4.1. Cooling of Photovoltaic Modules by Natural Air Convection
The natural mechanisms of heat transfer between the PV module and the ambient environment are highlighted in a natural air circulation cooling. This is the conduction, convection and radiation to dissipate heat from the PV module without the intervention of an external energy source. The passive cooling of the PV module studied by a simulation of the three-dimensional fluid dynamics of the natural air circulation and heat transfer showed that by increasing the angle of inclination of the PV module at wind speed above 1 m/s, the average temperature of the PV module increases by about 4 K but its electrical efficiency decreases.
Under transient conditions, the free convection currents in the tilted and horizontal positions of the PV module are lower compared to those in their vertical position [29]. In addition, increasing the length of the PV module up to 1.3 m in a tilted position improves the heat transfer rate [
29]. However, beyond this length, the temperature of the PV module becomes high and the convective heat transfer coefficients are reduced regardless of the inclination [
29]. In the horizontal position, the convective heat transfer rate is lower, especially on the lower surface of the PV module [
29]. Radiation, free convection and forced convection heat transfer mechanisms are involved in the dissipation of thermal energy generated on PV module surfaces to the surrounding environment [
30]. The same authors developed a model that incorporates a forced convection control coefficient to track the effect of the PV module tilt angle on the forced convection heat transfer mechanism. The results obtained showed that the model is capable of estimating the temperature of the PV module with an error of 0.927 °C and a correlation of 0.997 under the environmental conditions considered [
4.2. Cooling PV Modules with Finned Heat Sinks
A heat sink is a device that absorbs and transfers heat from an object through thermal contact. Heat is dissipated by the ambient air, the drawn-in air column or the coolant. Heat sinks are devices with fins, made of a good thermal conductor such as copper and aluminum alloy. The surface of the heat sink must be smooth and flat to minimize thermal resistance with the object being cooled. The use of fin heat sinks as cooling technique promotes a natural convection heat transfer resulting in better cooling rate by reducing the temperature of PV modules [
25]. Thus, the passive cooling approach consists of attaching rectangular aluminum fins to the back surface of the tedlar layer. According to Emy Zairah Ahmad et al. [
25], there was a reduction in the temperature of the PV module with fins of 3.25 °C compared to a module without fins. As a result, the heat sinks improved electrical power by up to 14.2%. The maximum voltage of the PV module increased from 17.2 V to 20.4 V when fins are added while the fill factor increased from 0.744 to 0.826.
The temperature reduction of PV modules using air-cooled heat sinks has been studied numerically by Popovici et al. [
28]. The heat sink was designed as a ribbed wall made of a material with high thermal conductivity. Using ANSYS-fluent software for turbulent flow, the results showed that the increase in electrical power produced by a PV module with ribs is 6.97% to 7.55% for angles of 90° to 45°, respectively. The same authors [
28] also showed that the cooling of the PV module is directly proportional to the height of the ribs and inversely proportional to their angles of inclination. Hudişteanu et al. [
29] evaluated the passive cooling of PV modules through perforated and non-perforated heat sinks. The PV module was tilted at an angle of 45° to the horizontal with the wind direction to the rear. The greatest cooling effect was achieved under low wind conditions and high levels of solar radiation. For a wind speed of 1 m/s, a solar irradiance of 1000 W/m² and an ambient temperature of 35°C, the electricity production of the PV module without cooling reached 83.33%, while when the PV module was cooled, the electricity production reached 88.74%, resulting in a 6.49% increase in electricity. When the tedlar layer of a PV module was replaced with an aluminum alloy micro-fins heat sink, the temperature of the PV module was reduced by 14.65% and the improvement in electrical performance was 13% for electrical power and 13.32% for electrical efficiency [
30]. The daily average was 11.02% for electrical efficiency, 40.94% for thermal efficiency and 51.9% for overall efficiency.
4.3. Cooling of Photovoltaic Modules by Forced Air Circulation
The visible and ultraviolet light spectrum is transferred to the PV solar cells and converted into electricity. The rest of the infrared light spectrum, which represents about half of the light spectrum, heats up the PV solar cells and thus reduces their electrical efficiency. Thus, the idea behind the design of hybrid photovoltaic/thermal (PVT) solar collectors is to better exploit unwanted heat into useful heat (
Figure 6) [
9]. As a result, PVT hybrid solar collectors can achieve higher overall efficiency than PV solar modules or thermal solar collectors alone [34,35]. The various PVT hybrid collectors design technologies are reviewed in several articles [
The PVT hybrid air collector is one of the most widely used PV module cooling technologies in recent years. The forced circulation of air through an air duct cools the PV solar cells so that the air leaving the PV module can be used for domestic and industrial applications. The PVT hybrid collector can decrease, optimise and control the temperature of the PV module, improve electrical efficiency, save installation space for the consumer and increase surface shading during times of high sunlight, thus reducing the thermal load on the system [
39]. A study by Ranganathan et al. [
40] shows that the maximum temperatures of the top glass, PV solar cells, Tedlar and air at the air duct outlet are 56.06°C, 59.44°C and 45.48°C respectively.
