1. Introduction
The existence of planktonic stages, generally larvae, in the life cycle of marine benthos species, has been considered as the main responsible of the observed geographic distribution and/or genetic inter-population connectivity, mainly for sessile neritic species [
2]. To interpret the Supply Side Ecology [
4] founded on larvae abundance and dispersal community dynamics and population connectivity along shorelines. However, only so called “teleplanic larvae” justify high dispersal possibility for the species [
5]. More every stage of life has survival rates and persistence times in the planktonic stage (the Pelagic Larval Duration, PLD) which do not allow them to disperse on large spatial scales. In laboratory conditions, the PLD of Brachyura larvae (zoea) has been observed to be inversely correlated with water temperature [
The debate over degree to which marine larvae produced in a local population are likely to return to that population (self-recruitment, or retention), or migrate to another population (export), is open [
12]. Moreover, hydrodynamic models and genetic structure data indicate that the average scale of dispersal can vary widely even within a given species, at different locations in space and time [
14]. Dispersal prediction of larvae requires knowledge of the processes regulating larval dispersal and the spatial and temporal scales over which it occurs. Estimates of marine larval dispersal, which ranges from a few meters to hundreds of kilometers [
19], are well correlated with PLD for many organisms, including Decapoda, even though exceptions do exist [
22]. Furthermore, larval behavior significantly affects the dispersal: e.g. larvae occupying very near-bottom waters typically perform a short distance dispersal [
Small basins could be attractive by coast to coast exchanges for species propagules represented by planktonic larvae, more than large oceanic areas, also because generally corresponding to a more extended presence of the shelf and of their conditioning of water circulation [
23]. The South Adriatic Sea could be interesting from this point of view because it is only 76 km wide in its narrower point (Otranto-Cape Linguetta), thus suggesting an enhancement of connectivity between benthic communities of the opposite sides. Bray et al. [
24] already predicted that larvae of coastal benthos in the Adriatic Sea are able to pass from the East to the West side of the basin following the surface currents, with Apulia (the South-West coast of the Basin) acting as a sink area.
Among Crustacea, Decapoda Brachyura represents a good candidate for studies on the dispersal capability of coastal benthos by means of larvae. These larvae (zoeae and megalopae) are reported as typical of the uppermost layer of the sea water (neuston) [
25], although perform daily vertical migrations, and this fact makes possible the prediction of their traveling routes inside surface currents. Dos Santos et al. [
26] well described a general tendency, among Decapoda larvae, to persist in the vicinity of their birth sites, with larvae of coastal species accumulaed in coastal sites and those of the neritic species with a larger spatial distribution.
Inter-annual, cross-shore and alongshore differences on decapod larvae distribution have been established as closely affected by local hydrodynamic conditions of adult sites [
27], suggesting the existence of a strategy driven by the necessity to persist in the same area of adults, more than to disperse elsewhere by currents. Studies of Torres et al. [
29] suggest that larvae of coastal/neritic species, living in shallow waters, perform daily vertical migrations (involving the neuston) smaller than those of mesopelagic and/or deep bottom species. From the standpoint of dispersion studies, the two-dimensional space represented by the sea surface is the migration field for those larvae which stay in the surface layer, at least for a part of each day (generally nighttime). The frame is accomplished by the extension of the vertical migration behavior that typically this plankton shows, with a pulsating presence, during the day, in different water layers which possibly move at different speeds and/or in different directions [
Despite the high number of studies investigating decapod larvae abundances in coastal and shelf areas [e.g. 28,30-32], such studies remain scarce in slope and offshore areas [e.g. 29,33-35]. Concerning the Mediterranean Sea, most of these studies on decapod larvae abundances were carried out in the western part [e.g. 28-29, 34-38] for summer and autumn-winter periods. Referring to Adriatic Sea, very few specific studies on larvae decapod larvae distribution have been done [
41], while other few references in some zooplankton papers have been made [
43]. During the same spring oceanographic cruise the spatial variation of the biodiversity patterns of both neuston and pelagic polychaetes has already been the subject of two articles [
45], while drifter tracks are also available [
Thus, this study aims at understanding the spatial abundance and distribution of decapod crustacean larval assemblages among seventeen coastal-shelf and offshore locations spanning from the southern Adriatic to the northern Ionian basins, during 2013 spring period. Particularly, the study aimed to assess the fine scale vertical distribution and migration behaviour of decapod larvae, in relation to environmental conditions. Here the attention has been focused on the swarm of Decapoda larvae which recorded in neuston of stations “Penna Grossa” (PGR) and S13 [
44]. This natural experiment is useful to clarify what role, if any, larvae play in the geographic distribution of species, and if they someway represent the best connection device between the populations inhabiting the opposite sides of a small marine basin like the Adriatic Sea [
2. General environmental Patterns in the Region
The Southern Adriatic Sea is enclosed between the Italian and the Balkan coast. It is characterized by a wide depression more than 1200 m deep [
48]. South of the Gargano Promontory, the Italian coast is low and exhibits a wide and sandy shelf, whereas the eastern coast is generally irregular with several river mouths and a shelf that narrows from north to south, where the Strait of Otranto connects the Adriatic to the Ionian Sea.
