Neuromuscular fatigue impairs exercise performance through central and peripheral mechanisms. Interactions between the two components can occur via feedback and feedforward processes. Feedback mechanisms, group III/IV afferents link limb muscles with the CNS. As to central mechanisms, corollary discharges copy the neural drive from the motor system to the working muscles and to sensory systems, which might influence fatigue. There is evidence for a previously proposed hypothesis based on the idea that a negative feedback loop operates to protect the exercising limb muscles from severe threats to homeostasis during whole-body exercise. The `sensory tolerance limit’ can be viewed as a negative feedback loop which accounts for the sum of all feedback (locomotor muscles, respiratory muscles, organs, and muscles not directly involved in exercise) and feedforward signals processed within the CNS with the purpose of regulating the intensity of exercise to ensure that voluntary activity remains tolerable (Hureau et al. 2018).
The following discussion will ascend from the spinal cord to the cerebral cortex.
3.3.1. Fatigue-Induced Effects in Supraspinal Structures
Nociceptive and other signals carried by group III/IV afferents are conveyed to supraspinal structures via several distributed ascending tracts. The main spinally ascending pathway is the spino-thalamic tract (STT), which projects to the posterior, medial and lateral thalamus, different nuclei of which project on to different cortical areas from the somatosensory cortices anteriorly to insular and cingulate cortices. STT collaterals target brainstem areas such as various nuclei in the reticular formation (RF), parabrachial nucleus (PBN), peri-aqueductal gray (PAG), hypothalamus and amygdala (Kuner and Kuner 2021).
In anaesthetized rats, muscle fatigue induced by intermittent high-rate electrical stimulation of dorsal neck muscles (mm. trapezius and splenius) produced significant increases in c-fos expression and NADPH-diaphorase reactivity ipsilaterally in the C1-C4 spinal segments as well as in ventro-lateral PAG, the contralateral central (Ce) and medial (Me) nuclei of the amygdala, and the paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus. Hence, the PAG, limbic structures and the hypothalamus are involved in activation after neck muscle fatigue and might contribute to nociceptive processing and generation of the autonomic and affective components of muscle pain (Vlasenko et al. 1994). Medulla Oblongata
Group III/IV afferents contact DH neurons, which transmit nociceptive, fatigue-related and other signals upwards. Some targets lie in the medulla oblongata.
In anesthetized rats, Fos-i and NADPH-d-positive neurons in the medulla were studied after fatiguing stimulation of hindlimb muscles. After both direct muscle stimulation and L5 VR stimulation, fatigue-related c-fos gene expression was most prominent within the ipsilateral nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS), the caudal ventro-lateral and rostral ventro-lateral reticular nuclei, and the intermediate reticular nucleus. Fos-ir neurons were co-distributed with NADPH-d-reactive cells within the dorso-medial medulla (DMM) and ventro-lateral medulla (VLM), and double-staining neurons were found in the NTS, intermediate reticular nucleus and lateral paragigantocellular nucleus (Maisky et al. 2002).
In response to fatiguing contractions of the triceps-surae muscles in cats, immune-reactive neurokinins were released in the lateral reticular nucleus, ventral regions of the NTS and the medial vestibular nucleus, suggesting that tachykinin neurons may be a component of the pathways regulating blood pressure during ergoreceptor activation (Williams et al. 1995). In response to fatiguing isometric contractions, immunoreactive substance P-like substances (irSP) were released from sites in the medial NTS (mNTS) and interacted with NK-1 receptors in the area to affect the cardio-vascular responses during the muscle pressor reflex (Williams and Fowler 1997). Peri-Aqueductal Gray (PAG)
The PAG is a cell-dense region surrounding the midbrain aqueduct. It shows a high degree of anatomical and functional organization, which takes the form of longitudinal columns of afferent inputs, output neurons and intrinsic interneurons (Bandler and Shipley 1994; Koutsikou et al. 2017). The PAG receives ascending sensory inputs from nociceptive and thermo-sensitive fibers of the STT, the nociceptive inputs being relayed by the PBN (Kuner and Kuner 2021). The ventro-lateral (vlPAG) column receives direct input from the spinal DH and evokes an opioid-mediated analgesia together with a distinct set of coping behaviors including quiescence. Conversely, the lateral PAG (lPAG) receives direct inputs from the DH and SpV. This organization is consistent with the behavioral response when activated with rostral lPAG stimulation evoking forward defense and caudal lPAG stimulation evoking a fleeing response (Mills et al. 2021). The lPAG and dorso-lateral PAG (dlPAG) are involved in defense reactions associated with tachycardia, hypertension, and re-distribution of bloodflow by activation of sympathetic preganglionic fibers to relevant effectors. By contrast, the ventro-lateral column inhibits sympatho-excitatory neurons of the RVLM and activate the pre-ganglionic vagal neurons, thus initiating passive coping responses with immobility, bradycardia and hypotension. Active coping associated with sympatho-excitation goes along with opioid-independent analgesia and increased motor activity (locomotion), while passive coping associated with sympatho-inhibition concurs with opioid-mediated analgesia and motor freezing (Lamotte et al. 2021).
