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11 July 2024
15 July 2024
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Patient demographics at study entry | LUAD n=58 |
SQCA n=37 |
P-value |
Age (median, quartiles [1st; 3rd]) years Age > 65 (n, %) Age > 70 (n, %) Age > 80 (n, %) |
60.73 [54.5; 69.0] 21/58 (36.2 %) 11/58 (19.0 %) 0/58 (0 %) |
65.6 [60.5; 70.3] 21/37 (56.8 %) 10/37 (27.0 %) 0/37 (0 %) |
0.0687 0.0492 0.3558 |
Sex (n, %) Female Male |
27/58 (46.6 %) 31/58 (53.4 %) |
5/37 (13.5 %) 32/37 (86.5 %) |
0.0009 |
BMI (median, quartiles [1st; 3rd]) BMI < 18.5 kg/m2 (n, %) BMI > 18.5, < 25 kg/m2 (n, %) BMI > 25, < 30 kg/m2 (n, %) BMI > 30 kg/m2 (n, %) |
25.3 [23.0; 27.2] 0/58 (0 %) 25/58 (43.1 %) 29/58 (50.0 %) 4/58 (6.9 %) |
23.8 [21.8; 26.6] 0/37 (0 %) 24/37 (64.9 %) 10/37 (27.0 %) 3/37 (8.1 %) |
0.1842 0.0385 0.0264 1.0000 |
Pack years (median, quartiles [1st; 3rd]) Never smokers (n, %) Current smokers (n, %) Ex-smokers (n, %) |
30.0 [4.25; 45.0] PY 10/58 (17.2 %) 32/58 (55.2 %) 16/58 (27.6 %) |
40.0 [22.5; 52.5] PY 3/37 (8.1 %) 18/37 (48.6 %) 16/37 (43.2 %) |
0.0288 0.2066 0.5346 0.1143 |
Alcohol (n, %) |
10/58 (17.2 %) |
6/37 (16.2 %) |
0.8964 |
Comorbidities (n, %) Respiratory Cardiovascular Renal Liver Neurological/ psychiatric Diabetes mellitus Non-pulmonary malignancies |
21/58 (36.2 %) 9/58 (15.5 %) 2/58 (3.4 %) 3/57 (5.3 %) 8/58 (13.8 %) 5/58 (8.6 %) 12/58 (20.7 %) |
18/37 (48.6 %) 2/37 (5.4 %) 3/37 (8.1 %) 3/37 (8.1 %) 3/37 (8.1 %) 7/37 (18.9 %) 4/37 (10.8 %) |
0.4546 0.1331 0.3744 0.6769 0.3984 0.1407 0.2096 |
Lung function parameters (median, quartiles [1st; 3rd]) FVC (absolute values, L) FEV1 (absolute values, L) DLCO (absolute values, L) |
3.18 [2.76-3.79] 2.25 [1.97-2.92] 5.29 [4.23-6.25] |
3.37 [2.84-4.19] 2.24 [1.64-3.07] 4.40 [3.31-6.05] |
0.2476 0.4897 0.0393 |
Lung function parameters (median, quartiles [1st; 3rd]) FVC (predicted, %) FEV1 (predicted, %) DLCO (predicted, %) FEV1/ FVC(%) |
82.50 [72.75-98.00] 80.50 [67.00-90.25] 62.50 [50.50-70.50] 95.00 [87.00-102.00] |
79.00 [71.50-91.00] 69.00 [55.50-85.00] 48.00 [42.00-62.00] 88.00 [78.00-95.00] |
0.2903 0.0103 0.0023 0.0014 |
Parameters preoperatively (median, quartiles [1st; 3rd]) |
LUAD n=58 |
SQCA n=37 |
P-value |
Blood counts Leukocytes (/nL) Erythrocytes (/pL) Hemoglobin (g/dL) Thrombocytes (/nL) Clinical chemistry CRP (mg/dL) Creatinine (mg/dL) Albumin (g/dL) LDH (IU/L) |
6.15 [4.58; 7.30] 3.74 [3.48; 3.91] 11.9 [11.10; 12.43] 240.5 [204.0; 288.25] 0.20 [0.10; 0.60] 0.90 [0.78; 1.00] 4.27 [3.90; 4.46] 200.0 [169.8; 244.0] |
5.60 [4.35; 7.90] 3.56 [3.33; 4.01] 11.6 [10.85; 12.60] 221.0 [198.5; 268.5] 0.50 [0.10; 1.30] 1.0 [0.80; 1.10] 4.00 [3.60; 4.35] 188.0 [174.0; 211.0] |
0.7923 0.7688 0.8396 0.3046 0.0206 0.1304 0.0281 0.2323 |
Tumor characteristics | LUAD n=58 |
SQCA n=37 |
P-value |
Tumor side (n, %) Left Right |
27/58 (46.6 %) 31/58 (53.4 %) |
