3.2. The observed stellar Mg, Fe and Si abundances of G and F-type stars in the Solar neighborhood.
We have found that the relative stellar abundances of Mg, Fe and Si in the nearby G – stars are similar to the solar abundances of these elements. At the same time, we have also shown that the Sun has a slightly different Mg/Si abundances relative to most analyzed stars. The abundance statistic implies that the solar abundance pattern of key rock–forming elements cannot likely be too frequent among the relevant abundance patterns of middle–aged thin disk Sun – like stars. It indicates for us that the Sun is not a typical main–sequence G–star for the Mg/Si abundance, while it may moderately be common for the Fe/Si abundance among the similar type stars.
If the bulk Mg/Si ratio of the BSP is lower than 1, the upper mantle is depleted in olivine and it is dominated by pyroxenes. The lower mantle of Mg – depleted planets are dominated by Mg(Fe)SiO3. The Mg/Si ratio is between 1 and 2 in planets, which are similar to Earth, resulting in planetary mantles composed of both olivine and pyroxenes. The lower mantle in rocky planets is rich in Mg(Fe)SiO3 and Mg(Fe)O, too. For bulk Mg/Si of the BSP higher than 2, rocky planets have olivine upper mantles and Mg(Fe)O – rich lower mantles.
We explore that the core mass fraction could exhibit a wide distribution in the exoplanetary interiors. In the most cases, the mantle mineralogy is compositionally similar to that of the Solar system terrestrial planets. The silicate mantle of a major fraction of the rocky planets builds up from bridgmanite/periclase lower mantle and pyroxene/forsterite upper mantle with a varying amount of these dominant mineral phases.
The results show that the averaged Solar System Fe abundance is higher than the most examined stellar Fe abundances. In conclusion, the mantles of Solar system terrestrial planets, depending on the planetary formation and differentiation, may be highly enriched in Fe than the most rocky exoplanets around the near G- and F- stars. The Fe content is ~ 10 mol % for the bulk composition of the Earth's mantle [
22]. The Fe content in the mantle could affect in a great extent the crystal structure and thermodynamic properties of some mantle materials. The most abundant silicate phases in the Earth' lower mantle (pv and ppv) are not consist of pure MgSiO
3, but contains Fe and Al as major substituents for Mg and Si (Caracas, 2010) [
37]. FeO is an important endmember of (Mg, Fe)O (ferropericlase, fp) in the Earth's lower mantle [
38]. The Fe content influences the stability and thermodynamic properties of ferropericlase, hence, the variations of Fe content in the lower mantle minerals could change the geochemical and geodynamical processes in the deep interior of low-mass rocky planets and rocky super–Earths.
In addition, the Fe substitution affect the thermodynamic properties of pv, ppv and fp having a significant role in the geodynamic and thermochemical processes at the base of the mantle, in the so–called D” layer. This layer is thought to be a special thermal and thermochemical boundary layer, thus it may have a great importance for the mantle dynamics of Earth. Consequently, the higher Fe content of the relevant mantle–building minerals, playing a non–negligible role in the dynamical evolution of the Earth's mantle, could contribute to the mineralogical diversity, evolutionary history and life–hosting potential of the Earth. The potential rocky planets of a small fraction of the studied stars may have BSP compositions with Mg, Si and Fe abundances that approaches to that of the BSE. The Mg/Si and Fe/Si values have been plotted for the full 136–G - star sample and for 72 – F - star sample are shown in Figures 1 a and b, respectively.
The relative abundances of examined chemical elements of many G-type stars in the Solar Galactitc Neighborhood approximate to the average abundances in the Solar System. The calculated Mg/Si molar ratio varies in the sample between 0.76–1.50, the Fe/Si molar ratio varies ranging from 0.54–1.12, which are shown in
Figure 1a. We find that a significant number of nearby stars have Mg, Fe and Si abundances are inside the range of 1.08–1.25 for Mg/Si and 0.80–0.95 for Fe/Si values. Five stars are found to have Fe/Si values greater than 1 and 17 Fe/Si values smaller than 0.75. The Mg/Si molar ratios of F-stars have been calculated in the sample between 0.75–1.48, the Fe/Si molar ratio varies ranging from 0.61–1.29, which are shown in
Figure 1b. The molar Mg/Si and Fe/Si values of F-stars do not exhibit concentrated distributions. We found that roughly a 25 percent of the nearby F –stars have Mg/Si values similar to that of the Sun, while the 30 percent of the Fe/Si values belong to the range of 0.80–090.
The distributions show that rocky planets with slightly higher Mg–abundances than the Sun can be much more common in this sector of the Galaxy than Mg–depleted terrestrial planets. The results implies that the number of rocky planets with bulk Mg/Si higher than 1 is one order of magnitude larger than that of the Mg–depleted planets with Mg/Si values lower than 1. It has also been highlighted that more than half of the rocky planets around G-stars in the Solar neighborhood may have medium–sized metallic core. As known, the Mg/Si ratio gradually increases in the interstellar medium toward the galactic center. At the same time, the Mg/Si ratio in the interstellar medium decreases toward the rims of the galactic disk. The obtained distribution implies that the major fraction of the exo-terrestrial planets around nearby stars are Mg–enriched in their bulk compositions relative to that of Earth and they have an intermediate-size of their metallic cores. A similar range of planetary compositions are being predicted to exist in the galactic thin disk at the Solar galactocentric distances.
