This section presents the results of the LIT analysis performed with the data described in
Section 4. The results focus on the LIT retrievals obtained with the
SAR_LITretracker applied to the Sentinel-6 UFSAR data at 20 Hz, which are compared to the LIT estimates obtained with Sentinel-6 data at higher resolution, that is, the UFSAR and FFSAR data processed at 140 Hz (
Section 5.1). The assessment of the
SAR_LITanalysis, consisting of the comparison with the LIT analysis performed on LRM data from both Sentinel-6 and Jason-3 missions and with the output of the thermodynamic CLIMo simulations of the same targets and periods, is presented in
Section 5.2. Consistency checks of the LIT retrievals from radar altimetry with satellite images are also shown in this section.
5.1. LIT Analysis of Sentinel-6 High Resolution Data
An illustrative example of the
SAR_LITanalysis of high resolution Sentinel-6 SAR data at 20 Hz for Great Slave Lake during the 2020-2021 ice season is given in
Figure 4. Examples of Sentinel-6 waveform data (in black) with, in blue, the
SAR_LITfit are shown in the left column. From top to bottom the plots correspond to December 2020, February 2021, April 2021 and mid-May 2021, respectively. The evolution of the bimodal LIT signature is clearly visible, starting with a small peak separation during the ice formation period, which increases through the winter, indicating thickening of the ice, and then disappears at the beginning of the melt period. Plots in the right column show the histograms of the LIT measurements obtained with the
SAR_LITretracker in the lake RoI on the same dates. The blue curve corresponds to the Gaussian fit of the histograms. The changes in the histograms distribution and mean reflect the evolution of the ice thickness within the considered region and during the ice season. The LIT standard deviation ranges from 3.6 cm to 5.9 cm during the ice season, except during the melt period, where it is bigger, in the order of 15 cm, due the limited penetration depth of the signal and higher spatial variation of the ice surface within the RoI. In fact, because of the melting snow/ice, most of the waveforms do not contain the LIT signature (as in the bottom-left plot example), yet, some waveforms still have it, as the ice is still present and the melting is not homogeneous over the considered region. In this case, the spatial variation of the LIT is higher, thus resulting in a higher standard deviation of the LIT measurements within the RoI.
Similar performances and behavior of the LIT evolution are obtained for Baker Lake. A representative example showing the spatial evolution of LIT at Great Slave and Baker lakes in February 2021 is given in the left and right upper panels plots of
Figure 5, respectively. The bottom panels show the evolution of the reduced
statistics (Eq. (
19)) at the best fit, providing a goodness of fit metric. The fit performances are good for both lake targets, showing an overall reduced
of one, meaning that the model and the data are in agreement within the variance. It can be noted that for Baker Lake there are less data points in contract to Great Slave Lake, as it is a smaller lake and thus the ground track segment considered for the LIT analysis is shorter (see
Figure 3), including only ∼ 40 waveforms, instead of ∼ 120 waveforms in the RoI of Great Slave. This shows the limitation of building reliable LIT time series from small target lakes by using 20 Hz data. A possible solution to overcome this limitation is to perform the LIT analysis on the mean waveform in the RoI, instead of fitting the individual waveforms. Yet, if the number of exploitable waveform data is too small (< 10/20 waveforms) this could also lead to less robust LIT estimates. Another possibility would be to process the data at a posting rate higher than 20 Hz to increase the statistics, as shown for instance in [
29]. With respect to this, as detailed below, the LIT analysis has been performed on Sentinel-6 SAR data processed at 140 Hz, which has the advantage of increasing the number of waveforms in the RoI, and thus the spatial sampling of the surface, by a factor of seven in comparison to the 20 Hz data.
