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10 July 2024
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Abbreviation | Description |
BKPM | “Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal” or Capital Investment Coordinating Board |
BPJPH | “Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Produk Halal” or Halal Product Guarantee Organizing Agency |
BPOM | “Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan” or Food and Drug Supervisory Agency |
BSN | “Badan Standardisasi Nasional” or the National Standardization Body |
CPPOB | “Cara Produksi Pangan Olahan yang Baik” or Good Processed Food Production Methods |
KBLI | “Klasifikasi Baku Lapangan Usaha Indonesia” or the Indonesian Business Field Standard Classification |
Kemendag | “Kementerian Perdagangan Republik Indonesia” or The Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia |
Kemenperin | “Kementerian Perindustrian Republik Indonesia” or The Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia |
Kementerian PUPR | “Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat Republik Indonesia” or the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing of the Republic of Indonesia |
Kominfo | “Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia” or the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology of the Republic of Indonesia |
K3L | “Keselamatan, Keamanan, Kesehatan dan pelestarian lingkungan” or safety, security, health, and environmental preservation |
K/L | “Kementrian/Lembaga” or ministry/agency functions |
LPPOM | “Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan, Obat-obatan dan Kosmetika” or Institute for the Study of Food, Drugs and Cosmetics MUI |
MUI | “Majelis Ulama Indonesia” or Indonesian Council of Ulama |
NIB | “Nomor Induk Berusaha” or the Business Identification Number |
NIK | “Nomor Induk Kependudukan” or Identity Number |
NPWP | “Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak” or Tax Identity Number |
PBG | “Persetujuan Bangunan Gedung” or building approvals |
PB-UMKU | “Perizinan Berusaha Untuk Mendukung Kegiatan Usaha” or Business Licensing to Support Business Activities |
SIINas | “Sistem Informasi Industri Nasional” or the National Industrial Information System |
SLF | “Sertifikat Laik Fungsi” or Functional Eligibility Certificates |
SIMBG | “Sistem Informasi Manajemen Bangunan Gedung” or the Building Management Information System |
SNI | “Standar Nasional Indonesia” or The Indonesian National Certificate |
SPBE | “Sistem Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik” or e-government |
SPJH | “Sistem Jaminan Produk Halal” or Halal Product Guarantee System |
UMK | “Usaha Mikro dan kecil” or micro and small enterprises |
UMKM | “Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah” or micro, small and medium enterprises |
Year | References | Title | General Summary | Keywords | Components* | ||
1 | 2 | 3 | |||||
2016 | [60] | Smart Governance: Using a Literature Review and Empirical Analysis to Build a Research Model | Produce a model for research on implementation strategies (ideas and actions), smart governance arrangements (organization, technology and innovation), and smart governance outcomes (organizational change and urban improvement) | Organization, technology, Innovation | √ | √ | - |
[61] | Governing the smart city: a review of the literature on smart urban governance | Smart governance is not a technology issue: we must study smart governance as a complex process of institutional change and acknowledge the political nature of a compelling vision of socio-technical governance | Socio-technical, technological | √ | √ | - | |
2018 | [62] | Smart governance in the context of smart cities: A literature review | Provide a definition of 'smart city governance' and contribute to developing a framework to build new smart governance models in addressing society's digital challenges, collaborative governance, information sharing, citizen engagement, transparency and openness. | Model, collaborative, transparency | √ | √ | - |
[63] | The governance of smart cities: A systematic literature review | A systematic literature review shows that various definitions of smart city governance exist. Also, the study uncovered substantial variances in contextual factors, measurement techniques and outcomes among smart city governance concepts | Contextual, metric, results | √ | √ | - | |
2019 | [64] | Modelling the smart governance performance to support smart city program in Indonesia | The proposed model produces 29 indicators in three different domains (public services, bureaucracy, public policy) and seven aspects of assessment (public administration services, basic needs facilities, service facilities, internal policies, bureaucratic governance, public aspirations and open access). This model can serve as a reference for smart governance performance evaluation to support smart cities initiatives in Indonesia. | Bureaucracy, public service, public policy | √ | √ | √ |