The Fe/Si ratios of many stars are similar to the corresponding element abundances of the Solar photosphere and CI chondrites, while the Mg/Si ratios of the most stars are higher than the average Solar Mg/Si value. We conclude that in case of this major fraction the analyzed G–type stars, the variation of Mg/Si ratio is positively correlated with the variation of Fe/Si ratio. Several stars amongst them have been found to have higher Mg/Si and Fe/Si ratios than the Sun. If they host planets, the observed elemental abundances may refer to that the planet forming materials within these systems will be Mg- and Fe–enriched compared to that of the planet–building blocks in Solar system. Consequently, a significant fraction of the high–Mg/Si – Fe/Si terrestrial exoplanets are likely to have relatively large core mass fraction. They will contain large amounts of Mg– rich phases in their upper mantles (olivine) and lower mantles (magnesiowustite). Most of the magnesium–rich rocky planets around G–stars may have mantle mineralogy being enriched in Fe–rich mineral phases. More rocky planets in high Fe/Si planetary systems are assumed to have core–dominated interior with the large relatively large - sized metallic core, which may have been overlaid by a relatively thin silicate mantle.
Some rocky exoplanets may be olivine-depleted in their upper mantle and magnesiowüstite-depleted in their lower mantle compared to Earth. Our results indicate that the Mg–poor mantle mineralogies may relatively be rare in the thin disc at the galactocentric distance of the Sun. 20 stars in the sample have lower Mg/Si ratio than the Solar value. This indicates that their potential rocky planets need to have mantles, which are more depleted in magnesium than terrestrial planets in the Solar System. Accordingly, the Mg–poor planetary upper mantles will contain larger amounts of pyroxenes and different kinds of garnets than Earth depending on their chemical differentiation and the bulk planet Mg/Si, Fe/Si, Ca/Si and Na/Si, respectively.
The distribution of Fe/Si ratio values in the analyzed pattern show that the iron – to silicon ratio in the most solar–metallicity stars are relatively homogeneous to within - 10 and 10 %. It may imply that if they have rocky planets with masses ranging from ~ 1 Earth mass or larger, a significant fraction of them may have medium – sized metallic cores. Putirka and Su [
39] suggest that some rocky exoplanets are similar to Earth with respect to the crustal mineralogy, but the most of them are exotic in composition and mineralogy in the Solar neighborhood. By analyzing the obtained abundance distribution, we thought that Earth is unique in bulk mineralogy in the rocky planet population of our galactic neighborhood.
4.3 The effect of the variation of the observed Mg, Si and Fe abundances on the bulk mineralogy of rocky planets.
The Mg/Si and Fe/Si are the most important elemental ratios for determining planetary compositions and structures of low- C/O (C/O < 0.8) rocky planets. As shown in
Figure 1a, a major fraction of the G – stars, centered at Mg/Si range of 1.08–1.25 have higher Mg/Si ratios than Solar, while their Fe/Si values resemble to the solar photospheric Fe/Si value. It means that many terrestrial exoplanets, consisting of Mg-rich silicates and having similar Fe abundances in bulk to that of inner Solar System planets, may be different in bulk silicate composition from Earth. The obtained distributions of Mg/Si and Fe/Si ratios indicate that the most of G–type stars may host terrestrial planets that are not compositionally identical to Earth. Characterized by approximate Mg/Si and Fe/Si ratios, Mg, Fe and Si abundances of two G–stars are only similar to that of the Sun. In the sample of F–stars, 2 stars only have Mg/Si and Fe/Si abundances, which are very similar to the Solar values. The calculated distribution of the elemental ratios implies that the bulk mineralogical compositions identical to Earth are likely to be rare.
The skiagite Fe
3 can also be an important end–member of the garnets in the Earth’s upper mantle and transition zone [
40]. Obviously, the amount of the skiagite component in mantle garnets depends on the bulk Mg/Si, Fe/Si, Al/Si and Ca/Si ratio. The characteristic elemental composition changes along the Fe
3 – Fe
3 (almandineskiagite) solid solution and in the Ca–bearing garnets along the Ca
3 (andradite-skiagite). Knowing the distribution of stellar Mg/Si and Fe/Si values for both G– and F–type stars, we suggest that the skiagite–majorite garnets can relatively be common in the upper mantles of a significant population of terrestrial planets in the solar neighborhood.
The mineral composition of pyroxenes may also varies depending on the Mg/Si and the Fe/Si ratio. Accordingly, the variation of the Fe/Si ratio is an essential factor for the olivine, the pyroxene and the garnet geochemistry of the rocky exoplanetary mantles. The variation of Mg, Fe and Si abundances in the stars and the distribution of the examined stellar Mg/Si and Fe /Si ratios indicates that the potential rocky planets are thought to have a slightly different major element chemistry in their mantles resulting in a mineralogical diversity of the terrestrial planet population in the Solar neighborhood.
The abundances of major elements O, Fe, Mg and Si can provide important information on the formation conditions of the mineral constituents of chondrites and on the formation processes of the parent bodies. The relative ratios of these major elements in forming planetary systems effect on the composition of the mineral assemblages of chondritic materials. The variations of elemental abundances result in relatively large differences in the bulk chemical and mineral composition of chondrites and in the building materials of rocky planetary bodies.
The distribution of stellar Mg/Si abundances show that the bulk mineralogical composition of the planetary bodies (large terrestrial planets, differentiated asteroids) in most of the potential planetary systems are thought to relatively be Mg–rich ones.