The South Adriatic Sea is affected by two coastal currents of surface waters: (i) the Western Adriatic Current (WAC), that flows south-eastward along the Italian coast and brings the Adriatic Surface Waters (ASW) relatively less salty and nutrient-rich waters due to fresh inputs in the North Adriatic stretch (mainly Po river) [
49], and (ii) the Eastern Adriatic Current (EAC) that enters the basin along the Balkan coast and carries north-westward Ionian Surface Water (ISW, relatively warmer and saltier) [
50]. EAC forms the South Adriatic Gyre (SAG), a permanent topographically-constrained cyclonic circulation feature in Southern Adriatic, characterized by positive vorticity whose strength is modulated by large-scale climate-driven patterns [
51]. Particularly, in periods characterized by an Ionian cyclonic circulation phase (as at the beginning of 2013, [
52]) the higher vorticity of the local wind forcing, correlated with more frequent southerlies over the Southern Adriatic, has a dominant effect in sustaining the SAG strength.
In April ([
53], fig. 3d) and May 2013 wind fields in Southern Adriatic showed dominant components towards East (1.0 m sec
-1, westerlies) and North (0.33 m s
-1, southerlies) [
54], with evident influence on the monthly averaged SAG pattern and transient connectivity at surface in the region, as highlighted in the model reanalysis [
55] (
Figure 1).
4. Discussion
The vertical profiles of temperatures in May 2013 show a thermocline between 20 and 40 m depth and generally above the DCM. Larvae of decapods (collected with BIONESS in the whole basin) appeared strongly linked to such a layer, suggesting that they are involved in surface water circulation. Among Decapoda, larvae of Brachyura are reported as typical components of the neuston [
25], and well persisting in the first 50 m if deriving from coastal benthic species [
26]. Also in the present study, multilayer samplings carried out over the whole studied area, suggested that Decapoda larvae preferred the uppermost water layers (0-40 m). The aggregation of such a rich plankton component at the sea surface justifies a prediction of their horizontal distribution with time, based on surface drifter movements. The availability of a set of surface drifters deployed during the same cruise when zooplankton and neuston have been collected, allowed us to assess the destiny of surface water masses and indirectly the destiny of their content in terms of larval populations. In fact, although possible exceptions exist, water masses above the thermocline can be considered as homogenous from the oceano-dynamic point of view. Our assessment has been tuned on a definition of the PLD derived from the literature (even though for different species). The maximum PLD relative to the larval stage/age and to the sea surface temperature of May 2013 resulted to be 45 days (mainly zoeae). Surface drifters transiting through the area containing the sampling stations were followed backward and forward in time for a total of 40 days, in order to reconstruct a possible larvae dispersal path. Even though PLD is not known for the species found in abundance during the considered period (
Xantho granulicarpus), literature data suggest as possible a cross of the South Adriatic Sea from west to east. The species mainly represented in the samples of the present study is common along the Mediterranean coastline and inter-population genetic connections among crab species is documented. It is known that the littoral crab
Pachygrapsus marmoratus is genetically uniform in the whole Mediterranean Sea [
72] even if compared populations are separated by thousands of kilometers. Schiavina et al. [
73], however, established that coastal crabs of different species are genetically related and grouped in three areas of the Adriatic Sea: North, Central, and South, independently from their collocation on the Italian or Balkan coastline. This mirrors the circulation of the Adriatic, which can be summarized in an overall cyclonic circuit, further subdivided, both morphologically and dynamically, into three sub-basins and three corresponding cyclonic re-circulations. In terms of transport of passive particles, an asymmetry has been observed in the zonal exchange, with a preferential East to West surface connection with respect to the opposite, West to East one [
68]. This is witnessed by the successive results by Bray et al. [
24] who assessed a preferential transfer of larvae from the eastern to the western coast, with the southwestern coast (i.e. the Apulian one) functioning mainly as a sink area. Fraser et al. [
74] demonstrated that for many coastal taxa transoceanic transport and landfall occur thanks to passive rafting of adults on buoyant objects, more than larvae drift. On this basis, Treml et al. [
75] predicted that for 95% of coral reef species, the larval settlement occurs within 155 km of source population and/or within 13 days.
