We investigated the impact of realism on brain activation and the related sense of presence in an EEG-based VR setting. Two types of environments were investigated: the HP scene with detailed geometry, realistic materials, and accurate lighting and the LP scene with reduced details, no textures, and non-realistic lighting.
5.1. The Influence of Realism on Neural Activity
Alpha band: According to the description provided in
Section 2, an increase in alpha band power in the frontal lobe can be interpreted as a decrease in cognitive load. In the Alpha-Frontal subfigure of
Figure 5, we can observe an increase in band power activity in both groups after changing the scene with a short delay. However, the LP-HP group experienced a faster increase in band power activity than the HP-LP group. In addition, considering
Figure 6 we can also observe significant differences during the time period when LP-HP groups showed higher band power activity. As the second scene for LP-HP is the realistic scene and for HP-LP is the simplified one, we can conclude that a realistic scene may lead to a lower cognitive load compared to a simpler scene. It can be due to the point that the realistic scene is more compatible/similar to the environment that users are expected or used to see in real life.
As we discussed earlier in
Section 2, the alpha bandpower in the parietal lobe can be associated with an attention process. In this way, an increase in alpha bandpower may indicate increasing attention and filtering out irrelevant information. Based on the Alpha-Parietal subfigure of
Figure 5, we can see the HP scene leads to higher band power activity before (for HP-LP group) and after (for LP-HP) changing the scene. We also found significant differences between groups in different time periods for both conditions, see
Figure 6. Accordingly, we can interpret that a more realistic scene may lead to higher attention and help in suppressing irrelevant information.
We discussed that an increase in alpha bandpower in the occipital lobe could be associated with visual processing. Although this may happen when users close their eyes, it is possible to see this effect by getting used to the environment or pre-adaptation to stimuli. In our case, as participants need to keep their eyes open to be able to interact with the environment, the increase in alpha bandpower may occur due to getting used to the environment. We can find this condition in the Alpha-Occipital subfigure of
Figure 5. In this figure, band power activity of alpha waves in the occipital lobe is higher in HP condition for both before and after switching the scene (for the corresponding group). We also found significant differences between groups, i.e. between LP and HP conditions, for both conditions, see
Figure 6.
Beta band: In
Section 2, we discussed that beta bandpower in the frontal lobe is associated with decision-making and cognitive process load. As the Beta-Frontal subfigure of
Figure 5 shows, after switching scenes, with a short delay (less than 20 seconds), participants in the LP scene (for the HP-LP group) experience higher beta bandpower in the frontal lobe and after about 50 seconds this behavior happens for the other group. However, we only found significant differences in the time range when EEG results for the HP-LP group show higher beta bandpower. In this case, we can interpret that participants in the LP scene experience a higher decision-making and cognitive process load after switching the scene with a short delay.
Gamma band: As a summary, gamma bandpower in the frontal lobe is known to be associated with enhanced executive functions, decision-making, and problem-solving, see
Section 2. According to the Gamma-Frontal subfigure of
Figure 5, participants who experienced the HP scene after the break, showed higher band power activity. Following that we assume the realistic condition might lead to improved executive function and problem-solving. Similarly, the gamma bandpower in parietal lobes shows a higher value after about 60 seconds, considering significant differences in
Figure 6, in the HP scene after the break. Accordingly, we suppose a higher spatial awareness in this time period. In addition, since we observe higher gamma band power in the occipital lobes for the HP condition both before and after the break, we can interpret that the HP scene may lead to better visual information analysis and heightened visual attention.
Theta band: The Theta-Frontal subfigure of
Figure 5, shows the higher theta bandpower in participants who experienced HP scene after the break (we just found significant differences between groups after the break, see
Figure 6). This result suggests that this group may have better working memory capabilities and superior cognitive control, allowing them to manage and manipulate information effectively over short periods. In addition, we also observe higher theta bandpower for the HP scene after the break, in particular after 40 seconds based on
Figure 6, in parietal lobes that can be associated with higher integration of sensory information for HP condition compared to LP.
Based on the results section and the above discussions, we can answer our research questions as follows.
