3.1.1. NFB-2/I - Interleukin Cross Family Analysis
Hörber et al. [
5] show that the atypical inhibitor of NF-
B, I
, controls macrophage interleukin-10 expression. Yamazaki et al. [
6] observe that stimulus-specific induction of a novel nuclear factor-
B regulator, I
, via Toll/Interleukin-1 receptor is mediated by mRNA stabilization. Kurzrock et al. [
7] show that Interleukin-1 increases expression of the LYT-10 (NF
B2) proto-oncogene/transcription factor in renal cell carcinoma lines. These studies and many others not indicated here, show the connection between Interleukin and NFkB-2 and NFkBI family. In CRC cells treated with ETC-1922159, members of these families were UP regulated.
Table 1 shows the rankings of each family with the other.
On the left side, rankings of IL w.r.t NFkB-2/I has been indicated. We found IL-15RA/17C to be up regulated w.r.t NFkB2. These are reflected in rankings of 1787 (rbf) and 1957 (rbf) IL15RA - NFkB2 and 2288 (linear) and 2018 (rbf) IL17C - NFkB2. IL-1RN/6ST/15RA to be up regulated w.r.t NFkB2. These are reflected in rankings of 1753 (laplace) and 1906 (linear) for IL1RN - NFkBIA; 2400 (linear) and 2094 (rbf) for IL6ST - NFkBIA and 2251 (laplace) and 2390 (linear) for IL15RA - NFkBIA. IL-1RAP/6ST/8/17REL to be up regulated w.r.t NFkB2. These are reflected in rankings of 2221 (linear) and 1807 (rbf) IL1RAP - NFkBIE; 2381 (linear) and 2277 (rbf) for IL6ST - NFkBIE; 2198 (linear) and 2133 (rbf) for IL8 - NFkBIE and 2216 (linear) and 2168 (rbf) for IL17REL - NFkBIE. IL-1A/6ST/15 to be up regulated w.r.t NFkB2. These are reflected in rankings of 2381 (laplace) and 2049 (linear) for IL1A - NFkBIZ; 2279 (laplace) and 2431 (linear) for IL6ST - NFkBIZ and 1780 (laplace) and 2098 (linear) for IL15 - NFkBIZ;
On the right side, rankings of NFkB-2/I w.r.t IL has been indicated. We found NFkB-2 to be up regulated w.r.t IL10RB. This is reflected in rankings of 2282 (laplace), 2381 (linear) and 1897 (rbf) for NFkB2 - IL10RB. NFkBIZ to be up regulated w.r.t IL-10RB/17REL. These were reflected in rankings of 2271 (laplace) and 2082 (rbf) for IL10RB - NFkBIZ and 1883 (linear) and 1830 (rbf) for IL17REL - NFkBIZ.
Table 2 shows the derived influences which can be represented graphically, with the following influences - • IL w.r.t NFkB with IL w.r.t NFkB-2/I with IL15RA
NFkB2; IL17C
NFkBIZ; and • NFkB-2/I w.r.t IL with IL10RB
3.1.2. Potassium Channel - Interleukin Cross Family Analysis
In 1986, Lee et al. [
8] showed that increased voltage-gated potassium conductance during interleukin 2-stimulated proliferation of a mouse helper T lymphocyte clone. Martin et al. [
9] show that interleukin-4 activates large-conductance, calcium-activated potassium (BKCa) channels in human airway smooth muscle cells. However, the author is not aware of deep studies between the Potassium ion channel subfamily members (KCN) and interleukin. In CRC cells treated with ETC-1922159, these were found to be UP regulated. The search engine found alotted multiple combinations between the members of these two families. These were reflected in ranking of the each with the other in the following
Table 3 and
Table 4. On the left is rankings of IL family with respect to the KCN family member and on the right, vice versa.
Beginning on the left side we found IL-1A/1B/15RA/17C to be up regulated w.r.t KCND3. These are reflected in rankings of 1995 (laplace) and 2255 (linear) for IL1A - KCND3; 2083 (laplace) and 1897 (linear) for IL1B - KCND3; 2074 (laplace) and 2495 (rbf) for IL15RA - KCND3; and 1881 (laplace) and 2139 (linear) for IL17C - KCND3. IL-1A/1B to be up regulated w.r.t KCNH2. These are reflected in rankings of 2103 (laplace) and 1832 (linear) for IL1A - KCNH2 and 2447 (laplace) and 2068 (linear) for IL1B - KCNH2; IL-1A/1B/17C to be up regulated w.r.t KCNH8. These are reflected in rankings of 2268 (laplace), 2507 (linear) and 1877 (rbf) for IL1A - KCNH8; 2223 (laplace), 2013 (linear) and 2204 (rbf) for IL1B - KCNH8; and 1847 (laplace), and 2354 (rbf) for IL17C - KCNH8. IL-1A/1B/1RN/15 to be up regulated w.r.t KCNK1. These are reflected in rankings of 2290 (laplace) and 2066 (linear) for IL1A - KCNK1; 1941 (laplace) and 2452 (linear) and 1905 (rbf) for IL1B - KCNK1; 2468 (laplace) and 1897 (linear) for IL1RN - KCNK1; 2280 (laplace) and 2009 (rbf) for IL15 - KCNK1. IL-1RN/10RB/17REL to be up regulated w.r.t KCNK5. These are reflected in rankings of 1930 (linear) and 2136 (rbf) for IL1RN-KCNK5; 1879 (laplace), 2298 (linear) and 1903 (rbf) for IL10RB-KCKK5; and 2118 (laplace) and 1873 (rbf) for IL17REL - KCNK5; IL-8/17REL to be up regulated w.r.t KCNK5. These are reflected in rankings of 2168 (laplace) and 2442 (linear) for IL8 - KCNK6; and 2066 (laplace) and 2159 (linear) for IL17REL - KCNK6.
