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21 June 2024
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Ref. Year | Year | Data Source | ML Algorithm | PD Source | Summary |
[13] | 2016 | Energies Journal | Artificial Neural Network | Artificial PD Defect Model | Focuses on reviewing published literature on the use of ANN for partial discharge pattern recognition and proposes improvements such as establishing the optimal training weights, use of extensive PD data for training, recognition of different levels of PD degradation as well as techniques to shorten training time. |
[14] | 2022 | Energies Journal | Support Vector Machine, K-Nearest Neighbors, Naïve Bayes, Classification, Random Forest, Probabilistic Neural Network | Not specified | Analyses 8 partial discharge classes occurring in transformer solid and liquid insulation systems in a laboratory setup measured with the use of acoustic emission techniques. PD data is analysed with 5 different classification algorithms and the results are compared against one another. |
[15] | 2015 | IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference | Deep Neural Network | Not specified | Illustrates the improvements in partial discharge diagnostic accuracy which can be attained by the application of deep neural networks. |
[16] | 2020 | Energies Journal | Convolutional Neural Network | PD images | Presents the application of a neural network based on the CNN architecture to partial discharge images to diagnose the aging of electrical insulation. |
[17] | 2010 | International Symposium | Support Vector Machine, Probabilistic Neural Network | Experimental setup | Compares the performance of two partial discharge classification methods, namely SVM and PNN, on four PD sources to determine the classification accuracy. |
[18] | 2019 | IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery | Deep learning | Artificial PD Defect Model | Explores a novel approach of using PD current as input signal from four kinds of PD defects, while implementing two dimensionality reduction techniques, PCA and T-SNE, to the data to improve classification accuracy. |
[19] | 2019 | IEEJ Transactions on electrical and electronic engineering | Support Vector Machine | Solid insulation | Utilizes a Weibull distribution-based method on the PD of a power transformer oil-paper insulation to determine the remaining service life of the transformer. |
[20] | 2019 | Energies | Deep neural network, Convolutional Neural Network | Scholarly works | Reviews the progress made on the use of Deep learning Artificial intelligence methods for the automatic identification of partial discharge in transformers over the period between 2015 to 2023. |
[21] | 2014 | IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery | Neuro-Fuzzy Technique | Power transformer | Introduces a neuro-fuzzy PD recognition technique on a medium voltage transformer to enhance the recognition accuracy compared to orthogonal transforms and calibration line methods for the main types of PD. |
[22] | 2020 | IEEE Transactions on Dielectric and Electrical Insulation | Probabilistic Neural Network, Support Vector Machine | Scholarly works | Presents a review of literature on conventional machine learning algorithms applied to PD diagnostics, with a focus on input signals, sampling rates, core methodologies and recognition accuracies. |
[23] | 2021 | IEEE Access | Artificial Neural Network | Transformer bushing | Reviews PD detection, localization, and severity with the use of machine learning techniques, then draws on the advantages and disadvantages of the various PD detection methods. |
[24] | 2020 | Alexandria Engineering Journal | Artificial Neural Network | Experimental setup | Employ several acoustic sensors, strategically positioned at pre-specified locations of a transformer, and the time difference of arrival (TDOA) of the signals to enhance determining the location or source of PD. |
[25] | 2017 | BDCAT Conference | Support Vector Machines, Random-Forest, Logistic Regression, Fussy Support Vector Machine, Gradient Boosting | Experimental setup | Introduces a stacking ensemble strategy to four types of PD data and illustrates the accuracy improvement from 99.31% to 99.61% over existing classification methods. |
[26] | 2014 | IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution | Probabilistic Neural Network | Experimental setup | Researches the use of a multivariate denoising tool to enhance the overall correctness of single and multiple partial discharge sources where PD data is collected with the use of a UHF sensor. |
[27] | 2013 | Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena | Support Vector Machine | Artificial PD Defect Model | Develops a Hybrid Discrete Wavelet transform algorithm to target the classification of multiple PD sources occurring in the same data sample. |
