, typically there might be only one infected person in the room who is sufficient to infect others. Furthermore, air filtration, sedimentation and pathogen deactivation do not affect CO
2 levels but have an influence on the transmission risk. Bazant et al. claim to have set up a model to cover these effects for a CO
2-based description of pathogen transmission risk [
28]. On the other hand, an artificial CO
2 source might be deployed in order to use CO
2 as a tracer to track its room spreading, as e.g. done by Schade et al. [
29]. However, due to the quite high CO
2 background level of around 400 ppm requires rather high amounts of CO
2 to achieve reasonable accuracy. Therefore, this method is either limited to rather small rooms or to predict the spreading of viruses close to the related source.
Alternatively, aerosol spreading and removal can be examined by measuring surrogate particle concentrations directly. There are several possibilities to remove particulate matter from the ambient air by either natural ventilation or artificial means, i.e. HVAC systems or air purifiers (APs). Many studies and discussions deal with the question of the effectiveness of ventilation in comparison to air purification. Air exchange by ventilation is always needed in populated enclosed spaces to limit CO2 concentrations. The aforementioned studies observing CO2 concentrations emitted by persons in enclosed spaces show that concentration levels rapidly exceed values of 1000-2000 ppm, which strongly decreases mindfulness and concentration. Therefore, natural or artificial ventilation systems are definitely needed, also reducing potentially present airborne pathogens. However, air purification is an effective additional measure to further reduce transmission risks. Because installing HVAC units in enclosed spaces or modifying complete ventilation systems is labor- and cost-intensive, the pandemic created a high demand for portable APs to minimize aerosol accumulation and transmission. The quantity of purified air is called the Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR). It describes the imaginary volume of completely cleaned air per time, i.e. the volume flow rate through the AP times the separation efficiency. If HEPA 13 filters are applied in air purifiers which have a filtration efficiency close to 100 %, filtered and cleaned air flow rates are almost identical. Another common term is the Air Exchange Rate (AER) or Air Changes Per Hour (ACH) which denotes the number of times the whole volume of air in a room gets replaced per time. In case an AP is used, particles are removed at the CADR but in effect no air is exchanged at all. Therefore, in this case it would be more precise to speak of an air purification rate when the air exchange is solely caused by an air purifier. Nevertheless, the AER / ACH is commonly used in these cases as well.
Experimental results prove the effectiveness of these devices for limiting particle concentrations [
35]. Kähler et al. found that a stand-alone AP should be placed in the center of a room while multiple APs should be evenly distributed [
36]. Still, if this is not feasible, Küpper et al. showed that placing APs in the corner of a room is still effective if there is no disturbance for the air flow at the intake and outlet [
37]. Aerosol spreading was also described numerically to spatially resolve aerosol spreading, i.e. for a more precise evaluation of room mixing, prediction of infection risk or optimized positioning of filtering devices [
43]. Most of these considerations mainly cover unsteady situations. If people stay in enclosed spaces long enough, they will face a steady-state concentration of aerosol particles under the assumption that the source of particles and the CADR of APs are constant. Under the condition of ideal mixing, such stationary concentrations can be calculated analytically. A facile approach is to use a simple analytic model comprising the assumption of having only two relevant influences on particle concentration within enclosed spaces: a particle source and an air purifier as particle sink [
44]. Conducting experiments with surrogate aerosols typically involves high concentrations of several thousands of particles per cm
3 to describe and observe how they spread, while the realistic concentration of respiratory particles in enclosed spaces is only a few tens or hundreds of particles per cm
3. This is necessary to have a contrast to the background aerosol concentration from the environment. When deploying such high particle concentrations, some additional pathogen sinks like sedimentation or aggregation might become relevant. Therefore, evaluating experimental results from surrogate aerosols with the above-mentioned simple model, i.e. neglecting sedimentation and agglomeration, might lead to an underestimation of infection risks. This is why, commonly, a natural decay rate is considered, which means that the decline in particle concentration without an operating AP is measured as reference. This rate is then subtracted from the overall decay rate measured with an operating AP. Using such a generalized first-order loss term is well described in literature [
47] and common procedure for measuring CADRs according to norms such as ANSI/AHAM AC-1-2020 [
48] or GB/T 18801-2015 [
49]. Further more-sophisticated models exist as well, but depict incremental models distinguishing between different concentration segments that are fitted individually [
51] or have not been applied for data analysis of surrogate aerosol experiments [
54]. Schumacher et al. e.g. reflected on further particle sinks for spreading of virus aerosols and estimated reduction rates for leakage flows, particle deposition and virus inactivation [
55] for a theoretical model of virus aerosol spreading. They state that aggregation is of negligible relevance for those aerosols, which holds true for typical virus aerosol concentrations. However, to transfer implications from measurements with surrogate aerosols of high concentrations to virus aerosols this hypothesis is to be evaluated further and will be a major part of this work.
