Appendix A. Derivation of Calibration Formula Based on Noise Wave Concept
The noise wave formulation was given in [
24], here we provide a detailed derivation in a simple model, as shown in
Figure A1. We treat the sky as an active terminator, connected to an antenna. The antenna reflection coefficient
is defined with respect to a reference plane, where all reflections of the antenna take place. Similarly, the receiver reflection coefficient
is also defined with respect to a receiver reference plane, which can be seen as the front end of the receiver and where all the reflections occur. The whole receiver is an active device, so it does not only receive the noise passively, but also emits its own noise wave.
Figure A1.
The model to describe transmission of noise waves between sky temperature and antenna.
Figure A1.
The model to describe transmission of noise waves between sky temperature and antenna.
In this model, A denotes the noise wave travels forward from sky toward the antenna reference plane, B denotes noise wave reflects back due to antenna reflection coefficient . C denotes noise wave travels through the antenna reference plane, D denotes noise wave injected to receiver reference plane originates from C and with multiple reflection at antenna and receiver reference plane. E denotes noise wave emitted from the receiver toward the antenna. F denotes noise wave travels through the receiver reference plane originates from D, G denotes another part of the noise wave travels through the receiver reference plane due to the reflected back noise wave E, and H denotes the self-emitted noise wave from the receiver.
We define
as the noise wave voltage associated with
at the antenna reference plane, and
as the associated currents, and
as the associated noise powers, then
The last equality is obtained by noting that
is a pure imaginary number.
Considering a noise wave injected at the receiver reference plane
D, which originates from
C, if
C reflects once at both receiver reference plane and antenna reference plane, then its voltage is
. However, the noise wave may reflect back and forth multiple times between the antenna and the receiver. If in each round the reflection coefficients are the same and the attenuation along the path is small, the voltage is given by
Considering a transmission line with characteristic impedance
, according to Eq (A3)
As previously defined,
G is the noise wave travelling out from receiver reference plane due to the reflected back noise wave
H is the self-emitted noise wave from the receiver, when
E reflects infinite time at both antenna and receiver reference planes,
can be written as:
, and
be the phase angle of
. Denote the last term in Eq (A10) as
, then
, and
, we have
As previous defined,
is the total noise power within the receiver induced by the signal from antenna,
denotes the antenna noise power from the sky, so
can be described as:
Appendix B. Vector Network Analyzer Measurement Uncertainty
Figure A2.
Signal flow graph of Vector Network Analyzer measurement error model. A two ports Device Under Test (DUT) is connected to the VNA, with four parameters to be measured: DUT port 1 reflection coefficient of DUT , forward transmission coefficient , reverse transmission coefficient , port 2 reflection coefficient . The VNA source port signal is denoted as . are the incident signal at port 1 and 2 respectively, and is reflected signal at port 1, is transmitted signal at port 2. According to the characteristics of signal flow, the uncertainties can be classified into noise, drift and stability, dynamic accuracy, residual, connector repeatability and cable stability. The residual microwave errors characterize the calibration standards that are not perfect. The non-linearities of the system with measurement level are described by the dynamic accuracy . These errors can be viewed as systematic errors. The low level noise of the converter determine the sensitivity of the system, and a high level noise of the LO and IF contribute to the noise on the measurement data. describe the cable transmission coefficient change, describe the change in the cable reflection coefficient, characterize the connector transmission repeatability error and characterize the connector reflection repeatability error between calibration and measurement. These errors can be viewed as random errors. The front end and IF hardware will drift with time and temperature as characterized by the stability terms . These errors can be viewed as drift & stability.
Figure A2.
Signal flow graph of Vector Network Analyzer measurement error model. A two ports Device Under Test (DUT) is connected to the VNA, with four parameters to be measured: DUT port 1 reflection coefficient of DUT , forward transmission coefficient , reverse transmission coefficient , port 2 reflection coefficient . The VNA source port signal is denoted as . are the incident signal at port 1 and 2 respectively, and is reflected signal at port 1, is transmitted signal at port 2. According to the characteristics of signal flow, the uncertainties can be classified into noise, drift and stability, dynamic accuracy, residual, connector repeatability and cable stability. The residual microwave errors characterize the calibration standards that are not perfect. The non-linearities of the system with measurement level are described by the dynamic accuracy . These errors can be viewed as systematic errors. The low level noise of the converter determine the sensitivity of the system, and a high level noise of the LO and IF contribute to the noise on the measurement data. describe the cable transmission coefficient change, describe the change in the cable reflection coefficient, characterize the connector transmission repeatability error and characterize the connector reflection repeatability error between calibration and measurement. These errors can be viewed as random errors. The front end and IF hardware will drift with time and temperature as characterized by the stability terms . These errors can be viewed as drift & stability.

As a precision instrument, the VNA should be calibrated before it is used for measurements, and several calibration techniques have been developed [
41]. Generally this is done by measuring standard calibrators with known impedance, and then the result is used to correct subsequent measurements. The accuracy of a measurement of a device under test (DUT) depends on the accuracy and stability of the test equipment, including both the VNA and the standard calibrator, as well as the calibration method used in conjunction with the error correction model [
42]. Traditional full two-port calibration utilizes three kinds of impedance standards (the Short, Open, and Load) and one transmission standard (Thru) to determine the parameters with respect to the reference plane. This procedure is known as the SOLT calibration.
The VNA measurement process is depicted in the signal flow diagram
Figure A2. In this diagram, a DUT with two ports is connected to the VNA and probed by the test signal
, the various errors are marked. These errors can be classified into three groups: Systematic, Random, and Drift & Stability errors [
Systematic errors are caused by imperfections in the network analyzer and test setup. These errors are stationary and repeatable for the duration of the measurement. The directivity error (
) is caused primarily by coupler leakage. The tracking error (
) is caused by reflectometer and mixer tracking, as well as cable length imbalance between the measurement ports. The match error (
) is caused by imperfections in the calibration standards. The dynamic accuracy (
) is the non-linearity of the VNA receiver over its specified dynamic range, it is a function of the power level and phase shift, especially for high signal levels [
44]. The systematic errors can be quantified and corrected during the calibration process and mathematically reduced during measurements. However, there are always some residual systematic errors due to limitations in the calibration process, from imperfections in the calibration standards, stability and repeatability of connectors and interconnecting cables, and instrumentation drift.
Random errors vary randomly as a function of time. Noise, connector repeatability errors and cable stability errors all contribute to random errors. Instrument noise errors include high level noise () from the Local Oscillator of the VNA receiver system, and the low level noise () from the detector. This kind of errors have a zero mean and can be reduced by averaging multiple measurements. However, because of their random nature, noise errors cannot be mathematically corrected from a measurement. Another kind of random error is connector or switch repeatability () and cable stability (). When the mechanical RF switches in the system are activated, the contacts may close differently from when they were previously activated, this can adversely affect the accuracy of the measurement. Connector repeatability errors occur because of the random variations encountered when connecting a pair of RF or microwave connectors. Variations in both reflection and transmission can be observed. Connector repeatability errors limit the achievable accuracy of all measurements. Cable stability errors are totally dependent on the quality of the test port cables used. Like connector repeatability errors, cable stability errors limit the achievable accuracy of all measurements.
Drift & Stability () errors occur when a test system’s performance changes after a calibration has been performed. The drifts are often caused by the change of environmental conditions (e.g. temperature), which affect the characteristics of the circuit components. The time frame over which a calibration remains accurate is dependent on the rate of drift that the test system undergoes in the test environment. Drift and Stability Errors can also be minimized by recalibration.
The total amount of these errors for
measurement is given by [
Equation (A17) gives the uncertainty in the magnitude of reflection coefficients, where the error terms are defined by their absolute magnitude. The systematic errors are added directly, while the random, drift and stability errors can usually be added in quadrature. The systematic errors can be represented as:
characterize the imperfection of the calibration standards. The random error can be represented as:
in which
describe the change in the cable reflection coefficient,
describe the cable transmission coefficient change,
characterize the connector transmission repeatability error,
characterize the connector reflection repeatability error between calibration and measurement.
characterize the noise in VNA system. The Drift & Stability can be represented as:
characterizes the front end drift with time and temperature. The reflection coefficient phase uncertainty can be represented as:
The parameters of the VNA error model are provided by the manufactures.