[28] | 2019 | IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery | Support Vector Machine | Artificial PD Defect Model | Employs Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG) techniques to extract image features from greyscale images which are used for PD pattern recognition. |
[29] | 2015 | IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation | Support Vector Machine | Experimental setup | Addresses the issue of classifying varying PD types collected via acoustic emission under differing measurement conditions such as PD source location, oil temperatures and barrier insertion. |
[30] | 2017 | Energies Journal | Artificial Neural Network, Fuzzy Logic | Artificial PD Defect Model | Compares the accuracy of artificial neural networks and Fuzzy logic in recognizing different partial discharge sources. |
[31] | 2013 | Electrical Power and Energy Systems | Support Vector Machine | Experimental setup | Utilizes multiple optical sensors inside a steel tank in a laboratory setup to develop a method of identifying single and multiple partial discharge sources. |
[32] | 2011 | Energies | Improved Bagging Algorithm, Support Vector Machine, Back Propagation Neural Network | Experimental setup | Introduces an Improved Bagging Algorithm (IBA) which enhances the generalization capability and improves the accuracy of the Backpropagation neural network. |
[33] | 2013 | IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation | Bayesian networks, k-nearest Neighbors, Multi-layer perceptron, Fuzzy Support Vector Machine | Artificial PD Defect Model | Investigates three challenging issues linked to the automatic classification of artificial PD sources, namely acquiring symbolic characteristics using feature extraction, identifying different types of PD using pattern recognition algorithms, and identifying multiple PD sources. |
[34] | 2018 | IET Science, Measurement and Technology | Kernel partial least squares regression (KPLS) | Artificial PD Defect Model | Introduces the variable predictive model-based class discrimination (VPMCD) method which is based on kernel partial least squares (KPLS) regression to exploit the inter-relations of extracted features of PD signals. |
[35] | 2018 | Energies | One Class Support Vector Machine | Power Transformer | Researches the use of a One-Class Support Vector Machine (OCSVM) as an alternative to the binary SVM for PD assessment, indicating the benefit of noise-eliminating capabilities for PD assessment. |
[36] | 2018 | IET Science, Measurement and Technology | Support Vector Machine | Test transformer | Develop a method of identifying unknown partial discharge patterns utilizing an improved Support Vector Data Description (SVDD). This method produces higher recognition accuracy, is more efficient and can be used to recognize unknown PD types where regular supervised algorithms fall short. |
[37] | 2021 | Energies | Artificial Neural Network | Artificial PD Defect Model | Adopts the use of long short-term memory neural networks to solve the issue of overlapping partial discharge types, achieving 99% accuracy on single class recognition and 43% for multiclass. |
[38] | 2017 | Entropy | Artificial Neural Network | Transformer bushing | Proposes a new feature extraction method which is derived from Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD) and Sample Entropy (SamEn) achieving satisfactory recognition results experimental data. |
[39] | 2022 | International conference on power and energy systems engineering | Not specified | Artificial PD Defect Model | Manufactures an optical PD detection device for the detection of PD occurring inside a transformer, thus evaluating the advantages of optical detection over other PD detection methods such as UHF, ultrasonic etc. |
[40] | 2022 | Energies | k-Nearest Neighbors | Experimental setup | Utilizes four different types of UHF antennas to research their influence on the efficacy of partial discharge classification in a transformer. |
[41] | 2023 | Applied Science | Convolutional Neural Network | Artificial PD Defect Model | Develop a novel partial discharge recognition algorithm which deals with the shortfalls of common artificial intelligence systems, such as complexity, high power requirements, high memory use and cost. |
[42] | 2010 | International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics | Artificial Neural Network | Power Transformer | Proposes a novel PD pattern recognition tool utilizing 3D patterns and PD fingerprints that can be easily implemented on MATLAB software. The novel system achieves better recognition rates than current methods. |
