The use of MMZ and MTZ at ore and oil and gas deposits allowed to reveal under them transcrustal zones of increased fluid -magmatic permeability of the mantle level of embedding agents of heat and mass transfer to the area of ore deposition and formation of HC accumulations.
To date, extensive geophysical material has been collected on the possible flow of mantle fluids through transcrustal channels. According to MTZ data, these channels are identified by values of reduced electrical conductivity.
Thus, under the Bezymyannoye deposit, which is one of the large, shallow (250-500 m) deposits of Western Kazakhstan, deep faults were revealed, complicating its geological structure. The deposit is characterized by the absence of salt tectonics, stratigraphic discrepancies, and lithological and facies variability of Middle Jurassic-Neocomian rocks.
Nature of Transcrustals Fluid- and Magma- Conducting Channels
As for the nature of transcortices fluid and magma conduits, they are believed to be confined to faults of ancient (Archean-Proterozoic) age that determined the fragmentation of the Earth’s subcrystalline structure.
Later, these faults functioned inherited, which is natural not only for shields and ancient denuded folded regions, but also for platforms, to which much attention was paid in due time by academicians N. S. Shatsky and A. V. Peive. The formation of consolidated rigid blocks proper occurred at the early stages of megastructures formation [
32] under the conditions of volumetric fluid dynamics development. The residual forms of functioning of large-scale fluid-conducting Korzhinsky -Pospelov thermohydrocolumns are batholiths of granitoids that served as consolidation cores. Such structures serve as fluid conductors even nowadays [
Iskandarov M.Kh., Abdullaev G.S., Mirzaev A.U., Khakimzyanov I.N., Umarov Sh.A. (2022), develop ideas similar in content, but taking into account plate tectonics on the example of the South Ustyurt region. According to these researchers, the regmatic network of crustal faults was historically formed and permanently activated by cyclically acting tectonic forces of tension-displasement-compression associated with changes in the rotational regime during the galactic year, the polar radius of the Earth and the position of its rotation axis.
Figure 7.
Deep geoelectric section.
Figure 7.
Deep geoelectric section.
As a result, three multilevel regmatic systems of inclined and shear discontinuities were formed in the South Ustyurt region for the crystalline basement, Paleozoic and Mesozoic rock complexes. The character of attenuation of regmatic systems and changes in the configuration of blocks in the Paleozoic, Paleozoic and Mesozoic (lower horizons) structural floors has been established [
Taking into account the latest data of seismology and structural analysis, the special role of hydrodynamic mechanisms in the formation of sectorial structures of the Earth's " crust " and "mantle" can be considered proved. It has been established that the uppermost crustal layers have a pronounced structure of "pounded ice" or even "chain mail".
The existence of transcrustal fluid- and magma-conducting channels is confirmed by experimental modeling of deep processes performed by E.K. Gerling (Radium Institute), L.L. Shanin (IGEM), V.V. Cherdyntsev (GIN), K.P. Florensky (GEOHI), A.Y. Namiot (MNI) and others. Multicomponent systems (rocks, minerals, salts on water, and even on water-hydrocarbon basis) were studied in autoclaves during both increasing and decreasing T-P conditions. Experiments with the introduction of inert gases - helium and argon - into the investigated complexes were of particular interest. The main result was the conclusion about the stepwise (quantized) nature of interactions of crystal structures of minerals and rocks with "inert" gases under elevated T-P conditions, which clearly reflected covalent and even transitional to chemical phenomena [
The previously available data on the special role of helium and hydrogen in changing the physical properties of rocks due to their intras-tructural diffusion (without chemical interaction with the material) have been clarified.
As a result of low-energy impact, stress fields, structural rearrangements, deformation textures are formed in the solid rock skeleton, and general porosity develops. As formation pressures increase, their interactions intensify, phase transitions and chemical bonds occur.
As a result, a concept was formulated, which is based on the ideas of a mountain environment as a system located at depths of more than 3-5 kilometers in an unstable (metastable) state. The region of maximum stability approaches only near-surface, energetically background conditions. The instability increases with increasing gas saturation and temperature. Helium, nitrogen, and hydrogen can be indicators of deep heat and mass transfer.