The findings indicate that the impact of altering visual realism becomes apparent following the break, particularly evident in various lobes and frequency bands (FB). For instance, in the frontal lobe, there is an immediate reduction in normalized alpha bandpower post-break, followed by a subsequent increase over time until it reaches its maximum value. Conversely, a distinct pattern emerges in the occipital lobe, characterized by a reduction in alpha and theta bandpower for the transition from HP-LP, while observing an increase in the opposite scenario (LP-HP). This differential response underscores the nuanced influence of visual realism on neural activity across different brain regions and frequency bands.
According to the results of AT, that we defined in
Section 3.6.2, there are significant differences in the AT between groups experiencing the LP condition as the first or second environment in the frontal and temporal lobes. For the beta and gamma bands, these significant differences can also be observed in the parietal and occipital lobes. It might be inferred that individuals adapt to the LP condition faster if they previously experienced HP condition. This may suggest that starting a VR experience in a non-realistic or simplified condition, which does not align with user expectations of reality, could lead to a longer AT. When they come to the LP environment (transition phase) the AT is higher since the brain tries to fill the gaps from real-world environmental details (they have already seen before and which are now missing). Such a phenomenon may have implications for the design and implementation of virtual environments that seek to replicate real-world scenarios, potentially enhancing the user’s experience and performance.
As we discussed in
Section 2, presence can be defined and categorized in different ways. Using these factors, several questionnaires tried to measure the sense of presence in a subjective manner. One of these subjective questionnaires is IPQ which measures presence using 3+1 factors: Spatial Presence, Involvement, Realism, and General Presence. On the other hand, previous studies reported the influence of realism on the higher perceived sense of presence. Accordingly, we would expect realism leading to higher values for Spatial Presence, Involvement, and Realism factors. In our study, we have the results of EEG measurement that alters by changing the scene between realistic and non-realistic conditions. In other words, we can assume, the evolution of brain activation corresponding to a certain presence factor, might show an association between that EEG data and certain aspects of presence.
We found significant differences in brain activation related to the amount of realism of the virtual environment. In
Section 5.1 we discussed that the results of gamma and theta bandpower in parietal lobes show higher spatial awareness and integration of sensory information in the more realistic condition. In addition, navigating through the more realistic environment leads to a stronger spatial presence experience, which was accompanied by a stronger Alpha power activity over parietal brain areas. This has also been shown by a study from Kober et al. [
55], showing an increased sense of presence in the higher immersive VR environment which was accompanied by an increased parietal power (decrease in the Alpha band power). The lower presence experience in the low immersive VR environment elicited stronger functional connectivity between frontal and parietal brain regions, indicating an important role of both brain areas for the presence experience. Accordingly and based on our above assumption, we can expect that measuring alpha, gamma, and theta band powers in the parietal lobes might be used as indicators for
spatial presence.
Furthermore, the “break in presence” which was defined as the point where the environment changes from HP to LP or vice versa elicited significant changes in brain activation specifically in the frontal and parietal regions. For the realism factor, we can assume to be related to visual analysis, recognition, and processing. A higher realism in the environment also evokes stronger alpha and theta band activation at occipital sites, indicating its role in visual attention and top-down processing. Here, as EEG band power in the occipital lobe is associated with visual processing and heightened visual attention, we assume an influence of realism factor and brain activation in the occipital lobe.