This raises the question whether muscle fatigue could also affect the PAG. Indirect signs exist. In response to fatiguing isometric contractions of the hind-limb muscles in cats, immunoreactive enkephalins were released. During fatiguing contractions, mean arterial blood pressure increased by 76 +/- 9 mmHg above resting and recovery levels. Levels of immuno-reactive enkephalins were elevated in the dlPAG during the isometric contraction when compared to resting levels. It is possible that isometric muscle contraction causes the release of Met-enkephalin-like substances in the PAG (Williams et al. 1992). Amygdala
The amygdala is comprised of different nuclei; the lateral amygdala (LA), baso-lateral (BLA), medial (MeA), baso-medial (BMA) and central (CeA) nuclei and in between, the intercalated cells. The CeA receives direct and indirect nociceptive inputs from the STT and from the PBN (Allen et al. 2021; Kuner and Kuner 2021), and from several other regions. CeA output targets the PAG and the rostral ventro-medial medulla (RVMM), which are critical for mediating behavioral coping responses in the face of threat. Descending modulation of spinal nociceptive processing by CeA-PAG connections has been implicated in anti-nociceptive effects of opioids acting locally in the BLA (Kuner and Kuner 2021).
In anesthetized rats, c-fos gene expression in the cervical spinal cord and amygdala was examined after muscle fatigue caused by intermittent high-rate electrical stimulation of the dorsal neck muscles (m. trapezius and m. splenius). Fatigue-related increases in c-fos expression occurred on the stimulated muscle side in spinal segments C2-C4 (layers 1, 3-5, 7 and 10), bilaterally in the lumbar L4-L6 (layer 1) segments and in contralateral CeA, MeA, and BMA amygdaloid nuclei. A scarce number of staining cells were found within LA and BLA nuclei. The rostro-caudal extent of c-fos expression in the spinal cord supports functional coupling of the cervical and lumbar regions during neck-muscle fatigue development. The distinct c-fos expression in the CeA and MeA nuclei suggests that they may contribute to mediating the neck muscle fatigue-related nociception, autonomic and behavioral responses (Maznychenko et al. 2007). Blood-Pressure and Respiratory Control in Medulla and Amygdala
It has been proposed that cardio-vascular and ventilatory responses to exercise are regulated by (i) a feedforward `central command’ and (ii) a feedback signal from contracting muscles (Amann 2012). Somatosensory feedback, specifically from group III and IV muscle afferents, influences cardio-ventilatory responses to leg rhythmic exercise in humans. Lumbar intrathecal fentanyl injections were used to impair the central projection of spinal opioid receptor-sensitive muscle afferents. With a number of controls, this approach allowed to demonstrate the essential contribution of group III and IV muscle afferent feedback to the cardio-vascular, ventilatory and perceptual responses to rhythmic exercise in humans, even in the presence of unaltered contributions from other major inputs to cardio-ventilatory control (Amann et al. 2010).
