3.1. DCOIT Bioaccumulation, Biomagnification, and Trophic Transfer
According to Arnot & Gobas [
29], bioconcentration is the process by which a chemical substance is absorbed from the environment by an organism only through its respiratory and dermal surfaces. In the present study, the microalgae
T. chuii presented a body burden of 139.27 μg/Kg DCOIT (d.w.), corresponding to a BCF of 4.5. According to the criteria established by the European Chemicals Bureau for BCF and BAF [
24], substances with a BCF or BAF value above 2000 are considered bioaccumulative [
24]. Thus, for microalgae, DCOIT was not considered to be bioaccumulative.
With the exception of the replicate 3 at 24 h, DCOIT was detected in both ASW and mussels only at 1 h and 3 h, indicating that DCOIT was rapidly internalized and metabolized by the organisms. DCOIT was only considered bioaccumulative in replicate 1 at 3 h, with a BCF of 58119, as shown in
Table 1. However, after 24 h of exposure, DCOIT was not detected in the mussel soft tissue, indicating that the biocide was eliminated or degraded internally.
Biomagnification is a process in which the concentration of a chemical in an organism exceeds that of its diet, and can be determined under field conditions and in laboratory feeding experiments [
23]. For the dietary uptake treatment, only replicate 2 presented DCOIT in both matrices at all time points, as presented in
Table 2 and
Figure S2 (supplementary material), with the respective tissue concentrations reaching a peak after 3h then reducing at 96 h. BMF
TL values above 1, as recorded in replicate 2, indicate trophic transfer and potential for biomagnification. However, despite the BMF
TL values obtained, the observed degradation and/or depuration of DCOIT indicated a lower probability of biomagnification in the short term. BAF and BCF, which classified DCOIT as non-bioaccumulative, also supported this hypothesis. However, organisms inhabiting harbors and marinas are chronically exposed to DCOIT, and biomagnification and bioaccumulation may still occur because the uptake rate may overcome the depuration rate. Therefore, further studies are required to better understand the bioaccumulation and biomagnification of DCOIT in different exposure scenarios, especially in the longer term.
Considering that bioaccumulation is a process in which a chemical substance is absorbed in the tissues of an organism by all possible routes of exposure, i.e., dietary and direct uptake from the environment, in the present study, we evaluated the bioaccumulation of DCOIT by combining both uptake from the dissolved phase and food in a single exposure treatment (water and food exposure). Our results showed that DCOIT was detected in the ASW at all time points. In mussel tissues, DCOIT was detected at 1 and 3 h in replicates 1 and 3, whereas in replicate 2, DCOIT was detected at 1, 3, and 24 h (
Table 3). In replicate 2, the concentrations of DCOIT in water and mussel soft tissues were inversely correlated (R
2 = -0.99; see
Figure S3). These results suggest that, instead of metabolizing DCOIT, the tested organisms purged it during the depuration phase. In replicate 2, DCOIT concentration and BAF peaked at 24 h at 39,772 µg/Kg and 284, respectively. Nevertheless, the BAF values were not higher than threshold of 2000
There is only one report on the bioaccumulation of DCOIT in fish dating back to 1996 [
30]; however bioaccumulation and trophic transfer were not considered in further studies. In turn, Willingham & Jacobson [
30] showed that
Lepomis macrochirus fish rapidly internalized and degraded DCOIT for 49 days. Our results also indicate rapid uptake followed by biotransformation; however, as demonstrated by Chen & Lam [
4] in their review, even short-term exposure to DCOIT can cause negative effects at various levels of biological organization, which is corroborated by Campos et al. [
31]. In addition, our data indicate that in regions with a constant supply of DCOIT, such as harbors and marinas, DCOIT can bioaccumulate (as the uptake rate is greater than depuration). Additionally, DCOIT is considered a pseudo-persistent contaminant in these areas [
4]. Thus, we encourage future
in situ studies on the bioaccumulation of DCOIT in marine organisms, particularly in harbors, anchorage sites, and marinas.
3.2. SiNC-DCOIT Bioaccumulation, Biomagnification, and Trophic Transfer
In the SiNC-DCOIT experiment, the concentration in the algae was 114.15 µg/Kg DCOIT with a BCF of 3.9. This is the first data on the bioconcentration of SiNC-DCOIT in algae in the literature, and our data suggest that SiNC-DCOIT is not bioaccumulative for microalgae.
