In this study, we identified various factors that influenced SAV extent and percentage cover over a period of 37 years. We used data and maps generated from a random forest regression model that used 2013 hydroacoustic data to predict SAV percentage cover from reflectance data from 24 Landsat satellite images that were collected during the period 1984 - 2021. Our assessments were based on several assumptions. We used level 2 processed images with atmospheric correction, which should standardize the reflectance data for each image. This is important as we were not able to determine the accuracy of the SAV percentage cover maps generated for the years before or after 2013. Because the images were standardized, it is expected that the reflectance values would fall within a similar range and therefore the SAV percentage cover maps should have similar accuracies. We also made this assumption when using/applying thresholds for converting SAV percentage cover to binary, that is, the thresholds would produce maps with similar accuracies to our 2013 thematic maps. Nevertheless, we were able to use the resulting maps/data from the maps to identify how several factors influenced seagrass cover change at our study site.
4.1. Spatial Pattern Predictors of SAV Change
There have been reported declines in seagrass cover due to a variety factors including natural hazards such as single [
18] or multiple storms/cyclones/hurricanes [
17], droughts [
21], a combination of droughts and storms/cyclones/hurricanes [
70]; [
21], a combination of storms and cyclones and above average rainfall [
71] and due to anthropogenic activities despite protection [
23]. However, several studies have reported stable SAV cover [
72] or an expansion/increase in SAV area due to increased protection [
9] or despite the impacts of multiple storms [
20]. We found that seagrass percentage cover and extent in the BBSFCA were largely stable over the 37-year period and SAV loss and gain for several periods were explained by proximity to the mouth of a river. The spatial pattern analysis using the pixel-based regression and the spatial Bayesian INLA models confirmed that an area of active /dynamic change can be found close to the mouth of the river, towards the western side of the bay. We found that annual rainfall was at historic lows and higher monthly rainfall had a positive influence on seagrass percentage cover. The pixel-based regression confirmed the latter, specifically that overall, higher rainfall largely had a positive influence on SAV gain and percentage cover change. This is contrary to the findings of several studies that have reported that higher rainfall results in increased surface runoffs or outflows from rivers into bays, and this is generally associated with increased turbidity and nutrients, which increases SAV stress and reduces extent or cover (e.g. [
73]) and vertical growth [
74]. Flood outflows can increase these impacts significantly (e.g., a 2 – 3-fold increases in turbidity and nutrients) resulting in an even greater decline in seagrasses [
75]. Droughts can result in increased evaporation of water and salinity (creating hypersaline conditions) and bottom-water anoxia, leading to a reduction in SAV cover and extent (e.g. [
19]), particularly during low tides in intertidal areas (e.g. [
76]). Also, seasonal rainfall is associated with lower and higher SAV percentage cover/extent during the wet and dry seasons, respectively (e.g. [
77]). Our result is therefore unusual, and even after reviewing studies of freshwater SAVs (e.g. [
78]), higher rainfall has not been reported to be associated with an increase in SAV percentage cover and/or extent. Higher rainfall does result in increased turbidity in the BBSFCA, as we were not able to use images collected during several years because of high turbidity around the mouth of the river, or across most of the western half of the bay. Also, the predominant sediment type found in the persistently bare area to the west of the bay (and the mouth of the river), and close to the coastline is silt [
30], indicating that there is a constant input of terrigenous sediment. However, we did not examine the effects of monthly rainfall using seagrass cover data collected every month (e.g. [
73]). Instead, we calculated monthly rates of percentage cover change, and recorded SAV loss and gain using images captured over a minimum period of 4 months to a maximum period of 46 months, due to the unavailability of suitable images. Also, rainfall in Jamaica and on the south coast is seasonal; therefore, we likely captured the overall response of SAVs to rainfall irrespective of seasons, that is, before, after or during one or more wet and/or dry seasons. Nevertheless, seagrass meadows/beds have been found to be nutrient limited [
80], and therefore, moderate increases in nutrients are beneficial [
81] - high inputs, however, are detrimental as it promotes the growth and dominance of competing macroalgae [
82]. Additionally, although there have been reported declines in seagrass percentage cover during wet seasons, this can be followed by rapid recovery during the following dry season [
73]. Furthermore, nutrients that are brought by outflows or runoffs during the rainy season is thought to contribute to the recovery of seagrass percentage cover during the dry season that follows the rainy season [
73]. This can perhaps be used to explain our results. That is, over time SAV in the bay benefitted from higher overall inputs of nutrients from outflows during the rainy season. Moreover, the bay is currently receiving < 1000 mm of the total annual rainfall it received at the turn of the 20
th century, yet SAV extent was largely maintained, and percentage cover in most of the bay was > 80%, 6 out of the 24 times it was mapped, the most recent being in 2019. It is conceivable that the bay might be receiving less nutrients than it did over 100 years ago, especially during periods of low rainfall. However, there has been extensive agricultural (along the river course) and coastal developments and perhaps this is compensating for a reduction in nutrient inputs. We are currently investigating whether the positive effect of rainfall is maintained when images with higher temporal and spatial resolutions are used.