Cardio-vascular Regulation. In cats subjected to isometric exercise to fatigue, ergoreceptor signals may be processed through the PAG and the VLM to control arterial blood pressure (Williams et al. 1990). The rostral VLM contains premotor sympatho-excitatory neurons, which are involved in reflex control of blood pressure and responses to internal stressors. The caudal VLM plays a critical role in cardio-vascular regulation and relays reflex influences to medullary and hypothalamic effectors (Benarroch 2020; Sved et al. 2000). The nucleus paragigantocellularis in the VLM has been implicated in cardio-vascular, nociceptive and analgesic functions. It receives afferents from most laminae of the spinal cord, the caudo-lateral medulla, the medial reticular nuclei of the medulla and pons, the contralateral nucleus paragigantocellularis, the NTS, the medial vestibular nucleus, and issues major projections to the pontine LC (Andrezik et al. 1981; van Bockstaele et al. 1989).
Cardio-vascular regulation during high-intensity exercise has been hypothesized implicate the amygdala whose activation acts to limit maximum exercise performance. In Wistar rats subjected to maximum exercise, total running time and cardio-vascular responses were compared before and after bilateral CeA lesions, activated neurons were recorded in CeA and/or the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) that project to the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS). (i) CeA lesions resulted in an increase in the total exercise time and the time at which an abrupt increase in arterial pressure appeared, indicating an apparent suppression of fatigue. (ii) High-intensity exercise activated both the PVN-NTS and CeA-NTS pathways. (iii) These suggests that cardio-vascular responses during high-intensity exercise are affected by CeA activation, which acts to limit maximum exercise performance, and may implicate autonomic control modulating the PVN-NTS pathway via the CeA (Tsukioka et al. 2022).
Respiration. The mammalian medulla oblongata contains a network (central pattern generator) that generates the rhythmic respiratory activity, with the core circuitry residing in the VLM and a small nucleus in the pons. This network receives external inputs from pulmonary and chemo-receptive afferents, which elicit a number of respiratory reflexes which regulate ventilation and protect the airways (Lalley 2009; McCrimmon and Alheid 2009, Richter and Smith 2014).
This activity must be able to adapt to various conditions, particularly physical exercise. Evidence indicates that group III/IV muscle afferents indirectly affect locomotor performance by influencing neuromuscular fatigue. These neurons regulate the hemodynamic and ventilatory responses to exercise and, thus, assure appropriate locomotor muscle O2 delivery, which optimizes peripheral fatigue development and facilitates endurance performance (Amann et al. 2020). Hypothalamus
The hypothalamus is a diencephalic structure in the basal forebrain, consisting of several nuclei that are critical for integrated autonomic and neuro-endocrine responses for homeostasis and adaptation to internal or external stimuli (Takayanagi and Onaka 2021). The hypothalamus receives converging nociceptive and visceral inputs from the spinal and trigeminal DHs, and direct and indirect (via PBN and NA A1 cells) nociceptive inputs from the STT (Kuner and Kuner 2021).
Ill-planned intense and exhaustive exercise may have deleterious effects. The effects of a short-duration exhaustive exercise on body chemical composition and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis was investigated in C57Bl/6 mice. Exhaustive exercise consisted of a daily running session at 85 % of maximum speed until the animal reached exhaustion. Body weight as well as total body water, fat and protein content were determined from animal carcasses. HPA activation was assessed by plasma corticosterone levels measured by radioimmunoassay and the weight of both the adrenal glands and thymus were measured. Plasma corticosterone levels increased by 64%. The weight of the adrenal glands augmented by 74% and 45%, at 4 and 10 days of IE, respectively. The total carcass fat content decreased by 20% only at 4 days exhaustive exercise, whereas protein content decreased by 20%. Exhaustive exercise may be related to HPA-axis activation associated with remodeling of body chemical composition in C57BL/6 mice (Rosa et al. 2014). Cerebellum
The cerebellum has been implicated in a number of functions, including oculomotor control, control of upright stance and locomotion, reaching and grasping and speech, timing and coordination of movement, control of motor-cortex excitability, prediction of sensory consequences of actions, error detection and correction, motor learning, classical conditioning (e.g. eyeblink conditioning), and even reward, language, and social behavior, emotional, motivational and cognitive functions. The cerebellum also has a role in pain processing and/or modulation, possibly due to its extensive connections with the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and brainstem regions involved in descending pain control (Adamaszek et al. 2017; Wang et al. 2022).
