3.1. Setting of the Barite Orebody
Immediately underlying the strongest base-metal and barite mineralization at Silvermines the Muddy Reef Limestone is extensively replaced by chert in the upper part of the succession, and black chert lenses up to 5m thick are of common occurrence below the barite horizon. A similar thickness of chert is reported underlying the 'Upper G Zone’ orebody [
The Muddy Reef Limestone is generally capped by an irregular development of green argillite (“Green Shale” of previous authors [
10] which also interdigitates with the barite horizon. The thickest development of this shale is found to occur in minor surface depressions at the top of the Muddy Reef Limestone, ranging from a few cms up to a
maximum of around 1.2m. Slump structures are evident in the thicker shale lenses and rare, angular, micro-fragments of bioclastic limestone are sometimes incorporated into the slumped argillite. Barrett [
7] noted that on the basis of its constituent mineralogy the green argillite may be divided into two facies:
(a) a chlorite-illite-quartz shale ± barite and, (
b) a siderite-chlorite-illite-quartz shale.
Type (a) has the most widespread distribution in the vicinity of the barite zone and also comprises numerous shale intercalations within the basal part of the barite orebody indicative of density differential slumping.
Type (b) is defined by its siderite (FeCO3) content and is a paler shade of green than type (a), it is generally less laminated and not greatly affected by slumping. Type b) is preferentially developed underlying the siderite ore host lithologies in the B-Zone and the barren siderite developed to the north of the Ballynoe barite body.
The Ballynoe barite deposit is a complex interstratification of sulphate, sulphide, oxide, silicate and carbonate minerals. The mineralized horizon exhibits both lateral and vertical zonation which is of considerable genetic importance. The barite horizon is conformable with the top of the Muddy Reef Limestone and in both strike and dip the orebody is lenticular in shape, with ore-grade barite quickly pinching out into low-grade material towards the margin of the lens. Economic barite mineralization extends for approximately 700m along strike and for 400m down-dip from outcrop. The average thickness of the orebody is around 10m of massive barite, with a maximum thickness of close to 20m being developed in the west-central part of the deposit (Figure 12). The location, disposition and thickness of the barite body shows an intimate relationship to the topography of the footwall contact as described by previous authors [7,8.9,10 29].
Lying at the same horizon and partially connected to the west of the barite zone the stratiform Upper-G orebody occurs as massive partly brecciated pyrite at the base of а thick sequence of dolomite breccias, and immediately overlies the Mudbank Reef Limestone (
Figure 4,
Figure 7 and
Figure 8). The maximum thickness of economic ore (30m) is attained in the southern portion of the orebody near the northwest-trending faults that define its southern limit. The southwestern and southeastern boundaries, which follow closely the limits of massive pyrite development, are straight and well defined, whereas the northern limits are irregular and reflect the uneven development of the footwall Reef Limestone against which the pyritic ore pinches out. The orebody base is in general lithologically sharp: it is marked by the abrupt change from massive pyrite to footwall sediments almost devoid of sulphides, but occasionally the sediments, with progressive increase in pyrite content, grade into the massive pyrite. The upper contact is, in contrast, always lithologically well defined: it is indicated by the change from massive pyrite to dolomite breccia or to thin shale bands overlain by dolomite breccia. Pyrite and marcasite, which constitute 75% of the sulphide content, sphalerite (20%) and galena (4%) are the dominant sulphides; trace quantities of chalcopyrite, tennantite, boulаngеritе, marcasite, bournonite, jordanite and pyrrhotite occur. Of the gangue minerals, dolomite, chert, clay minerals, calcite, barite, and quartz are present in descending order of abundance.
Also contiguous, to the NE of the barite zone, part of the B-Zone orebody is dominated by pale buff to pink brecciated fine-grained barite that contains distinctive inclusions of haematite and jasperoid at its base. The characteristic mineralization is of fine intraclastic disseminations of galena and pyrite with minor fine-grained sphalerite. The pyrite zone comprises massive or brecciated pyrite. The massive pyrite is either finely crystalline or colloform, and displays a variety of structures including spheroids, concentric bands, plumose bodies and framboids. It typically contains extremely fine-grained sphalerite and galena, as both disseminations and coarser replacements. Locally, the pyrite is in the form of а tightly packed poorly sorted breccia in an argillaceous or dolomitic matrix, partly replaced by fine-grained sphalerite and galena. The siderite zone is characterized by a breccia of clasts of line-grained buff to grey siderite, of varied size, angularity, and degree of packing, which арреаг locally stratified with interbeds of undisturbed shale.