Figure 6 shows representative results of the LIT estimation obtained with high resolution Sentinel-6 data for a complete ice season at Great Slave (left plot) and Baker (right plot) lakes. The red circles correspond to the LIT estimates obtained with the Sentinel-6 UFSAR data at 20 Hz, the purple circles to the UFSAR data at 140 Hz, and the cyan circles to the FFSAR data at 140 Hz. The shaded regions in the upper panels and the lines in the bottom panels correspond to the LIT 1-
uncertainties. Overall there is a good consistency in the LIT estimates obtained with the three datasets for both lake targets. As expected, the LIT retracker analysis performed on data at higher posting rate (140 Hz) shows an increased performance with respect to the 20 Hz data, especially at the melt transition, because of the increased statistics (a factor of seven more data points and, therefore, a higher spatial sampling of the surface). Also, at an equivalent posting rate, the FFSAR data allow for a better accuracy of the LIT estimates, overall yielding ∼20% smaller uncertainties, in particular in the middle of the ice season, once the ice is well established on the lakes. This is related to the increased spatial resolution of the FFSAR data resulting in a smaller and more homogeneous footprint from which the LIT estimates are retrieved. Finally, noteworthy is that a drop in LIT is noticeable in the three datasets at Baker Lake, at the beginning of May 2022, before the final transition into the melt period, which is due to the temporary melt followed by refreezing of the snow on the ice surface, as discussed in more details in the next section.
Overall, the results show a significant improvement in the accuracy of LIT estimates in comparison to previous analysis, in particular when using conventional altimetry data, thanks to the higher resolution of the Sentinel-6 SAR data.
5.2. Evaluation and Consistency
The evaluation of the
SAR_LITretracker analysis is done by quantitatively comparing the Sentinel-6 UFSAR 20 Hz LIT estimates to those obtained from the thermodynamic simulations (CLIMo), described in sec:CLIMo, and to the LIT estimates derived from the
LRM_LITanalysis [
13] of Low Resolution Mode (LRM) data of both Sentinel-6 and Jason-3 during their tandem phase. Assessing the consistency between the SAR and LRM estimates is particularly important to ensure the stability of the LIT measurements between current and future altimetry missions. The LIT indicators and metrics used for the comparison are, as summarized in
Table 1 for both lake targets, the LIT maximum and the corresponding date, the mean LIT in the middle of the ice season when the ice is well established on the lakes (1st February to mid-April), with the associated uncertainty, the Mean Bias Error (MBE), and the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) between the Sentinel-6 UFSAR 20Hz and the other datasets. It is worth noting here that in the
Table 1 the LIT indicators are reported for the 2020-2021 season for Great Slave and for the 2021-2022 season for Baker due to a fair amount of missing waveform data in the other ice seasons (missing input data for 5 cycles for Great Slave in the 2021-2022 season and missing input data for 10 cycles for Baker in the 2020-2021 season). As shown in the
Figure 7 and
Figure 8, despite the missing data, the LIT evolution is consistently captured for both seasons and lakes, and the LIT indicators reported are, therefore, representative of a typical ice season.
Figure 7 and
Figure 8 summarize the comparison of LIT among the different datasets for Great Slave Lake and Baker Lake, respectively. In both figures, the top panel shows LIT estimates obtained with the Sentinel-6 UFSAR at 20 Hz data (red), the Sentinel-6 LRM data (green) and the Jason-3 data (blue) for the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 ice seasons during the Sentinel-6 and Jason-3 tandem phase (December 2020-April 2022). The shaded regions of the corresponding colors refer to the LIT error envelops at 1-
for each case. The orange shaded area shows the evolution of LIT obtained with the CLIMo thermodynamic simulations with different snow-on-ice scenarios: the upper bound refers to the simulations without snow on the ice surface, while the lower bound to the simulations with 75% of snow with respect to snow depth measured at nearby meteorological stations on land (see
Section 4.3 for details). The middle panel in both figures shows the evolution of the mean 2-m daily air temperature (black line) with the grey shaded area delineating the minimum and maximum daily temperatures extracted from ERA5 hourly data. Plotting air temperature measurements along with the LIT estimates is useful since it provides some information about the status of the lake surface, revealing snow-on-ice melt when the air temperature is near or greater than 0°C, and refreeze when temperatures drop again below 0°C during the spring transition period. Finally, the bottom panel highlights the evolution of the LIT standard deviation derived from the three datasets (same legend as in the top panel).
