The first impression coming from the Lagrangian (
8), is that gravity is apparently absent and then all the calculations would represent a simple coincidence between the results obtained by Hawking in eq. (
6) and the one obtained in this paper in eq. (
10). However, these types of coincidences do not exist and here we will prove that in fact, gravity appears implicit inside the Lagrangian defined in eq. (
8). The Lagrangian of a standard scalar field moving along a flat spacetime (without gravity), is defined as
is the mass of the Quantum field moving along the flat spacetime. The vacuum state of this Quantum field is simply
, if we ignore the residual vacuum energy coming from the ground state of the Quantum harmonic oscillator [
11]. Now let’s introduce gravity over this system such that the Quantum field moves now along a curved spacetime with minimal coupling. In such a case, the Lagrangian takes the form
Here the gravity effects emerge from the deviations of the metric with respect to the Minkowski spacetime. Although the spacetime curvature generated by a Black-Hole is very large, for an initial explanation, we can apply perturbation theory over the spacetime metric, in order to analyze how the terms appearing on the potential (
9) emerge. Perturbative theory takes the small deviations of the metric
with respect to Minkowski as
. Here
is the Minkowski spacetime, while
is the perturbation around Minkowski. In this way,
up to second order, with
in vacuum and
when there is a source term
at the ground state. We can also make similar statements for the case
since at this point we are only concerned about proportionality relations. Then the Lagrangian near the ground state (ignoring kinetic terms) now becomes
If we expand the Lagrangian (
16) by considering the previous comments and the result (
17), then it is evident that terms of different orders on the field
will emerge if we take into account that
. This also means that terms of different orders in the particle number operator
will emerge, considering that naively
, given the fact that the scalar fields are linear functions of the annihilation and creation operators. With these arguments, the Lagrangian (
17), generate terms of the form
The expansion include higher order terms at the non-linear level, which increase in relevance. If we compare eq. (
18) with eq. (
17), then obviously certain terms in the expansion in eq. (
18), would correspond to the terms in the potential (
9) in a direct way. There will be other terms in the expansion difficult to compare, unless a re-summation between terms emerge at the event horizon level. Yet still, we can see that each term in eq. (
9) can be reproduced from the Einstein-Hilbert expansion no matter what. These type of re-summation methods appear in massive gravity in order to eliminate an undesirable ghost at the non-linear level [
14]. Since massive gravity converges to General Relativity when the gravitational field is strong, then the amount of particles emitted from the event horizon of a black-hole in General Relativity is the same amount of particles emitted from the event horizon of a black-hole inside the non-linear theory of massive gravity, as it was demonstrated in [
16]. Based on this interesting aspect for the black-holes, it is important to realize that although the metric expansions developed in [
14] were done thinking on a massive theory of gravity (non-linear), still the same formalism is general in the sense that we can use it for analyzing certain aspects of gravity. In [
12] is illustrated how the deviations with respect to Minkowski can be represented in a non-linear theory of gravity as
. Here the special terms refer to those terms carrying out gravitational degrees of freedom by using the Stückelberg trick [
17]. In this way, at the end of the calculations, it was demonstrated that if we want to find the source term of the Einstein equations, it can be calculated from a potential term containing quadratic, cubic and fourth order terms in the metric (the same order corresponds to the particle number operator) [
This potential contains three free-parameters which can be paired with three free-parameters of the Einstein-Hilbert action after considering the field equations [
. What is important to remark here is that there is a direct connection between the series expansion of the standard Einstein-Hilbert action and the potential expansion defined in eq. (
19) through the Euler-Lagrange equations, which give us the field equations in (
20). In eq. (
19), since each term
, then we have a direct correspondence between the potential defined in eq. (
19) and the potential proposed in eq. (
9). Then the Hawking radiation effect is so general, that the form of the Lagrangian reproducing it from eq. (
9) appears in theories intending to generate source terms with degrees of freedom being able to move through an event horizon. The result is generic and it explains why the Hawking radiation obeys the bosonic/fermionic statistics of a black-body. In other words, if the Lagrangian (
8) had a different potential term instead of (
9), then the statistics followed by the spectrum of Black-hole would change dramatically. This can be seen if we evaluate the Euler-Lagrange equations over eq. (