Beginning on the right side we found KCND3 to be up regulated w.r.t IL-1A/1B/15RA/17C. These are reflected in rankings of 2495 (laplace), 2390 (linear) for IL1RAP - KCND3; 2048 (laplace), 2306 (linear) and 2197 (rbf) for IL10RB - KCND3 and 2511 (laplace) and 2517 (linear) for IL15RA - KCND3; KCNH2 to be up regulated w.r.t IL-1A/1RAP. These are reflected in rankings of 1897 (laplace), 2152 (linear) and 2179 (rbf) for IL1A - KCNH2; and 2451 (laplace), 1805 (linear) and 2002 (rbf) for IL1RAP - KCNH2; KCNH8 to be up regulated w.r.t IL-1B/10RB. These are reflected in rankings of 2060 (laplace) and 2177 (rbf) for IL1B - KCNH8; and 2381 (laplace) and 2008 (linear) for IL10RB - KCNH8; KCNK1 to be up regulated w.r.t IL-1A/6ST/8. These are reflected in rankings of 1818 (linear) and 2362 (rbf) for IL1A - KCNK1; 2226 (laplace) and 2283 (rbf) for IL6ST - KCNK1; and 1872 (laplace) and 1978 (linear) for IL8 - KCNK1; KCNK5 to be up regulated w.r.t IL-10RB. This is reflected in rankings of 1769 (linear) and 2206 (rbf) for IL10RB - KCNK5; KCNK6 to be up regulated w.r.t IL-1RAP/10RB/15. These are reflected in rankings of 2386 (laplace) and 2053 (rbf) for IL1RAP - KCNK6; 1903 (linear) and 2156 (rbf) for IL10RB - KCNK6; and 1944 (laplace) and 2047 (rbf) for IL15 - KCNK6;
Table 5 shows the derived influences which can be represented graphically, with the following influences - • IL w.r.t KCN with IL-1A/1B/15RA/17C
KCNH2; IL-1A/1B/17C
KCNH8; IL-1A/1B/1RN/15
KCNK6; and • KCN w.r.t IL family with IL-1A/1B/15RA/17C
KCNH8; IL-1A/6ST/8
KCNK5; and IL-1RAP/10RB/15
3.1.3. Mucin - Interleukin Cross Family Analysis
Kerschner et al. [
10] have observed that middle ear epithelial mucin production in response to interleukin-6 exposure in vitro. Chen et al. [
11] observe that stimulation of airway mucin gene expression by interleukin (IL)-17 through IL-6 paracrine/autocrine loop. Suppression of mucin 2 promotes interleukin-6 secretion and tumor growth in an orthotopic immune-competent colon cancer animal model was observed by Shan et al. [
12]. Yokoigawa et al. [
13] show enhanced production of interleukin 6 in peripheral blood monocytes stimulated with mucins secreted into the bloodstream. Gray et al. [
14] show that interleukin-1
-induced mucin production in human airway epithelium is mediated by cyclooxygenase-2, prostaglandin E2 receptors, and cyclic AMP-protein kinase A signaling. Finally, in colorectal cancer, Hsu et al. [
15] mucin 2 silencing promotes metastasis through interleukin-6 signaling. In CRC cells treated with ETC-1922159, both were found to be up regulated.
Table 6 and
Table 7 show the rankings of IL family w.r.t MUC family on the left side and vice versa on the right side.
On the left side, we found IL-1B/17C to be up regulated with respect to MUC1. These are reflected in rankings of 2218 (laplace) 1757 (linear) for IL1B - MUC1; and 1841 (linear) and 2003 (rbf) for IL17C - MUC1; IL-1A/1B/1RN/2RG/15/17C were up regulated with respect to MUC3A. These are reflected in rankings of 2513 (laplace) and 2480 (linear) for IL1A - MUC3A; 1820 (laplace) and 2308 (linear) for IL1B - MUC3A; 2138 (laplace) and 2270 (linear) for IL1RN - MUC3A; 1816 (laplace), 2115 (linear) and 1900 (rbf) for IL2RG - MUC3A; 2391 (laplace) and 2288 (linear) for IL15 - MUC3A; and 2443 (laplace) and 2512 (linear) for IL17C - MUC3A; IL-1RN/6ST/15RA were up regulated with respect to MUC4. These are reflected in rankings of 2010 (laplace) and 1960 (rbf) for IL1RN - MUC4; 2204 (laplace) and 1765 (rbf) for IL6ST - MUC4; and 2190 (laplace), 1814 (linear) and 2061 (rbf) for IL15RA - MUC4; IL-1A/2RG/8/15/17C were up regulated with respect to MUC12. These are reflected in rankings of 1806 (laplace) and 2396 (rbf) for IL1A - MUC12; 2195 (laplace) and 2089 (rbf) for IL2RG - MUC12; 1814 (laplace) and 2497 (rbf) for IL8 - MUC12; 2408 (laplace) and 2340 (rbf) for IL15 - MUC12; and 2436 (laplace) and 2416 (rbf) for IL17C - MUC12; IL-15RA were up regulated with respect to MUC17. These are reflected in rankings of 2265 (laplace) and 2064 (linear) for IL15RA - MUC17. IL-1RAP/8/17REL were up regulated with respect to MUC20. These are reflected in rankings of 2025 (linear) and 2251 (rbf) for IL1RAP - MUC20; 1820 (laplace) and 2303 (rbf) for IL8 - MUC20; and 2121 (laplace) and 2267 (rbf) for IL17REL - MUC20.