Nociceptive signals reach the cerebellum, among other structures (below),, and thus fatigue-related signals could also do so.
Alterations in sensory input due to neck muscle fatigue impact upper-limb sensory-motor processing, suggesting that neck fatigue may also impact cerebellum-to-motor cortex pathways in response to motor learning. Normally motor learning decreases cerebellar inhibition (CBI) to facilitate learning of a novel skill. Cervical extensor-muscle fatigue altered cerebellar inhibition in response to motor learning in that neck fatigue before motor skill acquisition led to less decrease in cerebellar inhibition and significantly less improvement in performance accuracy compared to a control group. Neck fatigue impacted the cerebellar-motor cortex interaction to distal hand muscles (Zabihhosseinianet al. 2020). Cerebral Cortex
Group III/IV input reaches the cerebral cortex and has been suggested to inhibit descending drive to MNs by depressing motor-cortex (M1) excitability (Amann 2012; Amann et al. 2020). Another interpretation suggests that this inhibitory effect is counterbalanced by a motivational input that facilitates M1 output in order to overcome supraspinal fatigue (Tanaka and Watanace 2012).
Brain imaging and transcranial stimulation have been used to determine changes in brain areas after fatiguing muscle contractions of various sorts. Results have been somewhat variable.
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). Twelve healthy human subjects performed a submaximal (30%) intermittent fatiguing handgrip exercise (3 s grip, 2 s release, left hand) for approximately 9 min during fMRI scanning. Regression analysis was used to measure changes in fMRI signal from primary sensory-motor cortex (S1), premotor cortex (PM) and visual cortex (V1) in both hemispheres. Muscle force declined compared to pre-fatigue maximal force. The fMRI signal from S1 contralateral to the fatiguing hand increased compared to baseline. The fMRI signal from the ipsilateral S1 did not change significantly. The signal from V1 increased significantly for both hemispheres compared to baseline. This is in keeping with the notion of an increase in sensory processing and corticomotor drive during fatiguing exercise to maintain task performance as fatigue develops (Benwell et al. 2007).
Using fMRI in humans performing index-finger abduction tasks, several motor areas in the brain showed increased activity with increased muscle activity, both during force modulation and motor fatigue. The cerebellum showed a smaller increase in activation during compensatory activation due to fatigue, while additional activation was found in the pre-supplementary motor area and in a frontal area. During motor fatigue, force production decreased, force variability increased, and muscle activity increased. Brain areas comparable with the aforementioned areas also showed stronger activation over time. During fatigue, the subjects’ MVC force was reduced, accompanied by a decrease in activation of the supplementary motor area (sma). This suggests that especially the activity in the sma and frontal areas is affected by motor fatigue (van Duinen et al. 2007).
Human subjects showed differences in fMRI-measured cortical neuronal activation before and after different long-lasting contractions: right-hand movements with minimum, maximum, and post-fatigue maximum finger flexion. As compared to maximum movement, the total number of active voxels in primary sensory-motor (S1) areas, sma and cerebellum was strongly reduced in post-fatigue maximum movement (Storti et al. 2014).
Motor Cortex Stimulation. Single-pulse TMS in humans revealed a reduction in motor-cortex excitability when measured in relaxed muscle following sustained fatiguing contractions. The reduction occurred in motor-evoked potentials. During maximal and sub-maximal fatiguing contractions, voluntary activation measured by TMS decreased, suggesting the presence of supraspinal fatigue. This does not eliminate the possibility of spinal contributions. Comparing EMG responses to paired-pulse stimuli at the cortical and sub-cortical levels suggested that impaired MN responsiveness rather than intra-cortical inhibition may contribute to the development of central fatigue (Gruet et al. 2013).
There is evidence that the cortical inhibition is mediated by intra-cortical interneuron activity, which may contribute to central fatigue, and that spinal opioid receptor-sensitive muscle afferents might influence central fatigue by facilitating intra-cortical inhibition (Hilty et al. 2011). Indeed, feedback from group III/IV muscle afferents innervating locomotor muscles diminished the excitability of the motor cortex during fatiguing cycling exercise. This result is, at least in part, from the facilitating effect of these afferents on inhibitory GABAB intra-cortical interneurons (Sidhu et al. 2018).
