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11 September 2024
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17 | Saju, A.; Gunasekera, P. S.; Morgante, P.; MacMillan, S. N.; Autschbach, J.; Lacy, D. C. Experimental and computational determination of a M−Cl homolytic bond dissociation free energy: Mn(III)Cl-mediated C−H cleavage and chlorination. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 13384-13391. |
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19 | The instability of 3, the inclusion of MnII counterions in 5, and the composite nature of 6•7 precluded similar characterization. Therefore, the magnetic properties of the other compounds were not pursued in this study. Generally, mononuclear Mn(III) centers studied by us have had S = 2 ground states. Some exceptions are strong-field six-coordinate cationic Mn(III) complexes that are S = 1 (see [7,11,13,17]). |
20 | (a) Mondal, P.; Pirovano, P.; Das, A.; Farquhar, E. R.; McDonald, A. R. Hydrogen atom transfer by a high-valent nickel-chloride complex. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 1834-1841. (b) Mondal, P.; Lovisari, M.; Twamley, B; McDonald, A. R. Fast hydrocarbon oxidation by a high-valent nickel-fluoride complex. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 13044-13050. (c) Kwon, Y. M.; Lee, Y.; Schmautz, A. K.; Jackson, T. A.; Wang, D. C–H bond activation by a mononuclear nickel(IV)-nitrate complex. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 12072-12080. (d) Kwon, Y. M.; Lee, Y.; Evenson, G. E.; Jackson, T. A.; Wang, D. Crystal structure and C–H bond cleaving reactivity of a mononuclear CoIV-dinitrate complex. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 13435-13441. (e) Bower, J. K.; Reese, M. S.; Mazin, I. M.; Zarnitsa, L. M.; Cypcar, A. D.; Moore, C. E.; Sokolov, A. Y.; Zhang, S. C(Sp3)-H cyanation by a formal copper(III) cyanide complex. Chem. Sci. 2023, 14, 1301–1307. |
21 | (a) Liu, W.; Huang, X.; Cheng, M.; Nielsen, R. J.; Goddard, W. A.; Groves, J. T. Oxidative Aliphatic C-H Fluorination with Fluoride Ion Catalyzed by a Manganese Porphyrin. Science 2012, 337, 1322–1325. (b) Yadav, V.; Wen, L.; Yadav, S.; Siegler, M. A.; Goldberg, D. P. Selective radical transfer in a series of nonheme iron(III) complexes. Inorg. Chem. 2023, 62, 17830–17842. |
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23 | Explanation for BDFEMn(II)/XH. (a) In a previous report [11], we used the reduction potential of [MnIII(NO3)3(OPPh3)2] and the pKa of the conjugate acid of dissociated [NO3]– in the Bordwell equation to arrive at a thermodynamic value and referred to it as an effective bond dissociation free energy (BDFEeff). The BDFEeff, described by Mayer [24], uses the reduction potential and pKa of oxidant/base pairs that can combine in a single entity (e.g., through H-bonded adduct) to react in bimolecular C–H bond cleavage. The BDFEeff can be used as an estimate for the upper-limit of C–H bond strength the oxidant/base pair can cleave. However, since the base (X) is coordinated to the Mn(III) center, it is more appropriate to use a {MnIIX–H} BDFE (BDFEMn(II)/XH) like the {MnIIIO–H} BDFE (BDFEO–H) reported in metal-oxo/metal-hydroxo conversions as described by Borovik and others [24]. Therefore, we use the same approach as Borovik except that the pKa of the conjugate acid of the free base is used instead of the pKa of [MnIIX2(HX)]/[MnIIX3]– and refer to it as the BDFEMn(II)/XH. Hence, the BDFEMn(II)/XH is an estimate of the upper limit of C–H bond strength that can be cleaved by a {MnIIIX} reactant. We have performed a systemic analysis of this square scheme approach to estimate C–H cleavage capability in a previous report [17]. (b) Barman, S. K.; Yang, M.-Y.; Parsell, T. H.; Green, M. T.; Borovik, A. S. Semiemperical method for examining asynchronicity in metal-oxo-mediated C–H bond activation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA. 2021, 118, e2108648118. |
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Complex | Time | % Yielda |
[MnIIICl3(Me3NO)2]n (3a) | 5.0 h | 45 |
[MnIIICl(H2O)(PyNO)4][MnIICl4] (5) | 6.5 h | 86 |
[MnIIICl3(PyNO)2] (7) | 4.0 h | 88 |
[MnIIICl3(MeCN)x] (2) | 1.0 h at r.t.(b) | 78 |
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