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Quality enhancement aspect | Definition |
1. Spatial resolution | The ability of differentiating two adjacent structures as being distinct from one another, either parallel (axial resolution) or perpendicular (lateral resolution) to the direction of the ultrasound beam [29]. |
2. Contrast resolution | The ability to distinguish between different echo amplitudes of adjacent structures through image intensity variations [29]. |
3. Detail enhancement of structures | Enhancement of texture, edges, or boundaries between structures. |
4. Noise | Minimization of random variability that is not part of the desired signal. |
5. General quality improvement | Mapping low-quality images to high-quality reference images, where the quality disparities are inherent to differences in the capture process and not artificially induced. |
Study | Aim | Dataset (availability) | Ultrasound specifications | Deep learning algorithm | Loss function |
Awasthi et al., 2022 [32] | Reconstruction of high-quality high-bandwidth images from low-bandwidth images | Phantom: Five separate datasets, tissue-mimicking, commercial and in vitro porcin carotid artery. (private) | Verasonics, L11-5v transducer with PWs at range -25∘ to 25∘. LQ: limited bandwidth down to 20%, HQ: full bandwidth. | Residual encoder decoder Net | Scaled MSE |
Gasse et al., 2017 [33] | Reconstruct high-quality US images from a small number of PW acquisitions | In-vivo: carotid, thyroid and liver regions of healthy subjects; Phantom: Gammex. (private) | Verasonics, ATL L7-4 probe (5.2 MHz, 128 elements) with range ±15∘. LQ: 3 PWs. HQ: 31 PWs. | CNN | L2 loss |
Goudarzi et al., 2020 [34] | Achieve the quality of multifocus US images by using a mapping function on a single-focus US image. | Phantom: CIRS phantom and ex vivo lamb liver;Simulation: Field II software. (private) | E-CUBE 12 Alpinion machine, L3-12H transducer (8.5 MHz). LQ: image with single focal point. HQ: multi-focus image with 3 focal points. | Boundary-Seeking GAN | Binary cross entropy (discriminator), MSE + boundary seeking loss (generator) |
Guo et al., 2020 [35] | Improve the quality of handheld US devices using a small number of plane waves | In vivo: dataset provided by Zhang et al. [42] (carotid artery and brachioradialis images of healthy volunteers);Phantom: PICMUS [98] dataset, CIRS phantom;Simulation: US images from natural images using field-II software (only for pre-training LG_Unet). (private and public) | (Derived from dataset sources)In vivo: Verasonics, L10-5 probe (7.5 MHz). LQ: 3 PWs, HQ: Compounded image of 31 PWs with range -15∘ to 15∘.Phantom data:Verasonics, L11 probe. (5.2 MHz, 128 elements). | Local Global Unet (LG-Unet) + Simplified residual network (S_ResNet) | MSE + SSIM (LG_Unet) and L1 (S_Resnet) |
Huang et al., 2018 [36] | Improve the quality of ultrasonic B-mode images from 32 to that from 128 channels. | Simulation: Field-II software. (private) | Simulation data set at 5MHz center frequency, 0.308mm pitch, 71% bandwidth. LQ: 32-channel image, HQ: 128-channel image. | Context encoder reconstruction GAN | Not reported |
Khan et al., 2021 [15] | Contrast and resolution enhancement of handheld POCUS images | In vivo: carotid and thyroid regions;Phantom: ATS-539 phantom;Simulation: intermediate domain images generated by down grading the in vivo and phantom images acquired from high-end system. (private) | LQ: NPUS050 portable US system were used as low-quality input. HQ: E-CUBE 12R US, L3–12 transducer. | Cascade application of unsupervised self-consistent CycleGAN + supervised super-resolution network. | Cycle consistency + adversarial loss (cycleGAN), MAE + SSIM (super-resolution network) |