In humans, whole body exercise (e.g., such as cycling or rowing) did not alter the net excitability of the cortico-spinal pathway during fatigue. This lack of an apparent effect does not mean that changes do not occur, but that there may be a counterbalance of excitatory and inhibitory influences on the two components of the cortico-spinal pathway, namely the motor cortex and the spinal MNs (Weavil and Amann 2018). Cortico-Cerebello-Basal Ganglia-Thalamic System
The cerebral cortex, BG, cerebellum and thalamus are intimately related by being reciprocally connected with each other (Figure 3). It thus appears that the cortex works in concert with the thalamus, cerebellum and BG, constituting an integrated cerebello-BG-thalamo-cortical system and working in learning and control processes (Caligiori et al. 2017). The neocortex itself communicates bidirectionally and in simple and complex ways with the thalamus, forming cortico-thalamo-cortical loops, tightly interlinked with local cortical and cortico-cortical circuits and involving (massive) excitatory and inhibitory connections. The cerebellum and BG participate in multi-regional loops via their connections with the cortex and thalamus (Shepherd and Yamawaki 2021; Figure 3).
Two pathological examples may serve as support for the network operation.
Dystonia is a brain disorder characterized by sustained involuntary muscle contractions. It is typically inherited as an autosomal dominant trait with incomplete penetrance. Primary dystonia is considered to involve micro-structural and functional changes in neuronal circuitry (Argyelan et al. 2009). Dystonia is a good example of how abnormal activity in the cerebellum may propagate to the BG and cause dysfunction. In many forms of dystonia, abnormalities occur in the cerebello–thalamo–cortical pathways, cerebellar activity and functional connectivity. For example, as compared to controls, manifesting and non-manifesting carriers of genetic mutations that are associated with dystonia showed co-varying increases in metabolic activity in the putamen–GP and in the cerebellar cortex. Mouse models of dystonia also displayed structural and functional abnormalities in cerebello-thalamo-cortical pathways. In such models, abnormal (for example, bursting) cerebellar output evoked dystonic postures. Silencing, lesioning or normalizing cerebellar output abolished the dystonic postures. In keeping with these data, bursting cerebellar output has been recorded during surgery in a patient with dystonia (Bostan and Strick 2018). Magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging showed reduced integrity of cerebello-thalamo-cortical fiber tracts. In these subjects, reductions in cerebello-thalamic connectivity correlated with increased motor activation responses, consistent with loss of inhibition at the cortical level (Argyelan et al. 2009).
Figure 3.
Simplified block diagram of the cortico-cerebello-basal ganglia-thalamic system. The intricate circuitries within the cerebral cortex, BG, cerebellum and thalamus are omitted for simplicity. The cerebral cortex and thalamus interact in complex ways, involving the cerebral and thalamic networks with excitatory and inhibitory connections, where the purple double-arrowed lines symbolize excitatory projections which, however, most often also exert inhibitory actions by GABA interneurons in the target structure. The cortico-BG connection (the striatum being the BG input station) is direct and excitatory. The cortico-cerebellar connection is mediated via the pontine nuclei (PN). At least in part, the BG-to-cerebellum connection also runs through the PN, while the inverse cerebellum-to-BG connection travels via the thalamus. The pathways from BG and cerebellum to the cerebral cortex involve the thalamus. The red line symbolizes inhibitory effects exerted by the BG output station, the GPi/SNr. Green arrowed lines symbolize excitatory connections. Abbreviations: CL, centro-lateral nucleus; CM: centro-median nucleus; DCN: deep cerebellar nuclei; GPi: globus pallidus internus; PN: pontine nuclei; SNr: substantia nigra pars reticularis; STN: subthalamic nucleus; VA: ventro-anterior nucleus; Vim: ventro-intermediate nucleus; VL: ventro-lateral nucleus. Data from Bostan and Strick (2018); Shepherd and Yamawaki (2021); Wichmann and DeLong (2016).
Figure 3.