To obtain an indication of the vertical distribution of Brachyura larvae the multilayer samplings of the BIONESS were used as a reference, although they did not interest the stations rich in Brachyura larvae. Larvae of BIONESS samples in general appeared as scantly concentrated confirming the exceptionality of the result coming from PGR and S13 stations. From the analysis of the whole sample set collected, it is evident that decapod larvae swarm interested heavily only and just stations PGR and S13. The present study show that Brachyura larvae generated at level of the stations PGR and S13 mostly disperse alongshore in South-East direction. The West-East coast connection for neritic crab species based on larvae dispersal is possible, but weak, because based on only ¼ of the individuated dispersal paths, and because the survival rate of Brachyura larvae after 40 days should be very low. It is possible that Brachyura use other solutions than planktonic larvae to disperse in large geographic areas. Discontinuous geographic presence of corals in isolated Pacific atolls has not been justified with larvae dispersal, but with rafting of the benthic phase on buoyant pumice [
76]. The geographic distribution of Hydrozoa in the Mediterranean Sea does not correspond to the existence and duration of the planktonic stage (the medusa) in the life cycle of each species [
77]. The role of no planktonic stages in the geographic distribution of neritic benthic organisms, and in the connectivity of distant populations, has been investigated in further depth taking into consideration viable fragments (the so called asexually produced propagules). These are sometimes more abundant than larval stages in coastal plankton [
80]. Additionally, also resting stages might allow species to perform long travels and/or to be relatively insensitive to ecological barriers [
81]. Whatever the nature of the propagules, their dispersal mechanisms represent an open question, the main problem being a quantitative assessment of the phenomenon. Such alternative dispersal strategies justify species distribution and genetic flow between populations, more than that attributable to larvae.
5. Conclusions
The present study proposes a general framework for Brachyura larvae circulation (Xantho granulicarpus, in detail). The PLD obtained from literature data, based on larval age and on water temperature, and the study of drifter motion in the southern Adriatic suggested that zonal coast to coast crossing from Italian to Balkan side by larvae is possible in the studied period and at the investigated latitude, but it appears as not sufficiently reliable to ensure inter-population connectivity. Particularly, most drifters (here considered as proxies for larvae in the surface layer) moved mostly along shore (southeastwards) and crossed the basin in only one case among 4, in agreement with Carlson et al. experimental and numerical findings [
68]. Finally, the high mortality which affects crab larvae, further should reduce the drifting survivors down to a negligible number. All these considerations suggest that the recorded huge swarm of Xantho granulicarpus larvae on the Apulian side of the southern Adriatic, is probably not enough to justify a genetic connectivity of the two opposite populations, and to push for alternative solutions for maintaining such a connectivity.
The genetic connection of Adriatic benthic populations has been ascertained (see the case of Fratini et al. [
72]). This notwithstanding, the limited possibility of X. granulicarpus larvae to cross the south Adriatic during their PLD, reduces their importance in the framework of genetic connection of opposite side populations, and confines them mostly to the renewal of very close (adjacent) populations. Weersing and Toonen [
82] already found that in the marine environment average PLD is poorly correlated with connectivity calculated on the genetic structure of populations. This was confirmed, among others, by a successive study by Treml et al. [
75] where the different role of PLD in local- and broad-scale connectivity is discussed and suggested that 95% of the connectivity based on larvae occurs within the first 13 days and 155 km from the source population. The present study, conducted directly in the field, adds information to many others, with newly considered species, areas, and/or seasons. Connectivity of Brachyura populations results not reliable if exclusively linked to planktonic larvae, and other distributional strategies are probably available for every species.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization, A.G., G.B. and L.G.; Laboratory analysis, R.M., A.G., S.V. and Y.G.; Statistical analysis, A.B.; Oceanography, P.C. and E.Z.; Writing-original draft preparation, A.G., R.M., G.B., L.G. and E.Z.; Writing-review and editing, all authors.; All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Figure 1.
May 2013: estimated monthly averaged water velocity at surface in Southern Adriatic (model reanalysis, modified from CMEMS). Main circulation patterns (WAC, EAC, SAG) can be recognized.
Figure 1.
May 2013: estimated monthly averaged water velocity at surface in Southern Adriatic (model reanalysis, modified from CMEMS). Main circulation patterns (WAC, EAC, SAG) can be recognized.
Figure 2.
Map of the study area with spanning locations of BIONESS multinet and Neuston net (red and blue dots, respectively).
Figure 2.
Map of the study area with spanning locations of BIONESS multinet and Neuston net (red and blue dots, respectively).
Figure 3.
Potential temperature, salinity and fluorescence vertical profiles at all sampled stations, from surface down to 200 m (IC: S1, S3, S25, S19, S14 stations; OS: L41, S10, S15, S16c, S22, S23, S21, S24, S20, S11 stations; AC: S7, S8 stations).
