The support of GETRC from The Featured Areas Research Center Program within the framework of the Higher Education Sprout Project by MOE in Taiwan and the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan, R. O. C. (NSTC 112-2218-E-110-008) are gratefully acknowledged.
Appendix A: Effective Masses of the Double Traction Sub-ropes
The effective masse
in the x-direction vibration:
As shown
Figure 12, for the longitudinal vibration of the sub-ropes
A1 and
A2, the governing equation is
where is the dynamic displacement of the sub-rope A1 and A2.
The boundary conditions are
where u(t) is the dynamic x-direction displacement of platform. The relation between the displacement u and the elongation of the sub-ropes A1 and A2 is
The dynamic tension of the sub-ropes A1 and A2
Substituting Equations (A4-A5) into Equation (A3) and due to
The solution of Equation (A1) is assumed
Substituting Equation (A7) into Equation (A1), one obtains
The transformed boundary conditions are
The fundamental solution of Equation (A8) is assumed
Substituting Equation (A11) into Equation (A8),
The general solution of Equation (A8) is
Substituting (A13) into (A9),
. Substituting (A13) and (A14) into (A10), the frequency equation is obtained
. The dimensionless fundamental frequency
Via Equation (A14), one can determine the dimensionless frequency W.
The effective mass-spring model in the x-direction vibration is
. The frequency of Equation (A16) is
Substituting Equation (A16) into Equation (A17), the effective mass in the x-direction motion is
The effective masse
in the y-direction vibration:
In the similar way, the effective masse
in the y-direction vibration can be determined. The corresponding frequency equation is
. The dimensionless fundamental frequency W can be calculated via Equation (19). Further, the effective mass is
The effective masse
in the z-direction vibration:
In the similar way, the effective masse
in the y-direction vibration can be determined. The corresponding frequency equation is
. The dimensionless fundamental frequency W can be calculated via Equation (A21). Further, the effective mass is
Appendix B: Elements of the mass matrix
The translational inertia coefficients of platform 1:
The translational inertia coefficients of invertor 2:
The translational inertia coefficients of pontoon 3:
The translational inertia coefficients of pontoon 4:
The rotational inertia coefficients of invertor 2:
The rotational inertia coefficients of platform 1:
Appendix C: Elements of the Hydrodynamic Damping Matrix in similarity law
The translational hydrodynamic damping coefficients of platform 1:
The translational hydrodynamic damping coefficients of invertor 2:
The rotational hydrodynamic damping coefficients of convertor 2:
The rotational hydrodynamic damping coefficients of platform 1:
Other coefficients:
The above coefficients were presented by Lin et al. [8].
Appendix D: Elements of the Stiffness Matrix in similarity law
The translational stiffness coefficients of platform 1:
The translational stiffness coefficients of convertor 2:
The translational stiffness coefficients of pontoon 3:
The translational stiffness coefficients of pontoon 4:
The rotational stiffness coefficients of convertor 2:
The rotational stiffness coefficients of platform 1: