This section deals with the valuation of standard two-colour step barrier options, whether the steps of the barrier are on the same side in each time interval (both upward or both downward) or not (one upward, the other downward).
1.1. Probability distributions involving two successive upward or downward barriers
be two GBMs (Geometric Brownian Motions) modeling two asset prices, whose differentials, under a given probability measure
, are given by :
, and
are two standard Brownian motions whose correlation coefficient is denoted by
The measure
is characterized by the pair
or, equivalently, by the pair :
if we refer to the log-return processes
, whose differentials under
are given by :
Let be positive real numbers. The numbers are the values of two knock-out continuous barriers. is monitored w.r.t. on the time interval , while is monitored w.r.t. on the time interval . The numbers are the values of three discrete knock-out barriers; is monitored w.r.t. at time , while and are monitored w.r.t. at times and , respectively.
Our first objective is to find the value of the joint cumulative distribution function
defined by :
where the acronym ‘
’ stands for ‘Rainbow Up and Up’
Proposition 1
The exact value of
is given by :
where the
are given by (3) and :
is the trivariate standard normal cumulative distribution function with correlation coefficients
Corollary 1 : It suffices to multiply by
all the first three arguments of each
function and to substitute each
operator by a
operator in Proposition 1 to obtain an exact formula for defined as :
where the acronym ‘’ stands for ‘Rainbow Down and Down’
Corollary 2 : (9) gives the value of the corrresponding up-and-in probability denoted by
and defined by :
Corollary 3 : It suffices to substitute each argument
in each
function of Proposition 1 by , , to obtain an exact formula for the early-ending variant
defined by :
Corollary 4 : Let
be the value of
when the size of becomes ‘very large’, i.e.large enough for the probability
to tend to zero; then, the difference
provides the value of the following minor variant :
End of Proposition 1.
Proof of Proposition 1
Since the log function is strictly increasing, we have :
Next, it can be noticed that, despite the non-zero correlation between
, the law of
conditional on
is equal to the law of
conditional on
Indeed, denoting the density function as
and making use of the Markov property of
, we have :
A translation from the time interval to the time interval , through the substitution of with , of with and of with , shows similarly that the law of conditional on , and is equal to the law of conditional on and
Thus, by conditioning w.r.t. the absolutely continuous random variables
, we can express the problem as the following integral :
where :
The functions
in (22) - (23) can be expanded by applying known formulae that can be found in Wang and Pötzelberger (1997) :
The function
derives from the trivariate normality of the triple
. It is elementary to obtain the marginal distributions :
refers to the normal distribution with expectation
and variance
Denoting by
three independent standard normal random variables, the pairwise covariances can be written as follows :
where we have applied the bilinearity of the covariance operator, the independence of increments of Brownian motion and the orthogonal decomposition of two-dimensional correlated Brownian motion. The correlation coefficients
in Proposition 1 ensue. Expanding the trivariate normal density function
as a product of normal conditional densities (Guillaume, 2018), we get:
where :
The terms , and have the following precise meanings :
- is the conditional standard deviation of given
- is the conditional correlation between and given
- is the conditional standard deviation of given and
The rest of the proof, whose cumbersome details are omitted, then consists in solving the four integrals implied by (20). The final result takes the form of the linear combination of four functions written in Proposition 1.
Corollary 1 comes from the property of symmetry of Brownian paths.
Corollary 2 is a consequence of the fact that :
Corollary 3 comes from the fact that the correlation coefficient between the random variables and is equal to .
Corollary 4 is a straightforward application of the law of total probability.
1.3. Reverse two-colour rainbow distributions
A two-colour rainbow barrier option is said to be reverse when the moneyness of the option is defined w.r.t. the first and former ‘colour’ (i.e. asset
) instead of the second and last one (asset
) : the option, so to speak, reverts back to asset one at expiry, hence the denomination. From a computational standpoint, this is not a trivial difference since it adds an additional dimension to the integral formulation of the problem. Let us define as
the following cumulative joint distribution at the core of reverse rainbow option valuation :
where the acronym ‘
’ stands for ‘Reverse Rainbow Up and Up’
Then, Proposition 3 provides the exact value of in the form of a triple integral.
is the univariate standard normal cumulative distribution function
and the other notations have been previously defined.