The geometry of the barite, siderite and pyrite orebody host lithologies correlates with the palaeo-topography of the footwall, the topography acting as an important control over the lateral extent, thickness and nature of the mineralization which thins over Waulsortian footwall knolls and thickens in troughs between such knolls (
Figure 9,
Figure 10,
Figure 11 and
Figure 12).
Figure 9.
Connolly-type plan of the distance above a uniformly dipping plane of the footwall contact of the mineralized horizon (the Green Shale) showing the troughs (blues) and highs (reds). Plan also shows the extent of the stratiform mineralized horizon and principal structures of the Silvermines Fault zone. Note the spectacular correlation between the troughs and the extent of the mineralization.
Figure 9.
Connolly-type plan of the distance above a uniformly dipping plane of the footwall contact of the mineralized horizon (the Green Shale) showing the troughs (blues) and highs (reds). Plan also shows the extent of the stratiform mineralized horizon and principal structures of the Silvermines Fault zone. Note the spectacular correlation between the troughs and the extent of the mineralization.
Figure 10.
Similar Connolly plot as in
Figure 9 but also showing the extent of the primary stratiform orebody host lithologies.
Figure 10.
Similar Connolly plot as in
Figure 9 but also showing the extent of the primary stratiform orebody host lithologies.
Figure 11.
Plan showing the extent of chertification and mineralization in the uppermost beds of the footwall Muddy Reef Limestones, the extent of the massive barite orebody with isopachs and the development of the thickness and extent of the knolls of Waulsortian on the immediate footwall of the stratiform horizon.
Figure 11.
Plan showing the extent of chertification and mineralization in the uppermost beds of the footwall Muddy Reef Limestones, the extent of the massive barite orebody with isopachs and the development of the thickness and extent of the knolls of Waulsortian on the immediate footwall of the stratiform horizon.
Figure 12.
Similar plan to
Figure 11 but showing the extent of the primary stratiform orebody host lithologies and the extent of the knolls of Waulsortian on the immediate footwall of the stratiform horizon.
Figure 12.
Similar plan to
Figure 11 but showing the extent of the primary stratiform orebody host lithologies and the extent of the knolls of Waulsortian on the immediate footwall of the stratiform horizon.
3.2. Nature of the Barite Orebody
Barrett [
7] and Mullane & Kinnaird [
11] have defined a number of distinct stratigraphic units within the barite on the basis of differences in mineralogy texture and sedimentological features (
Figure 13). However, these divisions are extremely variable in extent, and often co-exist.
Figure 13.
Sketch diagramme showing the various Units of the Barite orebody as defined on the basis of differences in mineralogy texture and sedimentological features [
Figure 13.
Sketch diagramme showing the various Units of the Barite orebody as defined on the basis of differences in mineralogy texture and sedimentological features [
The basal Unit 1, typically 1-2m in thickness, may be sub-divided into the following types: 1a) barite breccia; 1b) banded haematite-barite with massive jasper; 1c) replacement of the footwall by barite and pyrite.
The development of barite breccia (Unit 1a) is associated with local changes of slope in the footwall, and its formation may be exemplified on the flanks of the 'eastern dome'. On the north-western flank of this footwall ‘high', lensoid masses of siliceous, crinoidal debris are overlain by pyritic, green argillites and thence a thin, baritic breccia sequence (
Figure 13). The barite breccia consists of scattered clasts of brick-red to pink barite set in a matrix of highly-slumped, green argillite. Fragments of bioclastic limestone are not infrequent in the breccia. The barite breccia clasts may be angular, rounded, or diffuse. The diffuse barite occurs in zones of intense slumping and is often sheared and invaded by slivers of green argillite parallel to the plane of movement. The slumped material has been subjected to secondary silicification and pyritization. The fact that the barite breccia is confined to the flanks of the 'eastern dome' suggests gravitational slumping and the existence of the topographical high during early barite deposition. The barite breccia sequence rarely exceeds 50cms in thickness. A zone of thick, barite breccia is developed in a 'low' situated in the south-east of the B Zone orebody. The brecciated sequence is up to 8.5m thick and consists of sub-angular clasts of micro-crystalline, brown barite, set in a muddy carbonate matrix.