Lu et al., 2020 [37] | High-quality reconstruction for DW imaging using a small number (3) of DW transmissions competing with those obtained by compounding with 31 DWS | In vivo: Thigh muscle, finger phalanx, and liver regions;Phantom: CIRS and Gammex. (private) | Verasonics, ATL P4-2 transducer. LQ: 3 DWs, HQ: Compounded image of 31 DWs. | CNN with inception module | MSE |
Lyu et al., 2023 [38] | Reconstruct super-resolution high-quality images from single-beam plane-wave images | PICMUS 2016 dataset [98] modulated following the guidelines of CUBDL, consisting ofSimulation: generated with Field II software;Phantom: CIRS;In vivo: carotid artery of healthy volunteer. (public) | (Derived from dataset source)Verasonics, L11 probe with range -16∘, 16∘. LQ: single PW image. HQ: PW images synthesized from 75 different angles using CPWC | U-shaped GAN based on Attention and Residual connection (ARU-GAN) | Combination of MS-SSIM, classical adversarial and perceptual loss |
Moinuddin et al., 2022 [39] | Enhance US images using a network where the task of noise suppression and resolution enhancement are carried out simultaneously. | In vivo: breast US (BUS) dataset [99], for which high resolution and low noise label images are generated using NLLR normal filtration;Simulation: Salient object detection (SOD) dataset [100] augmentated using image formaton physics information, divided in two datasets. (public) | (Derived from dataset source)Siemens ACUSON Sequoia C512, 17L5 HD transducer (8.5 MHz) | Deep CNN | MSE |
Monkam et al., 2023 [40] | Suppress speckle noise and enhance texture and fine-details. | Simulation: original low-quality US images of HC18 Challenge fetal data set [101], from which high-quality target images and additional low-quality images are generated (for training and testing);In vivo publicly available datasets: HC18 Challenge (fetal) [101], BUSI (breast), CCA (common carotid artery) (for testing). (public) | (Derived from HC18 dataset source)Voluson E8 or the Voluson 730 US device. | U-Net with added feature refinement attention block (US-Net) | L1 loss |
Tang et al., 2021 [41] | Reconstruct high-resolution, high-quality plane-wave images from low-quality plane-wave images from different angles. | PICMUS 2016 dataset [98] modulated following the guidelines of CUBDL, consisting ofSimulation: generated with Field II software;Phantom: CIRS;In vivo: carotid artery of healthy volunteer. (public) | (Derived from dataset source)Verasonics, L11 probe with range -16∘, 16∘. LQ: PW image using 3 angles. HQ: PW images synthesized from 75 different angles using CPWC | Attention mechanism and Unet-based GAN | cross-entropy + MSE + perceptual loss |
Zhang et al., 2018 [42] | Reconstruct high-quality US images from small number of PWs (3). | In vivo: carotid artery and brachioradioalis of heathy volunteer;Phantom: CIRS phantom, ex vivo swine muscles. (private) | Verasonics, L10-5 (7.5 MHz) with range -15∘ to 15∘. LQ: 3 PWs, HQ: coherent compounding using 31 PWs. | GAN, with feed-forward CNN as both generator and discriminator network | MSE + adversarial loss (generator), binary cross entropy (discriminator) |
Zhou et al., 2018 [43] | Improve the image quality of a single angle PW image to that of a PW image synthesized from 75 different angles | PICMUS 2016 dataset [98] synthesized by three different beamforming methods:In vivo: 1) thyroid gland and 2) carotid artery of human volunteers. (public)Phantom: CIRS phantom;Simulation: 1) point images and 2) cyst images generated using Field-II software. | (Derived from dataset sources)Verasonics, L11 probe with range -16∘, 16∘. LQ: single PW image. HQ: PW images synthesized from 75 different angles. | Multi-scaled CNN | MSE |
