2.2. Tangent Method (Baree et. al. (2007)[18])
The primary difference between the tangent method and Nolte's (1979)[
9] initial work lies in their mathematical manipulation of Nolte’s original formulation. Deviation from ideal behavior can lead to misinterpretations of GdP/dG versus G time for fracture closure. Nolte’s model is based on an idealized hydraulic fracture within a linear-elastic, homogeneous medium of constant permeability. However, such ideal conditions are rarely encountered in real-world applications. If we applied Nolte's linear model for fracture closure detection of non-linear behavior to real field cases, deviations from linear behavior occur prematurely in non-ideal leak-off behavior, resulting in an overestimated fracture closure pressure that does not align with the mechanical earth model for the reservoir. Conversely, the tangent method often detects fracture closure at lower pressures due to the high net pressure caused by the injection of a small volume of fracturing fluid, typically a few thousand gallons, during DFIT.
To address the complexities of fracture closure, the tangent method was introduced as a modification to Nolte (1979)[
9] . The tangent method proposed four types of leak-off during closure: normal leak-off (as seen in figure 2(a)), pressure-dependent leak-off (as seen in figure 2(b)), transverse storage leak-off (as seen in figure 2(c)), and tip extension leak off(as seen in figure 2(d)). It is derived from a plot of GdP/dG versus G, and closure pressure is defined as the pressure at which GdP/dG begins to deviate downward with a rule of thumb of the Gpd/dG cannot increase again after closure. The tangent method was developed to match numerical simulations by Barree and Mukherjee (1996) [
17] and Barree et al. (2009) [
19] and can reveal reservoir properties such as the presence of natural fractures, lower permeability streaks, or weak barriers around the pay zone. The log-log and the square root of time methods can be combined as the “Holistic Fracture Diagnostics” as described by Baree et. al. (2007)[
18]. To achieve a reliable analysis, it is required to account for deviations from these ideal assumptions and to explore the impact of realistic conditions, including the complexities of wellbore and reservoir environments.
Baree et. al. (2016)[
32] investigated the non-linear pressure-time derivative behaviors observed in diagnostic fracture injection tests (DFITs). While previous studies have predominantly used mathematical theories and conventional pressure transient theory to explain these behaviors, they often fail to consider the physical processes driving the observed pressure responses. They provided a clearer understanding of the mechanical and physical processes occurring during fracture extension and closure in DFITs, highlighting two primary sources of non-linear leak-off behavior: accelerated leak-off and delayed leak-off.
The ideal linear leak-off scenario assumes a formation that behaves as a perfectly linear-elastic, isotropic, and homogeneous medium with constant permeability, pore pressure, and closure stress. The fracture is expected to conform to the Perkins-Kern-Nordgren (PKN) or Khristianovitch-Zheltov-Geertsma-de Klerk (KGD) models, maintaining constant height, area, leak-off coefficient, and compliance. Under these ideal conditions, pressure decay follows a predictable linear model, resulting in straight lines on the G-function derivative analysis plot. However, real-world conditions often deviate from this ideal behavior, leading to non-linear leakoff responses. Accelerated leak-off is one such deviation, which can be influenced by wellbore effects and reservoir and fracture geometry effects. In terms of wellbore effects, decompression of fluid in the wellbore can cause an initial rapid pressure decline. Factors such as high near-well friction, and inefficient perforations. Tortuosity, either near the wellbore or far-field, contributes to this behavior. For instance, in horizontal wells, near-well fractures can create significant pressure drops, causing the observed instantaneous shut-in pressure (ISIP) to misrepresent the actual fracture extension pressure.
Reservoir and fracture geometry effects also play a crucial role in accelerated leakoff. The presence of shear fractures can increase the system’s effective modulus, leading to an accelerated pressure decline. This behavior may indicate a complex fracture network or enhanced permeability regions. For example, in formations with open natural fractures, the hydraulic fracture aperture can close surrounding fractures, increasing the bulk system modulus and causing a faster pressure decline.
Delayed leakoff, another deviation from the ideal model, is often more problematic than accelerated leak-off. Wellbore effects such as the presence of highly compressible wellbores, including those with trapped gas pockets, can slow the pressure decline. Deformation and rebound of external packer elements or pipe contraction can also add energy to the system, reducing the rate of pressure decline. Reservoir and fracture geometry effects significantly impact delayed leak-off.
In horizontal wells, the formation of multiple fractures, such as longitudinal and transverse fractures, can store fluid and delay pressure decline. Longitudinal fractures, which open against higher normal stress than transverse fractures, close first and transmit higher pressure to transverse fractures, delaying their closure. The paper discusses how this interaction between fractures can lead to delayed leak-off signatures in the pressure-time data.
