2.1. Time Course of Changes in KCC2 Levels after Axotomy of Extraocular Motoneurons
A time course of KCC2 expression in ChAT-identified motoneurons was performed for each nucleus studied (
Figure 1).
Figure 1A-E illustrates low magnification confocal images at 7, 15, 28 and 60 days post-lesion of the oculomotor nucleus in the control (
Figure 1A) and the operated side (
Figure 1B-E). A weak reduction in KCC2 immunolabeling could be appreciated at 7 days after injury (
Figure 1B). The decrease in KCC2 labeling was much more conspicuous at 15 and 28 days (
Figure 1C,D). Interestingly, 60 days after injury, the immunofluorescence appeared similar to control (
Figure 1E), thereby indicating a recovery in KCC2 levels 2 months post-injury. To measure KCC2 labeling on the soma surface of motoneurons, we captured images at higher magnification, as shown in
Figure 1F-J for motoneurons of the oculomotor nucleus at the same post-lesion time intervals. Oculomotor motoneurons appeared with very weak immunostaining in their somatic membrane mainly at 15 days post-axotomy (
Figure 1H). KCC2 labeling recovered at longer time intervals (
Figure 1I-J).
We measured KCC2 optical density in the neuropil and the somatic plasma membrane of the three nuclei and compared it with respect to control by using one-way ANOVA test followed by Fisher’s
post hoc test, which revealed the following significant differences (indicated by asterisks in
Figure 1K-M): OCM neuropil (
F(4,10) = 26.620;
p < 0.0001;
Figure 1K), OCM somata (
F(4,10) = 13.870;
p = 0.0004;
Figure 1K), TRO neuropil (
F(4,10) = 11.810;
p = 0.0008;
Figure 1L), TRO somata (
F(4,10) = 7.876;
p = 0.0039;
Figure 1L) and ABD neuropil (
F(4,10) = 12.100;
p = 0.0008;
Figure 1M). KCC2 downregulation peaked at 15 days post-axotomy. At this time, the mean KCC2 optical density on the soma surface decreased to 54.59 ± 6.79% (±SD), and to 60.72 ± 13.55% in oculomotor and trochlear motoneurons, respectively. In the neuropil, optical density dropped significantly to 44.58 ± 6.93%, 66.42 ± 11.51% and 73.63 ± 10.10% in oculomotor, trochlear and abducens nuclei, respectively at 15 days post-surgery.
Axotomized abducens motoneurons did not show significant differences in KCC2 levels in their somatic membrane compared to control (
p = 0.8677;
Figure 1M). This result is consistent with our previous findings in cats and rats [
32]. The peculiar response of axotomized abducens motoneurons contrasts markedly with other injured motoneuron pools, such as spinal motoneurons [
25] as well as other cranial motoneurons (facial, hypoglossal, and dorsal vagal motor nuclei) [
31] including the rest of extraocular motoneurons (oculomotor, trochlear) [32, present results]. Overall (except for abducens motoneuron cell bodies), the present results indicated that nerve injury induced a downregulation in KCC2, in both the dendritic (neuropil) and somatic compartments of motoneurons, with maximum downregulation occurring at 15 days post-lesion, and subsequently, KCC2 began to recover until full restoration by 60 days. The fall in KCC2 was deeper in the oculomotor, intermediate in the trochlear and least severe in the abducens nucleus.
2.2. Neuropil Changes in KCC2 7 Days after Axotomy Plus VEGF or BDNF Administration
Seven days post-lesion, faint staining of KCC2 could be appreciated in the neuropil of the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei (
Figure 2D,E
, respectively) compared to control (
Figure 2A,B). The administration of VEGF at the time of axotomy prevented this decrease, as observed in
Figure 2G for the oculomotor and in
Figure 2H for the trochlear nuclei. By contrast, BDNF treatment reduced KCC2 immunofluorescence in the injured oculomotor nucleus (
Figure 2J) as compared to control (
Figure 2A), and axotomy states (
Figure 2D). In the trochlear nucleus, however, BDNF treatment did not produce any decrease in KCC2 labeling (
Figure 2K) compared to the control (
Figure 2B) and axotomy states (
Figure 2E). Strikingly, the abducens nucleus showed no obvious change in the intensity of immunolabeling between the different situations: control (
Figure 2C), axotomy (
Figure 2F), axotomy + VEGF (
Figure 2I), and axotomy + BDNF (
Figure 2L).