Zhou et al., 2020 [6] | Improve quality of portable US, by mapping low-quality images to corresponding high-quality images. | Single-/multiangle PWI simulation, phantom and in vivo data (only used for transfer learning). For training and testing:In vivo: carotid and thyroid images of healthy volunteers;Phantom: CIRS and self-made gelatin and raw pork;Simulation: Field-II software. (private) | LQ: mSonics MU1, L10-5v. transducer. HQ: Verasonics, L11-4v transducer (phantom data) and Toshiba Aplio 500, 7.5 MHz (clinical data). | Two-stage GAN with U-Net and gradual learning strategy. | MSE + SSIM + Conv loss |
Zhou et al., 2021 [14] | Enhance video quality of handheld US devices. | In vivo: single and multiangle PW videos (only for training). Handheld and high-end images and videos of different bodyparts of healthy volunteers (for training and testing). (private) | PW videos: Verasonics, L11-4v transducer (6.25MHz, 128-element) with range -16∘ to 16∘. High-end US (HQ): Toshiba Aplio 500 device. Handheld US (LQ): mSonics MU1, L10-5 transducer. | Low-rank representation multipathway GAN | adversarial + MSE + ultrasound specific perceptual loss |
Study | Computation time(source code availability) | Number of images in test set | Performance (±SD) of low-quality input image | Performance (±SD) of generated image |
Awasthi et al., 2022 [32] | "Light weight" (available) | Phantom:dataset 1: n=134dataset 2: n=90dataset 3: n=31dataset 4: n=70dataset 5: n=239 | Phantom:dataset 1: PSNR=17.049±1.107, RMSE=0.141±0.016, PC=0.788dataset 2: PSNR=15.768±1.376, RMSE=0.165±0.026dataset 3: PSNR=13.885±1.276, RMSE=0.204±0.032dataset 4: PSNR=16.297±1.212, RMSE=0.155±0.021dataset 5: PSNR=15.487±1.876, RMSE=0.172±0.040 | Phantom:dataset 1: PSNR=20.903±1.189, RMSE=0.091±0.012, PC=0.86dataset 2: PSNR=20.523±1.242, RMSE=0.095±0.013dataset 3: PSNR=13.985±1.120, RMSE=0.201±0.025dataset 4: PSNR=21.457±1.238, RMSE=0.085±0.012dataset 5: PSNR=17.654±1.536, RMSE=0.133±0.022 |
Gasse et al., 2017 [33] | Not reported (not available) | Mixed test set of in vivo and phantom data:n=1000 | Only graphs given, showing CR and LR reached by the proposed model with 3 PWs compared to the standard compounding of an increasingly larger number of PWs. | - |
Goudarzi et al., 2020 [34] | Not reported (available) | Phantom (CIRS):n=-Simulation:n=360 | Phantom:FWHM=1.52, CNR=9.6Simulation:SSIM=0.622±0.02, PSNR=23.27±1, FWHM=1.3, CNR=7.2 | Phantom:FWHM=1.44, CNR=11.1Simulation:SSIM=0.769±0.017, PSNR=25.32±0.919, FWHM=1.09, CNR=8.02 |
Guo et al., 2020 [35] | Not reported (not available) | 225 (out of 9225) patch images from the in vivo, phantom and simulation dataset (distribution between datasets not reported) | In vivo:PSNR=16.04Phantom:FWHM=1.8 mm, CR=0.36, CNR=24.93 | In vivo:PSNR=18.94Phantom:FWHM=1.3 mm, CR=0.79, CNR=32.81 |
Huang et al., 2018 [36] | Not reported (not available) | Simulation:n=1 | Simulation:CNR: 0.939, PICMUS CNR: 2.381, FWHM: 13.34 | Simulation:CNR: 1.508, PICMUS CNR: 6.502, FWHM: 11.15 |
Khan et al., 2021 [15] | 13.18 ms (not available) | In vivo:n=43Phantom:n=32 | Not reported | Gain compared to simulated intermediate quality images of in vivo and phantom data (only measuring fitness of super-resolution network):PSNR=13.58, SSIM=0.63Non-reference metrics for entire proposed method for in vivo and phantom data:CR=14.96, CNR=2.38, GCNR=0.8604 (which is 21.77%, 30.06%, and 44.42% higher than those of the low-quality input images.) |
Lu et al., 2020 [37] | 0.75 ± 0.03 ms (not available) | Mixed in vivo and phantom data:n=1000 | Mixed in vivo and phantom data:PSNR=29.24±1.57, SSIM=0.83±0.15, MI=0.51±0.16Non-reference metrics are only shown in graph form for low-quality images. | Mixed in vivo and phantom data:PSNR=31.13±1.47, SSIM=0.93±0.06, MI=0.82±0.20,CR (near field)=19.54, CR (far field)=14.95, CNR (near field)=7.63, CNR (far field)=5.21, LR (near field)=0.90, LR (middle field)=1.64, LR (far field)=2.35 |
