
Machine Learning Advances in Transmission Line Fault Detection: A Literature Review

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04 May 2024


06 May 2024

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Fault detection in transmission lines plays a role in maintaining the dependability and steadiness of power networks. Traditional methods for identifying faults often struggle to handle the diverse nature of real world fault situations. Machine learning (ML) algorithms offer a data centered approach that can adjust and learn from datasets potentially overcoming the limitations of traditional approaches. This document presents a review of progress in using ML for detecting faults in transmission lines. By drawing insights from a variety of studies we explore how ML algorithms have evolved in fault detection, including techniques like networks, recurrent neural networks featuring Long Short Term Memory and convolutional neural networks. We delve into the spectrum of applications where ML is used for fault detection across fault scenarios and operational settings. Additionally we discuss the obstacles and prospects linked to putting ML based fault detection systems into practice such as challenges with data quality, model interpretability and integration with existing grid monitoring systems. Lastly we outline future research paths focused on pushing forward the boundaries of fault detection, in power transmission systems through approaches and collaborative endeavors involving academia, industry players and policymakers. In general, this review highlights how machine learning has the power to revolutionize fault detection methods enhancing the resilience and dependability of power systems.
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Transmission line fault detection is a crucial aspect of maintaining the reliability and stability of electrical power systems. With the increasing complexity and interconnectivity of modern power grids, traditional methods of fault detection face significant challenges in terms of accuracy, speed, and adaptability to evolving grid conditions. In response to these challenges, there has been a growing interest in leveraging machine learning (ML) techniques to enhance fault detection capabilities.
Machine learning offers the potential to automatically learn complex patterns from data, enabling more accurate and efficient detection of faults in transmission lines. In recent years, there has been a surge in research exploring the application of machine learning algorithms for transmission line fault detection [1]. Studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of various ML approaches, including artificial neural networks (ANNs), support vector machines (SVMs), decision trees, and ensemble methods, in analyzing electrical signals and identifying fault patterns. [2,3]
For example, Li et al. [4] utilized a deep learning-based approach for fault detection in power transmission systems, achieving high accuracy rates even in the presence of noise and disturbances. Similarly, Wong et al. [5] proposed a hybrid machine learning model combining convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and long short-term memory (LSTM) networks for fault diagnosis in power systems, showcasing significant improvements in fault detection performance compared to traditional methods.
The adoption of machine learning techniques for transmission line fault detection holds promise for enhancing the resilience and reliability of power grids. ML-based approaches have the potential to overcome the limitations of rule-based systems and signal processing techniques by autonomously learning from large volumes of data and adapting to changing grid conditions. Moreover, machine learning algorithms can provide insights into the underlying patterns of fault occurrences, facilitating proactive maintenance and grid optimization strategies. [6]

Purpose of The Literature Review

In this literature review, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of recent advances in machine learning for transmission line fault detection. By synthesizing findings from recent studies and examining methodologies, results, and implications, we seek to elucidate the potential of machine learning to revolutionize fault detection in power transmission systems. Through a critical analysis of the literature, we aim to identify key trends, challenges, and future research directions in this rapidly evolving field.

Materials and Methods

A comprehensive search of electronic databases such as IEEE Xplore, ScienceDirect, Elsevier, and Google Scholar was conducted to identify relevant studies published between 2020 and 2024. Keywords including "machine learning," "transmission line," "fault detection," and related terms were used to retrieve articles. The inclusion criteria encompassed studies that specifically addressed the application of machine learning techniques for transmission line fault detection. After screening titles and abstracts, relevant articles were selected for full-text review. Data extraction included details on the machine learning algorithms used, datasets employed, evaluation metrics, and key findings.


A total of 25 were finally included in this review literature after careful and thorough screening. Table 1 shows the fault identified and tested in these studies. Table 1 also presents the components of the transmission lines affected by a specific fault as well as the causes and effects of these faults.
Table 2 shows the fault detection and diagnosis using machine learning. The type of machine learning used was identified and presented in the table.

