1. Introduction
According to data from the International Embryo Technology Association (IETS), the in vitro production of sheep embryos increased more than 340% from 2021 to 2022 [
1], being four productive species such as cattle, goats and horses, those that indicate growth and efficiency in the use of assisted reproduction techniques (ART). Within the ART, there is the SCNT the one that allows the multiplication of individuals with genetic characteristics, for example: animals of zootechnical interest of high commercial value [
2], threatened wild species for conservation purposes [
4] companion animals [
5] and transgenic animals for biomedical purposes [
However, this biotechnology has not had a practical application like other ART, due to the small number of cloned embryos that reach term with the birth of healthy offspring. In sheep, efficiencies of 5.3 to 42% of cloned embryos reaching the blastocyst stage have been reported, while the efficiency in newborn cloned lambs per blastocyst transferred is 5.7 to 15% [
7]. This is because of causes inherent to the technique, such as: trauma due to manipulation of the cells used, inadequate capacity of the recipient oocyte to reprogram the nucleus of the somatic cell, resistance to reprogramming by the somatic cells or abnormalities induced by the in vitro culture [
This leads to epigenetic alterations in embryos produced by SCNT such as elevated levels of DNA methylation in cloned embryos, compared to those produced by IVF or in vivo [
9]. This has been observed in sheep, particularly in the trophectoderm cells in the blastocyst [
10] that give rise to placentas with a reduced number or abnormalities in the placentomes and with histopathological alterations [
13]. Newborn cloned lambs have also been described as having a high incidence of Abnormal Offspring Syndrome (AOS), due to the variety of reported phenotypes [
14]. This is related to a deregulation of different imprinted genes [
In this context, it has been observed that by supplementing the embryo development media with OF and UF, or with the extracellular vesicles present in them, in bovines and pigs the quality of embryos produced in vitro [
19] have a higher number of cells [
21], lower levels of ROS and better survival after vitrification [
21]. Furthermore, the epigenetic marks in them are more like those in embryos obtained in vivo [
Embryos produced by SCNT typically have higher levels of ROS than embryos produced by IVF [
26], due to the excessive manipulation that the cells receive during enucleation, fusion and activation [
27]. The imbalance between the generation of ROS and the antioxidant system of the embryo results in oxidative stress, which has a negative impact during embryonic development that can extend to fetal development [
Given that OF and UF contain elements that promote development and improve the quality of embryos produced in vitro, then supplementation of these fluids during the in vitro culture of Ovis aries cloned embryos may improve embryonic quality. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of OF and UF on the balance of ROS, GSH and the development of O. aries cloned and parthenogenetic embryos.
4. Discussion
Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) has great potential in the propagation of animals with genetic and phenotypic characteristics of productive, ecological or biomedical interest. However, its practical application has been limited due to intrinsic factors of the technique itself [
8] that promote alterations at the genetic and epigenetic level, at the beginning of the preimplantation embryo development and to the fetal development. In some cases, and, if carried to term, clonal offspring may present AOS [
This is a novel study because, given the positive effect of OF and UF on the development and quality of embryos produced by IVF [
23]. For the first time it was proposed to analyze its effect on the in vitro development of sheep-cloned embryos produced by handmade cloning (HMC), to counteract the incidence of these syndromes in cloned offspring. Interestingly, it was observed that in cloned and parthenogenetic sheep embryos, there were no differences in the segmentation rate at the evaluated concentrations of OF and UF vs. the control group. This agrees with what has been reported for bovine embryos generated by IVF [
36]. At the lowest concentration (0.5%), OF and UF showed no effect on the development of cloned nor parthenogenetic embryos. However, at 1.0%, OF and UF reduced the morula and blastocyst rates in sheep-cloned embryos. An exacerbated effect was observed at 2.0% of OF and UF in parthenogenetic embryos, which were blocked at the 4 to 16- cell stage. In pig-cloned embryo, it was reported that supplementation with 14 and 28 μg mL
-1 of OF in PZM-5 medium significantly increased the blastocyst rate (27 and 26%, respectively) with respect to the control group (14%). But at higher levels (56 and 100 μg mL
-1) it had no effect (18.1 and 19.2%) [
37]. Unlike these authors who supplemented OF in μg mL
-1, in the present study levels were evaluated as percentage. The difference in results between both studies could be due to the compounds generated by the metabolism of embryos and the degradation of carbohydrates, amino acids and proteins in the culture medium, which could accumulate until reaching toxic levels. Therefore, it is essential to maintain an ideal concentration of reproductive fluids that benefit embryonic development without generating high levels of toxic compounds for embryos.
Other studies found that high levels of OF (5, 10 and 25%) or UF (2.5 and 5%) have a negative effect on the blastocyst rate in embryos produced by IVF (11, 10 and 1% for FO; 13.2 and 3% for FU, respectively) [
21]. Data similar to those observed in the present study for cloned embryos at 1% OF and UF, and for parthenogenetic embryos that blocked their development at cleavage at 2.0% OF and UF.
