3.2.3. Results of Luminescence Spectroscopy
The method of photoluminescence spectroscopy was used for the identification and detection of Eu
3+, Eu
2+ and Ce
3+ ions (as well as for a qualitative comparative assessment of their content according to the «more-less» principle) in connection with the presence of characteristic emission bands of these ions due to 4f-4f (Eu
3+) and 4f-5d (Eu
2+ and Ce
3+) electronic transitions [
By changes in the spectra (presence or shift of radiation bands, their splitting, intensity), it is possible to assess the processes that occur in the systems under study, namely, in CeF3+EuF3 samples with different ratios of components synthesized in a melt solution of an equimolar mixture of NaCl–KCl.
The emission and luminescence spectra of the studied systems were compared with the spectra of a number of initial samples.
Figure 4 shows the excitation and luminescence spectra of the initial CeF
3 and EuF
3 fluorides.
Some characteristic bands with a maximum at 395 nm in the most intense of them can be observed in the excitation spectrum of EuF
3, which in a certain approximation, can be considered as an analogue of the absorption spectrum (diffuse reflection) recorded at λ
em. = 593 nm. A similar maximum is recorded in the diffuse reflection spectrum of EuF
3 (λ
max. = 393.7 nm) [
26]. In the luminescence spectrum, the peaks characteristic of Eu
3+ and related to
0 →
1 (λ
max. 587, 593 nm),
0 →
2 (λ
max. 615, 620nm),
0 →
3 (λ
max. 649 nm) and
0 →
4 transitions are recorded (λ
max. 689, 692, 698 nm) with characteristic splitting and relative peak values.
The CeF3 luminescence spectrum contains one broad diffuse band with a blurred maximum at 365-372 nm, whose position (according to previous studies) does not depend on the excitation wavelength.
The luminescence spectrum of the mechanical mixture CeF3:EuF3 (1:1), as expected, contains emission bands of Ce3+ and Eu3+, however, a minimum in the region of 398 nm is observed on the spectral curve caused by 4f-5d-electron transitions in the Ce3+ ion, and the main maximum of the band is hypsochromically shifted (λmax. = 336 nm) compared to the spectrum of the initial CeF3. An almost identical picture is observed in the spectra (not shown here) of a mechanical mixture with a ratio of CeF3:EuF3 components (1:2), where a minimum on the emission curve of Ce3+ (λmin. = 398 nm) and a hypsochromic shift of the main maximum (λmax. = 332 nm) were also detected. The Eu2+ peak is not recorded. The position of the characteristic peaks in the excitation spectrum of the Eu3+ sample (317, 374, 394 nm) correlates well with the position of the bands in its diffuse reflectance (DR) spectrum (318, 375, 385 nm).
The spectra of NaCl–KCl–CeF
3 (not shown) and NaCl–KCl–EuF
3 systems with fluoride: melt ratio (1:9) were recorded (
Figure 5). In the excitation spectrum of the sample EuF
3 (λ
em. = 435 nm), a broad intense band with three maxima is recorded, which, as will be shown below, is characteristic of all samples containing Eu
The most intense peak for the analysed system is observed at λ
exc. = 352 nm. It is worth noting that this band coincides with the minimum in the area of negative values of F(R) on the diffuse reflectance spectrum [
27]. The luminescence spectra of the upper and lower parts of the sample indicate the appearance of Eu
2+ ions in the NaCl–KCl–EuF
3 system, as evidenced by the presence of an intense band with a maximum at 434 nm.
The presence of a significantly smaller amount of Eu
3+ ions in the upper part compared to the bottom part (insoluble sediment) confirms the proposed mechanism of interaction of EuF
3 with the melt. It consists in the fact that when EuF
3 is dissolved in the NaCl–KCl melt, a redox reaction occurs according to the scheme:
and then [
The luminescence spectrum of the upper part of the NaCl–KCl–CeF3 sample is similar to the spectrum of the initial CeF3: the band of the Ce3+ ion (λmax. = 368 nm) is observed, which is more intense compared to the band of the initial fluoride (2.03×108 and 1.4×108 CPS, respectively), which may indicate reduction in dissolution and, accordingly an effect of concentration quenching. It was interesting to find out how the addition of Ce3+ ions to the salt melt affects the emission intensity of Eu2+ ions.
In order to find the optimal synthesis conditions and composition, its various parameters were varied.
Figure 6 shows the excitation and luminescence spectra of the sample obtained by dissolving the mechanical mixture CeF
3 (1:1) in NaCl–KCl at a temperature of 800°C and holding for 4 hours.
The maximum in the broad diffuse band (Eu2+) is fixed at 340 nm in the excitation spectra recorded at λem. = 428 nm. There is also a maximum at 274 nm, which belongs to the excitation spectrum of Ce3+. The following emission bands are observed in the luminescence spectra: Ce3+ – intense, with a hypsochromic shift of the emission maximum at λmax. = 318 nm, Eu2+ is also intense with λmax. = 427 nm and low-intensity Eu3+ bands corresponding to 5D0 → 7F1 and 5D0 → 7F4 electronic transitions with a change in splitting.
The spectra of the bottom and upper parts of the sample are identical in the nature and position of the maxima and differ little in the intensity of the bands. Obviously, the sample of the system solidified salt melt is quite homogeneous.