Machine Learning Algorithms

Recent advancements in transmission line fault detection have been driven by the application of various machine learning algorithms. Researchers have explored a range of techniques, including Bayesian neural networks (BNN), multi-layer perceptron neural networks (MLP), recurrent neural networks (RNN) with Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and convolutional neural networks (CNN). These algorithms offer unique advantages in capturing different aspects of fault data, from temporal dependencies to spatial features. For instance, LSTM networks are well-suited for capturing long-term dependencies in sequential fault signals, making them effective for detecting high impedance faults. On the other hand, CNN architectures excel at extracting spatial features from fault data, making them suitable for tasks such as short-circuit fault detection. Additionally, specialized approaches like capsule networks with sparse filtering (CNSF) and deep pyramid feature learning networks (DPFL) have emerged to address specific challenges in fault detection, such as hierarchical feature extraction and discriminative feature learning. By leveraging the capabilities of these machine learning algorithms, researchers aim to enhance the accuracy, efficiency, and adaptability of fault detection systems in power transmission networks, ultimately improving the reliability and resilience of electrical grids.

Dataset Characteristics

The datasets used in these studies vary in terms of fault types, operating conditions, and signal characteristics. Fault scenarios include line-to-ground (LG), line-to-line (LL), double line-to-ground (LLG), and triple line-to-ground (LLLG) faults, as well as high impedance and short-circuit faults. Some studies focused on specific fault types, while others considered a broader range of fault scenarios. The availability of diverse datasets enabled researchers to train and evaluate machine learning models on representative data, contributing to the robustness and generalizability of the developed models.

Performance Metrics

Performance evaluation metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score were commonly used to assess the effectiveness of machine learning models in fault detection. Aker et al. [7] reported high accuracy rates for fault classification using BNN and MLP models. Similarly, Fahim et al. [8] demonstrated the superior performance of self-attention CNNs in detecting short-circuit faults compared to traditional methods. These metrics provide insights into the model's ability to correctly identify faults while minimizing false alarms, enabling researchers to quantitatively evaluate model performance.
Table 1. Summary of different types of faults with connected information: affected components, causes and effects.
Table 1. Summary of different types of faults with connected information: affected components, causes and effects.
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Table 2. Fault detection and diagnosis via machine learning.
Table 2. Fault detection and diagnosis via machine learning.
Authors Year Fault Method Used in Detection and Diagnosis [7]
Aker et al. [7] 2020 LG, LL, LLG and LLLG Bayesian neural network (BNN), multi-layer perceptron neural network (MLP)
Anand et al. [9] 2020 LG, LL, LLG and LLL Empirical mode decomposition (EMD)
Belagoune et al. [10] 2021 High Impedance Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural network
Dr. Bindhu V. el al. [11] 2021 Short Circuit Fault ZigBee communication protocol
Biswas et al. [12] 2019 LLLG, Unbalanced, Critical, Faults Producing Voltage/Current Inversion UPFC Unified power flow controller
PSCAD Power system computer aid design
Doria-García et al. [13] 2021 High Impedance, Nonlinear arcing Gauss-Newton method
(DPFL) Deep Pyramid Feature Learning Network
Fahim et al. [8] 2020 Short Circuit Fault Self-attention convolutional neural network (SAT-CNN) model
Fahim et al. [14] 2021 Short Circuit Fault Capsule network with sparse filtering (CNSF)
Ferreira et al. [15] 2020 Short Circuit Fault Feedforward neural networks (FNN)
Godse et al. [16] 2020 Short Circuit Fault Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
Agrawal et al. [17] 2020 Short Circuit Fault IoT diagnosis
Haq et al. [18] 2020 Three-Phase (LLLG) Fault Db4 wavelet
Leh et al. [19] 2020 Line-to-ground fault Feedforward neural networks (FNN)
Li et al. [4] 2020 Single-pole grounding fault VSC-HVDC
Liang et al. [20] 2020 Short Circuit Fault Region-based Convolutional Neural Network (R-CNN)
Liu et al. [21] 2021 Insulator Faults Region-based Convolutional Neural Network (R-CNN)
Lu et al. [22] 2020 Short Circuit Fault Time domain model based methods
Mukherjee et al. [23] 2020 Short Circuit Fault Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
Rafique et al. [6] 2021 LG, LL, LLG, and LLL Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
Teimourzadeh et al. [24] 2020 single-phase to ground short circuit Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
Tong et al. [25] 2020 Short Circuit Fault, Three-phase (LLLG) Fault IEEE 39 bus system
Wang et al. [26] 2020 Three-phase (LLLG) Fault Wavelet noise Reduction, Clarke transform, Stockwell transform and Decision Tree (WRC-SDT)
Wong et al. [5] 2021 Short Circuit Fault Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
Zhang et al. [27] 2021 Internal and External Fault Stationary wavelet transform (SWT)
Zheng et al. [28] 2021 Short Circuit Fault Region-based Convolutional Neural Network (R-CNN)


