3.1. Condition of Green Zones in the City of Aktobe
According to the results of NDVI, we can see that the distribution areas and dynamics of phytomass in the city are not uniform. Light green and yellow areas on the map indicate that the vegetation cover is “bare”. We note that these territories correspond to residential areas and the territory of production facilities, roadsides and areas poor in vegetation. Vegetation cover in landscape zone plots outside the inner city area decreased from 9315 ha to 7920 ha in the period between 2010–2023. The reduction of phytomass in this amount is a clear negative trend, even taking into account the partial increase in forest strips and the growth of new seedlings.
Jasyl Tobe Forest Park is a 2847 ha green area in the north-eastern part of Aktobe city. If we analyze the NDVI data, in 2010 the middle parts of the territory are given in dark green color, that is, we see that the vegetation cover of that territory is healthy (
Figure 2).
In 2016, 2023, the color difference of the territory shows great differentiation. The main reason for the deterioration of the environment of green areas in this area can be justified by the fact that they are located close to the production facilities and the area of pollution of the factory areas has increased.
On the territory of the city, two soil zones are distinguished: black soil (chernozem) and chestnut soil zones. Each of the zones, in turn, is divided into subzones that differ in soils, flora and fauna, and economic use. In the black soil zone there is a subzone of southern black soils, in the chestnut zone there is a dark chestnut and chestnut zone. Southern black soils occupy a small area in the western part of the city. Dark chestnut ones are most common in the city. The chestnut soil subzone occupies a small area in the west of the city.
The city’s plantings are mainly of artificial origin. In the harsh natural and climatic conditions of Aktobe, plantings, as a rule, are suppressed, of low quality and low density. The species composition is not very diverse. The leading role in the composition of plantings belongs to Ulmus trees. These breeds are resilient, fast-growing, and not demanding on growing conditions.
Significant areas of the State Forest Fund have been allocated on the territory of the city in order to organize a protective green belt and create recreation areas in riverine landscapes. Protective plantings around the city of Aktobe began to be created using the method of forest crops since 1946. The total area of the state forest fund is 192.5 thousand ha, of which the forested area is 40.3 thousand ha (20.9%). The species composition of state plantings consists mainly of Ulmus, Acer, Populus, Pinus, Haloxylon, Ribes, Caragana arborescens, Tamarix, Elaeagnus commutata, Calligonum, Betula, etc. Alnus glutinosa, Populus, Salix, Populus tremula, Salix acutifolia, Rosa canina, Prunus padus, etc. grow along the floodplains of the Ilek River.
The vegetation of the city is represented by plantings of parks, squares, boulevards, plantings at educational facilities, institutions, sports facilities, industrial enterprises, row plantings of trees and hedges along the streets, etc.
In the old town, middle-aged and old plantings predominate, and therefore require constant supervision, since harmful insects and diseases affect them more often than young ones. In the new town, the plantings are mostly young. The condition of the plantings is mostly satisfactory. Areas with a total of trees and shrubs below 5% were combined and represented by the column “other”, which accounted for 11.63% (
Figure 3).
The studied trees and some types of shrubs are found in almost all areas of the city. It is shown in
Figure 4.
To accurately assess the diversity in the city of Aktobe, an analysis of the occurrence of species on the territory of the city was carried out. The results of the analysis showed that only 8 of the 70 species that make up the city’s greenery are “very common” and “frequent”. According to the number of species, it was found that 88% of all urban seedlings belong to: Ulmus pinnato-ramosa, Acer negundo, Populus tremula, Syringa vulgaris, Ribes aureum, Populus laurifolia, Populus nigra, Rosa laxa. It was found that 32 species (10% of all species) belong to the category of “rare” species. In the category of “very rare” species, 27 trees and shrubs were identified, which made up 2.1% of all woody plants in the city.
Plants of this group are often found in gardens, lawns of schools and kindergartens and new small districts. Such species include Picea pungens, Picea obovata, Larix sibirica, Betula pendula, Crataegus sanguinea, Amelanchier spicata, Caragana arborescens, Lonicera tatarica and others. Only 3 types of species that do not make a significant difference to the green construction of the city were shown. Such species include Alnus glutinosa, Salix caprea and Amygdalus nana. These species are resistant to urban conditions and look good in a row of lawns. Thus, Ulmus pinnato-ramosa (52%) and Acer negundo (21.4%) form the basis of the city’s greenery. Although less in number, Populus tremula (5%) and Syringa vulgaris (4.18%) complement the city landscaping. Their contributions are shown in
Figure 5.
Determining the relative living conditions of trees and shrubs allows for an integral assessment of environmental factors affecting all plants. By assessing the relative living conditions of trees and shrubs (levels of damage), it is possible to assess the stability of individual trees and seedlings under the influence of natural and man-made factors.