SiNC-DCOIT treatments showed that the concentration of DCOIT in mussel soft tissues increased with time up to 3 h and then declined at 24 h, as shown in
Table 4,
Table 5 and
Table 6. For the waterborne exposure treatment, DCOIT was detected at 1 h in mussel tissues from replicate 2. At 3 h, all replicates showed DCOIT internalization, indicating that unlike free DCOIT, SiNC-DCOIT uptake might be slower. This could be expected because encapsulation in SiNC reduces the release of DCOIT [
12]. However, after 3 h, no biocide was found in mussel soft tissues, suggesting that DCOIT was either metabolized or eliminated. In contrast to DCOIT, in the SiNC-DCOIT treatment, no BCF value exceeded the threshold indicative of bioaccumulation. Nevertheless, replicate 1, after 3 h of exposure, exhibited a BCF of 1827, which is close to the threshold.
Regarding the food exposure treatment, except for replicate 3 at 1 h and replicate 2 at 24 h, no biocide was found in mussel soft tissues. The concentration of DCOIT in the ASW was above the detection limit only in the replicate 3, after 1 and 3 h of exposure, and in the replicate 2 in all time points, with an average concentration of 30.2±0.3 µg/L (
Table 5). The BMF
TL from replicates 2 and 4 at 1 and 24 h suggest possible biomagnification; however, due to the limited observations and variance between the replicates, more studies are needed to confirm this observation.
In the Water + Food exposure treatment, DCOIT was detected in the ASW at all time points. For mussels and ASW, DCOIT was detected at 1 h and 3 h in all replicates with an average concentration of 35506±22285 µg/kg and 49±15 µg/L for 1h and 9945±8543 µg/kg and 31±0.5 µg/L for 3h. After 3 h of exposure, DCOIT concentrations in mussel soft tissues were 3.5 fold lower than those after 1 h, and at 24 h, all concentrations were below the detection limit. At 96 h, the mussels from replicate 1 had 2834 µg/kg of DCOIT, suggesting that this organism did not metabolize the biocide as the others did. However, it is not possible to consider this individual an outlier because of the low number of organisms evaluated in each treatment.
Fonseca et al [
32] and Gabe et al. [
17] corroborated our hypothesis that DCOIT is rapidly internalized and metabolized by bivalves as they observed negative effects on
Perna perna mussels after short-term exposure to DCOIT. After 96 h, Gabe et al. [
17] observed oxidative stress and the activation of antioxidant and depuration systems (for example, CAT, GPx, and GST). Despite the low BCF and BAF observed in the present study, a strong relationship between log K
ow and BCF has been previously reported for mussels under laboratory conditions [
33]. After studying 19 different hydrophobic organic compounds, Geyer et al. [
34] proposed the following relationship:
Based on this relationship, the predicted log BCF for DCOIT (logK
ow = 6.2) would be 4.51 (the worst scenario, considering the highest value of logK
ow available in the literature), which is higher than the measured values, and greater than the thresholds to be considered bioaccumulative. The presented data suggest that in environments under constant input of DCOIT, the bioaccumulation potential may become more severe; thus, environmental risks could emerge. According to the literature, the logK
ow of DCOIT ranges from 2.8 [
35] to 6.4 [
36], indicating that DCOIT bioaccumulation may vary based on the environmental conditions and physicochemical properties of the media (water or sediment).
This is the first study to assess bioaccumulation, biomagnification, and trophic transfer of free and nanoengineered forms of DCOIT. Both compounds showed a similar pattern; they were rapidly internalized, metabolized, and eliminated after short-term (24 h) exposure. In both cases, we also observed higher concentrations in the consumers (mussels) than in the prey (microalgae). However, due to the uncertainty caused by the small sample size and large variability among replicates, we encourage further studies to corroborate our findings.
Such variability may be due to multiple causes, such as the possible instability of DCOIT in aqueous solution, the ability of mussels to close the valves and avoid exposure for periods up to 24 h, and their ability to cope and degrade DCOIT through depuration processes. Moreover, the DCOIT degradation products have not been measured, although DCOIT can be rapidly degraded by both biological and physicochemical processes [
37], generating less toxic compounds [
38]. DCOIT degradation is faster in the presence of microorganisms such as microalgae [
39] and fungus [
40]. Most of these factors cannot be controlled during bioassays; thus, the individual analysis made in this study, even considering the high variability, provides an interesting overview of how DCOIT exposure would occur in nature, and particularly, evidence that, in certain cases, this compound may bioaccumulate in marine bivalves.