[43] | 2016 | IET Science, Measurement and Technology | Decision Tree | Experimental setup | Studies the use of Acoustic sensors for measuring and distinguishing between different types of partial discharges occurring in transformer oil-paper insulation. Classification is improved however the sensors still have limitations due to the environment. |
[44] | 2020 | IEEE Access | Convolutional Neural Network | Artificial PD Defect Model | Applies a Convolutional Neural Network method to six transformer-based partial discharge faults and achieves an improvement of 18.78% over the performance of SVM. |
[45] | 2021 | Applied Science | Support Vector Machine | Experimental setup | Offers a novel MobileNets Convolutional Neural Network method for recognition of partial discharges in transformers, reduces complexity, increases speed, and obtains improved classification performance. |
[46] | 2020 | Energies | Convolutional Neural Network, long term short term memory network | Transformer model | Develops a PD pattern recognition tool predicated on convolutional neural network and long short-term memory (LSTM) network to achieve better overall performance on recognition of PD patterns for floating defects, metal protrusion, void and surface discharge compared to the common CNN. |
[47] | 2018 | IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition | Online sequential extreme learning machine (OS-ELM) | Power Transformer | Tackles the limitations of traditional partial discharge recognition algorithms by producing a novel Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine (OS-ELM) which can produce faster learning speed, higher recognition accuracy and improved stability for large data samples. |
[48] | 2016 | Expert Systems with applications | Support Vector Machine | Transformer parts | Investigate the use of a support vector machine to distinguish between multiple types of partial discharge in a noisy environment. |
[49] | 2019 | Conference on Dielectric Liquids | Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, Linear Discriminant, k-nearest Neighbours | Experimental setup | Presents the use of Random Forest algorithm for transformer partial discharge recognition which is compared to classification performed by other machine learning techniques. Random Forest achieved the highest accuracy with 94.44% followed by cubic SVM and LD at 83.33% and 77.78% respectively |
[50] | 2021 | IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution | Support Vector Machine | Experimental setup | Utilizes an image-based feature extraction method based on upright speed-up features resulting in increased accuracy and better noise handling. |
[51] | 2018 | IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems | Support Vector Machine | Artificial PD Defect Model | Develops a Time-frequency classification method with the use of UHF PD signals collected from transformer oil and accuracy tested with different barriers and spacing between sensors. |
[52] | 2019 | 2nd International Symposium on big data and applied science | Deep Forest | Artificial PD Defect Model | Proposes the use of deep learning methods for automatic feature learning and pattern recognition as a replacement for classical feature extraction required when using shallow neural networks. |
[53] | 2019 | IP Conference series | Random Forest | Scholarly works | Examines the application of Random Forest algorithm for transformer PD recognition which achieves higher recognition accuracy compared to SVM and kNN when tested using the tenfold method. |
[54] | 2021 | IET Science, Measurement and Technology | Support Vector Machine | Artificial PD Defect Model | Extracts partial discharge adaptive features by employing a stacked auto-encoder algorithm to address the obstacles facing pattern recognition of multisource partial discharges. |
[55] | 2021 | Energies | Convolutional Neural Network | Artificial PD Defect Model | Researches the use of single-source PRPD patterns to train a convolutional neural network model and tests the model on single and multi-source PD patterns which results in an improvement from 77.3% to 99.6% for multi-source PDs over traditional CNN architecture. |
[56] | 2014 | EIT on Transmission and Distribution | Support Vector Machine | Scholarly works | Focuses on the use of UHF signals to detect single and multiple PD sources of the void and floating metal types, then applies denoising methods before extracting the appropriate features. Then proves this as a capable technique which can be used for classification |
[57] | 2020 | IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement | Isolation Forest | Experimental setup | Introduces a PD separation methodology using linear prediction analysis (LPA) and isolation forest algorithm (IFA) which proves successful in distinguishing between multisource PD signals in a 35 kV transformer during testing. |