There was a significant decline in SAV area/extent during one period, 2002 – 2006, when the island was impacted by Hurricane Ivan. The effects of Ivan may have been compounded by a second hurricane (Dean), three years later (
Figure A4). As a result, SAV extent/area did not fully recover until the 2013 – 2015 period, or 9 – 11 years after the impact of the first hurricane. The identified important spatial pattern predictors can be used as evidence for the impact of Ivan and Dean; specifically, direction from the mouth of the river and aspect were the most important predictors of SAV loss during the 2002 – 2006 period. For the first of the two predictors, this was the first time that the probability of SAV loss was equally high on both sides of or multiple cardinal directions from the mouth of the river (southeast and southwest to the northwest; and
Figure A3), indicating that there was a higher than usual outflow from the river. This may have influenced SAV loss, due to exceedingly high rainfall during hurricane events, which can be detrimental to seagrass beds [
83]. The net effect was an increase in the extent of the SAV absent class around the mouth of the river, which for the first time extended from the southwest and west to the southeast of the river mouth (
Figure 3). Also, percentage cover around the river fell to ≤ 20% for the first time (
Figure 2). Following the hurricanes, direction or distance from the river mouth was an important predictor of SAV loss for every period until 2013 – 2015, during which, the size of the SAV absent class close to the river increased (
Figure 3 and
Figure 8). SAV did not recolonize the newly transformed SAV absent areas until 2015 (
Figure 3 and
Figure 8). The second important predictor, aspect, was used in the calculation of EV, and it is a proxy to the predominant direction of exposure to hurricane winds [
52]. It can also confound the influence of EV as it can be a more important predictor of hurricane damage if the impact of a hurricane is strong in a given/particular direction because the winds are moving predominantly in that direction [
52]. Our results showed that SAV loss was greatest at areas on the benthos that had a northwestern to northern facing aspect (
Figure 12g,h and
Figure A3). This corresponded with the prevailing wind direction of the leading edge (the most destructive/strongest winds) of the outer wind bands of Ivan (
Figure A4). Several studies that have employed the use of wave models have reported similar directional impacts of storms on seagrass beds/meadows; these impacts were also associated with the prevailing direction of the storms’ winds (e.g. [
85]). Also, seagrass declines following storms are usually associated with persistent changes in seawater quality and burial [
86]. Greater exposure to the direction of the prevailing winds of a storm was one of two factors that explained the depth of burial of seagrasses found along the Spanish Mediterranean coast (higher exposure to storm winds increased burial depths) that were impacted by Storm Gloria in 2020 [
85]. Burial may have been the main impact of Ivan as there were several bare sand patches present during the 2006 – 2013 period (
Figure 3), one of which was described as a “sand bar” by [
30]. These bare patches were not present in the maps of benthic classes before 2006 or after 2013 (
Figure 3). The “sand bar” first appeared in the south-eastern section of the bay in 2006 in an area previously covered by seagrass (
Figure 3). By 2015 however, the “sand bar” and all the bare sand patches were recolonized and were no longer visible in the benthic features maps (
Figure 3).
