SENTICOL 1 was a French prospective longitudinal study that evaluated the feasibility and diagnostic accuracy of SLN biopsy in the treatment of patients with FIGO IA1 with lymphovascular space invasion (LVSI) to IB1 cervical carcinoma [
3]. All patients received SLN biopsy and subsequent PLND, irrespective of the results of intraoperative frozen section analysis of SLN. Conversely, SENTICOL 2 was a prospective multicenter randomized trial assessing the morbidity and oncologic safety of SLN biopsy alone compared to SLN followed by PLND in patients with 2009 FIGO IA1 with LVSI, IA2, IB1, and IIA1 cervical carcinoma [
4]. In 2020, Guani et al. performed a conjunct analysis of the results of both trials focusing on the impact of LVM on disease-free survival (DFS) [
11]. Among the 321 SENTICOL 1 and 2 patients, 24 (7.5%) had LVM. In particular, MIC were found in 11 patients (3.4%) and ITC in 13 patients (4.1%). No statistically significant difference in 3 years-DFS was found between patients with LVM and node-negative patients (92.7% vs 93.6%, respectively). Two retrospective series align with these results [
13]. Stany et al. [
12] performed a retrospective review of 129 patients treated for early-stage cervical cancer. The ultrastaging of pelvic nodes identified 26 patients with pelvic LVM previously considered node-negative at routine H&E examination. No difference in risk of recurrence or death was found in patients with LVM compared with node-negative patients. Similarly, in their multicenter retrospective case-control study, Buda et al. [
13] evaluated the impact of LVM on DFS in 573 women with FIGO 2018 IA2-IB2 cervical cancer. In all the centers, the same ultrastaging protocol was adopted in the pathologic processing of SLN [
14]. Among the 573 patients included in the study, 85 (15%) had positive nodes, and 21 (3,6%) were found with MIC or ITC only in the SLN. No difference in risk of relapse and DFS was found in the LVM population (OR 0.65; 95% CI 0.36 – 1,20) compared to the node-negative group.
These findings contrast with the results of a large retrospective study by Cibula et al. and other retrospective series [
19] . In 2012, Cibula et al. [
15] collected the largest retrospective series addressing the prognostic significance of LVM in early-stage cervical cancer. Six hundred forty-five patients with FIGO 2009 IA2-IIB cervical carcinoma were included in the analysis from eight tertiary centers. All patients received SLN biopsy followed by systematic bilateral PLND, irrespective of the uterine procedure performed. MIC and ITC were found in 7.1% and 3.9% of patients, respectively. The presence of MIC was a significant independent factor for reduced overall survival (OS) (HR 4.60, 95% CI 1.34 - 15.77). Conversely, ITC did not increase the risk of recurrence, nor were associated with decreased OS. Similar results were found in the single-institution series reported by Kocian et al. [
16]. Among the 226 patients with early-stage cervical carcinoma, 14 (6,2%), 16 (7,1%), and 8 (3,5%) patients were found with MAC, MIC, and ITC in the SLN, respectively. Of note, 2 patients with MIC and 1 with ITC in the SLN also had MIC and ITC in the non-sentinel pelvic lymph nodes, respectively. After a median follow-up of 65 months, DFS reached 93%, 89%, 69%, and 87% in the node-negative, MAC, MIC, and ITC groups, respectively.
Despite the undoubted robustness of Guani et al.’s metanalysis findings, some questions remain unresolved. First, the definition of LVM is arbitrary and adapted from breast cancer staging [
7]. Second, no specific analysis was performed for ITC due to the exiguity of the ITC population and the limited number of events. Therefore, no conclusions could be drawn on their clinical significance. Third, the studies included in the metanalysis are limited by a great heterogeneity concerning the study design, the sample size, the stage of disease included in the study, the use of adjuvant treatment, the concomitant PLND and surgical approach. For example, in the Cibula et al. series [
15], even patients with 2009 FIGO stage IB2, IIA1-2, and IIB cervical cancer were included. These tumors are now almost universally considered “locally advanced” and treated with exclusive curative radio-chemotherapy. Tumor size, upper vaginal, and parametrial involvement are well-known risk factors for disease relapse and nodal involvement. Including patients with independent poor prognostic factors could have hidden the real impact of LVM on recurrence and survival. Fourth, the lack of a shared ultrastaging technique and protocol may impact the detection of LVM and, therefore, could have influenced the results. An internationally validated protocol for SLN ultrastaging has not been proposed yet, and ultrastaging techniques vary among different institutions. Given the importance of ultrastaging in the detection of LVM, the lack of a standardized protocol raises the question of whether literature data on the prognostic impact of LVM are comparable. Last, little information is available on the recurrence time and site in case of primary treatment failure. In their meta-analysis, Guani et al. [
20] estimated that most recurrences in patients with MIC occurred within 3 years after primary treatment. However, they could not retrieve any information about the recurrence site or draw any conclusions on the impact of LVM on disease diffusion and recurrence patterns.