To compare the different groups, we performed a two-way ANOVA test (factors: motor nuclei and treatments). ANOVA test was followed by Fisher´s
post hoc test for multiple pairwise comparisons. There were significant differences between nuclei (
F(2,24) = 5.001;
p = 0.0153) and between treatments (
F(3,24) = 15.125;
p < 0.0001). Results are represented in
Figure 2M. Concerning neuropil measurements at 7 days post-axotomy, data showed a significant decay in KCC2 in the oculomotor (
p = 0.0026; 80.89 ± 9.83%) and trochlear (
p = 0.0024; 80.74 ± 4.92%) nuclei as compared to control (horizontal dashed line in
Figure 2M, 100%). However, there was no change in KCC2 optical density in the neuropil of the abducens nucleus 7 days after injury (
p = 0.689; 97.70 ± 3.43%).
VEGF treatment significantly prevented the injury-induced decrease in KCC2 that occurred in the neuropil of oculomotor and trochlear nuclei by 7 days (
p = 0.0051) in both cases compared to axotomy;
Figure 2M) presenting values similar to control. In marked contrast, BDNF had no effect in the trochlear nucleus
versus control (
p = 0.195;
Figure 2M), but further reduced KCC2 levels by an additional 19.33% in the oculomotor nucleus compared to the axotomy state (
p = 0.0112;
Figure 2M). Finally, the abducens nucleus was the exception, as axotomy did not downregulate KCC2 levels in the neuropil 7 days after injury, and neither VEGF nor BDNF administration altered KCC2 values compared to control and axotomy.
Comparisons between nuclei within the same treatment yielded two significant differences. First, at 7 days post-axotomy, KCC2 optical density in the neuropil of the abducens nucleus was similar to control and statistically higher than in the oculomotor (
p = 0.0069) and trochlear (
p = 0.0065) nuclei (
Figure 2M). Second, in the axotomy + BDNF situation, the oculomotor nucleus presented a significant decrease compared to trochlear (
p = 0.0005) and abducens nuclei (
p = 0.0005), and in turn these two latter nuclei did not differ from control (
Figure 2M).
2.3. Effects of Axotomy and VEGF or BDNF Administration in KCC2 Levels on the Soma Surface of the Motoneurons at 7 Days Post-Lesion
KCC2 immunofluorescence in control motoneurons completely outlined the perimeter of motoneurons (
Figure 3A-C). Axotomy reduced the intensity of perisomatic KCC2 immunofluorescence in trochlear motoneurons (
Figure 3E), while axotomized oculomotor and abducens motoneurons did not appear to reduce their labeling (
Figure 3D,F, respectively). Exogenous VEGF application (
Figure 3G-I) maintained KCC2 levels in trochlear motoneurons similar to control values (
Figure 3H). However, images obtained in the axotomy + BDNF situation revealed weak staining of KCC2 delineating the plasma membrane of oculomotor (
Figure 3J) and trochlear (
Figure 3K) motoneurons. By contrast, abducens motoneurons (
Figure 3L) showed a similar labeling compared to control (
Figure 3C).
A two-way ANOVA test followed by Fisher´s post hoc test for multiple comparisons showed significant differences within experimental situations (F(3,24) = 10.388; p = 0.0001) and nuclei (F(2,24) = 6.246; p = 0.0065).