Figure 7 shows the spectra of the system obtained under similar conditions, but from a mixture of CeF
3 and EuF
3 calcined at 1100°C. The excitation spectra of Eu
2+ contain three characteristic maxima with the most intense one recorded at 350 nm (upper part of the sample) and 373 nm (bottom part). In the spectrum of the bottom part, an excitation band of Ce3
+ (λ
max. 270 nm) is observed, which is practically absent in the spectrum of the upper part. The excitation spectrum of Eu
3+ resembles a similar spectrum of the calcined CeF
3 mixture. = 591 nm, 5 – luminescence spectra of Eu
3+ at λ
exc. = 397 nm, slits 3.0-3.0 nm.
No Ce
3+ bands were recorded in the luminescence spectra of both the bottom and upper parts; there are bands characteristic of Eu
2+ and Eu
3+, and the intensity of the emission bands of the latter is significantly higher in the bottom part. It is obvious that under the selected synthesis conditions, oxidation-reduction reactions are shifted towards the formation of Eu
2+. If we take into account, the possibility of a reaction during calcination according to the scheme:
and then,
it becomes clear where CeF3 could go, and therefore Ce3+ ions from the melt solution.
In order to study the composition, the initial CeF3+EuF3 mixture was slightly changed – from the ratio 1:1 to 1:2.
Figure 8 shows the luminescence spectra of the CeF
3 (1:2) system (calcination at 1100°C). The excitation and luminescence spectra of the upper and middle parts of the sample practically coincide; the spectra of the bottom part have a similar character (except for the luminescence spectrum at λ
exc. = 398 nm in the bottom part). It should be noted that the bands of Eu
3+ ions are neither recorded in the excitation spectra, nor in the luminescence spectra. Clearly pronounced bands of Eu
2+; and the Ce
3+ ion (assessed by the excitation spectra) may be present only in trace amounts.
According to
Figure 9, for a CeF
3 (1:2) sample obtained from a mechanical mixture in a vacuum (2 hours) at 750°C and a charge ratio : solidified salt melt (2:8), typical excitation spectra of Ce
3+ (except for the bottom part) and Eu
3+ appear.
There appears one maximum (two in the spectrum of the bottom part) at 338-340 nm in the broad diffuse band of the Eu2+ excitation spectrum. Meanwhile, in the emission spectra recorded at λexc. = 273 nm (optimal for Ce3+), both Cerium and Eu2+ bands are recorded. The intensity of Eu3+ emission bands is highest in the bottom part.
In the excitation spectra of a sample with a ratio of CeF
3 (2:1), obtained from a mechanical mixture in a vacuum (2 hours) at 750°C and a ratio of a mixture of fluorides: salt melt (2:8) (
Figure 9), a characteristic band for Ce
3+ is manifested only in the spectrum of the upper part of the solidified salt melt, and is absent in the spectrum of the bottom part.
In the Eu3+ excitation range, the intensity of the characteristic bands is much higher in the bottom part. In the emission spectra recorded at λexc. = 273 nm, the characteristic band of Ce3+ is weak and appears only in the spectrum of the upper part, however, in the spectra of both parts there is a band of Eu2+, whose intensity (as in the case of the previous sample) is higher (or, in the case of the bottom part, is practically equal) than that of similar bands recorded at excitation wavelengths inherent in divalent Europium. The intensity of the emission bands in the range of trivalent Europium is very low.
The obtained data show that the interaction in the system takes place most fully (the intensity of luminescence of Ce
3+ and Eu
3+ ions is minimal, and the intensity of luminescence of Eu
2+ ions is maximal) at synthesis with a ratio of mechanical mixture calcined at 1100°C: salt melt as 1:9; similarly, the interaction occurs when the ratio of a mechanical mixture of fluorides: salt melt is 2:8 at 750°С in a vacuum. In both cases, the CeF
3 ratio was 1:2. Since the studied objects are of interest as promising materials for ultraviolet radiation detectors, the Eu
2+ luminescence spectra (the upper part of the solidified salt melt) were recorded first for the samples at different excitation wavelengths in the UV range of the spectrum. The results are presented in
Table 1.
It can be seen from
Table 1 that when the sample is excited by radiation in almost the entire UVA-UVB range of wavelengths, a very intense luminescence of Eu
2+ ions is observed with its maximum values at λ
exc. = 340-350 nm. At the same time, the intensity at the maximum point (I
max.) and the integrated intensity (I
int.) reach their highest values in the excitation wavelength range of 330-375 nm. A qualitative correlation is observed between the luminescence excitation spectrum and the spectrum of solar radiation in the ultraviolet range [
The position of the radiation maximum ( = 430 nm) practically does not depend on the excitation wavelength in the investigated wavelength range.
The luminescence lifetimes (τ) of Eu
2+ and Eu
3+, calculated from the decay curves for various samples, are presented in
Table 2.
The luminescence lifetime of Eu2+ ions, determined in this paper, is about 1 µs; for Eu3+ ions, it varies in the range of 700-1300 μs, that is, more than a thousand times higher. This fact is consistent with generally accepted ideas about the mechanisms of excitation and emission of Eu in different valence states.