Overall, there is a very good consistency among the SAR and LRM LIT results. The MBE and RMSE of Sentinel-6 SAR and LRM LIT estimates are 1.7 cm and 3.3 cm, respectively, for Great Slave Lake and 2.3 cm and 3.2 cm, respectively, for Baker Lake. The agreement with Jason-3 is also very appreciable, with MBE and RMSE of 4 cm for Great Slave and 7 cm for Baker. The maximum LIT and the LIT mean are also estimated consistently within a few centimeters difference among the different datasets. The dates of maximum LIT are also fully consistent between the SAR and LRM. The LIT evolution is in agreement with the output of CLIMo simulations, within the uncertainty envelop given by the different snow-on-ice scenarios used as input. For both lake targets and for the seasons considered for the quantitative analysis, the satellite based LIT estimates seem to be more in agreement with a small amount of snow (25 %) or no snow on ice in terms of LIT maximum (values and date) and mean, and with MBE and RMSE values that are the smallest for the simulations with no snow on-ice, being -7 cm and 8 cm, respectively, for Great Slave and -3 cm and 5 cm, respectively, for Baker Lake.
As shown in the figures, LIT drops are detected right before the maximum is reached, at the end of the ice season, during the 2021-2022 season for Great Slave and during both seasons for Baker Lake. It can happen that the snow/ice on the lake surface starts to melt due of an increase of temperatures, as discussed above, in which case the LIT signature is no longer present in the radar waveforms, so no or a very small LIT is retrieved. Then, with refreezing, the LIT signature is again detectable. As shown in the middle panels of
Figure 7 and
Figure 8, a clear correlation can in fact be seen between the detected LIT drops and the rise of the air temperature near or above 0°C, supporting this explanation. As pointed out in [
13], it is worth reiterating here that radar altimetry LIT retrackers can indeed capture the seasonal transitions of ice forming and melting but cannot precisely follow the ice evolution at the transitions because of the difficulty of retracking heterogeneous surfaces when the ice is too thin (fall freeze-up period) and when the snow on the ice surface begins to melt (spring break-up period). For this reason, as can be seen in the figures, the satellite based LIT estimates drop at the beginning of melt, thus earlier with respect to thermodynamic CLIMo simulations that realistically generate LIT estimates throughout the whole melt period.
It can be noted that the LIT evolution is different at Great Slave and Baker, which is expected since of the lakes are located at different latitudes and have distinct characteristics as indicated earlier. For instance, the LIT maximum measured with Sentinel-6 20 Hz UFSAR occurs on April 15 and is m at Great Slave Lake, while for Baker Lake it generally occurs roughly one month later, on May 17, and is 50 cm greater reaching m. Also, the mean LIT in the middle of the ice season (as measured from February to April) is lower at Great Slave ( m) compared to Baker ( m). These results show that the SAR_LITretracker can precisely follow the LIT evolution on different target lakes.
As expected, and as shown in the bottom panel of
Figure 7 and
Figure 8, the LIT estimates obtained from SAR data, because of the improved spatial resolution, show a significantly smaller dispersion with respect to the LIT estimates obtained with LRM data, thus yielding to a LIT uncertainty that is a factor of ∼ 2, up to 3, times smaller, depending on the season and target, with respect to the LRM estimates. For instance, as detailed in
Table 1, the accuracy of the maximum LIT estimation during the 2020-2021 season at Great Slave Lake with Sentinel-6 SAR data is 2.5 cm, compared to 5.1 cm with Sentinel-6 LRM data and 6.4 cm with Jason-3 LRM data, thus a factor of 2 and 2.6 better, respectively.
Finally, we performed consistency checks by superimposing the LIT estimates obtained with the
SAR_LITretracker applied to Sentinel-6 20 Hz UFSAR data onto optical (Landsat-8) or radar (Sentinel-1) images, according to the images availability on the Sentinel-6 flyover dates over the two lakes. This is illustrated in
Figure 9 for Great Slave Lake (left) and Baker Lake (right), where the Sentinel-6 LIT estimates along the ROI track segment are overlaid on the images and color coded, ranging from 0 to 1.6 m for Great Slave and from 0 to 2 m for Baker. The images and LIT estimates are shown for representative dates following the typical duration of the ice season for the two lake targets, from January to May for the Great Slave lake and from December to June for the Baker lake. Overall, there is a very good consistency between the LIT estimates and the lake surface conditions for both target lakes, with thinner ice detection at the beginning of the ice season when the images show an heterogeneous surface of initial ice formation and open water (top panels), consistently growing LIT in the middle of the ice season when the snow/ice cover uniform over the lake surface (second and third panels), and drop of the LIT estimates to small values at the end of the season with snow melt, as shown in the bottom panels.