Lopera-Vasquez et al. [
20] supplemented SOF medium with 0.625, 1.25 and 2.5% OF for bovine embryos produced by IVF, observing that on day 7 the blastocyst rate was significantly lower at all OF concentrations (16, 17 and 13.9%, respectively) with respect to the control group (22.9%). However, on day 9 the blastocyst rate was not different from the control group at 0.625 and 1.25% of OF, like the present study for blastocyst rate of cloned embryos treated with 1.0% OF and UF on day 7 of culture.
The effect that reproductive fluids have on the in vitro development of embryos depends on their characteristics conditioned by variables intrinsic to the origin of the fluids, whether if they are collected in vivo or Postmortem, the recovery method: by mechanical pressure with forceps, by compression with a slide, by aspiration with an automatic pipette, by scraping with a curette or by washing with physiological solution [
39]. Depending on the recovery method, the fluids may contain a greater or lesser number of impurities such as: erythrocytes, oviductal cells and cellular debris that are not always efficiently eliminated by centrifugation [
38]. Another variable to consider is whether the fluids are pure and concentrated, or diluted, which is important since most studies carry out a supplementation (v/v), without considering the concentration of its components which can vary from one to another sample and may not be reproducible. The best to do would be the supplementation of these fluids based on their protein concentration (μg mL
-1), which are the main molecules that constitute them that culture media lack.
Regarding the levels of ROS and GSH present in sheep parthenogenetic embryos, in the present study it was observed that at 1.0% of OF and UF, the levels of both decreased significantly in blastocysts, results like that reported in other studies, where ROS concentrations, as well as the expression of genes related to oxidative stress, decreased in bovine embryos produced by IVF, treated with OF and UF [
40]. In the proteome of sheep-reproductive system, 940 proteins have been identified, 4% related to oxidation-reduction processes [
41] and 5% to oxidative stress [
42]. Some of the most abundant proteins in OF in the luteal phase are ceruloplasmin and lactotransferrin, in UF they are peroxiredoxin-1 and glutathione S-transferase [
42]. These proteins are part of the non-enzymatic antioxidant system of reproductive fluids and were probably responsible for lowering intracellular ROS levels in parthenogenetic embryos, that is why these embryos did not need to increase intracellular GSH to counteract ROS. Hence, by adding 1.0% of OF and UF, these levels will decrease.
For cloned embryos, no effect on levels of ROS and GSH was observed for the different OF and UF treatments. Likewise, ROS levels were similar between cloned and parthenogenetic embryos, which is noteworthy, given the intense manipulation to which the former are subjected that causes exposure to high concentrations of oxygen, changes in temperature and prolonged exposure to light [
43]. The opposite was observed for GSH, which levels were different between both types of embryos, being about 30% more concentrated in cloned embryos than in parthenogenetic ones. Possibly this was because to form each cloned embryo, two cytoplasts were used, which retained around 70% of the initial volume of cytoplasm after enucleation; therefore, each cloned embryo had about 40% more cytoplasm than the parthenogenetic embryos, which increased the intracellular concentration of GSH and possibly this kept the ROS levels in balance in the cloned embryos [
It has been described that increasing the cytoplasmic volume of cloned embryos improves their quality and implantation potential, due to the addition of mitochondria and other cytoplasmic factors that help nuclear reprogramming [
47], but its effect on intracellular GSH levels has not been described.
Glutathione (GSH) is a non-enzymatic antioxidant synthesized mainly in the cytosol (80-85%) and mitochondria (10-15%), and in lesser quantities in the nucleus and endoplasmic reticulum. Its antioxidant action can be direct or as a cofactor of antioxidant and detoxifying enzymes, it acts on various free radicals and pro-oxidants such as hydrogen peroxide, which is a precursor of ROS [
The present study is a pioneer in evaluating the effect of OF and UF on the development rate and quality of sheep cloned embryos, produced by HMC. Still, due to the characteristics of this technique, where cloned embryos lack ZP and must be cultured in a Well of the Well (WOW) system, it made complicated the sequential supplementation with OF and UF.
The study allowed to know about some effects that OF and UF have on the development rate in sheep cloned embryos and provides the possibility for further research about the impact they may have on the quality of cloned embryos, in terms of total cell number, gene expression and epigenetic regulation.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization, J.R.V.-A; methodology, J.R.V.-A.; J.L.R.-S., J.E.H.-P.; software, J.R.V.-A.; validation, M.d.C.N.-M., D.A.A.-G., C.C.-R.; formal analysis, J.R.V.-A.; investigation, J.R.V.-A. M.d.C.N.-M., D.A.A.-G., C.C.-R; resources, D.A.A.-G., J.E.H.-P. and M.d.C.N.-M.; data curation, J.R.V.-A.; writing-original draft preparation, J.R.V.-A.; writing-review and editing, M.d.C.N.-M., D.A.A.-G., C.C.-R. J.L.R.-S., J.E.H.-P.; supervision, M.d.C.N.-M.; project administration, M.d.C.N.-M. and D.A.A.-G., funding acquisition, M.d.C.N.-M. and D.A.A.-G. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.