Remark 1 : Other types of reverse two-colour knock-out or knock-in barrier probability distributions are handled similarly by modifying the upper bounds of the integral and, possibly, the
functions, according to the considered combination of events.
Remark 2 :
is the partial correlation between
conditional on , while
is the partial correlation between
conditional on
and , and
is the conditional standard deviation of
given ,
and .
End of Proposition 3.
Proof of Proposition 3
One can express the problem at hand as the following integral :
Plugging the quadrivariate normal joint density function of the set of random variables , , and , as a product of conditional density functions as explained in Guillaume (2018), and then factoring in the conditional cumulative distribution function of given the triple , Proposition 3 ensues.
1.4. Option valuation and numerical implementation
Applying the theory of non-arbitrage pricing in a complete market (Harrison and Kreps, 1979; Harrison and Pliska, 1981), the value of a two-colour up-and-up knock-out put, denoted by
, is given by :
is the riskless interest rate assumed to be constant,
is the indicator function and
is the set constructed by the intersection of elements of the
algebra generated by the pair of processes
that characterizes the probability
as given by the arguments of the probability operator in (5).
A simple application of the Cameron-Martin-Girsanov theorem yields :
where :
is the measure under which is a standard Brownian motion (the classical so-called risk-neutral measure), while is the measure under which and are two independent standard Brownian motions.
To factor in a continuous dividend rate
associated with each asset
, simply replace
. All the other two-colour rainbow barrier options mentioned in
Section 1, whether they be knock-in or whether they feature a mixture of a downward and an upward barrier, are identically valued, by taking the relevant
probability along with the pairs
The numerical implementation of Proposition 1 and Proposition 2 is easy. Using Genz’s algorithm (2004) to evaluate the trivariate standard normal cumulative distribution function, the accuracy and efficiency required for all practical purposes can be achieved in computational times in the order of 0.1 second.
Table 1 provides the prices of a few two-colour up-and-up knock-out put options, for various levels of the volatility and correlation parameters of the underlying assets
, and different values of the knock-out barriers. All the initial values of the underlying assets
and the strike prices
are set at 100. Expiry is 1 year. The two time intervals
have equal length, i.e.
6 months, but unequal time lengths can be handled just as well by the formulae. The riskless interest rate is assumed to be 2.5%.
In each cell, four prices are reported : the first one is the exact analytical value as obtained by implementing Proposition 1, while the prices in brackets are three successive approximations obtained by performing increasingly large Monte Carlo simulations. More specifically, these approximations rely on the conditional Monte Carlo method, which is well known for its accuracy and efficiency (Glasserman, 2003). The number of simulations performed is 500,000 for the first approximation, 2,000,000 for the second approximation, and 10,000,000 for the third approximation. The pseudo-random numbers are drawn from the reliable Mersenne-Twister generator.
In purely numerical terms, it can be clearly observed that the conditional Monte Carlo approximations steadily converge to the analytical values as more and more simulations are performed. A minimum of 10,000,000 simulations are necessary to guarantee a modest convergence. This requires a computational time of approximately 35 seconds on a computer equipped with a Core i7 CPU. Much more accurate values can be obtained by means of Proposition 1 in only two tenths of a second. This gap in accuracy and efficiency makes a particularly valuable difference when pricing large portfolios of options.
From a financial point of view, the most striking phenomenon observed in
Table 1 is that the option price regularly and significantly increases with the value of the correlation coefficient between assets
, whatever the volatilities and the levels of the barriers. Roughly speaking, the price of an at-the-money two-colour up-and-up knock-out put option when
is three times greater than when
. This property can be exploited by traders who take positions on correlation, as the prices of these options will substantially increase if implicit correlation turns out to be underestimated by the markets. This property can also be harnessed by traders to construct hedges on sold derivatives that are sensitive to pairwise correlation. From an investor’s perspective, the observed phenomenon allows to define effective strategies to reduce the cost of hedging by tapping into negative correlation. Such a significant functional relation w.r.t. correlation is a major attraction of rainbow step barrier options relative to non-rainbow step barrier options, as the latter can only handle volatility effects.