Simplified block diagram of the cortico-cerebello-basal ganglia-thalamic system. The intricate circuitries within the cerebral cortex, BG, cerebellum and thalamus are omitted for simplicity. The cerebral cortex and thalamus interact in complex ways, involving the cerebral and thalamic networks with excitatory and inhibitory connections, where the purple double-arrowed lines symbolize excitatory projections which, however, most often also exert inhibitory actions by GABA interneurons in the target structure. The cortico-BG connection (the striatum being the BG input station) is direct and excitatory. The cortico-cerebellar connection is mediated via the pontine nuclei (PN). At least in part, the BG-to-cerebellum connection also runs through the PN, while the inverse cerebellum-to-BG connection travels via the thalamus. The pathways from BG and cerebellum to the cerebral cortex involve the thalamus. The red line symbolizes inhibitory effects exerted by the BG output station, the GPi/SNr. Green arrowed lines symbolize excitatory connections. Abbreviations: CL, centro-lateral nucleus; CM: centro-median nucleus; DCN: deep cerebellar nuclei; GPi: globus pallidus internus; PN: pontine nuclei; SNr: substantia nigra pars reticularis; STN: subthalamic nucleus; VA: ventro-anterior nucleus; Vim: ventro-intermediate nucleus; VL: ventro-lateral nucleus. Data from Bostan and Strick (2018); Shepherd and Yamawaki (2021); Wichmann and DeLong (2016).
Tourette Syndrome (TS) and Obsessive–compulsive Disorder (OCD). Although the precise origin of tics in TS patients is still unclear, reduced GABA function in the striatum may be a primary cause of tic production. Microinjections of the GABA antagonist bicuculline into the striatum or into the globus pallidus externus of non-human primates can result in tics and stereotyped behaviors. Moreover, abnormal BG activity drives activity changes in both the cerebellum and the primary motor cortex (M1) that predict the onset of tics. Imaging studies in humans provided additional evidence for cerebellar involvement in TS, which revealed tic-related activation not only in the BG but also in the cerebellum. Brain imaging of both TS and OCD patients revealed changes in cerebellar activity. For example, relative to healthy controls, resting-state fMRI demonstrated that individuals with OCD exhibited increased whole-brain connectivity in regions of both the putamen and the cerebellar cortex. Also, in individuals with TS, brain metabolism was characterized by hypometabolism in the striatum co-varying with hypermetabolism in the cerebellar cortex. It has been proposed that the disynaptic pathway from the STN to the cerebellar cortex (Figure 3) may provide a link for such effects, although other pathways or independent structural changes in the cerebellum may also be involved. A recent computational model of BG–cerebellar–cerebral cortical network function in TS indicated that hyperactivity in the STN may propagate to the cerebellar cortex and contribute to tic generation (Bostan and Strick 2018).
Healthy Human Volunteers. Alterations of cerebral activity during prolonged static force exertion was determined by regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) using H2(15)O positron emission tomography (PET) while six male healthy subjects pressed a morse-key with their right index finger with a constant force of 20% of MVC for different periods of time (1.5-4.5 min). Despite a considerable sense of fatigue and increased effort at the end of a 4.5 min. key press, no compensatory changes of activity were detected in motor or sensory related structures. In the right dorso-lateral PFC, the rCBF was significantly correlated with the duration of key-press, possibly reflecting processes overriding fatigue. In this static force task, the basal ganglia (BG) were strongly activated, but not in a previous force task involving repetitive dynamic force pulses, suggesting that sustained exertion of a static force is an active process modulated, at least in part, by the BG (Dettmers et al. 1996).
Healthy human volunteers performed a sustained handgrip contraction for 225 s and 320 intermittent handgrip contractions (approximately 960 s) at 30% maximal level, while fMRI was used to image their brain. For the sustained contraction, EMG signals of the finger flexor muscles increased linearly while the target force was maintained. The fMRI-measured cortical activities in the contralateral sensory-motor cortex increased sharply during the first 150 s, then plateaued during the last 75 s. For the intermittent contractions, the EMG signals increased during the first 660 s and then began to decline, while the handgrip force also showed a sign of decrease despite maximal effort to maintain the force. The fMRI signal of the contralateral sensory-motor area showed a linear rise for most part of the task and plateaued at the end. For both tasks, the fMRI signals in the ipsilateral sensory-motor cortex, PFC, cingulate gyrus, sma, and cerebellum exhibited steady increases. The brain thus increased its output to reinforce the muscle for the continuation of the performance and possibly to process additional sensory information (Liu et al. 2003). These results are somewhat at variance with those reported by Dettmers et al. (1996).
