2. Preliminary Facts
For the sake of simplicity and convenience to the reader, we will begin this section with some basic and necessary concepts for understanding this work.
Definition 1.
Let V an vector space over an abstract field , an inner product over V is a map which satisfies the following properties:
- (i)
, ;
- (ii)
, , ;
- (iii)
, .
Usually write instead of . Two vectors are called orthogonal if and tangent if .
An quadratic space V is a vector space over a field endowed with an inner product “·”.
We say that V is regular, if for every implies that .
Definition 2. Let be a vector in the quadratic space V, we call u isotropic if and anisotropic if .
A subespace S of V is totally isotropic if for every pair , we have .
Definition 3. Let V be a quadratic space of finite dimension n. The index of V (ind V) is the maximum dimension of a totally isotropic subspace of V. So, ind V=0 if and only if V is anisotropic.
The Grammian of a basis B of V is the determinant . We shall write GramB.
We will have the opportunity to use, the following results, the tests can be consulted in detail in each reference.
Theorem 1 (See [
5], 42.1).
Every finite-dimensional quadratic space has an orthogonal basis.
Theorem 2 (See [
5], 42.2-42.4).
The following assertions are equivalent in a finite-dimensional quadratic space V:
V es regular;
V has an orthogonal anisotropic basis;
For every basis B of V, GramB.
There exists a basis B of V such that GramB.
For each subset
, we define:
Note that is a subspace of V.
Theorem 3 (See [
5], 42.6).
If U is an arbitrary subspace of V, we have:
Corollary 1.
If V is regular, for every subspace of V, we have:
4. Tangential and Anisotropic Bases
Let us remember that in a quadratic space V of dimension n a base B is unitary (resp. antiunitary) if (resp. ) for each .
Theorem 6. If , V is regular and , then V has a tangential basis which is unitary or antiunitary.
We can write V as following: , where , for each and . Since , we can suppose, without loss of generality, that or .
We, define , , . We have then . Also, for each and for , , . Then, is tangential basis of V which is unitary or antiunitary depending if or . □
Before generalizing this theorem, we need the next lemma.
Lemma 1.
Let , and let be an anisotropic quadratic space over . We suppose that for each (positive case) or for each (negative case). Let be linearly independent vectors in V such that for and each , in the positive case, or for and , in the negative case. Then there exists a vector such that are linearly independent and () in the positive (negative) case.
such that
for each
, (
in the positive case and
in the negative case). Let:
, we conclude that
. Then, if
is the vector we were looking for. In the negative case we have
for each
Clearly since . Therefore, . Defining , the vector satisfies and for each . □
The next theorem is the most important result of this paper:
Theorem 7. Let V be a regular quadratic spaces over such that . Then V has unitary tangential basis or an antiunitary tangential basis.
, we can find isotropic vectors
V with
for each
and anisotropic mutually orthogonal vectors
such that
for every
(positive case) or such that
for every
(negative case) and such that:
Using theorem 6, we can find a tangential basis
of the subspace
which is unitary in the positive case or antiunitary in the negative case.
By Lemma 1 we can find linearly independent vectors in such that and for in the positive case and such that and for in the negative case.
In the positive case we define
. If
are defined as in theorem 6. The next step is to prove that
is a tangential basis for
V. Take
. If
and if
Continuing in the positive case, let us calaculate . If , and if , . We conclude then that is a tangential unitary basis for V.
In the negative case, we apply again lemma 1 and find linearly independet vectors
such that
for each
. The proposed antiunitary tangential basis is
are as in the positive case. We have now, if
and if
, we have:
and for
Therefore, , since .
Finally, if
Therefore, is a tangential antiunitary basis for V. □
The following theorem gives us the necessary and sufficient conditions for a quadratic space to have a tangential base.
Theorem 8. Let , where U is a regular subspace of V. Then V has a tangential basis if and only if U has a tangential basis.
. Suppose
V has a tangential basis
, every
can be written in the form
. We claim the vectors
U. Indeed, if
is arbitrary, we have scalars
such that:
. Since
, we have
as was to be proved. Therefore, a subfamily of
n elements is a basis for
U, say
. Observe now:
Therefore, is a tangential basis U.
Suppose now that
U has a tangential basis
. Let
be a basis for
. Denote
, for each
. We calculate
Since , is a tangential basis for V. □
We will finish this work with the definition of isometries.
Definition 4.
Two quadratic spaces over the same field areisometricif there exists an isomorphism such that for each pair of vectors . Such mapping ψ is called anisometrybetween and .
The following theorem will be very useful for our purposes, its proof can be consulted in detail in ([
5], Theorem 42:16).
Theorem 9. Let U, V be isometric regular subspaces of a quadratic space W. Then and are isometric too.
The problem about the existence of isotropic basis of a regular space V over the field of real numbers is solved with the following theorem:
Theorem 10. If , V is regular and if . Then V has an isotropic basis.
If V is a hyperbolic space and we keep the notation of theorem 6, it is clear that is the desired basis. Suppose now that . Let us consider the extension where for each . By theorem 7, has a tangential basis where or for each . We define the vectors , where and the sing + is taken if and the sing − is taken if . It is clear that every is isotropic and .
Since the subspaces and of are isometric, theorem 9 implies that their orthogonal complements are isometric too. Therefore, is isometric to and V has an isotropic basis. □
Corollary 4. If , U is regular and , then V has an isotropic basis.
By theorem 10, U has an isotropic basis B. If any basis of , then B is an isotropic basis of V. □
We will finish the paper with some remarks and two conjectures.
Using induction and theorem 5, it may be proved easily that every quadratic space V over the field of complex numbers has a tangential basis provided that V is regular and .
We also observe that if V is a hyperbolic space of index , say where and for each , then there exists a linear automorphism such that and for each .
satisfies the following property:
Hence, if the hyperbolic space V has a unitary tangential basis and also an antiunitary tangential basis.
We say a quadratic space V is bitangential if V has a unitary tangential basis and also an antiunitary tangential basis.
Therefore, if a hyperbolic space V has a unitary tangential basis , then V is bitangential.
The previous comments motivate the following conjectures:
Problem 1. If V is a regular quadratic spaces over of any finite dimension, then V cannot be tangential.
A weaker conjecture is:
Problem 2. If , no hyperbolic space over can be have a tangential basis.
If this last conjecture is true, we can finally state: If , the only regular quadratic spaces over that have a tangential basis are those of positive index and which are not hyperbolic spaces.