The study was conducted by field sampling five species of plants in sect. Tuberculata from the Panjiang River Basin, China. We collected fresh pollen preserved in electron microscope fixative and healthy leaves preserved in bags filled with silica gel and sent them to the laboratory for study. The specimens were deposited in the Tree Herbarium of the College of Forestry, Guizhou University (GZAC), the collected information and sample information in table 1 and figure 7.
Camellia Anlungensis Chang
Camellia anlungensis H. T. Chang, Tax. Gen. Camellia 48. 1981 et in Act. Scl. Nat. Univ. Sunyats. 30 (4): 88, 1991; H. T. Chang et B. Bartholomew. Camellias 69. 1984; Flora of Guizhou 5: 16,. pl. 3: 3 - 4. 1988.
Type: China, Guizhou, Anlong, Guizhou Team, Botanical Institute, Zhang Zhisong, Zhang Yongtian 5952; Ceheng, Luxiong Logging Farm, Cao Ziyu 1227, 1259; Wangmu, Guizhou Team 1757 (Type in Bot. Inst. Acad. Sin Peking) (PE, GZBI) (figure 6A).
Additional specimens examined:—China, Guizhou, Wangmo, Lekang, 400 – 500 m, 4 November 2021, LZ20211204 (GZAC).
= Camellia leyeensis H. T. Chang & Y. C.; Zhong in Act. Scl. Nat. Univ. Sunyats 30 (4): 89, 1991.
Type: China, Guangxi, Leye, Y. C. Zhong 890806 (SYS, GXFS, KUN) (figure 6B).
Additional specimens examined:—China, Guangxi, Leye, Yachang, 600 – 750 m, 13 April 2021, LZ20210413, LZ20210414, LZ20210415 (GZAC).
Morphological description: perennial shrub to small tree, plant height 2 – 4 m, diameter at breast height 4 – 10 cm, trunk yellow‒brown, height below branches 1.5 – 3 m. Leaves alternate, shoots without ribs, glabrous, leaves are thin and leathery, obovate, 9.14 – 12.54 cm long, 2.78 – 4.45 cm wide, apex sharply acute, base broadly cuneate, light green above, dark obscure, light yellowish green below, no black glandular dots, lateral veins 6 – 9 pairs, curved to the tip of the leaf near the margin, obvious on both the upper and lower surfaces, the margins sparsely serrulate, serration almost symmetrical on both sides, serration 20 – 31 pairs, teeth 2 – 4 mm apart, petiole length 0.4 – 0.8 cm. Flower white, calyx segments ovate and hairy, single at the top of the branch, nearly sessile. Petals 9 – 13, obovate–oblong, 2.08 – 2.95 cm long, 0.97 – 1.54 cm wide; outer filament whorl-free, anthers deep yellow, filaments creamy-white, coherent at base; ovary glabrous, 3 – 4 locular, 3 – 4 styles, 2.4 – 2.8 cm long. Capsule subsessile, carpophore 0.26 – 0.32 mm long, fruit 1.4 – 2.5 cm in diameter. Pericarp with many folds and verrucose projections, 1.2 – 2.3 mmthickest. Seed 1 per locule, dark brown and lanceolate, semiellipsoid, 13 – 16 mm. Flowering period, October – November.
Distribution and habitat: distributed in Lekang village, Wangmo, Guizhou, China (figure 7). Most species grow on slopes and river valleys at 400 – 500 m above sea level, under mixed woods forests in the mountains, sometimes forming groups. It is also distributed in Yachang village, Leye, Guangxi, China. Most species grow on slopes at 600 – 750 m above sea level, under mixed woods forests in the mountains, sometimes forming groups.
Camellia acutiperulataChang & C. X. Ye
Camellia acutiperulata H. T. Chang & C. X. Ye in Act. Scl. Nat. Univ. Sunyats. 1984(2): 79, 1984. 30(4): 88, 1991, in clavi; Flora of Guangxi 1: 771, 1991.
Type: China, Guangxi, Longlin, Zeng Pei, Xie Qingjian 17023 (SYS) (figure 6C).
Additional specimens examined:— China, Gangxi, Longlin, Jinzhongshan, 800 - 900 m, 4 November 2022, LZ20221103, LZ20221104, LZ20221105 (GZAC).
Morphological description: perennial shrub to small tree, shoots glabrous. Leaves thin and leathery, elliptic with apex acute or slightly obtuse, 0.28 – 13.69 cm long and 3.32 – 4.73 cm wide, base cuneate to rounded, drying dark green above, slightly shiny, green below, glabrous, 6 – 7 pairs of lateral veins, both slightly elevated on the abaxial surface, margins sparsely serrulate or subentire in the lower half, 5–10 mm petiole length. Flower white, 1 – 2 axillary, sessile; 5 – 6 bracts, 3 – 5 mm long, apex pointed, glabrous or midrib pilose; sepals 5 – 7, broadly ovate, 1.4 – 1.7 cm long, margin membranous, apex pointed, glabrous or long velutinous at tip; petals 9-12, elliptic with 3.4 – 4.0 cm long, 1.3 – 1.9 cm wide, glabrous, filaments, outer whorl nearly free or slightly connate, glabrous, ovary 3 – 4 loculed, glabrous; styles 3 – 4, free, 2.0 – 2.3 cm long. Capsule subglobose, 1.3 – 2.1 cm in diameter, pericarp approximately with 3.1 – 4.3 mm thick, verruculose, raised. Seeds 1 – 2 per locule, orbicular, bald and glabrous. The flowering period is November – December.