Within the scope of this work, investigations on particle concentration profiles and steady state concentrations by surrogate aerosols were carried out in two enclosed spaces, namely a community hall and a seminar room. As a major part of this work, the influence of high particle concentrations on the representativity of analytic models is discussed. For this purpose, the adequacy of the above-mentioned simple model is addressed followed by a discussion of the influence of additional mechanisms. Finally, a more sophisticated and extended analytic model is set up and compared to both, experimental data and the simple model. Furthermore, the transferability of the additional experimentally determined parameters in both rooms is discussed.
4. Discussion
When measurements of aerosol dynamics in confined spaces are done using surrogate aerosol particles it is important to provide rather high concentrations in order to minimize errors by background aerosol sources. Measurements in different settings (large community hall and small seminar room) show that aggregation becomes relevant at least for concentrations exceeding 5,000 cm-3. An extended model for the well-mixed case proves to be surprisingly well suited to describe the measured concentration course, at least for the community hall suggesting a well-mixed situation there. All relevant model parameters (source strength, CADR, kinetic coefficients for aggregation and linear decay mechanisms) were determined experimentally independently and were implemented into the extended model. This adjusted theoretical model describes the concentrations of surrogate aerosols pretty well.
For the seminar room, however, some small discrepancies can be detected which can be attributed to a lack of ideal mixing in this case. So, for well mixed enclosed spaces, the adequacy of the extended model is validated. It enables to better represent the curvature of concentration profiles at high particle concentrations (cf. also
Figure 6 for comparison with the simple model), which are typical for surrogate aerosol experiments. This leads to a more accurate prediction of the steady state concentration. So, applying an extended model for surrogate aerosol experiments instead of the simple model is highly recommended at high particle concentrations.
It should be considered that linear decay coefficient includes all effects which are proportional to the actual particle concentration. It is expected to depend on the surface to volume ratio, the geometry of the room (e.g. horizontal planes like tables which remove additional particles due to settling, all other surfaces), leakage flows and on particle size distribution. In contrast, the aggregation coefficient should only depend on the particle size distribution, i.e. larger values for broader size distributions and in most cases slightly higher values also for smaller particles. Therefore, these constants must be determined depending on the particle source and the conditions in the respective room.
Besides the consideration of aerosol dynamics in indoor spaces, these findings have also implications for the determination of the CADR (clean air delivery rate) of air purifiers. They are typically examined in test chambers with surrogate aerosols as well. The standard procedure using linear fits of the logarithmic concentration decay with and without air purifiers in operation basically neglects the influence of the quadratic dependence of aggregation on concentration. In case of an evaluation time interval of 20 min and a maximum concentration of 20,000 cm-3 as proposed in e.g. the Chinese norm, the associated error might be considered minor. Nevertheless, for longer time intervals and higher concentrations this is not the case anymore. In these cases, it is advisable to use the presented extended model or to determine the natural decay for the identical concentration range as the overall decay rather than the identical evaluation time in order to avoid this error at all.
5. Conclusions
In the scope of this work, experiments were carried out observing particle concentrations by surrogate aerosols generated by an atomizer mimicking a steady particle emitter. It was shown that aerosols can spread rapidly in enclosed spaces when the room volume is well mixed. In only a few minutes, even a big community hall can depict an almost uniform aerosol concentration. This implies that the inhaled dose of aerosol particles is almost the same for all persons staying in the room independent of the distance to the emitter. People in very close distances in direction of exhaled air will face a slightly higher concentration about 1.5 to 2 times higher than the average at a distance of 2 m which is reasonable enough to consider this an adequate ‘safe distance’.