[58] | 2020 | International Automatic Control Conference | Clustering Decision Tree | Power Transformer | Proposes a PD identification system which integrates the decision tree and the clustering scheme for use in cast-resin transformers. The performance of the new system is compared to the Weka method and attains superior classification error rates. |
[59] | 2019 | Sensors | Support Vector Machine, k-Nearest Neighbors | Power Transformer | Develops a method of classifying different fault signals, including PD inside a transformer with the use of data collected via acoustic emission signals. The developed algorithm achieves classification accuracies above 98%. |
[60] | 2018 | 2nd Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration | Extreme Learning Machine, Sparse self-encoder | Artificial PD Defect Model | Achieves improved PD pattern recognition accuracy as well as increased training speed by utilizing sparse self-coding and extreme learning machine networks. |
[61] | 2018 | Energies | Least Squares Support Vector, Random Forest | Solid insulation | Investigate the characteristics of PD occurring in the oil-pressboard of converter transformers under both AC and DC voltage, then utilize random forest for defect recognition and ultimately discuss the comparison in performance between LSSV and RF. |
[62] | 2018 | Electric power systems research | Multiple Linear Regression | Experimental setup | Proposes new methodologies for generating and locating high-frequency experimental PD current pulses based on multiple linear aggression models. |
[63] | 2012 | IEEE Transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation | Not specified | Experimental setup | Utilizes an inductive loop sensor to analyze wave energy distribution and differentiate between two PD sources occurring in transformer oil-paper insulation systems. |
[64] | 2020 | International journal of emerging trends in Engineering Research | Not specified | Not specified | Demonstrates the performance of the acoustic emission method for recognition and classification of 3 different PD sources produced in a prototype transformer, then utilizes spectral analysis to show the frequency range of each PD source. |
e [65] | 2016 | IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation | fuzzy k-nearest Neighbour, Back-propagation neural network, Support Vector Machine Machine | Artificial PD Defect Model | Utilizes image-oriented feature extraction and selection algorithms on PD data thereby improving the classifier accuracy by an average of 5% to 7% compared phase resolved partial discharge patterns of the same PD data. |
[66] | 2016 | IET Science, Measurement and Technology | Support Vector Machine | Artificial PD Defect Model | Simulates 5 partial discharge sources inside a transformer model, and extracts features via PCA which are applied to the SVM algorithm for classification. The results indicate an accurate classification of the five PD patterns. |
[67] | 2012 | IET Science, Measurement and Technology | Modified binary partial swarm optimization | Power Transformer | Develops a novel modified binary partial swarm optimization (MBPSO) method used to localize PD sources of an arc furnace transformer from a steel company. The efficiency of the algorithm is found to be comparable to existing algorithms. |
[68] | 2018 | Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis | Deep Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural Network | Simulation | Proposes new transformer PD fault identification methods, with PD data collected via ultrasonic testing, and features classified by Recurrent Neural Network, Deep Neural Network, and Convolutional Neural Network. CNN achieves the best average accuracy of 99.82% |
[69] | 2019 | IET High Voltage | Artificial Neural Network | Experimental setup | Uses Artificial Neural networks to Classify different discharges on outdoor insulators which were tested with the use of acoustic sensors. The results are compared to controlled samples tested in a laboratory and both achieve recognition rates higher than 85%. |
[70] | 2018 | IET Science, Measurement and Technology | Support Vector Regression, Artificial Neural Network | Experimental setup | Examines the use of a system of low-cost radio sensors for continuous partial discharge monitoring and develops models based on support vector regression and least squares support vector regression (LSSR), with LSSVR being the recommended algorithm due to its low complexity. |
[71] | 2018 | Analytics for Renewable Energy Integration | Convolutional Neural Network, Random Forest, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine | Experimental setup | Compares the classification performance of deep learning to traditional methods on three different partial discharge types which were collected using acoustic emission sensors on a transformer. |