3.1. Macrometastases, Micrometastases, Isolated Tumor Cells. A matter of Size?
Lymph node involvement is categorized as MAC, MIC, and ITC depending on the size of the nodal metastasis according to the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) recommendations on breast cancer staging [
7]. It has been recently implemented in the TNM 8, where MAC and MIC are reported as pN1 and ITC as pN0. Subsequently, these categories have been widely applied to other tumor sites and gynecological cancers (i.e., endometrial and vulvar). Still, the clinical impact of these different types of metastases has not yet been validated specifically for cervical cancer.
Recently, Dostalek et al. [
21] addressed this issue and performed a subgroup analysis of the SCCAN project, a multicenter retrospective observational cohort study evaluating the recurrence patterns in patients with cervical cancer. In their series of 172 patients with nodal involvement (79 MAC, 54 MIC and 39 ITC), the authors tried to select the minimum cut-off of nodal metastasis size associated with a better prognosis compared to the entire cohort of node-positive patients. Particularly, they rearranged the cohort with LVM by dividing patients into subgroups according to the size of metastases at intervals of 0,1 mm, ranging from 0,1 to 1 mm. They found that patients with more than 0.4 mm nodal metastases had a significantly shorter DFS than node-negative patients (HR 2.3; 95% CI 1.2-4.6). Additionally, they could not find a metastasis size cut-off that was able to identify a subgroup of patients with a significantly better prognosis than the node-positive cohort. Therefore, the authors concluded that stratifying patients into MIC and MAC according to the size of nodal metastases is artificial and has no prognostic impact. They suggested that patients with positive nodes should be managed uniformly until further evidence regarding the prognostic impact of “very low” volume metastases is available.
Comprehensively, MIC seems to be associated with a poorer prognosis compared to ITC. As previously described, in Guani et al. meta-analysis [
20], the authors performed a survival analysis in two different settings, separately comparing the LVM (MIC + ITC) and the MIC populations to the node-negative cohort. A higher risk of recurrence and death was found in the MIC population compared to the combined LVM group. Particularly, HRs for recurrence were 2.60 (95% CI: 1.55 – 4.34) and 4.10 (95% CI: 2.71 – 6.20) in the LVM and MIC population, respectively, whereas HRs for death reached 5.65 (95% CI: 2.81 – 11.39) and 6.94 (95% CI: 2.56 – 18.81) in the corresponding subgroups. Although a specific analysis for ITC was not performed due to the limited number of cases and events, the lower hazards in the combined LVM population suggest that patients with ITC had a better prognosis than the MIC population.
3.2. Impact of Adjuvant Therapy and Complementary PLND
Pelvic lymph node involvement is considered a high-risk factor for treatment failure, like parametrial invasion and positive surgical margins. These factors represent an indication for adjuvant radio-chemotherapy [
1]. Involvement of pelvic (and para-aortic) lymph nodes has historically been detected by standard routine pathologic examination with H&E staining, and only in the last two decades, the issue of LVM has emerged. A consensus on the indication for adjuvant treatment in the case of LVM is currently lacking. The 2018 FIGO staging [
22] includes MIC in the node-positive group, while it is suggested that the presence of ITC is recorded without changing the stage. Discordance in treatment indications and patient selection emerge in prospective and retrospective studies addressing the clinical impact of LVM [
19]. Despite this, clinical practice has changed over the years, mainly due to the findings of early retrospective reports that elucidated the possible detrimental effect of LVM on survival [
Notably, pelvic lymph node involvement, either macro- or micro-metastatic, is usually associated with local tumor risk factors, such as LVSI, deep stromal invasion and tumor size. The combination of these tumor risk factors has historically represented an indication for adjuvant radiotherapy according to Sedlis’ criteria (intermediate risk group) [
23]. Therefore, in many studies evaluating the impact of LVM on oncologic outcomes in patients with early-stage cervical cancer, a non-negligible amount of patients received adjuvant treatment irrespective of LVM nodal status. Similar to historical studies evaluating the extent of parametrial radicality in surgical treatment of early-stage cervical cancer [
24], the use of adjuvant therapy may have interfered with the real impact of LVM on prognosis. For example, in SENTICOL 1 [
3], patients with LVM received adjuvant treatment if other concomitant risk factors were present. Of the 13 patients with MIC or ITC, 4 (31%) received an adjuvant treatment. Particularly, one received adjuvant radio-chemotherapy because of parametrial involvement, and the other three received adjuvant radiotherapy in the presence of LVSI. Similarly, in the retrospective series by Stany et al. [
12], no difference in risk of recurrence or death was found in patients with LVM compared with node-negative patients, but the post-operative radiation rate was significantly higher in the LVM group (38,5% vs 18,4%). On the one hand, this substantiates the association of the presence of LVM with other significant prognostic factors that are likely an indication for adjuvant treatment. On the other hand, the use of adjuvant radiotherapy could have masked the detrimental effect of LVM on survival outcomes.