On the left side, we found MUC1 to be up regulated with respect to IL-1B. These are reflected in rankings of 1847 (laplace) and 2049 (rbf) for IL1B - MUC1. MUC12 to be up regulated with respect to IL-1RN/2RG/6ST. These are reflected in rankings of 2505 (laplace) and 1891 (linear) for IL1RN - MUC12; 1913 (laplace) and 1833 (linear) for IL2RG - MUC12; and 2100 (laplace) and 1759 (linear) for IL6ST - MUC12. MUC13 to be up regulated with respect to IL-1RAP/15RA. These are reflected in rankings of 1887 (laplace) and 2263 (rbf) for IL1RAP - MUC13; and 2109 (laplace) and 2402 (rbf) for IL15RA - MUC13; MUC20 to be up regulated with respect to IL-1A/10RB/17C. These are reflected in rankings of 2218 (laplace) and 2260 (rbf) for IL1A - MUC20; 1883 (linear) and 1947 (rbf) for IL10RB - MUC20; and 2212 (laplace) and 1843 (linear) for IL17C - MUC20.
Table 8 shows the derived influences which can be represented graphically, with the following influences - • IL w.r.t MUC with IL-1B/17C
MUC1; IL-1A/1B/1RN/2RG/15/17C and MUC3A; IL-1RN/6ST/15RA
MUC4; IL-1A/2RG/8/15/17C
MUC12; IL-15RA
MUC17; and IL-1RAP/8/17REL
MUC20; and • MUC w.r.t IL with IL-1B
MUC13; and IL-1A/10RB/17C
3.1.4. Interleukin - TP53 Cross Family Analysis
In a new pathway connecting inflammation to cancer, Brighenti et al. [
16] show that interleukin 6 downregulates p53 expression and activity by stimulating ribosome biogenesis. Tan et al. [
17] show that loss of p53 attenuates the contribution of IL-6 deletion on suppressed tumor progression and extended survival in Kras-driven murine lung cancer. Pützer et al. [
18] show that combination therapy with interleukin-2 and wild-type p53 expressed by adenoviral vectors potentiates tumor regression in a murine model of breast cancer. A critical role for p53 in the control of NF-
B-dependent gene expression in TLR4-stimulated dendritic cells exposed to genistein has been shown by Dijsselbloem et al. [
19]. The authors previously demonstrated that genistein suppresses TNF-
induced NF-
B-dependent IL-6 gene expression in cancer cells by interfering with the mitogen- and stress-activated protein kinase 1 activation pathway. Schauer et al. [
20] show that interleukin-1
promotes ovarian tumorigenesis through a p53/NF-
B-mediated inflammatory response in stromal fibroblasts. These findings indicate connection between IL and TP53 family.
Table 9 shows the rankings of IL family w.r.t TP53 family on the left and vice versa on the right.
On the left side, we found IL-17REL to be up regulated with respect to TP53BP2. These are reflected in rankings of 1873 (linear) and 2403 (rbf). IL-15RA was up regulated with respect to TP53I3. These are reflected in rankings of 2069 (laplace), 2079 (linear) and 2228 (rbf) for IL15RA - TP53I3. IL-1RN/2RG/8/10RB/17REL was up regulated with respect to TP53INP1. These are reflected in rankings of 2482 (laplace) and 1911 (linear) for IL1RN - TP53INP1; 2152 (laplace) and 1798 (linear) for IL2RG - TP53INP1; 2388 (linear) and 2343 (rbf) for IL8 - TP53INP1; 2510 (laplace), 2293 (linear) for IL10RB - TP53INP1; and 2505 (linear) and 2509 (rbf) for IL17REL - TP53INP1.
On the right side, we found TP53BP2 to be up regulated with respect to IL-1A/1B/2RG/6ST/8/15/ 15RA. These are reflected in rankings of 2306 (linear) and 2483 (rbf) for IL1A - TP53BP2; 2003 (laplace) and 2317 (rbf) for IL1B - TP53BP2; 1842 (laplace), 1888 (linear) and 1791 (rbf) for IL2RG - TP53BP2; 1862 (laplace) and 2234 (rbf) for IL6ST - TP53BP2; 2356 (laplace), 2336 (linear) for IL8 - TP53BP2; 2029 (linear) and 1896 (rbf) for IL15 - TP53BP2; 2086 (laplace), 2287 (linear) and 2198 (rbf) for IL15RA - TP53BP2; TP53I3 was up regulated with respect to IL-17REL. This is reflected in rankings of 2268 (laplace) and 2220 (rbf) for IL17REL - TP53I3. TP53INP1 was up regulated with respect to IL2RG. This is reflected in rankings of 2063 (laplace) and 1864 (linear) and 1956 (rbf) IL2RG - TP53INP1. TP53INP2 was up regulated with respect to IL6ST. This is reflected in rankings of 2512 (laplace) and 1952 (linear).