At this time point, axotomy was not followed by a reduction in perisomatic KCC2 optical density in comparison to control in oculomotor motoneurons (
Figure 3M;
p = 0.1607). The administration of VEGF also rendered values similar to control (
p = 0.9562). Strikingly, axotomy plus BDNF treatment did reduce KCC2 optical density in oculomotor motoneurons to 66.1 ± 17.25% as compared to control (
p < 0.0001;
Figure 3M).
In trochlear motoneurons, perisomatic KCC2 optical density decreased significantly (
p = 0.0017) to 79.62 ± 2.14% (
Figure 3M) at 7 days post-lesion compared to control. Interestingly, VEGF supply to axotomized trochlear motoneurons significantly (
p = 0.0365) prevented this downregulation, yielding a result of 92.37 ± 7.95%, which was similar to control (
p = 0.1973). By contrast, BDNF treatment to axotomized trochlear motoneurons produced a value (79.68 ± 10.84%) which was similar to axotomy alone (
p = 0.9919) (
Figure 3M). In abducens motoneurons 7 days after injury, perisomatic KCC2 optical density was similar (
p > 0.05) between the three experimental conditions (axotomy, axotomy + VEGF and axotomy + BDNF) as well as with control (
Figure 3M).
Comparison between nuclei within the same treatment revealed that trochlear motoneurons were the only ones that downregulated their perisomatic KCC2 values 7 days after axotomy in contrast to oculomotor (
p < 0.0001) and abducens (
p = 0.0017) motoneurons (
Figure 3M). In the three motoneuronal types, the axotomy + VEGF situation yielded similar responses, that is, KCC2 data were similar (
p > 0.05) to their respective controls (
Figure 3M). Regarding the axotomy + BDNF situation, oculomotor and trochlear motoneurons showed significantly lower perisomatic KCC2 than abducens motoneurons (
p < 0.0001 and
p = 0.0009, respectively), which showed no change compared to control. In turn, oculomotor motoneurons showed a KCC2 downregulation which was significantly greater than that of trochlear motoneurons (
p = 0.0265).
2.4. Changes in KCC2 Levels after Axotomy and VEGF or BDNF Administration in the Neuropil of Extraocular Motor Nuclei at 15 Days Post-Lesion
According to the time course of KCC2 changes after axotomy (
Figure 1), KCC2 optical density reached its minimum at 15 days. The three motor nuclei showed a similar response to the different experimental situations by 15 days (
Figure 4A-L). Thus, the neuropil of the three nuclei (
Figure 4D,F) showed a remarkable descent in the intensity of KCC2 immunolabeling 15 days after injury compared to control (
Figure 4A-C). In the axotomy + VEGF situation (
Figure 4G-I), KCC2 immunofluorescence showed no change with respect to control in the oculomotor (
Figure 4A,G), trochlear (
Figure 4B,H), and abducens (
Figure 4C,I) nuclei. It was notorious that VEGF administration (
Figure 4G-I) prevented the decay in ChAT expression that occurs in axotomized motoneurons (
Figure 4D-F), as we have previously described [
46]. Finally, BDNF + axotomy situation showed a decrease in KCC2 (
Figure 4J-L) in all nuclei that resembled the axotomy state (
Figure 4D-F).
A two-way ANOVA test followed by Fisher´s
post hoc test for multiple comparisons was carried out. Significant differences between experimental situations (
F(3,24) = 88.406,
p < 0.0001) and nuclei (
F(2,24) = 19.829,
p < 0.0001) were found. Axotomy reduced drastically KCC2 optical density in the three nuclei neuropil (values states above relative to
Figure 1;
p < 0.0001) with respect to controls (horizontal dashed line in
Figure 4M).