The process of heat and mass transfer during the rise of deep substance to the Earth's surface (thermofluid dynamics) occurs stepwise with energy release, which is most clearly manifested in the foci of crustal earthquakes according to the heat- and gas dynamic model of A.S. Ponomarev [
Energy release occurs through fluid-conducting thermohydrocolumns (in the terminology of D. S. Korzhinsky and G. L. Pospelov in the 50-70s). These processes are directly related to the mechanism of hydrothermal ore formation. In our case, we call such structures transcrustal magma- and fluid-supressing faults.
It is thermofluidodynamics that determines the local instability factor, which is a function of the Earth's deep regime. On this basis, the features of the block structure of the lithosphere, seismicity regime and other forms of transition of the rock medium into an unstable state up to the stage of destruction and energy release are considered.
Examples of energy release would include explosions on the day surface, in coal and ore mines, in earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
Methane explosions in coal mines, according to I.N. Yanitsky [
32], often occur not in active faces (faces), where gas saturation of coal and rocks is higher, but in the rear of sinking and excavation. Emission in the latter case occurs from long ago opened and degassed faults in the mines. And the time of the emission appeares to be synchronous with geodynamic activation, registed by other methods.
The intensity of emissions increases progressively with the depth of penetration. In the productive strata, emission-hazardous faults are represented by subvertical zones of strongly crushed coals with traces of increased temperature effects.
In the opinion this researcher, methane to the active horizons of the mine comes from the lower, possibly even multi-kilometre, productive strata. The most striking fact is a major disaster in the coal industry (Shevyakov mine, 1 December, 1992, Kuzbass).
There are known explosions in ore mines, where the conditions for methane formation generally accepted for coal and oil regions are absent at all (gold and uranium deposits of Northern Kazakhstan, gold and uranium mines of Witwatersrand, South Africa, etc.). All this leads to the conclusion about triggering there energy sources of plasmoid type with explosion temperatures of tens of thousands of degrees [
Ground, or near-surface explosions (high-temperature, plasmoid type), which E. V. Barkovsky (OIFZ RAS) qualified as a phenomenon - discharge of the Earth’s deep energy along a fault with a complex of preceding electromagnetic, gravitational, acoustic and light effects [
32]. According to this researcher, the signs of gravitational explosion are observed during multifactorial processes of deep energy unloading, including in the epicenters of some earthquakes (e.g., Sochi, 1970, Spitak, 1986, etc.).
Volcanic eruptions can also be considered as a manifestation of the discharge of deep energy during heat and mass transfer. The Uzon -Geysernaya volcanotectonic depression and the Kikhpinych volcanic massif, which are part of the East Kamchatka volcanic belt, are considered as example [
In the eastern parts Uzon -Geysernaya volcano-tectonic depression according to the data of independent geological and geophysical studies ( SAR- interferometry, thermohydrodynamic observations , thermal and infrared imaging, temporary seismological observations, slope instability processes) in 2000-2014 local geodynamic activation was observed, which is confirmed by : deformation of the earth surface, seismicity, heating of the young cone of the Kikhpinych volcanic massif, catastrophic landslide manifestations; changes in the thermodynamic parameters of hydro- thermal systems, the appearance of new hot and boiling springs according to the materials of aerothermal and ground-based infrared imaging [
The work on the permafrost allowed us to build a model of their deep structure (up to 30 km), clarify the existing ideas about the magmatic centre and reveal new features of the crustal structure.
Interpreting the MMZ results in comparison with the available geological understanding, the following main elements of the magmatic system of the Kikhpinych long-lived volcanic centre are manifested (
Figure 8). Identified:
an ancient shallow-depth crystallized magmatic source (intrusive) of acidic composition of irregular shape in the depth range from 2–3 to 10–12 km beneath the eastern part of the Uzon -Geyser Depression (structures 3 and 4, outlined with white dashed lines);
magma chamber (basaltic melts concentration area) in the depth range of 15–20 km beneath the ancient crystallised hearth (structure 8);
modern peripheral magmatic centre (area of basaltic melt concentration) beneath Kikhpinych volcano in the depth of 5–10 km (structure 7, outlined by white dashed line);
crystalline basement from deeper horizons (subvertical heterogeneities, which are marked by white dashed lines with arrows).