The approach of tracking particle concentrations by means of surrogate aerosols involves high particle concentrations and this study could show that the simple model with only the atomizer as particle source and air purifiers as particle sink does not represent concentration profiles at elevated concentrations above 5,000 particles per cm3 in good approximation. For a more precise model description of the concentration profiles, additional effects such as sedimentation and aggregation need to be considered. For both effects, kinetic coefficients were determined from independent measurements and inserted into the model to obtain a more representative theoretical description of experimental data. Additionally, the atomizer’s particle generation rate as well as the CADR of the applied air purifiers were determined experimentally by fitting the respective parameter in the derived model equation.
In case of CADR determination, it was shown that the CADR is below the manufacturer’s specification although brand-new devices were used. Furthermore, some influence of bypass flows could be shown if the air purifiers are operated in close proximity.
Overall, all relevant model parameters (source strength, kinetic coefficients for sedimentation and aggregation, and CADRs) were determined independently and their insertion into an extended model leads to an accurate representation of the long-term concentration profiles and steady state concentrations.
The effect of aggregation causes a deviation of the concentration from an exponential decay, since it is proportional to the actual concentration squared. Therefore, it is shown that standard evaluation procedures for CADR do not cover this effect adequately. The resulting deviation causes a systematic underestimation of the CADR and this effect is increasing for lower air exchange rates, higher initial concentrations and longer evaluation time intervals. While for conditions as proposed in the norms the deviation is typically below 5 % it might become significantly larger and highly relevant if conditions are present which are more likely to apply to surrogate aerosol measurements in indoor spaces. However, these errors can be avoided by using the proposed extended model or by determining natural decay rates for identical concentration ratios compared to the decay with air purifiers instead of applying the identical evaluation time intervals.
In order to transfer experiments with surrogate aerosol particles to spreading of virus-laden respiratory aerosols, it is important to note, that they do not behave identical. Particularly, aggregation is relevant for surrogate aerosols (at least if concentrations above 5,000 particles per cm
3 are applied) but not for respiratory aerosols, since for the latter typical particle concentrations are way below this. Linear decay mechanisms however, are relevant for both types of aerosols. In order to have comparable values for
in both cases it is very important that the size distributions of surrogate and respiratory particle sizes are as similar as possible. In order to predict infection risks, the concentrations of contagious viruses must be calculated based on the approach presented in this paper. Experiments with surrogate aerosols allow the determination of
. The source strength must be assumed depending on the number of infected people and their activities. Furthermore, an additional decay mechanism has to be added to account for natural airborne virus deactivation [
57]. Since this deactivation rate is also proportional to the number of active pathogens, the deactivation rate constant can just be added to
. All in all, the presented extended model can be taken for deductions of virus-laden respiratory aerosols if the corresponding adaptions of the parameters obtained from the surrogate aerosol experiments are considered.
Figure 1.
(a) Community hall setup with positions of aerosol source, APs (in two alternative configurations) and CPCs, (b) vertical cross-section of the community hall with marked ceiling heating radiators.
Figure 1.
(a) Community hall setup with positions of aerosol source, APs (in two alternative configurations) and CPCs, (b) vertical cross-section of the community hall with marked ceiling heating radiators.
Figure 2.
Seminar room setup with positions of aerosol source, APs and CPCs.
Figure 2.
Seminar room setup with positions of aerosol source, APs and CPCs.
Figure 3.
Concentration profiles for experiment C_noAP (community hall without APs, measured at different locations according to
Figure 1).
Figure 3.
Concentration profiles for experiment C_noAP (community hall without APs, measured at different locations according to
Figure 1).
Figure 4.
Measured concentration profiles of experiment S_noAP (seminar room, air purifiers out of operation).
Figure 4.
Measured concentration profiles of experiment S_noAP (seminar room, air purifiers out of operation).
Figure 5.
Concentration profiles of experiments with operating air purifiers in different configurations at the community hall: APs distributed and operated at level 1 (C_minAP_d); APs arranged close and operated at level 3 (C_maxAP_c); APs distributed and at level 3 (C_maxAP_d).
Figure 5.
Concentration profiles of experiments with operating air purifiers in different configurations at the community hall: APs distributed and operated at level 1 (C_minAP_d); APs arranged close and operated at level 3 (C_maxAP_c); APs distributed and at level 3 (C_maxAP_d).