The administration of VEGF prevented the axotomy-induced decay in KCC2 (oculomotor 96.40 ± 6.04%,
p = 0.5256; trochlear 107.78 ± 4.13%,
p = 0.1767; abducens 106.48 ± 10.63%,
p = 0.2577). Optical density after VEGF treatment was also significantly higher (
p < 0.0001) than axotomy in the three nuclei. By contrast, BDNF administration produced a mean KCC2 optical density (oculomotor 52.09 ± 3.13%, trochlear 77.44 ± 4.99%, and abducens 76.06 ± 8.86%) that was significantly lower than control (
p < 0.0001,
p = 0.0005,
p = 0.0003, respectively) and similar to the axotomy group (
p = 0.1916
, p = 0.0602,
p = 0.6679, respectively). Data obtained with BDNF were also significantly lower (
p < 0.0001 in the three groups) than those with VEGF (
Figure 4M).
Figure 4.
Effects of axotomy alone or together with administration of VEGF or BDNF on the optical density of KCC2 in the neuropil of extraocular motor nuclei 15 days after axotomy. (A-L) Confocal images showing KCC2 immunostaining (green) in the neuropil of the oculomotor (OCM; A,D,G,J), trochlear (TRO; B,E,H,K) and abducens (ABD; C,F,I,L) nuclei, in control (A,B,C), and 15 days after axotomy (D,E,F) or axotomy (Ax) + VEGF (G,H,I) or BDNF (J,K,L). ChAT immunofluorescence (red) was used to label the motoneurons. The dashed white lines in (C,F,I,L) delimit the genu of the facial nerve. (M) Bar chart of KCC2 optical density (OD) measurements in the neuropil of oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens nuclei 15 days after axotomy and after axotomy + VEGF or BDNF treatment. Data are represented as percentages relative (Re) to the control side (100%, dashed horizontal line). A two-way ANOVA test followed by Fisher´s post hoc test for multiple comparisons was used to detect significant differences between groups. The following symbols were used to indicate significant differences between treatments within the same motor nucleus: *, significant difference (p < 0.05) compared to control; §, significant difference (p < 0.05) with respect to axotomy + VEGF. Hashtags were used to indicate significant differences (#, p < 0.05) between the three extraocular motor nuclei within the same treatment. Data correspond to mean ± SD. The number of animals per group was n = 3 (black dots). Scale bar is 75 µm in (L) for (A-L).
Figure 4.
Effects of axotomy alone or together with administration of VEGF or BDNF on the optical density of KCC2 in the neuropil of extraocular motor nuclei 15 days after axotomy. (A-L) Confocal images showing KCC2 immunostaining (green) in the neuropil of the oculomotor (OCM; A,D,G,J), trochlear (TRO; B,E,H,K) and abducens (ABD; C,F,I,L) nuclei, in control (A,B,C), and 15 days after axotomy (D,E,F) or axotomy (Ax) + VEGF (G,H,I) or BDNF (J,K,L). ChAT immunofluorescence (red) was used to label the motoneurons. The dashed white lines in (C,F,I,L) delimit the genu of the facial nerve. (M) Bar chart of KCC2 optical density (OD) measurements in the neuropil of oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens nuclei 15 days after axotomy and after axotomy + VEGF or BDNF treatment. Data are represented as percentages relative (Re) to the control side (100%, dashed horizontal line). A two-way ANOVA test followed by Fisher´s post hoc test for multiple comparisons was used to detect significant differences between groups. The following symbols were used to indicate significant differences between treatments within the same motor nucleus: *, significant difference (p < 0.05) compared to control; §, significant difference (p < 0.05) with respect to axotomy + VEGF. Hashtags were used to indicate significant differences (#, p < 0.05) between the three extraocular motor nuclei within the same treatment. Data correspond to mean ± SD. The number of animals per group was n = 3 (black dots). Scale bar is 75 µm in (L) for (A-L).

Comparisons between nuclei within the same experimental situation revealed that the oculomotor nucleus showed a mean KCC2 optical density after axotomy significantly lower than that obtained in the trochlear and abducens nuclei (
p = 0.0007 and
p < 0.0001, respectively). In turn, the latter two nuclei did not differ between them (i.e., trochlear and abducens,
p = 0.2092) (
Figure 4M). A similar finding was obtained when comparisons between nuclei were performed in the axotomy + BDNF situation. Thus, in the oculomotor nucleus, the decay in KCC2 was significantly greater than that obtained in the trochlear and abducens nuclei (
p = 0.0001 and
p = 0.0003, respectively), the latter two nuclei being similar to each other (i.e., trochlear and abducens,
p = 0.8066) (
Figure 4M).