The city pays considerable attention to floral decoration, however, its architectural and artistic level is not high enough. A significant drawback in urban greening is the lack of vertical gardening. Gardening groups make a significant contribution to the creation of green spaces. They are located in floodplains of rivers on irrigated lands. In total, there are 330 gardening groups in the city, which unite 25,035 owners of gardening plots. The total area they occupy is 1879.5 hectares. Natural plantings in the city and its environs grow mainly in the floodplains of the Ilek, Tamdy, Sazdy rivers and are represented by Salix and Populus. To reduce the negative impact of climatic conditions, it is necessary to create a complex of protective plantings that create the necessary microclimate of the urban area.
The system of public plantings consists of plantings of citywide importance and plantings of planning and residential areas. For the most part, these plantings are represented by small islands of greenery, not connected into a single system. The most significant elements of the system are the Central City Park named after Abai in the Sazdy planning area and Pushkin Park in the Ilek planning area (in the old town).
Sanitary protective plantings are important for isolating residential areas from large industrial zones, individual enterprises, and transport routes. Special-purpose plantings include plantings along city streets and green railroad right-of-way.
The positive qualities of the landscaping system in the city of Aktobe include:
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The presence of large forest parks on the threshold of the city, performing protective functions, which are planned to be combined into a forest park belt;
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The presence of a large Central Park named after Abai and the First President Park in the urban environment in the geometric center;
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The tradition of creating boulevards;
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High quality of individual elements of the landscaping system (Karasai Batyr Boulevard, Koblandina Street);
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Availability of special purpose plantings along most streets and external roads. Landscaping of individual sections of the railway right-of-way;
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The presence of the forest park belt is still in the form of fragments not connected with each other. The forest park belt has significantly improved microclimatic conditions in the city. Planting the Jasyl Tobe Forest Park reduced the transfer of dust and sand to the historical part of the city;
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Latitudinal boulevards in the Sazdy planning area should be considered as barriers to the spread of harmful emissions and protecting residential development from the negative impact of the northern industrial zone.
Considering the location of the bulk of industrial enterprises, including the most environmentally hazardous ones, in the northern part of the city, wide green boulevards are of greatest importance as protection against the spread of harmful substances. Such barriers include boulevards along Mira Avenue, along Makhambetov Street (where House of Culture is near the building of the Aktobe Chromium Compounds Plant), along Abay Avenue, the boulevard along A. Moldagulova Avenue, 101 Rifle Brigade Street, M. Ospanova Street and the city park in the floodplain of the Sazdy River.
In sanitary protection zones, the share of Ulmus is 70%, Populus—18%, Acer—8%, Betula—4%. The remaining species are represented insignificantly. Under conditions of abnormally high temperatures and in the absence of irrigation, a decline in woody plants is observed, even with annual planting.
3.3. Zoning of Green Areas and Analysis of Their Level of Greening and The Influence of Stationary and Mobile Sources of Pollution
Based on mapping of green areas in Aktobe, a scale of provision of green areas was developed depending on standard urban planning indicators. It is represented by six levels: 1—13 sufficient (80–100% of standard indicators); 2—conditionally sufficient (60–80%); 3—transitional (50–60%); 4—insufficient (40–30%); 5—acutely insufficient (<30%); 6—extremely insufficient (< 20%) (
Figure 7).
It was revealed that the maximum permissible level of load on roadside plantings was exceeded depending on the volume of traffic flow: for interchanges by 1.50–3.41 times; for transport routes—2.58–3.55 times.
Multi-row planting of trees and shrubs reduces the degree of air pollution. A study of noise load on highways showed that the noise protection effect depends on the size, density and structure of the tree crown. In areas with two- and three-row plantings, the noise level is reduced to a minimum comfortable level.
Due to the close location of sanitary protection zones to sources of negative impact on the city’s ecosystem, it is relevant to create a unified sanitary protection zone, the border of which should be established according to design documents: from enterprises in the northeastern and central regions of the industrial zone—along the sanitary protection border zone with enterprises, on the border with residential buildings.
Thus, the formation of a system of green areas in large cities is aimed at:
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transformation of the natural component of the urban area; maximum preservation and use of the green space system;
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creation, development and adaptation of new green areas in accordance with the functions and nature of the planning organization of urban areas as a landscaping system;
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organization of buffer zones separating residential buildings from industrial and communal areas, architectural and planning transformation of natural areas for use for recreational purposes;
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regular monitoring, stocktaking, maintaining a register of landscaping objects.
Green space systems are the main means of improving industrial cities. The existing systems of green spaces in Aktobe do not sufficiently fulfill their intended purpose and the main functions of improving the health of the urban environment. The most objective reason is the lack of green space; they were planted according to standards developed in the 1950–1980s, aimed at a lower level of pollution and are not adapted to modern conditions.
The system of green areas should be developed at the stage of designing city greening, taking into account the diversification of the components of unified systems (
Figure 8).