The banded haematite-barite with jasper (Unit 1b) is quite complex, both mineralogically and texturally comprising quartz (as inclusion-rich equant crystals in jasperoid and as clear fracture-filling material), blood-red haematite (as the inclusions in jasperoid, sphalerite, pyrite, galena, boulangerite, barite, and minor calcite [
The banded haematite unit is a conformable, ironstone horizon is analogous to the Tynagh bedded ironstone formation [
31], although developed on a very much smaller scale. The bedded haematite at Ballynoe is unique to the barite deposit, and no comparable formations being reported from the ‘Upper G’ or ‘B’ zones. The haematite horizon averages 0.6m in thickness and is best developed under the southern half of the barite body, pinching out entirely downdip to the north. The horizon consists of lenses of massive haematite (up to 0.3m thick) in a matrix of haematitic-barite and interlayered with goethite and jasper. Rare magnetite has been identified from crushed samples of massive haematite. Evidence such as graded particulate sediments and soft sediment slump fabrics suggests that the haematite was laid down as a sediment in a dynamic environment. Catlin [
32] and Danielli [
30] found no evidence that the jasperoid replaced an earlier-formed carbonate rock and concluded that it had formed as а sea- floor precipitate. Soft-sediment slumping and penecontemporaneous micro-faulting occur frequently throughout the horizon and are often pseudomorphically replaced by fine grained aggregates of euhedral and subhedral pyrite. Wherever the haematite horizon is underlain by green argillite the sequence is balled-up and highly brecciated. It is possible that the upper surface of the Green Shale acted as a plane of decollement to the overlying haematite formation and initiated the slumping.
A massive micritic carbonate mudbank is present in the northwest corner of the Ballynoe pit and the barite ore body abuts this mud bank along its northern margin, indicating that the mudbank was present prior to mineralization.
The gradual transition from ‘bedded ironstone’ into siliceous, iron-rich barite is marked by streaks and lenses of brilliant-red jasper (Figure 15a and 16a). Two types of jasper have been identified and probably represent different generations. A colloform variety is associated with haematitic barite whilst a second variety replaces pyrite euhedra. The colloform jasper is composed of coalescing spherulites about 100 microns in diameter which encloses amorphous, vuggy jasper often infilled by late crystalline white barite. A feature common to the colloform jasper and not the replacement variety are dehydration (syneresis) cracks, also often infilled with white barite. The cracks which are wedge shaped, pinch out towards the centre of the jasper lens typical of the texture when dehydration of a silica gel takes place [
The morphology of the barite which replaces the footwall rocks (Unit 1c) is very distinctive and is easily differentiated from the allothigenic barite found in the basal green argillite sequence. This barite normally occurs as displacive growth stellate crystal groups and is always white to translucent in colour. Although the stellate barite crystals are developed in a very siliceous environment up to 3m below the footwall contact with the principal mineralized-horizon, they are free from any silicification suggesting emplacement post-dating the chertification of the Muddy Reef Limestone.
Two important periods of brecciation can be discerned with early-formed, haematite-bearing jasperoid being brecciated and then recemented by clear silica and minor pyrite. This material was in turn brecciated and recemented by barite, pyrite and base-metal sulphides (with pyrite earliest), and minor calcite. The second brecciation/re-cementation event was accompanied by а "bleaching out" of the haematite on the edges of jasperoid clasts, giving а greenish-tan colour rather than а blood-red colour to the edges of the jasperoid clasts (Figure 15a,b).
The gradual transition from bedded ironstone into around 3m of siliceous, jasperoidal haematitic barite of Unit 2 is marked by streaks and lenses of brilliant-red jasper (
Figure 14a). The high silica content of the basal barite is not only due to jasper which is normally restricted to areas of haematitic barite but primarily due to the extensive replacement of barite by up to 10% of free silica. The pattern of this replacement is controlled by the crystalline fabric of the barite and as a result a tabular meshwork of barite and quartz is often developed. Unit 2 passes gradually into Unit 3 which is dominated by “augen” or spherulitic mottled barite up to 1.5m thick.
Figure 14.
a): Haematitic / jasperoidal barite, Ballynoe pit south-west face Bench 6. (
b): Clast of jasperoid set in massive grey-brown barite; ‘B-Zone’ 4937 Room. (
c): Massive brown and white mottled barite with lamination parallel to bedding; ‘B-Zone’ 4939 Room. (
d): Barite (white to grey to yellow) filling voids in fractured and brecciated jasperoid (dark brown to black). ‘B-Zone’ 49 area. Transmitted light with crossed polars; [
32]. (
e): Massive barite (white to grey to yellow) with minor opaque iron sulphides. ‘B-Zone’ 49 area. Transmitted light with crossed polars; [
Figure 14.