Table 10 shows the derived influences which can be represented graphically, with the following influences - • IL w.r.t TP53 with IL17REL
TP53I3; IL-1RN/2RG/8/10RB/17REL
TP53INP1; and • TP53 w.r.t IL with IL-1A/1B/2RG/6ST/8/15/15RA
TP53INP1; and IL6ST
3.1.5. Interleukin - STAT Cross Family Analysis
Jones et al. [
21] study the roles of interleukin-6 in activation of STAT proteins and recruitment of neutrophils during Escherichia coli pneumonia. Characterization of the interleukin-4 nuclear activated factor/STAT and its activation independent of the insulin receptor substrate proteins have been studied by Kotanides et al. [
22]. Adam et al. [
23] have unraveled viral interleukin-6 binding to gp130 and activation of STAT-signaling pathways independently of the interleukin-6 receptor. Frank et al. [
24] report the involvement of interleukin 2 signaling in phosphorylation of Stat proteins. Boyd et al. [
25] show that interleukin-10 receptor signaling through STAT-3 regulates the apoptosis of retinal ganglion cells in response to stress. Essential role of endocytosis for interleukin-4-receptor-mediated JAK/STAT signalling has been studied in Kurgonaite et al. [
26]. Contribution of the interleukin-6/STAT-3 signaling pathway to chondrogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells has been studied in Kondo et al. [
27]. Tanaka et al. [
28] show interleukin-10 induces inhibitory C/EBP
through STAT-3 and represses HIV-1 transcription in macrophages. Jobst et al. [
29] show that inhibition of interleukin-3-and interferon-
-induced JAK/STAT signaling by the synthetic
-X-2’, 3, 4, 4’-tetramethoxychalcones
-Br-TMC and
-CF3-TMC. These indicate significant interaction between interleukin family and the STAT family. In CRC cells, treated with ETC-1922159 both were found to be up regulated. The search engine alotted high numerical ranked values to some of the 2
nd order combinations between the two.
Table 11 indicates the rankings of IL family w.r.t STAT2 family on the left and vice versa on the right.
On the left side, we found IL-1RAP/6ST/17REL to be up regulated with respect to STAT2. These are reflected in rankings of 2111 (laplace), 2258 (linear) and 2012 (rbf) for IL1RAP - STAT2; 2167 (laplace) and 2313 (linear) for IL6ST - STAT2; and 2508 (laplace), 2488 (linear) and 2172 (rbf) for IL17REL - STAT2. IL-1RAP/17REL were up regulated with respect to STAT3. These are reflected in rankings of 2252 (linear) and 2211 (rbf) for IL1RAP - STAT3; and 2282 (linear) and 2517 (rbf) for IL17REL - STAT3; IL-1RAP/15RA were up regulated with respect to STAT5A. These are reflected in rankings of 1768 (laplace) and 2149 (linear) for IL1RAP - STAT5A; and 2342 (laplace) and 2350 (linear) for IL15RA - STAT5A.
On the right side, we found STAT2 to be up regulated with respect to IL-1RAP/1RN/2RG/15RA/17C/ 17REL. These are reflected in rankings of 1826 (laplace) and 2005 (linear) for IL1RAP - STAT2; 2050 (laplace) 2082 (linear) for IL1RN - STAT2; 1986 (laplace) 2021 (linear) and 2031 (rbf) for IL2RG - STAT2; 1988 (linear) and 1863 (rbf) for IL15RA - STAT2; 2473 (linear) and 1883 (rbf) for IL17C - STAT2; 1890 (linear) and 1885 (rbf) for IL17REL - STAT2. STAT3 was up regulated with respect to IL-1RN/2RG. These are reflected in rankings of 2090 (laplace) and 2312 (linear) for IL1RN - STAT3; and 2233 (laplace) and 2146 (linear) IL2RG - STAT3. STAT5A was up regulated with respect to IL-2RG/8/17C. These are reflected in rankings of 1832 (linear) and 2149 (rbf) for IL2RG - STAT5A; 2000 (laplace) and 2386 (linear) for IL8 - STAT5A; and 1760 (laplace), 2060 (linear) and 2201 (rbf) for IL17C - STAT5A.
Table 12 shows the derived influences which can be represented graphically, with the following influences - • IL w.r.t STAT with IL-1RAP/6ST/17REL
STAT3 and IL-1RAP/15RA
STAT5A; and • STAT w.r.t IL with IL-1RN/2RG
STAT2; IL-1A/1RN/2RG/6ST/15
STAT3 and IL-2RG/8/17C
3.1.6. Interleukin - TRAF Cross Family Analysis
Greene and O’Neill [
30] show that interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase and TRAF-6 mediate the transcriptional regulation of interleukin-2 by interleukin-1 via NF
B but unlike interleukin-1 are unable to stabilise interleukin-2 mRNA. Cao et al. [
31] observe that TRAF6 is a signal transducer for interleukin-1. Schwandner et al. [
32] show the requirement of tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor (TRAF) 6 in interleukin 17 signal transduction. Lomaga et al. [
33] show that TRAF6 deficiency results in osteopetrosis and defective interleukin-1, CD40, and LPS signaling. Jefferies et al. [
34] observe that transactivation by the p65 subunit of NF-
B in response to interleukin-1 (IL-1) involves MyD88, IL-1 receptor-associated kinase 1, TRAF-6, and Rac1. Wu and Arron [
35] study the role of TRAF6 as a molecular bridge spanning adaptive immunity, innate immunity and osteoimmunology and find relation with the interleukin-1 receptor family. These findings indicate the range of interaction between IL family and TRAF family. In CRC cells treated with ETC-1922159, these were found to be UP regulated.
