The above fixed pitch (screw) marine propulsion model is applied by means of the following multi (4) – step(s) correlation scheme, between:
2.1.5. Service Conditions Alternative Ratios / Indexes (Sea Margin, Speed Loss, Light Running Margin, Sea Running Margin, Apparent TTW Slip)
On the basis of the combined correlation steps #1 and #2 above, the effect of any given steady sea and wind state conditions (wave and/or ice, water density, water saturated vapour pressure and kinematic viscosity, wind speed / direction, rain, snow or hail, ambient air barometric pressure, humidity, density and temperature), rudder angle and motion and latitude change, shallow, and/or otherwise constrained, and/or icy waters, vessel’s and/or main engine / shaft / propeller accelerating / decelerating conditions, is defined as the ratio between the shaft power delivered to the FPP propeller under the above conditions, to the shaft power delivered to the FPP propeller in “ideal” conditions (perfectly calm sea, no wind, rain, snow or hail, unconstrained, sufficiently deep, waters, without ice, not affecting propulsion, steady speed along same nominal latitude circle, nominal water density, kinematic viscosity and vapour pressure values, air nominal barometric pressure, temperature, density and humidity values, minimum rudder motion within a very narrow angular range around zero degrees), and for the same draft and trim as well, while the above ratio may be comprehensively defined on the basis of all the above actual, other than ideal, conditions available data, and is representative / indicative of the composite effective result of all the above actual, other than ideal, conditions, for any given value of the shaft power delivered to the FPP propeller.
The above ratio, in any one of its following alternative forms / expressions (sea margin, speed loss, light running margin, sea running margin), effectively compares and quantifies any given actual, mean effective or instantaneous, seagoing conditions against the ship / voyage specific “virtual” sea (power and speed) trials at “ideal” conditions:
The above shaft power ratio, when considered for sustaining the same “ideal” conditions TTW speed, decreased by one (or by 100% in case it is calculated as a percentage), is defined as the sea margin.
The above shaft power ratio, when considered for sustaining the same “ideal” conditions shaft rotational speed, decreased by one (or by 100% in case it is calculated as a percentage), is defined as the sea running margin.
The light running margin is defined as the reduction percentage (%) of the “ideal” conditions shaft rotational speed necessary for delivering the same “ideal” shaft power to the FPP propeller, which is common for, and representative of, steady (fixed) sea margin and/or sea running margin values, for any given value of the shaft power delivered to the FPP propeller.
The speed loss is defined as the reduction (%) of the “ideal” conditions TTW speed necessary for delivering the same “ideal” shaft power to the FPP propeller under the above actual conditions, and is common for, and representative of, steady (fixed) sea margin and/or sea running margin values, for any given value of the shaft power delivered to the FPP propeller.
The above dimensionless indexes (sea margin, sea running margin, light running margin and speed loss) are all interrelated to each other, meaning that when one of them is determined, then the other three are determined as well, while each one and all of them may be comprehensively defined on the basis of all the above actual, other than ideal, conditions available data.
One minus the dimensionless apparent TTW slip, stands as a ship specific dimensionless ratio of the TTW speed in the forward direction to the FPP rotational speed, and as such, depends mainly to any and all of the above dimensionless indexes (sea margin, sea running margin, light running margin and speed loss), and slightly only, to a proper dimensionless form of the FPP rotational speed.
The specific voyage’s / ship’s “ideal” conditions are generally expected to be different to the official “ideal / new vessel” conditions as such may be compiled for the specific voyage’s hydrostatic conditions on the basis of the corrected results of the official sea (speed and power) trials conducted upon the delivery of the vessel by the shipyard after a new building or a major modification, the reason being the change of the geometry, wetted surface and roughness condition of the hull, the rudder, the propeller and the appendages thereof, due to sea-keeping, as well as the permanent, or not, effect of loading distribution, all the above accounting for the so called “service margin” in contrast to the sea margin as defined under point a above. Same or similar are applicable for the main engine and the shaft line and stern tube as well.