The concept of exponential leak-off describes a constant exponential pressure decline, often observed in low permeability reservoirs such as coal and shale formations. This behavior indicates pressure loss along a low conductivity fracture with minimal fluid loss to the surrounding rock mass. The G-function characteristics derived from this behavior show non-linear pressure and derivative responses, reflecting the complex interactions within the fracture and surrounding rock mass.
The discussion emphasizes the importance of understanding the physical mechanisms behind non-ideal pressure decline behaviors. Accelerated leak-off can result from wellbore decompression and after flow, as well as changes in reservoir properties such as increased permeability and modulus. Delayed leak-off may be influenced by complex fracture geometries, multiple fractures, and changes in pore pressure. The study highlights the need to consider these physical processes when interpreting pressure decline data to avoid misinterpretations.
Accurate interpretation of pressure decline behaviors requires an understanding of the physical mechanisms at play, including wellbore effects, reservoir properties, and fracture mechanics. The interaction of these multiple mechanisms can make interpretation ambiguous without additional information about the well, completion geometry, and reservoir properties. Analytical models must incorporate realistic conditions to provide valuable insights for fracture characterization and stimulation treatment design.
Based on the tangent method, The G-Function plots provide insightful details on fracture closure pressures across four distinct leak-off types in rock matrices. The Normal Leak-off type is characterized by a constant fracture area during shut-in, with fluid leaking uniformly through a homogenous rock matrix. This leak-off behavior is typically identified on the G-Function curve by a constant pressure derivative (dP/dG) and a linear G-Function derivative (G dP/dG) that passes through the origin. A deviation from this linearity indicates the fracture closure point, marked by a specific time and pressure. On the other hand, Pressure-Dependent Leak off (PDL) indicates the presence of secondary fractures that intersect the main fracture, distinguished by a noticeable "hump" in the G-Function derivative lying above the straight line from normal leak-off data. This hump signifies an increased leak-off rate due to a larger exposed surface area. After this peak, the pressure returns to normal leak-off behavior, with the hump's end marking the "fissure opening pressure." Transverse Storage / Fracture Height Recession and Fracture Tip Extension types also exhibit distinct patterns. The former shows a slower-than-normal leak-off due to intercepting secondary fractures that provide pressure support, while the latter features a fracture continuing to grow post-injection in low-permeability reservoirs, identified by a concave-down curvature in the G-Function derivative. These nuanced behaviors underscore the complex dynamics of fluid leak-off in fractured rock systems.
Using G function is conventionally used with the square root of time and the log-log technique as a confirmation for the closure pressure detected using GdP/dG vs. G time plot. A square root plot is a common method for determining closure pressure. When plotting the square root of time (x-axis) against the bottom-hole pressure (y-axis), the linear portion of the plot will align with a straight line passing through the origin. The point where the plot deviates from this straight line on the superposition plot (second derivative) indicates the closure pressure. Every square root plot typically features three main curves: the pressure curve, the first derivative, and the second derivative (also called the superposition curve). The minimum closure pressure is identified when the pressure curve deviates from the straight line, while fracture closure is pinpointed where the second derivative curve deviates from the line through the origin.
Figure 2.
Type of pressure behavior vs. G-function, dP/dG vs. G-function, and GdP/dG vs. G-function trends: (a) normal leak-off behavior and (b) non-ideal leak-off behavior (I) that depicts a signature of height recession/transverse storage. (c) Non-ideal leak-off behavior (II) depicts a signature of pressure-dependent leak-off behavior, which occurs when the fluid-loss rate varies significantly with the pressure-dependent permeability in a dual-porosity system (usually micro-cracks and natural fractures exist in these cases). (d) Non-ideal leak-off behavior (III) that demonstrates a signature of fracture tip extension, which occurs in low-permeability reservoirs. (Liao et. al. (2022)[
Figure 2.
Type of pressure behavior vs. G-function, dP/dG vs. G-function, and GdP/dG vs. G-function trends: (a) normal leak-off behavior and (b) non-ideal leak-off behavior (I) that depicts a signature of height recession/transverse storage. (c) Non-ideal leak-off behavior (II) depicts a signature of pressure-dependent leak-off behavior, which occurs when the fluid-loss rate varies significantly with the pressure-dependent permeability in a dual-porosity system (usually micro-cracks and natural fractures exist in these cases). (d) Non-ideal leak-off behavior (III) that demonstrates a signature of fracture tip extension, which occurs in low-permeability reservoirs. (Liao et. al. (2022)[
High net pressure in hydraulic fracturing jobs can be attributed to several interconnected factors discussed Han et. al. (2019) [
34]. Primarily, rock laminations with lower permeability and weaker structural integrity can significantly increase net pressures due to poor energy dissipation across the formation. Additionally, the design and orientation of perforations are crucial; dense or complex patterns can lead to stress perturbations and interference between neighboring fractures, necessitating higher pressures for effective fracture propagation. The alignment of the wellbore relative to the natural in-situ stress directions also plays a critical role; misalignments can increase the resistance against fracturing, thus elevating required pressures. Furthermore, geological discontinuities such as natural fractures or faults can alter fracture paths, potentially arresting or diverting fractures and increasing the pressures needed to bypass or penetrate these barriers. Lastly, inefficient perforation designs that fail to adequately penetrate the formation or that are irregularly spaced can create uneven stress fields and increase frictional losses, thereby raising the net pressure. Ignoring all these factors we can observe up to 5,000 or 6,000 psi of net pressure because it includes all these friction losses. Another reason why the tangent method gives a lower estimate of fracture closure is the effect of post-closure reservoir fluid flow behavior as will be proven in our reverse engineering approach.