Table 13 show the rankings of IL family w.r.t TRAF family on the left side and vice versa on the right side.
On the left we found, we found IL-1RAP/15RA/17REL to be up regulated with respect to TRAF3IP2. These are reflected in rankings of 2482 (linear) and 2385 (rbf) for IL1RAP - TRAF3IP2; 2024 (laplace), 2162 (linear) and 1800 (rbf) for IL15RA - TRAF3IP2; and 2515 (linear) and 2057 (rbf) for IL17REL - TRAF3IP2. IL-6ST/17REL were up regulated with respect to TRAF4. These are reflected in rankings of 2333 (laplace) and 1914 (rbf) for IL6ST - TRAF4; and (laplace) and 2487 (rbf) for IL17REL - TRAF4 2422; IL-8/17REL were up regulated with respect to TRAF6. These are reflected in rankings of 2088 (laplace), 1883 (linear) and 2089 (rbf) for IL8 - TRAF6; and 2454 (laplace) and 2517 (linear) for IL17REL - TRAF6; IL-6ST were up regulated with respect to TRAFD1. These are reflected in rankings of 1835 (laplace) and 1824 (linear) for IL6ST - TRAFD1.
On the right we found, we found TRAF3IP2 was up regulated with respect to IL-1B/2RG/6ST/8/ 17REL. These are reflected in rankings of 1953 (laplace) and 2359 (rbf) for IL1B - TRAF3IP2; 1767 (laplace), 2385 (linear) and 2059 (rbf) for IL2RG - TRAF3IP2; 1991 (linear) and 1871 (rbf) for IL6ST - TRAF3IP2; 2192 (linear) and 2289 (rbf) for IL8 - TRAF3IP2; and 1836 (laplace) and 2042 (linear) for IL17REL - TRAF3IP2. TRAF4 was up regulated with respect to IL-10RB/15/15RA. These are reflected in rankings of 2407 (laplace) and 1781 (linear) for IL10RB - TRAF4; 2408 (linear) and 1759 (rbf) for IL15 - TRAF4; and 2408 (linear) and 1759 (rbf) for IL15RA - TRAF4; TRAF6 was up regulated with respect to IL-1RAP/8/15/17C. These are reflected in rankings of 2219 (laplace), 1984 (linear) and 1766 (rbf) for IL1RAP - TRAF6; 2457 (laplace) and 2139 (linear) for IL8 - TRAF6; 2071 (lapalce) and 2475 (linear) for IL15 - TRAF6; and 2469 (laplace) and 2309 (linear) for IL17C - TRAF6;
Table 14 shows the derived influences which can be represented graphically, with the following influences - • IL w.r.t TRAF with IL-1RAP/15RA/17REL
TRAF6; and IL-6ST
TRAFD1; and • TRAF w.r.t IL with IL-1B/2RG/6ST/8/17REL
TRAF3IP2; IL-10RB/15/15RA
TRAF4 and IL-1RAP/8/15/17C
3.1.7. Interleukin - Metalloreductase STEAP4 Cross Family Analysis
Ramadoss et al. [
36] show that C/EBP
also regulates hepatic expression of STEAP4 during feeding, whereas both C/EBP
and STAT3 regulate expression of steap4 in the presence of high levels of IL-6. Also, Tanaka et al. [
37] show STEAP4 is a tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced protein that regulates IL-6, IL-8, and cell proliferation in synovium from patients with rheumatoid arthritis. These were found to be up regulated in CRC cells treated with ETC-1922159.
Table 15 shows the interaction between the IL family and STEAP4. We found that
IL-8/10RB/17C/17REL was up regulated w.r.t STEAP4. These are reflected in rankings of 2204 (laplace) and 1987 (linear) for IL8 - STEAP4; 2422 (laplace) and 2310 (linear) for IL10RB - STEAP4; 2103 (linear) and 1889 (rbf) for IL17C - STEAP4; and 1965 (linear) and 2297 (rbf) for IL17REL - STEAP4; Also
STEAP4 was up regulated w.r.t IL-1A/1RAP/1RN/15. These are reflected in rankings of 2358 (linear) and 2223 (rbf) for IL1A - STEAP4; 1871 (laplace), 1898 (linear) and 2077 (rbf) for IL1RAP - STEAP4; 2043 (linear) and 1763 (rbf) for IL1RN - STEAP4; and 1965 (linear) and 2283 (rbf) for IL15 - STEAP4;
Table 16 shows the derived influences which can be represented graphically, with the following influences - • IL w.r.t STEAP4 with IL-8/10RB/17C/17REL
STEAP4 • STEAP4 w.r.t IL with IL-1A/1RAP/1RN/15
3.1.9. Interleukin - ATP-Binding Cassette Transporters
Haskó et al. [
38] show that the inhibitors of ATP-binding cassette transporters suppress interleukin-12 p40 production and major histocompatibility complex II up-regulation in macrophages. Marty et al. [
39] observe that ATP binding cassette transporter ABC1 is required for the release of interleukin-1
by P2X7-stimulated and lipopolysaccharide-primed mouse Schwann cells. Hamon et al. [
40] observe that interleukin-1
secretion is impaired by inhibitors of the ATP binding cassette transporter, ABC1. Lottaz et al. [
41] show that inhibition of ATP-binding cassette transporter downregulates interleukin-1
-mediated autocrine activation of human dermal fibroblasts. These findings indicate the interaction of ABC transporters with Interleukin family. In CRC cells, treated with ETC-1922159 these were found to be down regulated.