Figure 3.
Potential temperature, salinity and fluorescence vertical profiles at all sampled stations, from surface down to 200 m (IC: S1, S3, S25, S19, S14 stations; OS: L41, S10, S15, S16c, S22, S23, S21, S24, S20, S11 stations; AC: S7, S8 stations).
Figure 4.
Vertical profiles of Temperature (°C), Salinity, and Chla (μg L-1), at stations S19, S15, S08 in the CoCoNet cruise 2013 as representatives of Italian, central South Adriatic, and Balkan coast, respectively. Please note that depth scales vary.
Figure 4.
Vertical profiles of Temperature (°C), Salinity, and Chla (μg L-1), at stations S19, S15, S08 in the CoCoNet cruise 2013 as representatives of Italian, central South Adriatic, and Balkan coast, respectively. Please note that depth scales vary.
Figure 5.
Representation of decapod larvae abundance. Values come from the integration of 0-100 m surface layer, and they are referred to a water column of 1 m2 basis and 100 m of depth. Stations PGR and S13 (interested by a swarm of Brachiura larvae) were not interested by the BIONESS collection.
Figure 5.
Representation of decapod larvae abundance. Values come from the integration of 0-100 m surface layer, and they are referred to a water column of 1 m2 basis and 100 m of depth. Stations PGR and S13 (interested by a swarm of Brachiura larvae) were not interested by the BIONESS collection.
Figure 6.
Vertical distribution of crustacean decapod larvae in six selected stations. .
Figure 6.
Vertical distribution of crustacean decapod larvae in six selected stations. .
Figure 7.
Vertical distribution of decapod larvae (as percentage of total numbers) from the BIONESS hauls at coastal and offshore five stations selected according to the daily sampling time. Numbers in brackets are average abundance in ind. m-3 for the entire water column at each sampling time.
Figure 7.
Vertical distribution of decapod larvae (as percentage of total numbers) from the BIONESS hauls at coastal and offshore five stations selected according to the daily sampling time. Numbers in brackets are average abundance in ind. m-3 for the entire water column at each sampling time.
Figure 8.
Vertical profiles of decapod larvae WMD values in coastal and offshore stations, according to the daily sampling time.
Figure 8.
Vertical profiles of decapod larvae WMD values in coastal and offshore stations, according to the daily sampling time.
Figure 9.
Relationship between decapod larvae abundance and thermocline thickness in each station (AC – Albanian Coast, IC – Italian Coast, OS – Open Sea).
Figure 9.
Relationship between decapod larvae abundance and thermocline thickness in each station (AC – Albanian Coast, IC – Italian Coast, OS – Open Sea).
Figure 10.
Trajectories of 4 drifters passing close to PGR and S13 stations (black squares in the rectangular area) at the time of the Brachyura larvae swarm. Trajectory starting points are marked by the corresponding drifter names (letters A to D). Dashed lines refer to poorly sampled tracks segments.
Figure 10.
Trajectories of 4 drifters passing close to PGR and S13 stations (black squares in the rectangular area) at the time of the Brachyura larvae swarm. Trajectory starting points are marked by the corresponding drifter names (letters A to D). Dashed lines refer to poorly sampled tracks segments.
Table 1.
BIONESS sampling data.
Table 1.
BIONESS sampling data.
Table 2.
Hydrological parameters (salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen) of the sea water in the South Adriatic Sea at stations Penna Grossa (PGR), and S13, and as average values of the whole basin.
Table 2.
Hydrological parameters (salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen) of the sea water in the South Adriatic Sea at stations Penna Grossa (PGR), and S13, and as average values of the whole basin.
Table 3.
Identification code of the drifters entering the box-area containing the stations where Brachyura larvae were abundant in the neuston (date of collection, 17 May 2013). Only drifters entering the delimited area in the period 15-27 May have been considered.
Table 3.
Identification code of the drifters entering the box-area containing the stations where Brachyura larvae were abundant in the neuston (date of collection, 17 May 2013). Only drifters entering the delimited area in the period 15-27 May have been considered.
Table 4.
Decapod larvae abundance (ind. m-3) in the whole neuston collection.
Table 4.
Decapod larvae abundance (ind. m-3) in the whole neuston collection.
Table 5.
Larvae identified in the two cruises and relative instars (Z1–Z6 = zoea stage, instars 1-6; M = megalopa stage; undet. = not determined). Reported numbers indicate percentages on the total of larvae.
Table 5.
Larvae identified in the two cruises and relative instars (Z1–Z6 = zoea stage, instars 1-6; M = megalopa stage; undet. = not determined). Reported numbers indicate percentages on the total of larvae.