We also found evidence of the cumulative impact of two hurricanes that follow similar tracks. The first evidence was that there was SAV gain/recovery and positive SAV percentage cover change at some sites on the benthos during 2006 – 2008, which were exposed to Hurricane Ivan in 2004, and this recovery/change preceded a complete recovery of all impacted areas/sites in 2015. These were likely to be sites/locations that were impacted by Ivan in 2004, but not by Dean in 2007 and were recovering during this period, while other areas impacted by both hurricanes continued to experience a loss up until 2013. Moreover, the cumulative effects of Ivan and Dean (average EV) explained (although the marginal R-squared was low) the pattern of SAV loss (higher average EV was associated with a higher probability of loss) during 2010 – 2013, 9 and 6 years after Ivan and Dean, respectively, impacted our study site. This likely contributed to the (relatively) long period it took for SAV extent/area to recover (close to decade). The cumulative negative impacts of storms have been reported elsewhere. For example, on the southwestern coast of Korea, the cumulative effects of three consecutive typhoons in two months, resulted in a seagrass meadow completely dying off, despite previous (single) typhoons having little or no impact [
17]. The contrasting impacts of previous single typhoons versus the three consecutive typhoons also indicate that the damage caused by storms, hurricanes, cyclones, or typhoons can be very variable and range from no damage to complete degradation, die-off, or habitat destruction [
86]. We also found that the impacts of different hurricanes on SAV in the BBSFCA can vary. While Ivan and Dean impacted SAV extent, Hurricane Gilbert did not have a similar impact, but instead may have reduced seagrass percentage cover during the period 1987 - 1988, and it recovered immediately during the period that followed (1988 - 1990). Similarly, the short-term impacts of a cyclone on seagrasses in southwestern Madagascar included a decline in percentage cover and height [
18]. Our observed differences in impact may be explained by the tracks of the hurricanes (and distance of the eye from the island). The strongest winds or leading edge of hurricanes with a track close to the south of Jamaica will cover most of the island, tend to have a predominantly northern wind direction, and will have a greater impact on the south coast (
Figure A4). Hurricane Gilbert made landfall and as such, the proxy hurricane indicated that the leading edge of the hurricane would have been largely offshore to the north of the island, with only the trailing weaker wind bands affecting the BBSFCA on the south coast (
Figure A4). These patterns of impact mirror the impacts of hurricanes on forest ecosystems in Jamaica, where the track and distance of the eye of a hurricane from the island (and whether they pass to the south, north or make landfall) can be used to determine the sites/locations that experienced the greatest impacts [
Depth and benthic topography have been previously reported as being important predictors of seagrass presence, density, or percentage cover, but there is a paucity of studies on how they influence dynamic changes. Seagrasses were found to colonize a gentle slope with an inclination of 0.0 to 56.6 degrees along the coast of Giglio Island, Italy [
24]. Also, seagrass cover increased with higher slope values and depth in shallow areas [
24]. Shoot density decreased non-linearly with depth with peak densities being found at intermediate depths in a fringing-reef lagoon in the Mexican Caribbean [
87]. Additionally, seagrass distribution in shallow water can be limited by expsoure to wind and wave, or where exposure to waves is greater, whereas in deeper water they are limited by light [
88]. As stated previously, aspect can give an indication of directional impact or areas predominantly exposed to a specific wave/wind direction. For the BBSFA, the average slope percentage, aspect and depth were 0.8% (or equavalent to 0.4 degrees), 206 degrees or a predominant southwestern facing aspect, and 4.2 m (range: 0.05 – 9.3 m), respectively. SAV was present across the entire bay over our study period and therefore was not limited by depth or benthic topography. However, we found that the probability of SAV loss and gain were higher in shallow areas, mainly around the mouth of the river, indicating that these were areas of dynamic change in the BBSFCA. High sediment input and greater exposure to wave action and wind, may have influenced dynamic changes in these areas. Some shallow areas, however, may have been impacted by anthropogenic acitivies, as there was a large beach and other smaller public beaches and several beaches associated with lower impact coastal developments (small higher end resorts) found in shallow areas along the coast. Slope and aspect were the least selected benthic topographic predictors of spatial pattern change. Topographic variation was subtle in this bay, and this perhaps can explain the low importance of slope and aspect. Nevertheless, aspect was an important indicator of/proxy to Hurricane Ivan impact.