[65] | Smart Governance For Sustainable Cities: Findings from a Systematic Literature Review | Empirical evidence for expected sustainability benefits is scant. In addition, the picture that emerges is ambiguous because it reports negative positive impacts on the achievement of smart governance sustainability. This study identifies the contextual condition of smart governance as important. Our paper points to the need for more empirical research and developing an agenda to examine the relationship between smart governance and sustainability outcomes. | Contextual, sustainable results | √ | √ | √ | |
2020 | [66] | Smart City Governance in Developing Countries: A Systematic Literature Review |
Tech-enabled smart cities in developing countries can only be realized when socioeconomic, human, legal, and regulatory reforms are instituted. The government needs to increase its efforts to meet people's basic infrastructure needs, increase income, establish a clear regulatory framework to mitigate the technological risks involved, develop human capital, ensure digital inclusivity, and promote environmental sustainability. | Technology, people, regulation | √ | - | √ |
[67] | A Literature Review on Smart City and Smart Governance | Research on the theme of Smart City and Smart Governance and its implementation by the government is still very minimal in Asian countries and other countries outside Europe. Research on Smart Cities and Smart Governance was very high in 2016 and beyond. Urban communities are very important to be involved in the urban planning process because they are the ones who will be the beneficiaries of its implementation | Implementation, planning, community | √ | - | √ | |
2022 | [68] | A Systematic Literature Review of Smart Governance | Smart governance is the ability or capacity to carry out smart activities, whether using technology that supports collaboration to produce efficient decision making or not. There are three main characteristics of smart governance, namely participation and partnership, collaboration, and transparency. The study also found that there are still few models, frameworks, or architectures for smart governance. Most research has created models, frameworks, or architectures for smart cities. With this fact, research on the development of smart governance models, frameworks, or architectures is still open for further research | Technology, transparency, participation, models/ frameworks | √ | √ | √ |
2023 | [13] | Smart Governance Toolbox: A Systematic Literature Review | Certain parts of the 'smart governance toolbox' remain almost empty: there are very few tools to assess the context of smart collaborative governance, facilitating collaborative structure, addressing technology issues, and measuring the results of smart city practices. | Tools, collaborative, technology | √ | √ | - |
No | Processes | Domain | Smart System Technologies |
1 | Validation | Authentication & Authorization | Single Sign-on / OAuth |
2 | Integration | Integration & Partnership | RESTful OPEN API 2.0 |
3 | Licensing verification | Document verification | Blockchain |
4 | Data Governance | Big Data | Data Lake on SaaS |
5 | Data Security | Data Protection | Homomorphic encryption |
6 | Licensing Monitoring | Computer vision | Optical Character recognition (OCR) |
7 | Complaint Handling | Customer Service Support/ Chat/ FAQ | GenerativeAI |
Approach | Pros | Cons |
Bio-Business Licensing2 | Other Licensing | Ministries/Agencies |
Halal Certificate | - | BPJPH |
BPOM Distribution License | - | BPOM |
K3L | K3L | Kemendag |
Comply to SIINas | Comply to SIINas | Kemenperin |
PBG | PBG | Kementrian PUPR |
- | IUP/IUPK | Local Government |
KBLI 2020 (21 CATEGORIES)3 |
A. Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries |
B. Mining and Quarrying |
C. Processing Industry |
D. Procurement of Electricity, Gas, Steam/Hot Water, and Cold Air |
E. Water Treatment, Waste Water Treatment, Waste Material Treatment and Recovery, and Remediation Activities |
F. Construction |
G. Transportation and Warehousing |
H. Wholesale and Retail Trade; Car and Motorbike Repair and Maintenance |
I. Provision of accommodation and provision of food and drink |
J. Information and Communication |
K. Financial and Insurance Activities |
L. Real Estate |
M. Professional, Scientific, and Technical Activities |
N. Rental and leasing activities without options, employment, travel agents, and other business support |
O. Government Administration, Defense, and Mandatory Social Security |
P. Education |
Q. Human Health Activities and Social Activities |
R. Arts, Entertainment and Recreation |
S. Other Service Activities |
T. Household Activities as Employers; Activities that Produce Goods and Services by Households that are Used to Meet Their Own Needs |
U. Activities of International Agencies and Extra International Agencies |
Document1 | Keywords | Supporting Data |
1. Halal Certificate | Halal, MUI, LPPOM |
2. BPOM License | BPOM, Distribution License |
No | Scenario | Success Criteria |
1 | User has successfully logged in | Pass |
2 | User failed to login | Fail |
3 | Users can upload valid halal certificate documents | Pass |
4 | Users can upload BPOM certificate documents – valid | Pass |
5 | User failed to upload certificate document – invalid | Fail |
6 | Users can submit valid halal certificate documents | Pass |
7 | The submitted data appears successfully | Pass |
8 | User has successfully logged out | Pass |
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