With regard to the above, reference is also made to
Figure 1 above, indicating in the system of axes of the propeller rotational speed .vs. the shaft power delivered to the FPP propeller, 3 sets of curves:
- g.
the steady (fixed) through the water (TTW) speed in the forward direction set of curves as such can be visualized in
Figure 1 above (e.g., 13, 16, 19 and 22 knots),
- h.
the steady (fixed) apparent TTW slip set of curves as such can be visualized in
Figure 1 above (e.g., -2%, 2%, 6% and 10%), and,
- i.
the steady (fixed) light running margin (also steady / fixed sea margin, sea running margin and speed loss) set of curves as such can be visualized in
Figure 1 above (e.g., light running margin of A: 0%, B: 3% and C: 6%, in green, blue and red colours).
Each one of, and all, service conditions dimensionless indexes (sea margin, sea running margin, light running margin, speed loss and apparent TTW slip) discussed above, are interrelated to each other, meaning that when one of them is determined, then the other four are determined as well), and may be comprehensively defined on the basis of the continuous availability of all the above actual, other than ideal, conditions as such can be derived from an available “big data” set. The above comprehensive definition comprises two components / sub-models, as per the four correlation steps above:
- j.
A deterministic one.
- k.
A hybrid, stochastic / deterministic, optimization one.
The optimization procedure applicable for the hybrid stochastic / deterministic model applied as per the correlation steps above is based on:
- l.
The fact that the rotational acceleration of the main engine / shaft / propeller of a standard vessel, during the greatest part of all voyages, is zero (steady rotational speed), while for the remaining, significantly shorter, time intervals of all voyages, is instead, steady or as smooth and as near to steady as well, as possible.
- m.
The fundamental principle of the Law of Similarity and Dimensional Analysis as applied in Ship Propulsion in particular.
On the basis of the above optimization procedure the above service conditions dimensionless indexes may be defined throughout all voyages of each vessel, and in conjunction with the deterministic component / model as per the correlation steps above, the instantaneous (and average) FPP propeller’s and engine’s rotational speed n (RPM) and power P (KW) may be predicted on the basis of the following two considerations:
- n.
The “big data” set is used for calculating average and instantaneous values of the vessel’s TTW speed in the forward direction.
- o.
Considering that the “correct” values of all the aforementioned stochastic model’s calibration constants are not known before the start of the optimization process, independent ship tracking, and environmental (meteorological / oceanographic, actual or “hind-cast”) as well, data may be used, in conjunction with the above, far more quantitatively significant, deterministic model for defining average and instantaneous values of any, and all, of the service conditions dimensionless indexes (sea margin, sea running margin, light running margin, speed loss and apparent TTW slip) over time and position discussed above, as functions of the aforementioned unknown stochastic model’s calibration constants only:
By combining the above two considerations, the instantaneous (and average) FPP propeller’s and engine’s rotational speed n (RPM) and power P (KW) may be defined on the sole basis of the unknown aforementioned stochastic model’s, K, calibration constants, Cj, j =1, K, all along the vessel’s course as such is precisely defined on the basis of all of the observed pairs of positions and UTC timestamps Iobs + Lobs, i = 1, Iobs + Lobs:
Considering furthermore that the FPP propeller’s and engine’s rotational speed (RPM) is actually regulated by the main engine’s “governor” (control and safety system) by controlling through the main engine’s fuel system the engine’s fuel consumption for keeping the rotational acceleration of the main engine and FPP propeller of a standard vessel, during the greatest part of all voyages, equal to zero (steady rotational speed set-point values), while for the remaining, significantly shorter, time intervals of all voyages, keeping the rotational acceleration steady, or as smooth, and as near to steady as well, as possible, the following conditions should be always met at the following 2 different sets of AIS observed, and/or calculated, pairs of positions and UTC timestamps:
- p.
Iobs, where the rotational acceleration of the main engine and FPP propeller is zero (steady rotational speed, ni = ni(Cj, j = 1, K), i =1, Iobs, or, dni(Cj, j = 1, K)/dt = 0):
- q.
Lobs, where the rotational acceleration of the main engine and FPP propeller (rotational acceleration, dni/dt = dni(Cj, j = 1, K)/dt, i =1, Lobs) is steady, or as smooth, and as near to steady, as possible (d2ni(Cj, j = 1, K)/dt2 = ~ 0, i =1, Lobs):
each one of the above equations applied for each one of all, K, model calibration constants Cj, j =1, K, including voyage specific and reporting period specific model calibration constants while the total number of all calibration constants, K, is expected to be down to, by 3 orders of magnitude less than the total observations points Iobs + Lobs (= ~ 1000 times K) for a single voyage, and by 4 orders of magnitude less than the total observations points Iobs + Lobs (= ~ 10,000 times K) for a single year, and this fact fully justifies why:
- r.
the above over-determined mathematical problem can only be solved as a least squares optimization (stochastic) problem;
- s.
the uncertainty induced due to the aggregate error RMS (residual least squares RMS / standard deviation of the measured data) inherent in the above optimization process itself, is expected to be as minimal as possible.