Figure 6.
Comparison of experimental data to the predicted values by the simple model for the scenarios in the community hall with air purifiers running at highest level (C_maxAP_d) and shutted down (C_noAP), respectively.
Figure 6.
Comparison of experimental data to the predicted values by the simple model for the scenarios in the community hall with air purifiers running at highest level (C_maxAP_d) and shutted down (C_noAP), respectively.
Figure 7.
Comparison of the increase in room concentration for experiment S_noAP and the pure particle generation by the compressor at continuous operation.
Figure 7.
Comparison of the increase in room concentration for experiment S_noAP and the pure particle generation by the compressor at continuous operation.
Figure 8.
Fitted experimental data for determination of kinetic parameters for sedimentation and aggregation in the seminar room (left) and in the community hall (right); fitted individually.
Figure 8.
Fitted experimental data for determination of kinetic parameters for sedimentation and aggregation in the seminar room (left) and in the community hall (right); fitted individually.
Figure 9.
Influence of aggregation and sedimentation on resembling experimental data for the scenario in the community hall with APs switched off (C_noAP).
Figure 9.
Influence of aggregation and sedimentation on resembling experimental data for the scenario in the community hall with APs switched off (C_noAP).
Figure 10.
Comparison of measured data to the extended model with independently determined model parameters.
Figure 10.
Comparison of measured data to the extended model with independently determined model parameters.
Figure 11.
Natural decay in different settings (seminar room and community hall) with respect to actual concentration: natural decay rate (left) and corresponding (right).
Figure 11.
Natural decay in different settings (seminar room and community hall) with respect to actual concentration: natural decay rate (left) and corresponding (right).
Figure 12.
Time-dependent concentration (fitted) for three different cases (green) & deviation D of obtained CADR from fit to extended model (equation 12) compared to CADR determined by the ‘standard procedure’ with respect to the applied time interval (equations 18/19/21) (blue).
Figure 12.
Time-dependent concentration (fitted) for three different cases (green) & deviation D of obtained CADR from fit to extended model (equation 12) compared to CADR determined by the ‘standard procedure’ with respect to the applied time interval (equations 18/19/21) (blue).
Figure 13.
Calculated relative deviation D in % for determination of CADR by ‘standard procedure’ (equations 18/19/21) for and given parameters of and concentrations assessed for an evaluation time interval with CADR determined by fitting to extended model (equation 11) as reference. High settling constant (a-c & e-f) corresponds to conditions in the seminar room, low (d) corresponds to community hall.
Figure 13.
Calculated relative deviation D in % for determination of CADR by ‘standard procedure’ (equations 18/19/21) for and given parameters of and concentrations assessed for an evaluation time interval with CADR determined by fitting to extended model (equation 11) as reference. High settling constant (a-c & e-f) corresponds to conditions in the seminar room, low (d) corresponds to community hall.
Table 1.
List of conducted experiments comprising their acronym, location, AP settings and main purpose.
Table 1.
List of conducted experiments comprising their acronym, location, AP settings and main purpose.
Acronym |
Location |
Number of used APs |
Applied fan stage |
Arrangement of APs |
Purpose |
C_maxAP_d |
Community Hall |
6 |
3 |
Distributed |
Model comparison |
C_minAP_d |
6 |
1 |
Distributed |
Model comparison |
C_maxAP_c |
6 |
3 |
Close |
Model comparison |
C_noAP |
0 |
- |
- |
Model comparison |
S_maxAP |
Seminar Room |
2 |
3 |
Close |
Model comparison |
S_noAP |
0 |
- |
- |
Model comparison |
S_fit_lowcS_fit_midcS_fit_highc |
0 |
- |
- |
fit of model parameters |
Table 2.
Experimentally determined CADRs per air purifier by evaluation according to equation (12).
Table 2.
Experimentally determined CADRs per air purifier by evaluation according to equation (12).
C_maxAP_d |
C_minAP_d |
C_maxAP_c |
S_maxAP |
Start concentration / |
10.000 |
20.000 |
10.000 |
30.000 |
End concentration / |
7.000 |
18.000 |
7.000 |
4.000 |
Model fit CADR / |
340 |
65 |
330 |
290 |