Lyu et al., 2023 [38] | Not reported (not available) | In vivo:n=150Phantom:n=150Simulation:n=150 | No performance metrics available for low-quality images, only for other traditional deep learning methods for comparison. | In vivo:PSNR=26.508, CW-SSIM=0.876, NCC=0.943Phantom:FWHM=0.424, CR=26.900, CNR=3.693Simulation:FWHM=0.277, CR=39.472, CNR=5.141 |
Moinuddin et al., 2022 [39] | Not reported | In vivo:n=33Simulation:SOD-1: n=200SOD-2: n=200Evaluated with 5-fold cross-validation approach. | In vivo:PSNR=26.0071±2.3083, SSIM= 0.7098 ± 0.0761Simulation:SOD-1: PSNR=12.1587±0.7839, SSIM=0.5570±0.1205SOD-2: PSNR=12.5272±0.8243, SSIM=0.1556±0.1451,GCNR=0.9936±0.0039 | In vivo:PSNR=26.9112±2.3025, SSIM=0.7522±0.0635Simulation:SOD-1: PSNR=25.5275±2.9712, SSIM=0.6946±0.1267SOD-2: PSNR=32.4719±2.6179, SSIM=0.8785±0.0766,GCNR=0.9966±0.0026 |
Monkam et al., 2023 [40] | 52.16 ms (not available) | In vivo:HC18: n=30BUSI: n=30CCA: n=30Simulation:HC18: n=335 | No performance metrics available for low-quality images, only for other enhancement methods for comparison. | In vivo:HC18: SNR=39.32, CNR=1.10, AGM=27.46, ENL=15.71BUSI: SNR=34.54, CNR=4.20, AGM=39.88, ENL=17.04CCA: SNR=40.87, CNR=2.59, AGM=35.92, ENL=23.03Simulation:HC18: SSIM=0.9155, PSNR=32.87, EPI= 0.6371 |
Tang et al., 2021 [41] | Not reported (not available) | n=360 (total number of images in test set for the in vivo, phantom and simulation datasets, distribution not reported) | Phantom:FWHM=0.5635, CR=8.718, CNR=1.109, GCNR=0.609Simulation:FWHM=0.2808, CR=13.769, CNR=1.576, GCNR=0.735 | In vivo:PSNR=28.278, SSIM=0.659, MI=0.9980, NCC=0.963Phantom:FWHM=0.3556, CR=24.571, CNR=2.495, GCNR=0.915Simulation:FWHM=0.2695, CR=39.484, CNR=5.617, GCNR=0.998 |
Zhang et al., 2018 [42] | Not reported (not available) | In vivo:n=500phantom:n=30 | Mixed in vivo and phantom test set:FWHM=0.50, CR=10.23, CNR=1.30 | Mixed in vivo and phantom test set:FWHM=0.53, CR=19.46, CNR=2.25 |
Zhou et al., 2018 [43] | Not reported (not available) | In vivo:Thyroid dataset: n=30Simulation:Point dataset: n=30Cyst dataset: n=30Evaluated with 5-fold cross-validation approach. | In vivo:Thyroid dataset: PSNR=14.9235, SSIM=0.0291, MI=0.3474Simulation: Point dataset: PSNR=24.1708, SSIM=0.1962, MI=0.4124,FWHM=0.49Cyst dataset: PSNR=15.8860, SSIM=0.5537, MI=1.1976,CR=137.0473 | In vivo: Thyroid dataset: PSNR=21.7248, SSIM=0.3034, MI=0.8856Simulation: Point dataset: PSNR=36.5884, SSIM=0.9216, MI=0.4483,FWHM=0.196 Cyst dataset: PSNR=24.0167, SSIM=0.6135, MI=1.5622,CR=184.0432 |
Zhou et al., 2020 [6] | Not reported (not available) | In vivo:n=94Phantom:n=40Simulation:n=56Evaluated with 5-fold cross validation approach. | In vivo: PSNR=8.65±1.32, SSIM=0.18±0.04, MI=0.22±0.13,BRISQUE=38.91±4.99Phantom: PSNR=15.26±2.91, SSIM=0.12±0.03, MI=0.20±0.11,BRISQUE=24.61±4.50Simulation: PSNR=16.38±2.35, SSIM=0.19±0.06, MI=0.22±0.16,BRISQUE=29.08±3.45 | In vivo: PSNR=18.08±1.57, SSIM=0.41±0.05, MI=0.68±0.18,BRISQUE=35.25±4.13Phantom: PSNR=24.70±1.11, SSIM=0.64±0.07, MI=0.26±0.09,BRISQUE=21.68±3.36Simulation: PSNR=28.50±2.01, SSIM=0.59±0.02, MI=0.42±0.04,BRISQUE=23.30±3.09 |
Zhou et al., 2021 [14] | Not reported (not available) | In vivo:n=40 videosFor full-reference methods, a single frame in handheld video was used and most similar frame in high-end video was selected. | In vivo:PSNR=12.68±3.45, SSIM=0.24±0.06, MI=0.71±0.09,NIQE=19.48±4.66, ultrasound quality score=0.06±0.03 | In vivo:PSNR=19.95±3.24, SSIM=0.45±0.06, MI=1.05±0.07,NIQE=6.95±1.97, ultrasound quality score=0.89±0.16 |
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