In cases where credible and reliable data of main engine / shaft / propeller revolutions per voyage, or for a number of consequent voyages, or per day, Nrev, are reported, the above analysis, may be applied by also meeting the following additional condition(s), which is (are) to be met for each discrete voyage, or for a number of consequent voyages, or per day, for which Nrev is known (reported), however this is not necessarily required as a minimum:
(each one of) the above equation(s) applied for each one of all, K, model calibration constants Cj, j =1, K, including voyage specific and reporting period specific model calibration constants while the integral
is to be calculated on the basis of all of the observed pairs of positions and UTC timestamps Iobs + Lobs, i = 1, Iobs + Lobs, whereas in cases of credible and reliable data of main engine / shaft / FPP propeller revolutions reported daily, and/or between other reports of sufficiently high frequency (number) during the same voyage, meeting the condition set by equation (10) above between all subsequent reports is effectively equivalent to resolving the same problem, without necessarily meeting the previously set conditions:
In the same manner as above, in cases where credible and reliable data of main engine output of mechanical work per voyage, or for a number of consequent voyages, or per day, W, are reported, the above analysis, may be applied by also meeting the following additional condition(s), which is (are) to be met for each discrete voyage, or for a number of consequent voyages, or per day, for which W is known (reported), however this is not necessarily required as a minimum:
(each one of) the above equation(s) applied for each one of all, K, model calibration constants Cj, j =1, K, including voyage specific and reporting period specific model calibration constants while the integral
is to be calculated on the basis of all of the observed pairs of positions and UTC timestamps Iobs + Lobs, i = 1, Iobs + Lobs, whereas in cases of credible and reliable data of main engine / shaft / FPP propeller power reported daily, and/or between other reports of sufficiently high frequency (number) during the same voyage, meeting the condition set by equation (13) above is also effectively equivalent to resolving the same problem, without necessarily meeting the previously conditions set by equations (11) and/or (12) above.
In the same manner as above, in cases where credible and reliable data of main engine fuel oil consumption per voyage, or for a number of consequent voyages, or per day, FOC, are reported, the above analysis, may be applied by also meeting the following additional condition(s), which is (are) to be met for each discrete voyage, or for a number of consequent voyages, or per day, for which FOC is known (reported), however in any case, this is not necessarily required as a minimum:
(each one of) the above equation(s) applied for each one of all, K, model calibration constants Cj, j =1, K, including voyage specific and reporting period specific model calibration constants while the integral
is to be calculated on the basis of all of the observed pairs of positions and UTC timestamps Iobs + Lobs, i = 1, Iobs + Lobs, whereas in cases of credible and reliable data of main engine fuel oil consumption per voyage reported daily, and/or between other reports of sufficiently high frequency (number) during the same voyage, meeting the condition set by equation (14) above is also effectively equivalent to resolving the same problem, without necessarily meeting the previously conditions set by equations (11) and/or (12) above.
Considering all the above and provided that one or more of equations (10), (13) and (14) above may be applied, solving the problem described above without necessarily meeting the conditions previously set by equations (11) and/or (12) above, is equivalent to considering that the trinities of the following reported data obtained over a number of reporting intervals, i = 1, I-intervals, after being controlled for the purpose of identifying and removing / amending / rectifying any material misstatements [
63], possibly inherent in them when in raw condition:
- A.
main engine fuel consumption, FOC, and/or main engine output / shaft mechanical work, W, over a time spent at sea interval during which the ship is under its own propulsion (main engine running hours interval),
- B.
distance TTW in the forward direction over the same as above time spent at sea interval during which the ship is under its own propulsion (main engine running hours interval), and,
- C.