[72] | 2023 | IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery | Ridge Regression | Artificial PD Defect Model | Investigates partial discharges due to repetitive impulse excitation occurring in power electronic devices. The PD data is measured with the use of UHF sensors and processed with a ridge regression classifier improving accuracy to 98.6% over classical deep learning models. |
[73] | 2013 | IEEE 1st International Conference on Condition Assessment Techniques in Electrical Systems | Support Vector Machine | Artificial PD Defect Model | Utilizes PCA to extract features from phase-resolved partial discharge patterns which are used as input to support vector machine algorithm for classifying PD data of six PD types. The highest classification results are achieved on corona discharge, discharge in oil and particle movement discharge, each at 100% accuracy. |
[74] | 2010 | Proceedings of the ninth international conference on machine learning and cybernetics | Artificial Neural Network | Power Transformer | Suggests a four-layer artificial neural network model for transformer partial discharge pattern recognition which is applied to field transformers. The proposed pattern recognition approach improves the overall recognition rate from 88.25% to 95.25% over current methods. |
[75] | 2023 | 8th International Conference on Control and Robotics Engineering | Convolutional Neural Network, Support Vector Machine | PD images | Evaluates the use of a convolutional neural network for PD recognition versus traditional methods which include feature extraction steps. The results indicate that the proposed method can classify different types of PD. |
[76] | 2022 | 4th International conference on Applied machine learning | Deep learning | Power Transformer | Presents the use of a deep learning model for transformer partial discharge fault identification thus achieving classification accuracy of up to 99.31%, 97.92% and 93.75% on the training set, validation set, and test set respectively. |
[77] | 2022 | 6th International conference on condition assessment techniques in electrical systems | Artificial Neural Network, Support Vector Machine, Random Forest | Artificial PD Defect Model | Analyzes four different types of PD and classifies it using artificial neural network, support vector machine and random forest. 100% accuracy is achieved for corona defects with SVM and RF. |
[78] | 2021 | Electrical insulation conference | Generative adversarial network | Artificial PD Defect Model | Develop digital twins with the use of generative adversarial networks to identify incipient discharges occurring within defects in transformer insulation systems. The UHF signal discharges can simulate the digital twin of the transformer however more studies are required to understand the classification accuracy. |
[79] | 2023 | IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science | Deep learning | Experimental setup | Looks into the detection and identification of poor PD signals in noisy environments by utilizing implantable optical detection tools, optical emission spectroscopy and ultraviolet monitoring. The collected PD data is fed to a deep learning model to determine the recognition and classification accuracy. The Developed model achieves a precision of 100% and an accuracy of 99% |
[80] | 2022 | Security and Communication Networks | Convolutional Neural Network | Simulation | Combines the benefits of artificial neural networks with accurate feature extraction to produce a novel transformer PD pattern recognition model and proves the value of applying the model to practice. |
[81] | 2022 | Intelligent Automation and soft computing | Convolutional Neural Network | Artificial PD Defect Model | Proposes a deep learning-based partial discharge classification algorithm which addresses the disadvantages of traditional algorithms, which include the generation of high dimensional data as well as the need for additional steps required in the processing which results in high memory requirements as well as slower process times, and higher costs. |
[82] | 2023 | Energies | Support Vector Machine, k-Nearest Neighbor | Power Transformer | Suggests the use of kNN and SVM techniques for imputing missing DGA data of a PD source, resulting in enhanced accuracy and precision when contrasted to methods lacking data imputation. |
[83] | 2021 | IEEE Access | Random Forest, k-Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machine, Artificial neural network, Naïve Bayes, AdaBoost | Dissolved Gas Analysis | Applies several artificial intelligence algorithms to tackle the shortcomings of handling data uncertainty in the transformer health index. Random Forest models provide a higher accuracy at 97%. |