Another noticeable fact in
Table 1 is that lowering the up-and-out barriers seems much more effective in reducing the option’s price than lowering the volatilities of assets
, regardless of the sign and the magnitude of correlation. Indeed, looking at row 1 in
Table 1, one can see that the options are relatively cheap, although the volatilities of both assets
are low, because the knock-out barriers are located quite near the spot prices of the underlying assets; and looking at row 2 in
Table 2, one can see that the options are relatively expensive, although the volatilities of both assets
are high, because the knock-out barriers are more distant. This shows that the barrier effect, which drives prices down as up-and-out barriers get lower, and conversely drive prices up as up-and-out barrier get higher, prevails over the volatility effect, which exerts its influence in the opposite direction, i.e. a lower volatility pushes prices up by decreasing the probability of knocking out before expiry and a higher volatility pushes prices down by increasing the latter probability. This phenomenon can be explained by the ambivalent nature of volatility : on the one hand, less volatility means less risk of being deactivated before expiry, but on the other hand it also means fewer chances of ending in-the-money at expiry; whichever of this positive and this negative effect weighs more on the option price depends on the relative values of barrier, strike, volatility and expiry parameters in a complex manner.
Table 2 reports the prices of a few down-and-up two-colour knock-out put options by implementing Proposition 2 to obtain exact analytical values and by computing three successive conditional Monte Carlo approximations in the same way as in
Table 1.
Table 2, the most salient feature is still the functional dependency of the option’s price on the correlation between assets
, but, this time, the direction is opposite to that in
Table 1, i.e. the two-colour down-and-up knock-out put prices steadily decrease as
goes from – 60% to 60%. In a trader’s perspective, one could sum up the argument by saying that two-colour rainbow barrier options are a bet on positive correlation when both barriers are on the same side (upward or downward), while they are a bet on negative correlation when the barriers stand on opposite sides (up-and-down or down-and-up).
The barrier effect also prevails over the volatility effect in
Table 2. Overall, two-colour down-and-up knock-out puts display maximum values that are a little higher, and minimum values that are a little lower, than two-colour up-and-up knock-out puts, although up-and-out barriers and down-and-out barriers are designed with the exact same distance to the spot prices of
Eventually, the application of Proposition 3 is briefly discussed. The no-arbitrage price of a reverse two-colour rainbow up-and-up knock-out put, denoted by
, is given by :
where :
- is the set constructed by the intersection of elements of the algebra generated by the pair of processes that characterizes the probability as given by the arguments of the probability operator in (43)
- is the measure under which is a standard Brownian motion
However, it is less easy to evaluate Proposition 3. The problem at hand has two ‘nice’ features from the standpoint of numerical integration : first, the dimension, equal to 3, is moderate; second, the integrand is continuous. The snag is the large number of parameters in each evaluation of the integrand in a quadrature process, especially the various conditional standard deviations at the denominators of the fractions, that may hinder fast convergence when they take on absolute values that get smaller and smaller. That is why it is recommended to use a subregion adaptive algorithm of numerical integration, as explained by Bernsten, Espelid & Genz (1991), that adapts the number of integrand evaluations in each subregion according to the rate of change of the integrand. Although more time-consuming than a fixed degree rule, it is more accurate to control the approximation error, as the subdivision of the integration domain stops only when the sum of the local error deterministic estimates becomes smaller than some prespecified requested accuracy. Adaptive integration can be enhanced by a Kronrod rule to reduce the number of required iterations (see, e.g., Davis and Rabinowitz 2007). These techniques are widely used in numerical integration and it is easy to find available code or built-in functions in the usual scientific computing software.