2.5. KCC2 Optical Density in Motoneuron Plasma Membrane 15 Days after Axotomy and VEGF or BDNF Treatment
The immunofluorescence against KCC2 15 days after injury revealed that oculomotor (
Figure 5D) and trochlear (
Figure 5E) motoneurons exhibited a marked decrease in staining compared to their respective control (
Figure 5 A,B). As we have previously reported [
32], abducens motoneurons, strikingly, did not show a downregulation of KCC2 in their somatic surface 15 days after axotomy (
Figure 5F, compared to control in
Figure 5C), when changes were more drastic (
Figure 1).
In the axotomy + VEGF situation, all motoneurons showed an intense perisomatic labeling (
Figure 5G-I). However, BDNF administration did not show any change compared to axotomy in oculomotor (
Figure 5J) and trochlear (
Figure 5K) motoneurons. An interesting finding was that treatment with BDNF for 15 days markedly reduced KCC2 around the cell body perimeter of axotomized abducens motoneurons
Figure 5L.
A two-way ANOVA test was used followed by Fisher´s post hoc test for multiple pairwise comparisons revealing significant differences between treatments (F(3,24) = 30.757, p < 0.0001), but not between nuclei (F(2,24) = 3.181, p = 0.0595).
In oculomotor motoneurons, the decrease in perisomatic KCC2 15 days post-lesion reached a mean of 54.59 ± 6.8% (
Figure 5M), a value which was significantly lower than control (horizontal dashed line in
Figure 5M, 100%;
p < 0.0001). When VEGF was administered to axotomized oculomotor motoneurons, the mean optical density of KCC2 was 98.97 ± 4.82%, which was similar to control (
p = 0.9108) and statistically higher than axotomy (
p < 0.0001). By contrast, axotomized oculomotor motoneurons treated for 15 days with BDNF showed a mean perisomatic KCC2 optical density of 56.47 ± 8.97%, a value significantly lower than control (
p < 0.0001), but similar to axotomy (
p = 0.8387).
Similar findings were obtained in trochlear motoneurons. Fifteen days after axotomy, there was a significant (
p = 0.0002) decrease of KCC2 optical density on the soma surface of trochlear motoneurons (60.72 ± 13.55%) compared to control (
Figure 5M). VEGF administration to axotomized trochlear motoneurons for 15 days prevented the injury-induced downregulation of KCC2 reaching a mean optical density of 105.52 ± 16.08%, which was similar to control (
p = 0.5499), and significantly higher than axotomy (
p < 0.0001). By contrast, BDNF delivery produced a mean KCC2 value of 78.80 ± 16.97%, which did not differ from axotomy (
p = 0.0585) but was significantly lower than control (
p = 0.0286) and axotomy + VEGF (
p = 0.0072) (
Figure 5M). Therefore, in oculomotor and trochlear motoneurons, VEGF prevented the axotomy-induced KCC2 downregulation, while BDNF maintained the axotomy state.
Figure 5.