From a square root plot, a log-log plot (ΔP vs. shut-in time) is derived, providing a detailed means of identifying closure and various flow regimes before and after closure. The second derivative of the log-log plot reveals different flow regimes. Before closure, the half-slope line (1/2 slope) indicates a linear flow regime, while the quarter-slope line (1/4 slope) corresponds to a bilinear flow regime. After closure, a negative half-slope line (-1/2) signifies a linear flow regime, a negative three-fourth slope (-3/4) represents a bilinear flow regime, and a negative unit slope (-1) indicates a pseudo-radial flow regime. The equations (4) and (5) elucidate the mathematical relationships underpinning these analyses, demonstrating how bottom-hole pressure (P), Instantaneous Shut-in Pressure (ISIP), and the change in pressure (ΔP) can be plotted and interpreted through logarithmic transformations to reveal these key flow characteristics.

Where t is the shut-in time and m is the slope of pressure vs. square root of time plot. Then by applying log to both sides, produces equation (5).
Equation (5) proves that square root time is one flow regime identification for using a log-log plot (ΔP vs. shut-in time).
Barree et. al. (2007)[
18] introduced a detailed review of the mathematical background of the log-log plot of pressure change with shut-in time as a technique to identify different flow regimes which are pre-closure linear, pre-closure bilinear flow, post-closure bilinear, post-closure pseudo-linear, post-closure pseudo radial flow regime.
Table 1 shows the characteristic slopes of different log-log graphs. t∂∆pwf /∂t vs. t on a log-log plot is selected in our study for the reverse engineering approach to validate the effect of flow regime changes on the tangent and compliance methods approaches.
McClure et al. (2014)[
35] concluded that log-log superposition-time derivative plots can be used to diagnose flow regimes in DFIT transients, but interpreters must be aware that using superposition time causes the plot to curve upward when shut-in time equals injection time. The G-function experiences a downward bend at the same time, reflecting a decrease in slope of 1/2, while the superposition-time bend causes an increase in slope of unity. Understanding the complex relationship between the curve's slope and the scaling of pressure with time is crucial, as there is no physical significance to the 3/2 slope on the plot. To avoid confusion, McClure et al. (2014) [
35] recommend interpreting DFIT transients from the basic pressure-transient interpretation plot—the log-log plot with the derivative taken with respect to actual time. To assist in identifying closure and other pre-closure trends, plots of pressure and GdP/dG vs. G can be used.
2.3. Compliance Method (McClure et al. (2014[20], 2016[21]))
The compliance method, introduced by McClure et al. (2014[
20], 2016[
21]) and Jung et al. (2016), provides earlier and higher stress estimates compared to the tangent method developed from the Nolte (1979)[
9] technique and later modified by Barree et al. (2009)[
19]. This method focuses on contact pressure rather than closure pressure and utilizes detailed DFIT simulations to consider the residual fracture aperture after the wall contact.
These simulations indicate that in low permeability formations, contact between fracture walls increases the pressure derivative, a signal previously interpreted as height recession or transverse fracture closure. The underlying mechanics of the compliance method derive from geomechanics principles concerning fracture closure. As noted by Sneddon (1946)[
36], contact between fracture walls increases system stiffness and decreases the storage coefficient, leading to a rise in the magnitude of dP/dG. This method plots the magnitude of dP/dG, identifying the point where it begins to increase after reaching a minimum, suggesting a closure pressure 75 psi lower than the contact pressure.