Table 19 shows rankings of IL family with respect to a few ABC members on the left and vice versa on the right.
On the left we found IL-1RB/33/F2/F3 were down regulated w.r.t ABCA2. These are reflected in rankings of 1404 (linear) and 1727 (rbf) for IL17RB - ABCA2; 1076 (laplace), 1707 (linear) for IL33 - ABCA2; 944 (laplace) and 1054 (linear) for ILF2 - ABCA2; 1380 (laplace), 1369 (linear) and 1702 (rbf) for ILF3 - ABCA2; IL-1RL2/17D/17RD/33/F2/F3.AS1 were up regulated w.r.t ABCE1. These are reflected in rankings of 906 (laplace) and 1403 (linear) for IL1RL2 - ABCE1; 1531 (laplace), 636 (linear) and 753 (rbf) for IL17D - ABCE1; 1030 (laplace), 1332 (linear) and 1565 (rbf) for IL17RD - ABCE1; 1649 (laplace), 719 (linear) and 937 (rbf) for IL33 - ABCE1; 20 (laplace), 310 (linear) and 560 (rbf) for ILF2 - ABCE1; and 1154 (laplace) and 786 (rbf) for ILF3.AS1 - ABCE1. IL-17RB/17RD/F3 were up regulated w.r.t ABCF2. These are reflected in rankings of 509 (laplace) and 1294 (laplace) for IL17RB - ABCF2; 610 (laplace) and 1084 (rbf) for IL17RD - ABCF2; and 812 (laplace), 1686 (laplace) and 1080 (rbf) for ILF3 - ABCF2.
On the right, we found ABCA2 were up regulated w.r.t IL-17D/17RD/33/F2. These are reflected in rankings of 540 (laplace), 227 (linear) and 1006 (rbf) for IL17D - ABCA2; 1717 (laplace), 1671 (linear) and 517 (rbf) for IL17RD - ABCA2; 1507 (laplace), 497 (linear) and 743 (rbf) for IL33 - ABCA2; and 831 (laplace), 822 (linear) and 752 (rbf) for ILF2 - ABCA2; ABCE1 were up regulated w.r.t IL-1RL2/17D/17RB/17RD. These are reflected in rankings of 525 (laplace) and 723 (rbf) for IL1RL2 - ABCE1; 1432 (laplace) and 1401 (rbf) for IL17D - ABCE1; 1090 (laplace) and 263 (rbf) for IL17RB - ABCE1; and 1523 (laplace) and 727 (linear) for IL17RD - ABCE1; ABCF2 were up regulated w.r.t IL-1RL2/17D/17RB/17RD/33/F2/F3/F3.AS1. These are reflected in rankings of 818 (rbf) and 1274 (rbf) for IL1RL2 - ABCF2; 796 (laplace) and 568 (rbf) for IL17D - ABCF2; 1271 (laplace), 621 (linear) and 1631 (rbf) for IL17RB - ABCF2; 957 (laplace) and 1431 (rbf) for IL17RD - ABCF2; 421 (laplace) and 252 (rbf) for IL33 - ABCF2; 683 (laplace) and 529 (rbf) for ILF2 - ABCF2; 1243 (laplace), 585 (linear) and 1452 (rbf) for ILF3 - ABCF2 and 1169 (linear) and 862 (rbf) for ILF3.AS1 - ABCF2.