a): Haematitic / jasperoidal barite, Ballynoe pit south-west face Bench 6. (
b): Clast of jasperoid set in massive grey-brown barite; ‘B-Zone’ 4937 Room. (
c): Massive brown and white mottled barite with lamination parallel to bedding; ‘B-Zone’ 4939 Room. (
d): Barite (white to grey to yellow) filling voids in fractured and brecciated jasperoid (dark brown to black). ‘B-Zone’ 49 area. Transmitted light with crossed polars; [
32]. (
e): Massive barite (white to grey to yellow) with minor opaque iron sulphides. ‘B-Zone’ 49 area. Transmitted light with crossed polars; [
In Unit 3 layers of spherulitic and coarsely-crystalline, nodular barite are associated with the zones of stylolitisation and aggregations of spherulites around 0.02-0.05m in diameter form thin, colloform layers of red to pink barite which are conformable with the bedding and maybe followed along strike for tens of metres. Stylolitic and spherulitic barite is confined in development to the central and thickest section of the orebody, the zone being very poorly defined in the east where the barite thins rapidly over the 'eastern dome’. An empirical relationship is observed between the formation of stylolites and the occurrence of spherulitic textures in the barite.
Unit 4 comprises the greater part of the orebody and consists of well-bedded, grey to black barite of a microcrystalline barite and of uniform texture. In appearance specimens resemble either dark anhydrite or a bituminous limestone. The fabric of the massive grey-black barite consists either of a compact aggregate of randomly orientated microplumose crystals or looser aggregates of microspherulites up to 0.5mm in diameter and probably represent the primary crystalline state of the barite, a stage which is often obscured by diagenetic-recrystallisation.
The microcrystalline grey-black barite of Unit 4 is rarely in direct contact with the hangingwall dolomites and is normally overlain by a sequence of white barite (Unit 5) or massive pyrite (Unit 6) carrying disseminated galena and sphalerite up to 1m in thickness, which is best developed over the western end of the Ballynoe barite orebody. This sulphide horizon attains its maximum thickness in troughs controlled by the uneven undulating upper contact of the barite with thinner development of pyrite overlying the crests of the undulations and carries less galena/sphalerite.
Zones of extensive stylolitisation in fine-grained grey-black barite of Unit 4 tend to be overlain by layers of coarse, spherulitic barite crystals, the spherules often being pink to dark red in colour due to tiny inclusions of haematite. Horizontal-simple stylolites tend to be independent of the original barite fabric which is truncated at random. The very carbonaceous composition of the stylolites probably represents the insoluble residue left from the original barite. Such stylolites are considered to have formed early and at shallow depths [
36]. In contrast to the simple stylolites, the horizontal-sutured variety are narrower in width, display a greater amplitude and tend to be localised along the margins of megacrystalline barite 'fans'.
Three facies of macrocrystalline barite in Unit 5 were recognized by Barrett [
5a) barite conformable with the stratification and capping the orebody barite.
5b) irregular patches of white barite replacing the black, microcrystalline barite within the orebody.
5c) extensive hangingwall replacement by the white barite.
The macrocrystalline (type 5a) barite is hereafter described as the 'cap' barite and is pure white in colour and is composed of a coarse aggregate of macroplumose crystals up to 0.1m in length. The horizon varies up to 1m in thickness and was originally best developed near the surface over the 'eastern dome'. Masses of collomorph pyrite are not uncommon within the basal development of the 'cap' barite (
Figure 15b).
Associated with the development of secondary barite are crosscutting veinlets of thin barite (2-3cms wide) which extend across the orebody from footwall to hangingwall, a vertical distance of more than 10m. The veinlets trend NE-SW (the dominant joint trend) and invariably dip to the east at between 70-85o. The vein barite carries no sulphides.
The Ballynoe barite deposit is a complex interstratification and exhibits both lateral and vertical zonation. As such the zonal divisions within the barite horizon can be extremely variable in extent, and often co-exist. For example, layers of spherulitic barite (Unit 3 type) may be developed throughout the black, microcrystalline barite of Unit 4. The white, crystalline barite of Unit 5 may be found as disseminations within Units 4 and 6. Units 2 to 4 carry ore-grade barite and constituted around 85% of the total tonnage mined.
Synsedimentary slumping is well developed throughout the barite ore body, particularly in Units 4 and 5. It is most obvious when the barite is of different colours and when it is intercalated with pyrite, as in Unit 4. Debris-flow clasts of red silicified barite and jasperoidal haematite are present in the lowest parts of the barite body (
Figure 14b and
Figure 15c). [
35]. They vary from angular to sub-rounded and have sharp margins. These originated as rip-up clasts from the erosion of the underlying unit. Another example of rip-up clasts, emphasized through colour contrasts, occurs close to the contact between barite Units 3 and 4. Angular clasts of Unit 3 (black) are incorporated at the base of Unit 4 (fawn-brown). The upper surface of Unit 3 is also scoured.