This method aligns with classical approaches but also considers that an upward deflection in dP/dG may not always be present during shut-in transients, possibly due to rapid closure from near-wellbore tortuosity or continued fracture propagation. The changes in system stiffness before and after wall contact are crucial for estimating the minimum horizontal stress (Shmin). Analytical models like radial and PKN crack models determine system stiffness prior to fracture wall contact. After wall contact, increased stiffness results from the stress exerted by the contacting walls, as detailed by McClure et al. (2016) [
21].The contact stiffness is mathematically represented as seen in Eq. (6):
where W0 denotes the aperture at contact, and E′ and ν are the effective Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio, respectively. This model assumes a specific form of the aperture relation, drawing from the works of Barton et al. (1985)[
37] and further refined by Willis-Richards et al. (1996)[
38]. The compliance method for stress estimation is based on mathematical solutions of the fracture closure process (McClure et al., 2016[
21]). McClure et al. (2016[
21], 2019[
39]) provide the mathematical basis for the compliance method, with Equation (7) defining the relationship:
where P is pressure, G is G-time,
Ct is the storage coefficient, and V is the fluid volume in the system. The storage coefficient measures the volume of fluid released per unit pressure drop, influenced by fluid density and system volume changes.
Early in the shut-in phase, the early period is generally ignored due to rapid pressure drops. Subsequently, the pressure versus G-time plot shows a linear section that is extrapolated back to the y-axes intercept to estimate the far-field fracture pressure at shut-in, known as the effective initial shut-in pressure (ISIP). Once this initial phase passes, the pressure curve stabilizes into a nearly straight line. When the fracture walls make contact, an increase in stiffness results in a rise in dP/dG, marking the point used for stress estimation in the compliance method. This method, adjusting for stress shadow by subtracting 75 psi from the contact pressure, is informed by simulation matches to field DFITs, as described by McClure et al. (2019)[
Estimating the minimum horizontal stress (Shmin) involves analyzing changes in system stiffness and pressure transient behavior during and after fracture contacts. Numerical simulations that reflect field data suggest that the contact pick typically occurs around 75 psi above Shmin, as observed in
Figure 3(a) and 3(b). Nevertheless, uncertainties due to the roughness and heterogeneity of actual fractures compared to models can alter predictions, suggesting a potential error margin of 100-200 psi when estimating Shmin. The assumption that the fracture does not propagate after shut-in underpins the G-function; however, this may not always hold true. The presence of near-wellbore tortuosity can sometimes render stress estimates uninterpretable. Analysis by McClure et al. (2022)[
40] indicated that 59% of cases showed a clear upward deflection in dP/dG, 25% showed an adequate deflection, and 16% showed no upward deflection.
2.5. Continuous Wavelet Transform Technique
Wavelet analysis was first introduced to the oil industry by Soliman et al. (2003)[
41], specifically for well-test analysis and fracturing applications[
43]. Ebru et. al. (2019)[
44] introduced an innovative methodology for detecting fracture closure pressure using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). This technique identifies closure pressure by analyzing detail levels to pinpoint changes in variance. Building on this, Eltaleb et al. (2020)[
45] introduced a rigorous approach employing wavelet transform and energy density plots to represent noise energy in recorded pressure across various frequency levels. This method determines closure pressure by identifying the point where energy noise in the recorded pressure reaches its minimum level. This approach was further validated through a case study on the Utah FORGE formation, demonstrating its effectiveness in analyzing fracture injection tests in geothermal reservoirs (Eltaleb et al., (2021)[
Gabry et. al. (2023a)[
47] introduced the continuous wavelet transform fracture closure detection technique and validated it using planar 3D fracture simulation, flow regime modeling and cross-validation with other techniques. In their technique, the first step is to apply the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) using a complex Morlet wavelet to the pressure signal as per equation (8) and equation (9), starting from the shutdown of the DFIT pumping.
This operation yields the CWT coefficients at different scales up to (a = 256). Subsequently, the wavelet transform modulus (WTM) is computed as per equation (10) from the complex continuous wavelet coefficients then calculating the signal energy as per equation (11).
f0 represents the central frequency of the wavelet.
f0 equals to 1 for this application.
Equation (6) comprises both the signal x (t), which could represent the pressure leak off time series signal, the mother wavelet function at a specific scale (a), and location (b). T (a, b) is the wavelet transform modulus at a specific scale (a) and location (b) with the imaginary part being Im(T(a,b) and the real part being Re(T(a,b). E (a, b) is signal energy at a specific scale (a) and location (b).
Considering that fracture closure is a dominant feature, it can be detected by averaging the logarithm of signal energy values at each time point for different scales (up to scale (a) = 256). From the plotted signal average log2 energy versus time, the start and the end of the fracture closure event can be identified with the following characteristics;
The start of the fracture closure, which represents the contact of the two fracture faces, can be recognized by a peak in the average signal log energy at the onset of fracture closure. The fracture closure itself can be identified by the drop in the signal average log energy level to a minimum stabilized level. The start of this minimum stabilized level characterizes the end of the fracture closure process as seen in example discussed by Gabry et. al. (2023b)[
48] shown in
Figure 4.