Healthy human subjects executed simple motor tasks before and under motor fatigue. fMRI showed that in both conditions, movements activated sensory-motor areas, sma, cerebellum, thalamus and BG. Importantly, the intensity and size of activation volumes in the sub-cortical areas, including thalamus and BG areas, were significantly decreased during motor fatigue, implying that fatigue disturbs the motor-control processing in a way that both sensory-motor areas and sub-cortical brain areas are less active (Hou et al. 2016).
Functional Connectivity in Muscle Fatigue. During muscle fatigue induced by intermittent handgrips at 50% of their MVC level, functional connectivity between fMRI signals of the M1 and the BG, cerebellum, and thalamus were determined. Widespread, statistically significant increases in functional connectivity occurred in bilateral BG, cerebellum, and thalamus with the left M1 during significant versus minimal fatigue stages. These sub-cortical nuclei are critical components in the motor control network and actively involved in modulating voluntary muscle fatigue, possibly, by working together with the M1 to strengthen the descending central command to prolong the motor performance (Jiang et al. 2016).
3.3.2. A Long Way Down: From Cerebral Cortex to Spinal Cord Insufficient Drive from Motor Cortex
Even maximal voluntary effort to contract a muscle or group of muscles activates human MNs and muscle fibers only sub-optimally, maximal voluntary strength thus often being below true maximal muscle force. This could be demonstrated by TMS over the motor cortex. For example, when stimulus intensity is set appropriately, TMS during an isometric MVC of the elbow flexors commonly evoked a small twitch-like increment in flexion force, indicating that, despite the subject’s maximal effort, motor cortical output at the moment of stimulation was not maximal and was not sufficient to drive the MNs to produce maximal force from the muscle. TMS has uncovered focal changes in cortical excitability and inhibitability based on EMG recordings, and a decline in supraspinal `drive’ based on force recordings. The mechanisms of supraspinal fatigue are unclear. Although changes in the behavior of cortical neurons and spinal MNs occur during fatigue, they can be dissociated from supraspinal fatigue. Furthermore, in whole-body endurance performance, the brain monoaminergic neurotransmitter systems play a role, particularly with regard to exercise in hot environments (below) (Gandevia 2001; Taylor et al. 2016).
However, things are a bit more complicated. The properties of the cortico-spinal pathways change during fatiguing exercise in ways that could influence the development of central fatigue. Based on differences in motor cortical and MN excitability between exercise modalities (e.g. single-joint vs. locomotor exercise), the effect of these changes on functional impairments and performance limitations are not clear. There is though strong evidence for marked `inhibition’ of MNs as a direct result of voluntary drive (Amann et al. 2022).
The interaction between the cerebral cortex and the spinal cord also involves, besides `purely’ motor pathways, neuromodulatory systems, including monoaminergic ones. Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta and Dopamine (DA)
In rodents, exercise increases the release of several neurotransmitters in different brain regions and the onset of fatigue can be manipulated when DA influx in the preoptic and anterior hypothalamus is increased, interfering with thermoregulation. In humans, things are not as straightforward: most studies manipulating brain neurotransmission failed to change the onset of fatigue in normal ambient temperatures. When the ambient temperature was increased, DA and combined DA and NA reuptake inhibition appeared to override a safety switch, allowing subjects to push harder and become much warmer, without changing their perception. In general, brain neurochemistry is clearly involved in the complex regulation of fatigue, but many other mediators also play a role (Meeusen and Roelands 2018). Adaptations in the DA systems may influence exercise capacity. For example, a reduction in DA neurotransmission in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) could impair activation of the BG and reduce stimulation of the motor cortex leading to central fatigue. Habitual wheel running produced changes in DA systems. Six weeks of wheel running sufficed to increase tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA expression and reduce D2 auto-receptor mRNA in the SNpc. The same exercise increased D2 postsynaptic receptor mRNA in the caudate putamen, a major projection site of the SNpc (Foley and Fleshner 2008). Raphé Nuclei and Serotonin (5-HT)
The raphé nuclei and ventral tegmental filed (VTA) are a collection of functionally and anatomically diverse cell groups that span the brainstem and contain the majority of the 5-HT-producing neurons in the CNS (Brodal 1981). Noxious peripheral stimuli cause activity changes in neurons of the RVMM, which contains the nucleus raphé dorsalis (NRD). Raphé neurons are sensitive to fatigue, but differentially.