Comparison with Traditional Methods 

Several studies compared the performance of machine learning-based approaches with traditional fault detection methods. Belagoune et al. [10] demonstrated the effectiveness of LSTM networks in detecting high impedance faults compared to conventional methods. Similarly, Zhang et al. [27] showcased the advantages of using CNNs combined with SWT for fault detection over traditional signal processing techniques. These comparisons highlight the superiority of machine learning models in accurately detecting faults and overcoming the limitations of rule-based systems and signal processing methods.
Machine learning-based fault detection approaches demonstrated robustness to different operating conditions, noise levels, and fault types. For example, LSTM networks used by Belagoune et al. [10] exhibited adaptability to high impedance faults, while CNN models employed by Fahim et al. [8,14] showcased resilience to noise and disturbances in signal data. The ability of machine learning models to generalize well to unseen data contributes to their adaptability in real-world applications and ensures reliable fault detection under varying conditions.
Compared to traditional fault detection methods, machine learning-based approaches demonstrated superior performance in terms of accuracy, efficiency, and adaptability. Traditional methods, such as rule-based systems or signal processing techniques, rely on predefined rules or features, which may lack flexibility and robustness in handling complex fault scenarios. In contrast, machine learning models autonomously learn from data, enabling more accurate and timely fault identification without the need for explicit rule definitions.

Limitations and Challenges 

Despite their effectiveness, machine learning-based fault detection approaches face several challenges. These include the availability of labeled training data, the interpretability of complex models, and the integration of ML-based solutions into existing grid monitoring systems. Furthermore, the deployment of machine learning models in real-time monitoring systems requires careful consideration of computational resources and infrastructure compatibility. Addressing these challenges is essential to ensure the practical applicability and reliability of machine learning-based fault detection solutions in power transmission systems.


The study of new machine learning ideas for finding faults on transmission lines shows a growing field that can make power systems more reliable and efficient. Experts have looked at many machine learning methods, like supervised, unsupervised and hybrid ways, to find faults on transmission lines more accurately, quickly, and reliably. By using advanced algorithms like artificial neural networks, support vector machines, decision trees, and deep learning models, they have made good progress in detecting and classifying faults on transmission lines. Also, using different datasets, ways to extract features, and optimization techniques has helped machine learning-based fault detection systems work better. The studies show that using machine learning methods to address the complex challenges of finding faults on transmission lines is important. These methods can automate fault detection processes, reducing downtime, lowering operational costs, and improving overall system reliability. However, challenges such as data quality, scalability, and interpretability remain significant areas of concern that warrant further investigation.
In conclusion, the literature review highlights the transformative impact of machine learning on transmission line fault detection, paving the way for more efficient and reliable power grid management. Continued research and innovation in this field hold the promise of advancing fault detection capabilities, ultimately contributing to the sustainable and resilient operation of power systems.


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