The alpha bandpower in different lobes can be related to user experience factors such as executive function, problem-solving, and cognitive control. Here, we assume these features can represent
involvement factor. Accordingly, as HP condition shows higher alpha band power in different lobes, we can expect an association between alpha band power and
involvement. Moreover, the increase in alpha power similar to levels of relaxation suggests its role in reflecting a state of isolation from the external world and an attentional shift toward internal aspects leading to a higher sense of presence. The association of a higher alpha activity with the inhibition of non-essential activity is not new. Klimesch et al. [
88] already reported about such a relation and further suggest it as an index of top-down processing representing a mechanism for increasing the signal-to-noise ratio within the cortex by actively inhibiting non-essential or conflicting processes [
90]. Others also reported that an increase in alpha power may either reflect active processing related to memory performance [
91] or the inhibition of posterior brain sites not required for the task [
The observed higher theta and lower alpha power in frontal as well as parietal regions reflects the recruitment of oscillating networks processing focused attention, positive emotional experience, and engagement [
92]. Specifically, the decreased alpha bandpower in frontal cortices is linked to top-down (high internal processing demands) modulation [
88]. Furthermore, we observed high gamma activity in frontal and parietal regions while people experienced the HP environment. This is in line with previous studies including research on attention, working memory, or motor tasks, suggesting that activity in the gamma range reflects engagement/processing [
Overall, The outcome suggests that starting in non-realistic conditions requires higher AT for individuals as they are not visually consistent with their expectations of a real-life environment. However, once individuals are exposed to the HP environment, their adaptation process becomes faster, as most of the cues are already pre-activated and the brain is better equipped to fill the gaps. Specifically, this phenomenon has been observed in the alpha and beta bands at frontal sites. As both environments share the same interaction system, this finding shows the influence of visual realism (place illusion in [
36]) on AT despite the interaction system (plausibility illusion). We can expect developers to use these results to adjust the AT in virtual environments based on visual realism, in order to achieve a desirable experience without altering gameplay mechanics.
It was observed that there were exceptions to the typical behavior in the Theta band when the adaptation phase was longer in the LP scene as the second environment. This deviation might be due to the fact that the Theta band plays a crucial role in memory processing and people try to interpret LP scenes from memory. As a result, such environments lead to stronger brain activation. Higher Theta bandpower also indicates lower working memory capacity. A similar pattern was noticed in the gamma-band at parieto-occipital sites. Since the gamma activity is also known to reflect high cognitive processing and memory, the AT in the transition mode is also higher in such cases.
While our study identified notable distinctions in EEG data, it is noteworthy that there were no significant differences observed in the outcomes of the NASA TLX and IPQ questionnaires. This result can be influenced by the limitation of the study design, which did not allow for the use of questionnaires during the study and only permitted their use at the end. However, this observation aligns with findings reported in previous research, e.g. [
13], which suggest that traditional questionnaires may not fully capture the sense of presence within VR environments. This discrepancy underscores the necessity for further investigation to elucidate the underlying reasons for such disparities. Conversely, the continuous monitoring afforded by sensory devices presents a promising avenue for observing presence throughout the entirety of VR exposure.
Limitations: In our study, we discuss the influence of altering visual realism on brain activity using EEG results. However, previous research suggests that different types of realism can also have an impact on presence. To achieve these goals, additional features like animated objects or interactive characters can be added to the game. It should be considered, that these features need to be implemented with care, as any errors or inaccuracies in their design may negatively affect the sense of plausibility and presence.
In this work, we did not consider other physiological measurements in this study. Incorporating additional sensory measurements like electrocardiogram (ECG) or eye-tracking could be beneficial. ECG devices could help to investigate stress levels during different stages of the study, as well as workload. An eye-tracking system could be used to record specific eye movement patterns, like blinks or pupil dilation, during corresponding presence stages.
In general, conducting VR studies that involve sensitive sensory measurements can be a challenging task. Although we were able to obtain significant results in this study, it would be advantageous to increase the number of participants to gain better insights into the findings.
Future Works: We have shown how realism affects brain activity in different lobes of the brain. This information can be used to create research scenarios to explore the impact of specific activities in VR on the feeling of presence. For instance, researchers could examine how changes in presence occur during tasks such as solving puzzles, engaging in memory activities, or facing creative challenges in VR games.
Our findings provide insights into how altering realism may influence users’ adaptation time to a new environment. For example, if adapting to simplified environments is faster after encountering a complex one, a gradual or step-by-step reduction in complexity could be designed to improve user experience. This aspect can be further explored during the development of virtual environments to create more adaptable experiences. Since presence can influence user experience in games, extending this study to non-VR games (traditional desktop games) can offer additional insights into how variations in the level of realism affect presence and user experience. Furthermore, integrating brain activity in game development would enable the creation of personalized environments based on the users’ cognitive and emotional states.
There are many studies in the literature that investigate the effect of user interface and interaction on the user experience or evaluation outcomes, such as [
45]. However, most of them rely on self-reported questionnaires which might not be sufficient to properly demonstrate comparison points. Our study’s findings can provide a basis for new research using EEG data to explore the impact of different design decisions on the user experience.