In the healthcare domain, the use of AI to classify images of tumor obtained from CT scan or MRI scan, as benign or malignant is increasingly becoming a useful tool for early diagnosis of cancer. Also, with the advent of COVID-19, we see research work on classification of chest X-Ray images for presence or absence of COVID-19 or pneumonia. Some of these use cases are illustrated by the following research papers. For example, Manali Gupta et al. [
6] implemented and evaluated the performance of a scratch CNN method with VGG-16 for classification of brain tumor MRI images as cancerous or non-cancerous. Samir S. Yadav et al. [
7] evaluated convolutional neural network based architectures for classification of pneumonia presence on chest X-Ray images dataset. Although deep neural networks have proved to be effective in the medical image classification task, with increasing number of layers, the training process can slow down and become less effective due to the problems of vanishing and exploding gradient. This problem is solved by introducing residual netwworks, commonly known as ResNet, which enhances the training of deep neural networks. Jiazhi Liang et al. [
8], in his research paper, illustrated the ResNet architecture for image classification using deep neural network models. Once the CNN models are trained and used to make predictions on medical images, the next task is to explain the classification output. Due to the black box nature of neural networks, often it is difficult to explain the nature of the output and why the model predicted so. Hence explainable AI methods are crucial at this point to interpret and explain the classification predictions obtained from the neural network. Following are some surveys and review papers on explainable AI methods, used for reference. A,S. et al. [
9] discussed some of the commonly used explainable AI methods like LIME and SHAP and several versions of the same. Baehrens, D. et al. [
10] uses local explanation vectors for explaining classification results. Xu, F. et al. [
11] does a detailed survey of the history and various methods in the field of explainable AI. Yang, W. et al. [
12] discussed various explainable AI approaches along with their limitations and use cases. Samek, W. et al. [
13] presents the recent developments in the field of explainable AI and discusses two specific methods for the same. Singh, A. et al. [
14] discuss the explainable AI methods in the medical image analysis domain. Velden, B.H.M. et al. [
15] present a survey report of existing explainable AI techniques in the deep learning based medical image domain and discuss future prospects for the same. Linardatos, P. et al. [
16] provides a review of various interpretability methods in the Machine Learning domain. Among the explainable AI methods, the most popular ones are LIME, Saliency Map, Occlusion Analysis, Grad-CAM, SHAP and Smooth Grad. Following are references to the research papers proposing the above methods on various datasets for interpreting CNN classification output. Ribeiro, M.T. et al. [
17] proposed the LIME technique for demonstrating the explainability of the machine learning classifiers. Junkang An at al. [
18] propose the LIME based explainable AI technique for interpreting the results of deep learning models using feature importance and partial dependency plots (PDPs). Alqaraawi, A. et. al [
19] explores the saliency map method in detail using public datasets. Simonyan, K. et al. [
20] uses two methods, one using class score and another using saliency map for analyzing the results of a deep CNN. Xiao-Hui Li et al. [
21] evaluate and compare various explainable AI methods based on evaluation metrics defined. Resta, M et al. [
22] provides an occlusion based technique for explanation of deep recurrent neural networks for biomedical signals. Selvaraju, R.R. et al [
23] uses the Grad-CAM technique for visual explanations of the classification predictions made by deep convolutional neural networks. Cao, Q.H. et al. [
24] proposes a novel explainable AI method, SeCAM (Segmentation - Class Activation Mapping ) that combines the best features of LIME, CAM and the GradCAM methods for explanation of CNN prediction results. Ruigang Fu et al. [
25] propose an axiom-based Grad-CAM to satisfy the axioms of sensitivity and conservation. Ioannis Kakogeorgiou et al. [
26] evaluate various explainable AI methods in the context of deep learning multi-label classification for remote sensing. Lundberg, S. et al. [
27] proposes the SHAP method for interpreting the model predictions using feature importance values for a particular prediction. Bach, S. et al. [
28] describes an approach based on pixel-wise contributions to explain the classification predictions made by non-linear classifiers. Hooker, S. et al. [
29] evaluates the performance of feature importance estimation methods used by interpretable or explainable AI methods. Ishikawa, S. et al. [
30] proposes a method of explainable artificial intelligence to verify the reliability of a deep learning model for remote sensing image classification tasks. Jogani, V. et al. [
31] uses various explainable AI techniques to interpret the results of CNNs for classification of lung cancer from histopathological images. Montavon, G. et al. [
32] uses Deep Taylor Decomposition to explain the results of non-linear classifiers. Shrikumar, A et al. [
33] proposes a method, Deep Learning Important FeaTures (DeepLIFT) which assigns contributions towards the final output to the neurons of the deep neural network and also illustrates positive and negative contributions. Smilkov, D. et al. [
34] proposes a method called SmoothGrad for explaining the results of a deep neural network. Soltani, S. et al. [
35] have provided enhanced explainable AI algorithms based on cognitive theory. Springenberg, J.T. et al. [
36] propose a deconvolutional approach for interpreting the classification results of the CNNs. Sundararajan, M. et al. [
37] proposed the Integrated Gradients approach for explaining the deep neural network predictions. Vermeire, T. et al. [
38] propose the SEDC method which is model agnostic and is able to provide counterfactual explanations for the predictions of deep convolutional neural networks. Zeiler, M.D. et al [
39] demonstrate the performance contribution of different layers of the ImageNet used for classification. Zhou, B. et al. [
40] propose a modification of the global average pooling layer and implement the Class Activation Mapping (CAM) technique to improve the CNN’s performance in classification of the images without being trained specifically for the same. Wu, B. et al. [
41] propose and evaluate an attention-based model for large scale image classification, and thereby explain the classification results of this approach.