Distribution and habitat: distributed in Longlin, Guangxi, China (figure 7). Most species grow on steep slopes at 800 – 900 m above sea level, under mixed woods forests in the mountains, sometimes forming small groups.
Camellia pyxidiaceaXu, F. P. Chen & C. Y. Deng
Camellia pyxidiacea Xu, F. P. Chen & C. Y. Deng in Guihaia 7(1): 19 - 21, 1987; H. T. Chang in Act. Sci. Nat. Univ. Sunyats. 30 (4): 88. 1991, in clavi.
Type: China, Yunnan, Luoping, Xu Zhaoran SJ5225 (SYS) (figure 6D).
Additional specimens examined: — China, Yunnan, Luoping, Yehou valley, 800 – 900 m, 4 December 2021, LZ20211204, LZ20211205, LZ20211206 (GZAC).
Morphological description: shrub to small tree; shoots glabrous, brown. Leaves leathery, elliptic, 8.14 – 13.08 cm long, 3.94 – 4.88 cm wide. apex neo-acute, margins serrulate, upper drying olive-green, slightly glossy, glabrous, underneath yellowish-green, glabrous; primary veins slightly convex above, distinctly elevated below; lateral veins 8 – 10 pairs, conspicuous above, slightly convex below, reticulate veins conspicuous on leaf surface with petiole length 6 – 12 mm, glabrous. Single flower axillary near tip, white or petal apex pink; calyx larger, 7 – 9, hairy at apex, semiorbicular or ovate, 3 – 6 mm long, 4 – 9 mm wide; petals 6 – 8, obovate, apically lobed, basally coherent, 2.43 – 2.88 cm long, 0.95 – 1.58 cm wide, petal apex hairy, filaments white, yellow; glabrous; styles 3 – 4, slender, 2.5 – 3.4 cm long. Capsule subglobose, 4.84 – 5.18 cm in diameter; ovary 3 – 4 loculed, pericarp longitudinally lobed, surface densely tuberculate and wrinkled, as well as transverse deep grooves, pericarp often dehiscent along these transverse grooves. Seeds hairy, triangular-orbicular or subsemi-orbicular. Flowering period in October. Fruit ripening in the following year in October – November.
Distribution and habitat: Distributed in Yehou valley, Luoping, Yunnan, China (figure 7). Most species grow on steep slopes at 800 – 900 m above sea level, under mixed woods forests in the mountains, sometimes forming groups.
Camellia rubituberculataChang
Camellia rubituberculata Chang, Lin & Liu, in Act. Scl. Nat. Univ. Sunyatseni, 23(2): 82, 1984; H. T. Chang. 30 (4): 88. 1991, in clavi.; Flora of Guizhou 5: 10. 1988.
Type: China, Guizhou, Qinglong, Lin Mengjia and Lu Qiming 155710 (SYS, GZTI) (figure 6E).
Additional specimens examined:— China, Guizhou, Qinglong, Longtou village , 1200 - 130 m, 11 April 2021, LZ20210411, LZ20210412, LZ20210413 (GZAC).
Morphological description: perennial shrub to subtree 5 – 10 m, annual shoots glabrous. Leaves thin and leathery, long ovate, 10.1 cm – 11.4 cm long, 3.5 – 4.8 cm wide; blade apex slightly pointed or acute mucronate, base broadly cuneate, The overall appearance of the leaves blade is olive green, glabrous, dark green adaxially with 7 – 8 pairs of lateral veins clearly visible on both sides. Flowers red, terminal, or axillary; 4 – 7 cm in diameter; bracts persistent with imbricate; 6 – 8, semiorbicular or suborbicular; 2.79 – 3.25 cm long, 2.15 – 3.24 cm wide; basally connate; petal apices shallowly columnar; outer filament whorl free, anthers dark yellow, filaments creamy white, basally connate, united with petals; outer whorl free, anthers dark yellow, filaments creamy white, base connate, united with petals. Capsule with verrucose globose, seed coat 3-4 cleft, thickness 1.22 cm; fruit diameter 4.84 – 5.18 cm; ovary 3 – 4 locular, containing 3 – 11 seeds, mostly triangular, ovate, obovate or trapezoidal-obovate, seeds brown, triangular-orbicular or subsemi-orbicular. Flowering period in October – November.
Distribution and habitat: distributed in Longtou village, Qinglong, Guizhou, China (figure 7). Most species grow on slopes at 1200 – 1300 m above sea level, under mixed woods forests in the mountains, sometimes forming groups.
Figure 7.
distribution map of five species.
Figure 7.
distribution map of five species.