In adult male cats, single-unit activity of presumed 5-HT neurons in the mesencephalon (NRD) or medulla oblongata [nucleus raphé obscurus (NRO) and nucleus raphé pallidus (NRP)] was recorded during prolonged treadmill locomotion. Treadmill speed was set at a moderate level (0.4 m/s) in order to induce long-duration locomotion. The typical time to `fatigue’ (failure to keep pace, falling behind and reluctance to continue) was approximately 40 min in both groups, at which point cats typically displayed marked panting and vocalization. The activity of NRD neurons was unchanged from baseline during the locomotion trial and during the recovery phase. By contrast, the activity of NRO/NRP neurons decreased steadily across the locomotion trial, reaching a mean decrease of approximately 50% (during the first min after the treadmill was turned off). Full recovery of single unit activity to a level approximating the baseline discharge rate required 30-45 min (Fornal et al. 2006).
5-HT Effects on MNs. Endogenous forms of neuromodulation, e.g., by 5-HT, can directly affect MN output and central fatigue (Amann et al. 2022). 5-HT potently regulates neuronal firing rates, which can influence the force that can be generated by muscles during voluntary contractions. MN discharge can be facilitated or suppressed depending on the 5-HT receptor sub-type activated. The release of 5-HT from descending tracts into the spinal cord is linked to the level of motor activity being performed, where 5-HT can increase the discharge rate of MNs via excitatory 5-HT receptors on the soma and dendrites. This in turn can lead to increased voluntary muscle activation and maximal force generation. However, intense or long-lasting release of 5-HT onto MNs may lead to a spillover of 5-HT into extracellular compartments to activate inhibitory 5-HT receptors on the axon initial segment. This can cause a reduction in MNs discharge rate, thus decreasing voluntary muscle activation and maximal force generation. 5-HT may thus have different effects when neuromuscular fatigue induced by contractions of different intensities. Thus, enhanced levels of 5-HT reduced voluntary activation of muscle when fatigue was induced by strong but not weak contractions (Cotel et al. 2013; Henderson et al. 2022; Kavanagh and Taylor 2022). Locus Coeruleus and Noradrenaline (NA)
The LC is a collection of NA cell groups A5 and A6 in the rostral pons of animals and humans. Noxious peripheral stimuli indirectly increase the activity in LC. In anesthetized rats, LC neurons were potently activated by foot shock (Chiang and Aston-Jones 1993). Whether LC receives fatigue-related signals is not clear.
It has been suggested that NA, but not DA re-uptake inhibition, contributes to the development of central/supraspinal fatigue after a prolonged cycling exercise performed in temperate conditions (Klass et al. 2012). Compared with placebo intake, the NA re-uptake inhibitor reboxetine (REB) reduced the endurance time and the MVC torque at task failure. The level of voluntary activation tested by TMS and electrical stimulation decreased at the end of the task. Although the motor-evoked potential did not change during fatigue, the H-reflex and electrically evoked torque decreased similarly in the placebo and REB conditions. After exercise, the reaction time increased in the REB condition but did not change in the placebo condition. This suggested that because of the NA re-uptake inhibition, the output from the motor cortex is decreased at a greater rate than that in the placebo condition, contributing thereby to shorten endurance time (Klass et al. 2016).
It is mentioned in passing that more neurotransmitters (e.g., NO, GABA) can also influence fatigue (Foley and Fleshner 2008).