4.2. The Southeast Segment
The southeast segment of the ALF extends for ∼80 km from the northeast Lake Ebinur to the study site 6 (
Figure 2). Through remote sensing interpretation and field observations, it was revealed that there was a clear dextral strike-slip movement in this segment. Study sites 1 to 7 were elaborately investigated to describe the structure and geomorphological characters and to measure the vertical and horizontal displacements.
Site 1 is situated ~9 km northeast of Lake Ebinur, as shown in
Figure 2. Faults strike N30°W that were found at site 1, with the main fault developing along the edge of the bedrock hill, while the branch cut through the alluvial fan (
Figure 3a). There were four stages of alluvial fans (T1-T4) developed along the stream channel. T1 is the lowest alluvial fan, only ~10 m above the bed, and develop on both sides of the fault. T2 is ~20 m high above the stream bed, T3 is ~50 m high above the stream bed, and T4 is ~60 m above the stream bed. T2 and T3 are only reserved on one side of the fault, but the T4 which is the highest and most widely geomorphic surface developed on both sides of the fault. T4 is dextrally displaced by 10 ± 1 m along the main fault, and it is also dextrally displaced by 86 ± 4 m along on branch fault (
Figure 3a, 3b). However, it is possible that the dextral displacement of 86 ± 4m could have been exaggerated due to the collapse of the alluvial fan. The fault scarps clearly formed on the T4, and topographic profile A-A’ was extracted to measure the vertical displacement, which indicated that the vertical displacement of the T4 across the fault scarp is 5 ± 0.5 m (
Figure 3c). Based on T4 dislocation, the ratio of horizontal displacement to vertical displacement approaches 17:1. On the southeast side of the stream channel, it shows that the red Carboniferous granite thrust on yellow Neogene sandstone and gray Quaternary deposits (
Figure 3d). The Neogene sandstone also shows larger vertical dislocations on the riser (
Figure 3e).
Site 2 is located ~25 km northwest of site 1 (
Figure 2). At this site, the fault trace strikes N45°W. Two alluvial fans and a ridge were displaced along the N40°W direction by the ALF (
Figure 4a). The two alluvial fans were dextrally displaced by 20 ± 4 m and 22 ± 1 m, respectively, while the ridge was dextrally displaced by 30 ± 6 m. The topographic profile A-A’ indicates the vertical displacement across the fault scarp is 1.0 ± 0.1 m (
Figure 4b). The black line B-B’ shows another dextral ridge and a road crosses the ridge along the location of the fault scarp (
Figure 4a). The topographic profile B-B’ indicates the vertical displacement of the dextral ridge is 2.1 ± 0.2 m (
Figure 4b). The ratio of horizontal displacement to vertical displacement on the same geomorphic surface is approximately 20:1. The field photograph showed the ridge was dextrally displaced along the fault trace (
Figure 4c).
Site 3 is located ~1 km northwest of site 2 (
Figure 2). At site 3, the fault trace strikes N40°W and cuts through many alluvial fan surfaces. We identified three stages of alluvial fans at the site, ranging from new to old, and named them fan 1, fan 2, and fan 3. The edge of the fan 3 was dextrally displaced by 34 ± 8 m at the erosional side, while the edge of the fan 2 was dextrally displaced by 48 ± 10 m (
Figure 5a). Besides, a pull-apart basin was developed on the fan1 with ~2 m deep, ~400 m long, and ~50 m wide (
Figure 5c and 5d). Three topographic profiles (A-A’, B-B’, C-C’) were extracted to measure the vertical displacement. The topographic profile A-A’ on fan 1 indicates that the vertical displacement of two fault scarps, with opposite directions, is 1.8 ± 0.1 m and 1.9 ± 0.4 m, respectively. The topographic profile B-B’ indicates the vertical displacement across the fault scarps on the fan3 is 5.0 ± 0.4 m (
Figure 5b). Similarly, the topographic profile C-C’ indicates the vertical displacement across the fault scarp, which developed on fan 2, is 2.2 ± 0.8 m. The ratio of horizontal displacement to vertical displacement on fan 2 is estimated at ~22:1.