FPP propeller revolutions, Nrev, over the same as above time spent at sea interval during which the ship is under its own propulsion (main engine running hours interval),
will follow a certain pattern in accordance with the above fundamental principle of the Law of Similarity and Dimensional Analysis (see also
Figure 1 below), meaning that when any two of the three, A, B and C above, are determined, then the third one is to be determined as well, and to this end the optimization problem to be resolved is equivalent to the quantitative determination of the “best fitted” / “mean” / “most probable” [
63] pattern (function / curves set) of minimum (effectively “zero”) error (“uncertainty”) [
63] for correlating any two of the above data A, B and C above, to the third one, which can be established as per the above, in the following manner:
each one of the above equations applied for each one of all, K, model calibration constants Cj, j =1, K, including voyage specific and reporting period specific model calibration constants.
Or in other words, and as far as the correlation of propeller shaft RPM and power to TTW (log) speed data by “ships in practice” [
63] is concerned:
- t.
The trinities of TTW (log) speed, propeller shaft RPM and power average data values, during each different voyage’s, daily or other, reporting periods / intervals, are expected to be correlated in a certain predetermined pattern (“trend”), whereas their correlation is to compare in a technically and physically meaningful manner to the specific main engine and propeller data, and to similar main engines and propellers in general (see also
Figure 1,
Figure 2 and
Figure 3 above). This is not examined by simply comparing statically the reported shaft power values with the calculated ones, but instead by recalibrating / reconnecting the hydrodynamic models applicable for the above correlation, with the respective actual data, for achieving a best fit match between the reported and the calculated values of shaft power, which is equivalent to determining the most probable shaft power model definition of least uncertainty which will produce a, physically / technically significant and consistent, “mean” value (“of reasonable degree of certainty”) [
63] of shaft power for all applicable (reported) combinations of RPM and TTW (log) speed data values.
With regard to the unknown ship (not voyage) specific function:
this is determined by evaluating the “best fit” / “most probable” / “less uncertain” [
63] set of values for a number of unknown calibration constants of the applicable composite thermo-fluid and frictional SFOC model, Xj, j=1,M, based on respective diesel engines models already in place [
36], specifically extended for covering also two stroke main engines layout and operation thereof, for matching the shop tests, and/or bollard tests, and/or sea trials results, and/or actual operational, observed data points i=1, Isfoc-obs for marine diesel engines SFOC values, as / if available / applicable:
each one of the above equations applied for each one of all, M, calibration constants of the applicable composite thermo-fluid and frictional SFOC model, Xj, j=1,M.
With regard to the above, particular attention is to be paid to, cor, the set of parameters to be utilized for the correction, alignment and benchmarking of main engines SFOC values with regard to fuel type, fuel lower calorific value and other fuel quality indexes, as well as to SFOC related environmental and other conditions in accordance with relevant industry standards and experience. The above set of parameters is expected not to be unknown, meaning that the respectively applicable fuel quality data and matching environmental conditions are, ideally, expected to be known in advance (see also following subsection on “Big data” set). SFOC is inversely proportional to the effective overall efficiency, which in turn is equal to the respective product of (mechanical efficiency) times (indicated efficiency), while an effective overall efficiency value of ~ 0.50, for an MDO/MGO net energy – lower calorific value reference value of 42.7 MJ/kgr, would be equivalent to a SFOC value of ~ 168 gr / KW hr.
In summary, and as far as the correlation of main engine SFOC, RPM and power data by “ships in practice” [
63] is concerned:
- u.
The trinities of SFOC, RPM and power average data values of the main engine are expected to be correlated in a certain predetermined pattern (“trend”), whereas the SFOC values are to compare in a technically and physically meaningful manner to the shop test SFOC values (curve) of the specific main engine, and of similar main engines in general. This is not examined by simply comparing statically the reported SFOC values with the calculated ones, but instead by recalibrating / reconnecting dynamic models for main engines’ mechanical efficiency and indicated efficiency (on terms of relevant thermodynamics, heat transfer and gas dynamics analyses) as well, with the respective actual engine data, for achieving a best fit / match between the reported and the calculated values of SFOC, which is equivalent to determining the most probable SFOC model definition of least uncertainty which will produce a, physically / technically significant and consistent, “mean” value (“of reasonable degree of certainty”) [
63] of SFOC for all applicable (reported) combinations of RPM and power data values.
2.2. “Big Data” Set
The “big data” set required for implementing the above fixed pitch (screw) marine propulsion model as per equations (1) to (20) as / if applicable, comprises two distinct types of data:
Ship tracking data (AIS, LRIT, other)
Environmental, “met-ocean” (meteorological and oceanographic), “hind-cast” or actual, data