16/37 (43.2 %) 21/37 (56.8 %) |
0.7521 |
Tumor localization (n, %) Left upper lobe Left lower lobe Right upper lobe middle lobe Right lower lobe |
17/58 (29.3 %) 10/58 (17.2 %) 22/58 (37.9 %) 2/58 (3.4 %) 7/58 (12.1 %) |
13/37 (35.1 %) 3/37 (8.11 %) 11/37 (29.7 %) 2/37 (5.4 %) 8/37(21.6 %) |
0.5515 0.2066 0.3521 0.6432 0.2131 |
TNM7 classification (n, %) cT1 cT2 cT3 cT4 Lymph node involvement (n, %) cN0 cN1 cN2 cN3 |
11/58 (19.0 %) 10/58 (17.2 %) 14/58 (24.1 %) 23/58 (39.7 %) 9/58 (15.5 %) 11/58 (19.0 %) 35/58 (60.3 %) 3/58 (5.2 %) |
0/37 (0 %) 4/37 (10.8 %) 9/37 (24.3 %) 24/37 (64.9 %) 4/37 (10.8 %) 7/37 (18.9 %) 22/37 (59.5 %) 4/37 (10.8 %) |
0.0048 0.3886 0.9830 0.0166 0.5151 0.9955 0.9315 0.3050 |
Pleura visceralis infiltration (n, %) |
21/58 (36.2 %) |
4/37 (10.8 %) |
0.0061 |
TNM7 classification (n, %) yT0 yT1 yT2 yT3 yT4 Lymph node involvement (n, %) yN0 yN1 yN2 yN3 |
10/58 (17.2 %) 20/58 (34.5 %) 11/58 (19.0 %) 9/58 (15.5 %) 8/58 (13.8 %) 34/58 (58.6 %) 6/58 (10.3 %) 17/58 (29.3 %) 1/58 (1.7 %) |
22/37 (59.5 %) 10/37 (27.0 %) 2/37 (5.4 %) 2/37 (5.4 %) 1/37 (2.7 %) 33/37 (89.2 %) 4/37 (10.8 %) 0/37 (0 %) 0/37 (0 %) |
<0.0001 0.4459 0.0608 0.1331 0.0719 0.0014 0.9425 0.0003 0.4220 |
Features of the surgical procedures | LUAD n=58 |
SQCA n=37 |
P-value |
Resection side (n, %) Left Right |
27/58 (46.6 %) 31/58 (53.4 %) |
16/37 (43.2 %) 21/37 (56.8 %) |
0.7521 |
Surgical approach (n, %) Open (thoracotomy) Minimally invasive (VATS) Conversion to open |
50/58 (86.2 %) 5/58 (8.6 %) 3/58 (5.2 %) |
35/37 (94.6%) 2/37 (5.4%) 0/37 (0.0%) |
0.1939 0.7017 0.2791 |
Resection extent (n, %) Lobectomy Multilobar -Bilobectomy -Pneumonectomy |
50/58 (86.2 %) 4/58 (6.9 %) 4/58 (6.9 %) |
25/37 (67.6%) 4/37 (10.8%) 8/37 (21.6%) |
0.0298 0.7071 0.0351 |
Topographical resection (n, %) Sleeve resection Thoracic wall |
11/58 (19.0 %) 4/58 (6.9 %) |
9/37 (24.3%) 2/37 (5.4%) |
0.5321 1.000 |
Surgery time (median, quartiles [1st; 3rd]) (minutes) |
213.0 [171.5; 262.5] |
216.0 [165.5;275.0] |
0.6333 |
Neoadjuvant therapy Chemotherapy Chemo- and Immunotherapy Radiation therapy Chemo- and Radiation therapy Chemo-, Immuno, and Radiation therapy |
14/58 (24.1 %) 5/58 (8.6 %) 0/58 (0.0 %) 34/58 (58.6 %) 5/58 (8.6 %) |
4/37 (10.8 %) 2/37 (5.4 %) 1/37 (2.7 %) 30/37 (81.1 %) 0/37 (0.0 %) |
0.1060 0.7017 0.3895 0.0228 0.1527 |
Adjuvant therapy Chemotherapy Immunotherapy Chemo- and Immunotherapy Radiation therapy Chemo-, Immuno, and Radiation therapy |
1/57 (1.8 %) 9/57 (15.8 %) 0/57 (0.0 %) 8/57 (14.0 %) 1/57 (1.8 %) |
0/36 (0.0 %) 0/36 (0.0 %) 1/36 (2.8 %) 1/36 (2.8 %) 1/36 (2.8 %) |
1.0000 0.0121 0.3871 0.0737 1.0000 |
Length of stay (median, quartiles [1st; 3rd]) (days) In-hospital stay ICU stay ICU > 3 days (n, %) ICU > 7 days (n, %) Readmission within 30 days (n, %) |
11.0 [8.0; 14.0] 1.0 [1.0; 2.0] 10/58 (17.2 %) 3/58 (5.2 %) 4/58 (6.9 %) |