Analysis of the intensity of KCC2 immunofluorescence on the soma surface of extraocular motoneuron 15 days after axotomy, and VEGF or BDNF administration. (A-L) Confocal images of oculomotor (OCM; A,D,G,J), trochlear (TRO; B,E,H,K), and abducens (ABD; C,F,I,L) motoneurons (identified by ChAT immunostaining, in red, inserts in each panel) showing perisomatic immunofluorescence to KCC2 (green). Images correspond to control (A,B,C), and 15 days after axotomy alone (D,E,F) or axotomy (Ax) + VEGF (G,H,I) or BDNF (J,K,L) administration. Asterisks in (D,E,J,K,L) indicate motoneurons with very low levels of KCC2 immunostaining around their plasma membrane. (M) Bar chart showing KCC2 optical density (OD) on the soma surface of oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens motoneuron cell bodies. Data are expressed as percentages relative (Re) to the control side (100%, dashed horizontal line). A two-way ANOVA test followed by Fisher´s post hoc test for multiple comparisons was used to detect significant differences between groups. To indicate significant differences between experimental situations within the same motor nucleus we used the following symbols: *, significant difference (p < 0.05) compared to control; §, significant difference (p < 0.05) with the axotomy + VEGF situation; †, significant difference (p < 0.05) relative to the axotomy + BDNF situation. Hashtags illustrate significant differences (#, p < 0.05) between the three motoneuronal types within the same experimental situation. Data correspond to mean ± SD. The number of animals per group was n = 3 (black dots). Scale bars are 5 µm in (L) for (A-L), and 5 µm in the insert in (L) for all inserts.
Figure 5.
Analysis of the intensity of KCC2 immunofluorescence on the soma surface of extraocular motoneuron 15 days after axotomy, and VEGF or BDNF administration. (A-L) Confocal images of oculomotor (OCM; A,D,G,J), trochlear (TRO; B,E,H,K), and abducens (ABD; C,F,I,L) motoneurons (identified by ChAT immunostaining, in red, inserts in each panel) showing perisomatic immunofluorescence to KCC2 (green). Images correspond to control (A,B,C), and 15 days after axotomy alone (D,E,F) or axotomy (Ax) + VEGF (G,H,I) or BDNF (J,K,L) administration. Asterisks in (D,E,J,K,L) indicate motoneurons with very low levels of KCC2 immunostaining around their plasma membrane. (M) Bar chart showing KCC2 optical density (OD) on the soma surface of oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens motoneuron cell bodies. Data are expressed as percentages relative (Re) to the control side (100%, dashed horizontal line). A two-way ANOVA test followed by Fisher´s post hoc test for multiple comparisons was used to detect significant differences between groups. To indicate significant differences between experimental situations within the same motor nucleus we used the following symbols: *, significant difference (p < 0.05) compared to control; §, significant difference (p < 0.05) with the axotomy + VEGF situation; †, significant difference (p < 0.05) relative to the axotomy + BDNF situation. Hashtags illustrate significant differences (#, p < 0.05) between the three motoneuronal types within the same experimental situation. Data correspond to mean ± SD. The number of animals per group was n = 3 (black dots). Scale bars are 5 µm in (L) for (A-L), and 5 µm in the insert in (L) for all inserts.

Abducens motoneurons showed a differential response to axotomy and neurotrophic factor administration. First, axotomy did not downregulate KCC2 in the somatic plasma membrane of these motoneurons at 15 days, presenting a mean optical density of 91.33 ± 18.64%, a value which was similar to control (
p = 0.3502). The administration of VEGF yielded a value (105.93 ± 13.13%) similar to both control (
p = 0.5211) and axotomy (
p = 0.1218). The most outstanding finding in abducens motoneurons was that the administration of BDNF to injured motoneurons decreased KCC2 optical density on the soma surface of these motoneurons. Thus, abducens motoneurons in the axotomy + BDNF situation showed a value of 56.0 ± 9.54%, which was significantly lower than control (
p < 0.0001), axotomy (
p = 0.0007) and axotomy + VEGF (
p < 0.0001) (
Figure 5M).
When comparisons were performed between nuclei within the same treatment, pairwise comparisons by Fisher´s test revealed the following differences. First, perisomatic KCC2 optical density 15 days after lesion was significantly higher in abducens motoneurons than in oculomotor (
p = 0.0005) and trochlear (
p = 0.0026) motoneurons. Second, in the axotomy + BDNF situation, the value obtained in trochlear motoneurons was significantly higher than in oculomotor (
p = 0.0218) and abducens (
p = 0.0194) motoneurons (
Figure 5M).