Contrarily, in the already mentioned series of Cibula et al. [
15], the presence of LVM was associated with decreased OS, even if a high proportion of patients with MIC and ITC received adjuvant treatment. Overall, 33% of patients received adjuvant radiotherapy or radio-chemotherapy, whereas in the LVM population, 82.6% of patients with MIC and 52% with ITC received adjuvant therapy. Precise indication for adjuvant treatment was not specified in the study, and the adjuvant treatment was administered according to internal guidelines of the single institutions participating in the study. However, extrapolation of the data reported in the paper suggests that in a non-negligible proportion of cases, an indication for adjuvant treatment could have been set based on local risk factors. For instance, parametrial involvement was found in 7.1% of patients and represents per se an indication for adjuvant radio-chemotherapy irrespective of nodal status. Additionally, MIC were found in 12.7% of patients with FIGO IIA-IIB and 12.1% of patients with FIGO IB2 tumors. Considering that 36.2% and 43.6% of patients with IB2 and IIA-B tumors had LVSI in their series, it is easy to imagine that the majority of these patients would have received adjuvant treatment irrespective of nodal status. Although the presence of MIC was an independent prognostic factor for OS in the multivariate analysis, patients with locally advanced cervical cancer have independent poor prognostic factors. Therefore, the prognostic significance of LVM is challenging to assess in such a heterogeneous cohort of patients. From another perspective, the knowledge of nodal status in those patients requiring adjuvant treatment according to local tumor risk factors would have been superfluous since the treatment strategy would not have changed according to nodal status. This is in line with the role of LVM observed in endometrial cancer by Ghoniem et al. [
25], who reported a higher risk of recurrence in patients with LVM in the SLN and uterine “high-risk” criteria and an almost negligible risk of relapse in patients with low-risk early-stage endometrial cancer with ITC in the SLN.
Currently, only one series excluding patients who received adjuvant treatment is available. Colturato et al. [
17] performed a retrospective ultrastaging pathologic analysis of pelvic nodes retrieved from patients with stage IB1-IIA cervical cancer who received exclusive surgical treatment (radical hysterectomy with bilateral PLND). Patients with LVM in the pelvic nodes had an 11.73 times higher risk of recurrence compared to node-negative patients. However, the study’s retrospective nature, the limited sample size, the posterior performance of ultrastaging, and the lack of information about the mean number of positive lymph nodes per patient make the results of this study unlikely to be generalizable. Similarly, Fregnani et al. [
18] retrospectively evaluated nodal status by IHC pathologic analysis of pelvic lymph nodes in 289 patients with FIGO IB-IIA cervical carcinoma. In their series, only 36.4% of patients with LVM received adjuvant treatment leading to a significantly worse prognosis of LVM patients compared to patients without LN metastases (HR 3,2; 95% CI: 1,1-9,6). Again, ultrastaging was performed posteriorly, information about the mean number of positive lymph nodes per patient and the site of recurrence is lacking, and patients with high-risk features were included in the analysis. For instance, 11% of patients had a tumor greater than 4 cm in size, 2,5% had parametrial involvement and 4% had positive surgical margins, which are per se associated with a higher risk of tumor recurrence.