Site 4 is located ~2 km northwest of site 3 (
Figure 2). At site 4, two gullies were dextrally displaced by 20 ± 3 m and 18 ± 2 m, respectively (
Figure 6a). The topographic profiles (A-A’ and B-B’) indicate that the vertical displacements across the fault scarp are 0.7 ± 0.1 m and 2.6 ± 0.2 m, respectively (
Figure 6b). Because of the gully dislocation represented minimum offset on the alluvial fan, the ratio of horizontal displacement to vertical displacement on the alluvial fan of site 4 is 8:1, smaller than another site. The filed photo shows the dextrally displaced gully and the fault scarp on the surface of the alluvial fan (
Figure 6c). A clear fault scarp that has a distinct vertical displacement can be found on the alluvial fan (
Figure 6d). In the field, a fault spring was found with ~3 m diameter and ~4 m depth (
Figure 6e). Many reeds and grass grew around the spring and fixed a large amount of sand and soil.
Site 5 is located ~26 km northwest of site 4 (
Figure 2). Three stages of alluvial fans (T1-T3) developed along the stream channel at site 5 (
Figure 7a and 7c). T1 is the lowest alluvial fan and is severely eroded, which is ~14 m above the stream bed; T2 is ~18 m above the stream bed and is dextrally displaced by 13 ± 1 m along the fault trace; T3 is the highest alluvial fan, which is ~24 m above the stream bed. The ALF separated the two faults, forming the fault scarp on the T2. The stream channel was displaced with 20 ± 4 m of dextral offset on the east branch fault. The smaller dextral displacement of the T2 riser, with 13 ± 1 m, indicates that the west branch fault is also active in the late Quaternary. The topographic profile A-A’ shows the vertical displacement of the T3 is 16.3 ± 0.7 m. The topographic profile B-B’ indicates T2 has already experienced two vertical dislocations due to the active fault and the vertical displacement across two different scarps are 1.6 ± 0.1 m and 3.8 ± 0.8 m (
Figure 7b). The topographic profile C-C’ indicates the vertical displacement of this alluvial fan is 1.5 ± 0.4 m. Similar vertical displacements (1.6 ± 0.1 m and 1.5 ± 0.4 m) prove that the two fault scarps were formed by the same fault at a near time. The ratio of horizontal displacement to vertical displacement on the T2 is about 12:1. The field photograph shows the field view of the alluvial fans and the fault scarps across the T2 (
Figure 7c).
Site 6 is situated ~10 km northwest of site 5 and is also located ~10 km away from the national boundary between China and Kazakhstan (
Figure 2). The Pleiades DEM shows the ~7 km fault trace which strikes N30°W (
Figure 8a). At the north side of site 6, there is a stream that crosses the ALF. Along the river, there are three stages of alluvial fans, named T1, T2, and T3. (
Figure 8b). T1 is the lowest alluvial fan and is ~6 m high above the stream bed. T2 is ~18 m above the stream bed, while T3 is the highest alluvial fan, ~45 m above the stream bed. The T3 riser is obviously dextrally displaced by 238 ± 30 m. Otherwise, two gullies are developed on the T3, which are dextrally displaced by 212 ± 20 m and 195 ± 15 m, respectively. The field photos show the Carboniferous bedrock fault (
Figure 8c, 8d). The bedrock fault dips to NW and shows the Carboniferous bedrock has been thrust over the Quaternary strata
Site 7 is between site 1 and site 2 (
Figure 2), which shows four alluvial fans on a large spatial scale by the View of the Pleiades DEM (
Figure 9a). The fault strikes N42°W and develops along the edge of the bedrock hill. In the view, the axes of four alluvial fans are dextrally displaced relative to the stream channels. Fan 1 is dextrally displaced by 267 ± 60 m; Fan 2 is dextrally displaced by 312 ± 131 m, and the UAV DEM shows the high-resolution geomorphic surface (
Figure 9b); Fan 3 is dextrally displaced by 257 ± 73 m; Fan 4 is dextrally displaced by 233 ± 70 m. Comparing the degree of erosion, the formation age of these alluvial fans may be comparable to T3 at site 6.
4.3. The Northwest Segment
The northwest segment extends for ∼70 km from the location of the national boundary (45°38′N, 82°17′E) to the eastern end of Lake Alakol (46°8′N, 82°1′E) (
Figure 2). To overcome the difficulty of obtaining information on the Kazakhstan segment, the Google Earth images and the Pleiades DEM are used to identify the fault trace and observe the horizontal displacement of the geomorphic surface.