[84] | 2014 | IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement | Support Vector Machine | Experimental setup | Proposes a novel multichannel instrumentation system of PD location in transformers based on acoustic emission detection with the use of piezoelectric and optic sensors. |
[85] | 2014 | IEEE Transaction on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation | k-Nearest Neighbors | Power Transformer | Utilizes copper coil radio frequency sensors to detect PD in a transformer which provides a simple and reliable online PD detection and localization method. |
[86] | 2018 | IET Science, Measurement and Technology | Artificial Neural Network | Transformer model | Places focused on the catadioptric phenomenon of acoustic emission wave propagation do develop the reduction of PD localization errors in power transformers. |
[87] | 2023 | ResearchGate | Convolutional Neural Network, Support Vector Machine | Artificial PD Defect Model | Introduces a multi-dimensional intelligent state model composed of CNN-SVM mode to overcome the low recognition accuracy of single intelligent state recognition models. The accuracy and consistency of the model are improved by 3.33% and 16.66% respectively |
[88] | 2012 | 2018 Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis | Artificial neural network | Artificial PD Defect Model | Utilizes waveform parameters and PD patterns from four artificial PD sources collected with the use of the types of sensors to develop an artificial neural network algorithm for the classification of PD sources in a transformer, achieving recognition rates between 90% and 96%. |
[89] | 2022 | Journal of Soft Computing Paradigm | Support vector machine, Convolutional neural network | Simulation | Employs the phase-amplitude response of PRPD patterns which are classified using a convolutional neural network to diagnose partial discharge of a 132/11 kV and a 132/25 kV transformer. |
[90] | 2023 | Sensors | Convolutional neural network | Power Transformer | Analyses partial discharges occurring within bubbles in transformer insulation mineral oil with the use of a CMOS image sensor. Developing a classification method which achieves a classification accuracy of 95% for the validation set and 82% for the test set. |
[91] | 2020 | IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena | Support Vector Machine | Artificial PD Defect Model | Proposes the classification of different partial discharges occurring in outdoor electric insulators with the use of different machine learning algorithms and achieves a 93% recognition rate for five PD defects using SVM with RBF kernels consistently achieving the highest recognition rates. |
[92] | 2010 | IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation | Support Vector Machine | Artificial PD Defect Model | Studies the use of a wide bandwidth PD measurement system which includes a radio frequency current transducer sensor to perform online automatic PD source identification. |
[93] | 2021 | International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems | Support Vector Machine | Artificial PD Defect Model | Demonstrates a new technique for partial discharge prediction with the use of a Deep Learning algorithm and tests it on void, corona and surface discharges occurring in transformer insulation systems. |
Criteria | Inclusion Criteria | Exclusion Criteria |
Topic | Scholarly work must be about the use of machine learning in the classification of partial discharge in electric transformers. | Articles that do not relate to machine learning, partial discharge, or electric transformers, and do not include machine learning. |
Research Framework | Work must include a research framework or methodology. | Articles without a clear research framework. |
Language | Articles are written in English. | Articles written in any other language other than English |
Publication Period | Articles published between 2011 and 2023. | Articles published before 2011 |
Publication Type | Articles published by reputable publishers. | Work that is not formally published. |
Topic | Scholarly work must be about the use of machine learning in the classification of partial discharge in electric transformers. | Articles that do not relate to machine learning, partial discharge, or electric transformers, and do not include machine learning. |
Keyword Search |
“Machine learning” |
“Transformer” “Transformer condition monitoring” |
“Partial discharge” “PD” |
“Artificial intelligence” |
No. | Online Repository | Number of Results |
1 | Google Scholar | 16529 |
2 | Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) | 260 |
3 | IEEE Explore | 233 |
4 | Springer Link | 3904 |
5 | ResearchGate | 43 |
6 | Science Direct | 715 |
7 | Wiley Online Library | 128 |
Total | 21812 |
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