The geometry of the detected deep structures agrees with the local weak seismicity and the model of magma intrusion into the upper crustal horizons, which allows us to specify the possible position of an irregularly shaped magma sill at depth 4–8 km deepening to the northwest [
Thus, on the basis of these studies, it was possible to analyse the peculiarities of the structure of the magmatic system of the long-lived volcanic centre. The different- aged magma chambers that caused the migration of eruption centres, as well as feeding isolated deep magma channels, were localized.
Discharge of excessive energy in the form of earthquakes may occur during deep degassing processes. According to V.L. Syvorotnikov (2023), this is indicated, firstly, by spatial coincidence of the epicenters of earthquakes and zones of intensive degassing in the axial parts of rift zones and in faults. Secondly, the direct connection between volcanic eruptions and seismic events, already mentioned above. Thirdly, numerous data on the correlation of fluctuations of gas flows (radon, helium, hydrogen) and earthquakes.
Symbols: Top: up to a depth of 12 km. Bottom: quasi-3D representation to a depth of 30 km.
The sections are labelled with numbers: 1 – area of the extrusive dome of Belaya Mountain, partially overlain by lake sediments; 2 - field of extrusive domes development in the eastern part of the depression; 3, 4 - interconnected parts of the upper crustal crystallized magma source under the Uzon -Geysernaya depression; 5, 5* – blocks of undissected sediments of the pre-caldera complex (volcanogenic- sedimentary cover); 6 - magma propagation paths along the system of sublatitudinal discontinuities controlled by the regional Uzon-Valagin fault; 7 - peripheral source feeding Holocene basaltoid eruptions of the Kikhpinych volcanic centre; 8 - basalt melt accumulation area formed due to the shielding role of acidic intrusion 4 located above.
Dotted lines in the legend: 1 - intersection line of sections I and II; 2 – conditional boundary of the crystallized magmatic hearth under the Uzon -Geysernaya depression; 3 - "root" that fed the hearth under the Uzon -Geysenayar depression; 4 - conditional boundary of the peripheral magmatic hearth of the Kikhpinych volcano; 5 - "root", feeding the hearth of Kikhpinych volcano ; 6 - presumed positionof the magmatic sill , intruding from deeper horizons along the boundary of magmatic intrusions 3 and 4 (crystallized magmatic hearth) and volcanogenic-sedimentary stratum 5*.
The Institute of Geochemistry SB RAS (V.L. Syvorotnikov, 2023) created a model of the explosive origin of earthquakes during the rise of deep fluids. Heavy hydrocarbons play a special role in fluid detonation: alkanes, alkenes, alkadienes, alkynes, naphthenes and arenas. They are formed in the liquid core and are unstable outside it, but in fluid flows rising rapidly from the core, their migration to the upper mantle and the Earth's crust becomes possible, where their paths are controlled by transcrustal faults.
The rapid explosive transformation of heavy hydrocarbons into stable light hydrocarbons is accompanied by the release of a huge amount of energy capable of generating seismic events within the East European platform, e.g., in the White Sea -Baltic zone, on the Kola Peninsula, and the Voronezh Anticlise.
The Earth Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences is developing (I.L. Gufeld, 2015) a model of seismic events occurrence when deep fluids (helium, hydrogen, methane) pass through rock volumes. Withing the framework of the model it is postulated that the degassing impulse leads to the inhibition of mutual movement of blocks, i.e. to the blocking of boundaries. This process is possible due to the increase in the volume of crystalline structures of boundaries and blocks when hydrogen and helium are implanted into rock materials in concentrations corresponding to the lithosphere [
According to A.A. Marakushev (2010), the concept of global seismicity is based on a new (petrological) concept, according to which the processes of processing of mantle and crustal matter under the influence of fluid, essentially hydrogen flows rising to the surface from the molten core. Thus, the orogenic structure of the Andes with andesite volcanism is projected onto the epicenters of earthquakes of medium depth (up to 300 km), and while deep-focus (300-700 km) earthquakes occur beneath the platform depressions framing it.
On platforms, fluid deep flows lead, as a result of complex geochemical processes, to redistribution of matter between the crust and mantle with a thinning of the former and accretion of the latter. Thus, isometric platform depressions appear, within which degassing impulses provide phases of crustal substrate uplift and subsidence accompanied by seismic events [