Site 8 is located on the national boundary between China and Kazakhstan (
Figure 2). The fault trace strikes N40°W and some gullies that are dextrally displaced can be observed in the Pleiades DEM (
Figure 10a, 10b). The alluvial fans are ~25 m high above the channel. The riser and three gullies on the north side of the alluvial fan synchronous dextral displaced with 56 ± 10 m by the back-slipped method in the Pleiades DEM image (
Figure 10c).
Site 9 is located on the eastern shore of Lake Alakol in Kazakhstan (
Figure 2). The northwest segment of the ALF strikes N30°W and extend by ~25 km along the edge of Lake Alakol at this site (
Figure 10a, 10b). Two topographic profiles (A-A’ and B-B’) across the fault extracted from DEM indicate that the fault scarp is 5.6 ± 0.5 m and 2.6 ± 0.9 m, respectively. The measurements of the fault scarp show that the vertical displacement of the northwest segment fault is close to the southeast segment fault. The images of some displaced gullies that developed along the fault were extracted from Google Earth. The gullies were dextrally displaced by 76 ± 16 m, 68 ± 6 m, 51 ± 4 m, 27 ± 3 m, and 28 ± 1 m, respectively (
Figure 10d, 10e). According to these results, the ratio of horizontal displacement to vertical displacement in the northwest segment fault is greater than 10:1.
4.4. Alluvial Fan Dating Results
Five samples were collected to date ages in this research. The sample AL-01 was collected from the coarse-grain sand layer at ~0.8 m depth below the surface of the T2 alluvial fan in site 4 (
Figure 6a, 12a). The optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) age of the sample AL-01 indicates a sedimentary age of 24.57 ± 1.72 ka. The sample AL-02 was collected from the coarse-grain sand layer at a depth of ~1 m below the surface of T2 in site 5, which dated the T2 age of 22.23 ± 1.06 ka (
Figure 7a, 12b). The sample AL-03 was also collected from the coarse-grain sand layer at a depth of ~5 m below the T3 surface at the riser, which estimated a minimum dating result of 76.01±5.64 ka for T3 (
Figure 7a, 12c). Because the burial depth of the sampling location is too deep below the surface, even the minimum dating result may overestimate the formation age of the T3 alluvial fan. Along the fault trace, sample AL-04 was collected on the T1 alluvial fan, ~1.5 km northwest of site 4. The sample AL-04 was collected from the fine-grain sand layer at ~1.0 m below the surface of the T1 alluvial fan, which dated the OSL age of 2.68 ± 0.16 ka (
Figure 12d). A fault scarp displaced this T1 alluvial fan, indicating the fault activity in the Holocene (
Figure 12e). Sample AL-05 was collected on the T2 alluvial fan, ~1 km southeast of site 2. The sample AL-05 was collected from the coarse-grain sand layer at ~1.8 m depth below the surface of a T2 alluvial fan, which is ~18 m high above the stream bed (
Figure 12f). The dating of the sample AL-05 is 16.34 ± 1.06 ka.
Previous studies on the DZF, which is located on the southeast side of the Dzhungarian gate, have obtained some ages of the alluvial fan. The age of the geomorphic surfaces along the ALF can be referenced to the age of the alluvial fans with a similar height above the channel in the area of the DZF. Campbell et al. (2013) determined the age of the alluvial fan by using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) to date the fine-grained quartz-rich fluvial sediment. The sample site is only ~18 km west of our study area. The OSL age of the fan is 25.7 ± 5.8 ka, and the alluvial fan is ~12 m high above the modern channel [
19]. In our study, the T2 of site 5 is ~18 m high above the channel, which is close to the height of the alluvial fan studied by Campbell’s (~12 m). Furthermore, the age 22.23 ± 1.06 ka of the T2 alluvial fan at site 5 is close to the age 25.7 ± 5.8 ka of the alluvial fan that was dated by Campbell.
Based on the ages of the sedimentary deposits and the height of the alluvial fan above the channel, we believe that the alluvial fans, which have similar heights above the channel, have similar formation periods near the Dzhungarian gate. The formation ages of T1-T3 are 2-3 ka, ~20 ka, and less than 76 ka, respectively. The detailed OSL dating results of the five samples are shown in
Table 1.