Here we present the first study on EqHV prevalence at national level with the aim to provide further data regarding the distribution of this virus in Italy, both geographically and among horse production categories and the results of the phylogenetic and the NS3 tertiary structure analysis.
The study presents some limitations: although it was designed as a cross sectional study, COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 brought activities almost to a complete halt. This obliged us to further extend the sampling time for over a year and a half to reach the required sample size. Thus, the prevalence data presented cannot be considered as punctual, but referred to a time span. Also, the study was designed to proportionally sample the horse population, reflecting its distribution on the Italian territory, to estimate an accurate EqHV biomolecular prevalence in Italian horses production categories between 2019-2022: however, the collection of samples from some provinces and regions was harder during and after the COVID-19 pandemic; nevertheless, the sampling level achieved was considered reliable since the SE resulted <5%, as set in the study design. Slight SE variances were instead observed in the macro-regions comparison, but all values were close to the expected one. Another limitation of the present study was that data on age, breed, and sex of the analyzed horses were not collected and therefore no retrospective comparisons, nor statistical analysis could be inferred on the influence that these risk factors could have played in the study scenario. Investigating these variables would require a greater number of samples that was not achievable with the funding resources available for the project. For the same reason, prevalence in donkeys and mule was not investigated, and priority was given to horses considering that they are the species most present and with the highest economic value.
All considered, this study however presents the first datum of EqHV biomolecular prevalence at national level in Italian horses: the described prevalence of 4.27% is coherent with what previously reported in Italy (91/1932 sera, 4.7%) [
48] and within the range of biomolecular prevalence reported both in Europe (<1% - 18.2%) [11, 15, 21, 25, 29, 33, 38, 46, 47, 57, 58] and worldwide (3.2% - 46.2%) [3, 14, 20, 26, 30-32, 34-37, 39-45]. It should be pointed out that higher biomolecular prevalence (40-46.2%) are described in literature [22, 26, 33, 41] when the sample is collected within the same holdings; on the contrary, lower prevalence (3.4-5.6%) are described when the sampling was set to assess the prevalence in a geographic area [11, 25, 40, 48]. Intra-premises prevalence appears higher worldwide: in fact, once introduced in a stable, the virus seems to spread rapidly, with a still unclear transmission route, and because of its asymptomatic development, it is feasible that one or more carriers can infect other horses without showing any evident clinical signs. The sampling was designed to also investigate four horse production categories: equestrian, competition, work/meat, and reproduction which reflect the different categories within which holdings are officially classified by the Italian animal health authorities. This categorization was established to study whether different management practices could play a role in the spread of the virus. As a matter of fact, the literature reports that competition horses and breeding horses are often more susceptible to infection than other categories [31, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41]: in this study the majority of PCR positive samples were grouped in the competition and reproduction ones, although statistical analysis did not highlight any significant difference among the production categories. Further studies are necessary to confirm these results with a higher number of samples, and if any differences would be detected, they could be ascribable to the different management practices (veterinary treatments, animal movement, direct contact with other horses of unknown health status) which expose them to a potentially higher risk scenario, compared to pet or privately owned horses stabled alone; also, it could be due to the intrinsic characteristics of the breeds which are often used for competitive sports and that are valuable for breeding, since it has been highlighted that Thoroughbreds, seem more susceptible to EqHV infections [15, 21, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38]. Nonetheless, the data collected in this study can be useful to highlight and confirm that EqHV infection poses a potential threat for animal health, being spread across all categories, and could have a tangible impact on the sport industry, that has the highest economic turnover: in fact poor performances, lethargy, apathy and fatigue are widely reported [14, 19, 24, 27, 28, 33], with occasional cases of euthanasia, due to poor overall health conditions and severe hepatic damage [19, 21, 24]. Data on EqHV biomolecular prevalence highlight also another issue related to therapies using blood, plasma and other blood derivatives, commercially available, as well as blood transfusions between horses. EqHV was already detected in some commercial blood products [15, 16, 17, 18], so it is crucial to assess both quality control analysis to certify the commercial products as EqHV free (together with the exclusion of other etiological agents that can be relevant for equine health), and include this virus in veterinary diagnostic protocols to control its spread in the equine population. At the present time, there is no therapy available for EqHV, thus biosecurity measures to reduce the spread of the disease on a holding and between holdings are: isolate the suspect case(s), suspend any production of blood products (if on a holding with this purpose), and periodically control the animals to monitor for the presence of the virus. Infection may last for a period of six months [5, 6, 8] after which the subject recovers, and no natural cases of resurgence of infection are reported so far, although re-infection is reported [7, 8]. On the contrary, if the virus can still be detected after six months, the subject is considered chronically infected [5, 6, 24, 26, 27, 28, 59] and should be managed with caution. This study also provides comprehensive data on the phylogenetic characteristics of the isolates from the whole Italian territory, integrating the already available data that were limited to some regions only. For this purpose, we analyzed a portion of the NS3 fragment, which is the serine protease/helicase domain of the viral polyprotein. Although EqHV is a RNA virus, and therefore prone to mutation, the strains of the present study mostly belong to the three known EqHV sub-types (