13.0 [9.5; 24.5] 3.0 [1.0; 5.0] 12/37 (32.4%) 4/37 (10.8%) 4/37 (10.8%) |
0.0458 0.0039 0.0870 0.4255 0.7071 |
Primary Tumor relapse or metastasis (n, %) |
31/57 (54.4 %) |
8/36 (22.2%) |
0.0022 |
Mortality (n, %) During maximal follow-up Within 30 days postoperatively |
25/58 (43.1 %) 2/58 (3.5 %) |
21/37 (56.8%) 2/37 (5.4%) |
0.5041 1.0000 |
Overall survival (estimate [lower bound; upper bound], months) |
55.00 [17.06; 92.94] |
71.00 [44.89; 97.11] |
0.5041 |
Characterization of Tumor regression score | LUAD n=58 |
SQCA n=37 |
P-value |
TNM7 classification (n, %) yT0 yT1 yT2 yT3 yT4 Lymph node involvement (n, %) yN0 yN1 yN2 yN3 |
10/58 (17.2 %) 20/58 (34.5 %) 11/58 (19.0 %) 9/58 (15.5 %) 8/58 (13.8 %) 34/58 (58.6 %) 6/58 (10.3 %) 17/58 (29.3 %) 1/58 (1.7 %) |
22/37 (59.5%) 10/37 (27.0%) 2/37 (5.4%) 2/37 (5.4%) 1/37 (2.7%) 33/37 (89.2%) 4/37 (10.8%) 0/37 (0.0%) 0/37 (0.0%) |
<0.0001 0.4459 0.0608 0.1331 0.0719 0.0014 0.9425 0.0003 1.0000 |
Tumor Regression Score (Junker et al) (n, %) TRG_I (> 95% vital tumor cells) TRG_IIa (> 10% vital tumor cells) TRG_IIb (< 10% vital tumor cells) TRG_III (no vital tumor cells) |
6/58 (10.3 %) 27/58 (46.6 %) 15/58 (25.9 %) 10/58 (17.2 %) |
3/37 (8.1%) 5/37 (13.5%) 9/37 (24.3%) 20/37 (54.1%) |
0.7166 0.0009 0.8664 0.0002 |
Tumor size in CT (median, quartiles [1st; 3rd]) (cm) Before neoadjuvant treatment After neoadjuvant treatment before surgery Delta (before-after) neoadjuvant treatment before surgery (absolute) Delta (before-after) neoadjuvant treatment before surgery (relative) Lymph node size in CT (median, quartiles [1st; 3rd]) (cm) Before neoadjuvant treatment |
3.95 [2.40; 6.68] 2.55 [1.50; 4.60] 1.15 [0.55; 2.50] 30.73 [14.95; 53.55] 1.60 [1.20; 2.03] |
5.50 [3.60; 6.35] 3.30 [1.85; 4.35] 1.70 [0.60; 3.10] 32.14 [14.17; 51.05] 1.60 [1.00; 2.20] |
0.2105 0.3758 0.4248 0.8397 0.9299 |
Covariates for tumor regression | Exp(B) [95% CI] | P-value |
Intraoperative histology (LUAD vs SQCA) | 6.88 [2.40-19.77] | 0.0003 |
Lymph node size in preoperative PET > 1.7cm | 3.13 [1.11-8.83] | 0.0310 |
Absolute Delta tumor size post neoadjuvant Therapy > 2.6cm | 3.76 [1.20-11.81] | 0.0233 |
Covariates for tumor regression | Exp(B) [95% CI] | P-value |
Intraoperative histology (LUAD vs SQCA) | 6.81 [2.34-19.77] | 0.0004 |
Lymph node size in preoperative PET > 1.7cm | 3.86 [1.35-11.10] | 0.0119 |
Relative delta (tumor size post neoadjuvant Therapy) > 30% | 4.54 [1.49-13.84] | 0.0079 |
Independent predictors of overall survival | Exp(B) [95% CI] | P-value |
Age (>70 years) | 2.70 [1.37-5.36] | p=0.0043 |
Extended resections (>one lobe) | 2.11 [1.10-4.08] | p=0.0257 |
Absolute tumor size reduction >2.6 cm after neoadjuvant therapy (absolute delta) | 3.82 [1.33-10.92] | p=0.0126 |
Tumor recurrence or metastasis during follow-up | 2.41 [1.27-4.54] | p=0.0068 |
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