Table 20 shows the derived influences which can be represented graphically, with the following influences - • IL w.r.t ABC with IL-1RB/33/F2/F3
ABCA2; IL-1RL2/17D/17RD/33/F2/ F3.AS1
ABCE1 and IL-17RB/17RD/F3
ABCF2. • ABC w.r.t IL with IL-17D/17RD/33/F2
ABCA2; IL-1RL2/17D/17RB/17RD
ABCE1 and IL-1RL2/17D/17RB/17RD/33/F2/F3/F3.AS1
3.1.10. Interleukin - TNF Cross Family Analysis
Neta et al. [
42] study the relationship of TNF to interleukins way back in 1992. The review by Rieckmann et al. [
43] studies role of TNF-
and IL-6 in normal and pathophysiological conditions of B-cell function. Bethea et al. [
44] demonstrate that IL-1
induces TNF-
gene expression in CH235-MG cells in a protein kinase C-dependent manner. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-
and interleukin (IL)-1
down-regulate intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-2 expression on the endothelium as shown by McLaughlin et al. [
45]. Zhai et al. [
46] suggest that serum levels of tumor necrosis factor-
receptors and interleukin 6 (IL-6) are associated with the fibrotic process of coal workers’ pneumoconiosis (CWP) and serum cytokine levels may be correlated with the severity of CWP. However, in arthritic conditions, Koenders et al. [
47] show that Interleukin-17 acts independently of TNF-
. Serum interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-10, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha, soluble type II TNF receptor, and transforming growth factor beta levels in human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected individuals with Mycobacterium avium complex disease have been studied by Havlir et al. [
48]. Tissi et al. [
49] study the role of tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-1
, and interleukin-6 in a mouse model of group B streptococcal arthritis. They conclude that their results account for a strong involvement of IL-1
and IL-6, but not of TNF-
, in the pathogenesis of GBS arthritis. Ismail et al. [
50] study the role of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-
) and interleukin-10 in the pathogenesis of severe murine monocytotropic ehrlichiosis. Their data suggest that the balance between TNF-
and IL-10 produced by either macrophages or T cells in response to infection with Ehrlichia may modulate the induction of apoptosis during the infection. Yap et al. [
51] observe that Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibits interleukin (IL)-1 and/or IL-6 stimulated synthesis of C-reactive protein (CRP) and serum amyloid A (SAA) in primary cultures of human hepatocytes. These findings suggest interactive role of IL and TNF family in a synergistic way. In CRC cells treated with ETC-1922159, both were found to be up regulated. The search engine assigned high valued numerical ranks to 2
nd order combinations of IL and TNF family members. These are tabulated in
Table 21,
Table 22,
Table 23 and
Table 24. The left side contains rankings of IL w.r.t TNF family and the right side contains rankings of TNF family w.r.t IL.
On the left side, we found IL-1RAP/6ST/15RA to be up regulated w.r.t TNF. These are reflected in the rankings of 1995 (linear) and 2255 (rbf) for IL1RAP - TNF; 2374 (laplace), 2037 (linear) and 2003 (rbf) for IL6ST - TNF; 2341 (laplace), 1843 (linear) and 2195 (rbf) for IL15RA - TNF; IL-1B/2RG/15RA/17C were up regulated w.r.t TNFAIP1. These are reflected in the rankings of 2398 (laplace) and 2449 (rbf) for IL1B - TNFAIP1; 1791 (laplace) and 2482 (rbf) for IL2RG - TNFAIP1; 1860 (laplace) and 1979 (linear) for IL15RA - TNFAIP1; 2382 (laplace) and 2446 (rbf) for IL17C - TNFAIP1. IL-1RN/10RB were up regulated w.r.t TNFAIP2. These are reflected in the rankings of 1769 (laplace) and 2475 (rbf) for IL1RN - TNFAIP2; and 2319 (laplace) and 2497 (rbf) for IL10RB - TNFAIP2; IL-6ST/8/17REL were up regulated w.r.t TNFAIP3. These are reflected in the rankings of 2068 (laplace), 2432 (linear) and 2282 (rbf) for IL6ST - TNFAIP3; 1918 (laplace) and 2255 (linear) for IL8 - TNFAIP3; and 2364 (laplace), 2503 (linear) and 2283 (rbf) for IL17REL - TNFAIP3; IL-1RAP was up regulated w.r.t TNFRSF1A. This is reflected in the rankings of 2500 (linear) and 2293 (rbf) for IL1RAP - TNFRSF1A; IL-1RAP/15RA/17REL were up regulated w.r.t TNFRSF10A. These are reflected in the rankings of 2104 (laplace) and 2027 (rbf) for IL1RAP - TNFRSF10A; 2126 (laplace), 2342 (linear) for IL15RA - TNFRSF10A; 2497 (laplace), 2470 (linear) and 2109 (rbf) for IL17REL - TNFRSF10A; IL-15RA was up regulated w.r.t TNFRSF10B. This is reflected in the rankings of 2330 (laplace) and 1932 (rbf) for IL15RA - TNFRSF10B; IL-15RA was up regulated w.r.t TNFRSF10D. This is reflected in the rankings of 2197 (laplace) and 2126 (rbf) for IL-15RA - TNFRSF10D; IL-8/15RA/17REL were up regulated w.r.t TNFRSF12A. These are reflected in the rankings of 1827 (linear) and 2355 (rbf) for IL8 - TNFRSF12A; 2138 (laplace), 2090 (linear) and 1981 (rbf) for IL15RA - TNFRSF12A; 2475 (laplace) and 2496 (rbf) for IL17REL - TNFRSF12A. IL-15RA was up regulated w.r.t TNFRSF14. This is reflected in the rankings of 2378 (laplace) and 1929 (rbf) for IL-15RA - TNFRSF14; IL-1B/1RAP/2RG were up regulated w.r.t TNFRSF21. These are reflected in the rankings of 1862 (laplace), 2164 (linear), 2305 (rbf) for IL1B - TNFRSF21; 1762 (linear) and 2163 (rbf) for IL1RAP - TNFRSF21; and 2297 (linear) and 2351 (rbf) for IL2RG - TNFRSF21; IL-1B/15RA/17C were up regulated w.r.t TNFRSF10. These are reflected in the rankings of 2448 (linear) and 1993 (rbf) for IL1B - TNFSF10; 2163 (linear) and 2059 (rbf) for IL15RA - TNFSF10; and 2337 (linear) and 2431 (rbf) for IL17C - TNFSF10. IL-15RA/17C to be up regulated w.r.t TNFSF15. This is reflected in the rankings of 2222 (laplace) and 2328 (linear) for IL-17C - TNFSF15; and 2124 (laplace) and 2365 (rbf) for IL15RA - TNFSF15;
On the right side, we found TNF was up regulated w.r.t IL-6ST/10RB. These are reflected in the rankings of 2410 (laplace) and 1901 (linear) for IL6ST - TNF; and 2065 (laplace), 2120 (linear) and 2296 (rbf) for IL10RB - TNF; TNFAIP1 was up regulated w.r.t IL-8/15RA. These are reflected in the rankings of 2293 (laplace) and 2126 (linear) for IL8 - TNFAIP1; and 2141 (linear) and 1853 (rbf) for IL15RA - TNFAIP1; TNFRSF1A was up regulated w.r.t IL-1B. This is reflected in the rankings of 2027 (linear) and 2247 (rbf) for IL1B - TNFRSF1A; TNFRSF10A was up regulated w.r.t IL-1A/1B/1RN/2RG/6ST/15/15RA/17C. These are reflected in the rankings of 1972 (laplace), 1805 (linear) and 2504 (rbf) for IL1A - TNFRSF10A; 2375 (laplace), 2373 (linear) and 2320 (rbf) for IL1B - TNFRSF10A; 2287 (linear) and 2469 (rbf) for IL1RN - TNFRSF10A; 2246 (linear) and 2467 (rbf) for IL2RG - TNFRSF10A; 2128 (laplace) and 2320 (linear) for IL6ST - TNFRSF10A; 2414 (laplace) and 2260 (linear) for IL15 - TNFRSF10A; 2398 (laplace) and 1970 (linear) and 2088 (rbf) for IL15RA - TNFRSF10A; and 1831 (laplace) and 2025 (linear) for IL17C - TNFRSF10A; TNFRSF10B was up regulated w.r.t IL-1RN. This is reflected in the rankings of 2087 (laplace) and 1966 (rbf) for IL1RN - TNFRSF10B; TNFRSF10D was up regulated w.r.t IL-1A/1B/2RG/6ST/10RB/15/17C/17REL. These are reflected in the rankings of 2415 (laplace), 2517 (linear) and 1894 (rbf) for IL1A - TNFRSF10D; 2513 (laplace), 2300 (linear) and 2430 (rbf) for IL1B - TNFRSF10D; 2514 (laplace), 2419 (linear) and 2043 (rbf) for IL2RG - TNFRSF10D; 2324 (laplace), 2515 (linear) for IL6ST - TNFRSF10D; 1822 (laplace), 1959 (linear) for IL10RB - TNFRSF10D; 2490 (laplace), 2234 (linear) and 2019(rbf) for IL15 - TNFRSF10D; 2493 (laplace), 2062 (linear) and 2488 (rbf) for IL17C - TNFRSF10D; and 2514 (laplace) and 2452 (rbf) for IL17REL - TNFRSF10D. TNFRSF12A was up regulated w.r.t IL-16ST/17C. These are reflected in the rankings of 2213 (linear) and 2187 (rbf) for IL6ST - TNFRSF12A; and 1898 (linear) and 2209 (rbf) for IL17C - TNFRSF12A; TNFRSF14 was up regulated w.r.t IL-1A/1RN/2RG/6ST/8/15RA/17C. These are reflected in the rankings of 2061 (laplace) and 1969 (linear) for IL1A - TNFRSF14; 1898 (laplace) and 2414 (linear) for IL1RN - TNFRSF14; 2009 (laplace) and 1949 (linear) for IL2RG - TNFRSF14; 1923 (linear) and 2175 (rbf) for IL6ST - TNFRSF14; 1776 (laplace) and 2205 (rbf) for IL8 - TNFRSF14; 2440 (laplace) and 2031 (linear) for IL15RA - TNFRSF14; and 1856 (laplace) and 1836 (linear) for IL17C - TNFRSF14. TNFRSF21 was up regulated w.r.t IL-17REL. This is reflected in the rankings of 1846 (laplace) and 2381 (rbf) for IL17REL - TNFRSF21; TNFRSF10 was up regulated w.r.t IL-10RB. This is reflected in the rankings 2252 (linear) and 1864 (rbf) of IL10RB - TNFSF10; TNFRSF15 was up regulated w.r.t IL-15. This is reflected in the rankings of 1922 (linear) and 1756 (rbf) for IL15 - TNFSF15.
Table 25 shows the derived influences which can be represented graphically, with the following influences - • IL w.r.t TNF with IL-1RAP/6ST/15RA
TNF; IL-1B/2RG/15RA/17C
TNFRSF21; IL-1B/15RA/17C
TNFSF10 andIL-17C
TNFSF15;and • TNF w.r.t IL with IL-6ST/10RB
TNF; IL-8/15RA
TNFRSF1A; IL-1A/1B/1RN/2RG/6ST/15/15RA/17C
TNFRSF10B; IL-1A/1B/2RG/6ST/10RB/15/17C/17REL
TNFRSF12A; IL-1A/1RN/2RG/6ST/8/15RA/17C/17REL
TNFSF10; and IL15