Figure 2). As expected from the literature [30, 37, 44] the majority of the sequences (30) clustered within sub-type 1, while four were identified as sub-type 3 and only one sequence as sub-type 2. Some interesting clusters in sub-type 1 (identified in
Figure 2 with grey dotted ellipses) are of particular interest: top to bottom, the first cluster is represented by three very recent sequences from an Italian EqHV outbreak (kindly provided by the authors of [
22]), relevant because the authors could follow up the infection of few horses for several months, allowing the tracking of viral mutation within the same subjects: this is the case of ON653391 and ON653393, detected from the same horse sampled six months apart, clearly showing how EqHV is prone to mutations (for more in depth considerations see [
22]). The second and the third clusters, instead, include sequences from the present study and are located mid-way and at the bottom of sub-type 1, respectively: the first one includes five sequences from Sardinia (OQ067932, OQ414236, OQ107572, OQ067931, OQ437965) and the second, two sequences, still from Sardinia (OQ312099 and OQ320792): both clusters show a 99 bootstrap value. A retrospective tracing of the subjects allowed to determine that a) the premises of origin are distant from each other (>12km to <250km), apart from two samples which do not belong to the same cluster, nor to the same production category, but which stables of origin are located 2.1 Km apart (Accession Number ID: OQ067932; OQ320792); b) being geographically distributed, they could hardly share the same veterinarian, except from the said two subjects; c) none of the seven horses had a history of movement to or from the other stables, according to the data available on the Veterinary Information System Online Database; d) data on veterinary treatments (such as vaccines, plasma transfusion, etc.) could not be retrieved. The reason why these sequences cluster so close together, then, cannot be surely assessed, but it must be considered that each stable held a discreet number of horses (>1 to <21) at the time of sampling, therefore it cannot be excluded that movement of an EqHV positive horse, different from those sampled, could be the source of infection for each respective cluster. Movements from one stable to another is common practice in the horse industry, either for trade, management, breeding or sport activities: since the virus appears widespread and the sequences are phylogenetically close, regardless of their origin, presumably movements played a role in the spreading of the three sub-types worldwide in the last decade, and probably before. When it comes to horse pre-movement sanitary controls, several diseases are screened, but EqHV is not currently present in routine laboratory diagnosis, at least in Italy, and probably also in most countries of the world. Stricter diagnostic protocols when moving animals should be considered, especially when susceptible breeds or valuable individuals are involved. Further on the phylogenetic analysis, another interesting aspect of the tree should be discussed: included in sub-type 3 there is a branch (the second branch bottom-up, identified by a 92 bootstrap value) which clusters alone and originates from a different node when compared to the other branches of the tree: four sequences from the present study are included in this group (OQ420478, OQ420479, OP947531, OQ024216) along with two sequences retrieved from Genbank (LC030432 [
31] and MN734124 [
37]). Other recent phylogenetic analyses [22, 26, 37, 44, 60] and the original paper from [
31], show a similar outcome: in these papers, in fact, the branch, identified either by LC030432 [
31], MN734124 [
37], or both, separates from the node which includes the sequences used as reference for sub-type 3 (JQ434001,JQ434003,JQ434006 [
3]). This suggests that these sequences could substantially differ from those included in sub-type 3 and from the other sub-types: it could be hypothesized that this branch was never part of the EqHV sub-type 3, but it represented a totally different sub-type which was until now under-represented and that was therefore considered part of sub-type 3. The most accredited criteria to propose new sub-types for EqHV is that described in literature for HCV [4, 61, 62], which were already used to introduce the presence of sub-type 2 [30, 38] and 3 [
41] for EqHV. These criteria enlist the need of specific parameters to assess the detection of a new sub-type, such as “complete or nearly complete coding region sequence differing from other sequences by at least 15% of nucleotide positions” and “sequence information from at least two other isolates in core/E1 […] and NS5B” [
62] which could not be fulfilled in the present study. However, a more numerous set of sequences, representative of this branch and that could be used as reference are those of the NS3 protein submitted by [
31] (LC030420, LC030425, LC030426, LC030427, LC030432), the complete polyprotein sequence by [
37] (MN734124) and the new partial NS3 sequences from the present study (OQ420478, OQ420479, OP947531, OQ024216). We are strongly looking forward to further studies and broader sampling from horses worldwide to verify this hypothesis that could update the classification of EqHV.
Regarding the mutational analysis, most of the identified mutations reside within the alfa-helixes of the II and III subdomains of the NS3 helicase functional regions. In particular, these mutations are localized in portions that are critical for the RNA binding and the following unwinding activity of NS3. On this basis, it could be speculated that the reported mutations may play a role in these processes, but further in-depth in silico studies are necessary to determine how their accumulation in these regions impact on NS3 proper folding and its binding affinity to viral RNA, to elucidate potential implications on the viral replication activity.