Despite the limitations, the findings of these retrospective series have led to routine administration of adjuvant therapy in patients with LVM, especially if MIC are detected. The change over time in clinicians’ attitude to treat LVM is highlighted in the two French prospective trials SENTICOL 1 and SENTICOL 2 [
11]. In contrast with SENTICOL 2 [
4], where patients with both MIC and ITC were treated with adjuvant radio-chemotherapy, SENTICOL 1 [
3] was designed when SLN biopsy had not been routinely implemented in routine clinical practice and the issue of LVM had not emerged yet. Patients with LVM received adjuvant treatment if other concomitant risk factors were present, whereas an isolated finding of MIC and ITC did not represent an indication for further treatment. Consequently, in SENTICOL 2, a higher rate of adjuvant treatment was recorded compared to SENTICOL 1. Despite this, no statistical difference in DFS was found between patients with LVM receiving adjuvant radio-chemotherapy compared to those who did not (1/13 (7,7%) vs 1/11 (9%), p = NA) [
11]. Of note, the population included in both studies represents those patients with a true primary surgical indication, since only those with tumor size less than 4 cm were included in both studies. However, some other aspects must be considered. First, the small sample size and the low number of events recorded in both trials make these studies underpowered to detect any survival impact of LVM. Second, in SENTICOL 1, all patients received concurrent SLN biopsy and systematic PLND. This surgical approach could have mitigated the lower use of adjuvant radio-chemotherapy in SENTICOL 1 patients. In fact, in the combined SENTICOL 1 and 2 study by Guani et al. [
11], the authors performed a DFS analysis stratifying patients according to the type of nodal staging they received, SLN biopsy alone versus SLN biopsy followed by PLND. The authors found a favorable DFS trend for patients with LVM treated with concomitant SLN biopsy and PLND compared to those receiving SLN biopsy alone. One out of 6 patients receiving SLN biopsy alone experienced recurrence, whereas 1 of 17 patients receiving SLN biopsy plus PLND recurred. Although of no statistical significance, this trend seems to confirm the findings of Zaal et al. [
26], who performed a multicenter retrospective analysis to evaluate the impact of PLND following SLN biopsy in 645 patients with FIGO IA-IIB cervical cancer. PLND was found to give no survival advantage in patients with negative or macrometastatic SLN. In contrast, an overall survival benefit was described if a systematic PLND with the removal of more than 16 nodes was performed in patients with LVM in the SLN.
3.3. The Site of Recurrence: Is It Negligible?
The results of the LACC trial by Ramirez et al. [
27] have elucidated a negative impact on DFS and OS of minimally invasive surgery compared to laparotomy and have led to a drastic change worldwide in the surgical approach for cervical cancer treatment. Most of the data available on the oncologic impact of LVM refer to the pre-LACC era, when surgeons’ preference and skills guided the surgical approach. Although information about the surgical approach is not retrievable in most of the studies, a non-negligible number of patients received minimally invasive surgery, which could have impacted the incidence and pattern of recurrences. For example, among the 321 patients in the combined SENTICOL 1 and 2 population, 217 underwent a laparoscopic procedure, whereas only 21 received open surgery [
11]. Similarly, 46% of patients included in Buda et al. series [
13] underwent laparoscopic radical hysterectomy. Furthermore, information on recurrence sites is almost always lacking in most of the studies previously reported. In the only patient with MIC in the SLN who developed recurrence in the SENTICOL 1 trial, recurrent disease was recorded as pelvic with no further distinction between central parametrial and pelvic side wall recurrence. Similarly, among the patients with LVM who recurred in the series by Kocian et al. [
16], no precise definition of the site of recurrence is specified. Two patients developed distant metastatic disease, one developed a recurrence in the pelvis, and 3 patients developed both distant and local recurrent disease. No distinction between distant parenchymal and/or para-aortic nodal involvement nor between parametrial and/or pelvic wall recurrence was specified. It is our opinion that knowledge about the site of recurrence of patients with LVM is of great importance since the true impact of LVM on prognosis and their weight among other risk factors would be elucidated, even after adjuvant treatment administration. For instance, in the small prospective series by Nica et al. [
28], the only patient treated with a radical hysterectomy who had LVM in the SLN and experienced central pelvic recurrence, presented a high-risk disease, with parametrial node involvement, and positive vaginal margins. We think that this patient would have recurred irrespective of SLN micro-metastatic involvement. Again, the coexistence of multiple high-risk factors makes it impossible to assess the true impact of LVM on prognosis.