Estimations are done using conventional and spatial panel regression models. We estimate a pooled OLS, a fixed effects panel, spatial panel models (i.e., SEM and SDM).
4.2. Spatial Panel Model Results
The spatial panel models are relevant when there is spatial dependence in the error terms. We test this using Pesaran’s CD test [
54] computed over the fixed effects panel model residuals. As a result, the no cross-regional dependence null hypothesis is rejected at the 1% level. Hence, it is appropriate to move on to estimation results from the spatial panel models.
The SEM and SDM estimation results are shown in
Table 3. For the SEM, the spatial parameter λ is positive (0.67) and significant at the 1% level, implying a strong spatial dependence in the unobserved factors. The effects of a random shock in a specific region that transmit to its neighborhood can be estimated by multiplying λ with the corresponding spatial weights.
Now turning to the SDM results, the spatial autoregressive parameter ρ (0.62), which reflects the average intensity of the spatial intercorrelation [
38], is also significant and indicating a strong spatial dependence. The spatially lagged independent variables (
) measure the indirect impacts on MPC in one region arising from changes in variables
from its neighbored regions [
55]. Following LeSage and Dominguez [
56] and Sarrias [
57], weather influences can be split up considering the direct in-region effects of
and the indirect effects translated in from adjacent regions. In particular, equation (7) can be rewritten to equation (9):
and the effects of the independent variables can be computed as
Where identifies region, denotes the set of independent variables, and the effect on production across regions of variations in the independent variable. In turn, the average direct effect is the average of the diagonal elements of , and the average total effect is equal to , which is a vector of 1’s. The indirect effect is the total effect minus the direct effect.
For our estimation the empirical SDM direct and indirect impacts are shown in
Table 4, along with the SEM results for comparison. Overall, the SDM estimates show that more weather variables exert significant effects, relative to the SEM results. Summer max THI again exhibits an inverse U-shape total effect on MPC; thereby milk yield increases as the summer max THI increases toward a threshold value, and then yield declines as this THI is higher than the threshold moving extreme heat stress, which coincides with the findings in Hammami et al. [
23]. We also find a significant indirect effect of summer max THI, which represents the spatial spillover impacts on MPC in a state from changes in summer max THI of its nearby states [
Additionally, the linear and quadratic time trend variables were included here to capture the effects of factors like technological improvements changing over time, such as developments in animal genetics, nutrition and animal management. In both spatial models and the pooled OLS and non-spatial fixed effects panel model, the linear time trend is significant and positive showing increasing MPC over time, while the quadratic term is negative, showing diminishing technological progress over time.
These results can be illustrated graphically.
Figure 1 displays the relationship between a given weather factor with the MPC when holding other variables constant.
Figure 1a shows the percentage changes in MPC as the summer max THI increases by one unit based on the historical minimum (64.8). The summer max THI has an inverse U-shaped effect with a threshold value of 72. Above that threshold, the increase in the summer max THI will decrease MPC. However, if the THI is below this threshold value, its increase will positively affect the MPC, because in that lower THI range, warmer environment would benefit livestock production as found in Du Preez et al. [
58] and Correa-Calderon et al. [
59]. Nationally, most regions experienced MPC reduction induced by heat stress as the comparison between the historical summer max THI observations and the threshold shows more than 2/3 of past observations exceed the threshold value of 72.
The effects of other weather factors are also plotted in
Figure 1. Fall precipitation also exhibits an inverse U-shaped relationship with MPC (
Figure 1b), that is, MPC increases at a decreasing rate as fall precipitation rises up to the threshold value of 14 inches. Beyond that threshold value, MPC declines at an increasing rate. Generally, since about 90% of the fall precipitation observations are smaller than the threshold, to some extent, more precipitation would increase MPC perhaps reflecting added forage availability [
61]. For winter PDSI (
Figure 1c), its total effect also shows an inverse U-shape with a threshold value of 0. This implies as PDSI rises indicating less drought, MPC tends to increase, but as PDSI continues increasing to be higher than the threshold value of 0, then MPC falls as environmental condition gets wetter. These results agree with previous literature [
4.3. Model Comparison
Now we compare model performance by examining the in and out of sample model fit using the root mean squared error (RMSE) as the criterion [
64]. The in-sample RMSE is computed with the data from 1950 to 2014, assessing how effective the models are in reproducing data, whereas the out-of-sample RMSE, calculated by the holdout dataset from 2015 to 2022, is to evaluate the forecasting accuracy of the models on a new dataset of independent variables [
65]. The results in
Table 5 show that the estimates from the spatial models outperform that from the conventional panel data models.
Next, we statistically test differentiating parameters using a Wald test. First, we test whether the SEM spatial dependence (λ) factor is significantly different from zero and find it is at the 1% confidence level. In turn, we conclude the SEM model is more appropriate than the fixed effects panel model and that it is important to incorporate spatial correlation.
Next, we test whether
, which if so, means that SDM reduces to SEM [
66]. This is also rejected at the 1% level, which indicates that SDM performs better than SEM. Thus, it is important to incorporate the correlation between the independent and the omitted variables.