Srimanickam et al. [
41] have shown that as the air mass flow rate increases, the efficiency of the PVT collector also increases. This means that the air mass flow rate helps to extract more thermal energy from the backside of the PV module and maintain its electrical efficiency. A comparative study of the performance of four different air-hybrid solar collector configurations under the same climatic conditions shows that the electrical efficiency increased from 9.8 to 12.9% for an air mass flow rate of 0.00847 kg/s and from 10.3 to 13.9% for an air mass flow rate of 0.0113 kg/s [
42]. Omer and Zala [
43] show experimentally that the electrical efficiency and thermal efficiency of the PVT hybrid collector increase by 20% and 44% respectively when the air flow rate is increased from 0.024 to 0.057 m
3/s. An experimental study by Kim et al. [
44] shows that the PVT hybrid collector fitted with a heat recovery ventilator has an overall efficiency of 38%. To investigate the effect of corona wind from an electro-hydrodynamics study, an experimental study by Golzari et al [
45] showed that corona wind increases the heat transfer coefficient by 65% in the natural flow regime by producing a secondary flow and vortex, and consequently increases the efficiency of the once-through air PVT collector. Another experimental study by Golzari et al. [
45] improves heat transfer by electro-hydrodynamics (corona wind effects) through a PVT hybrid once-through air collector. The results show that corona wind is effective in improving the performance of the PVT hybrid collector with an increase in the heat transfer coefficient of 65% in the natural flow regime. Active cooling of PV modules for different PVT hybrid collectors was performed by Ceylan et al. [
46]. The electrical efficiencies of PV modules with cooling were about 13% and the electrical efficiencies of PV modules without cooling were about 10%. A comparative study carried out on a conventional PV module and a PVT hybrid once-through air collector shows the effect of cooling on improving electrical and thermal efficiencies, with up to 44% compared to the PV module without active cooling [
47]. Teo et al. [
26] conducted an experimental study on active cooling of the PV module using a DC fan (
Figure 7).
According to this study, the electrical efficiency of the PV module increases with the mass flow rate up to 0.055 kg/s and remains almost constant above that [
24]. Lyes et al. [
48] analyzed the effect of mass flow rate and air channel depth on the efficiency of a PVT hybrid air collector. The results showed that the overall efficiency of the PVT-air hybrid collector increases from 60% to 75% and that the mass flow rate required to maintain the PV cells at a constant temperature decreases from 1.8 to 1.2 kg/s for an exchanger channel depth varying from 0.35 m to 0.05 m. They also found that the overall conversion efficiency of the PVT hybrid collector increases from 25% to 60% and the temperature of the PV solar cells decreases from 345 K to 335 K as the mass flow rate increases from 0.02 kg/s to 0.1 kg/s. For a flow rate of 0.0016 kg/s, an irradiation of 1000 W/m² and an ambient temperature of 20.15°C, the fluid outlet temperature reaches 55.96°C [
49]. The same authors also showed that the temperature of PV solar cells decreases and reaches 23.845 °C with increasing mass flow rate up to 0.0256 kg/s; the electrical power reaches 59.434 W at the same flow rate. A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) study of a PV module with and without cooling shows that the temperature reached by an uncooled PV module is 74.87 °C [
50] with an electrical power drop of 0.113 %. For a cooled PV module, its temperature is maintained at 45.9°C and its electrical power at 1.4W. In addition, an optimum flow velocity of 0.5 m/s is achieved to absorb the maximum amount of heat from the PV module. When the flow velocity exceeds this value, the electrical energy is no longer affected [
The effect of high solar radiation using a concentrator significantly improves the electrical efficiency of the PV module. For irradiance ranging from 1000 to 5000 W/m² with an optimized flow rate of 180 L/h, the electrical and thermal energies of the PVT hybrid concentrator increased from 197 to 983W and from 1165 to 5387W, respectively. The electrical, thermal and overall efficiency reached 10.6%, 71% and 81.6%, respectively, for an irradiation of 5000 W/m² [
51]. At an irradiation of 3000 W/m², the electrical power of a concentrating PV module increases by 190W compared with 63W at an irradiation of 1000 W/m². In addition, the electrical power and thermal energy increase by around 6.4 and 31.3W, respectively, for each 100 W/m² increase in solar irradiation [
4.4. Cooling Photovoltaic Modules Using Artificial Roughness
Optimum heat extraction from PV solar cells is achieved by adding artificial roughness or obstacles behind the PV module. Fixing obstacles in the air duct increases the heat transfer coefficient between the circulating air and the absorber of a PVT hybrid collector, thereby increasing its energy performance [
Several configurations using different shapes of obstacles in the airflow channels of PVT hybrid air collectors have been proposed in previous studies. Rectangular, triangular, inclined, perforated, curved, V-shaped and T-shaped baffles combined with fins are used as artificial roughness, generating turbulence in the air ducts for improved system cooling. The application of triangular baffles in an air-cooled PVT hybrid collector improves heat transfer in the air duct by cooling the PV solar cells [
54]. The arrangement of the triangular baffles and the height of the air gap at the back of the PV module has an effect on the electrical performance of the PVT-air hybrid collector [
55]. The electrical performance of the PVT hybrid collector improves when the horizontal spacing of the baffles is wider and the vertical spacing is narrower, while a high number of baffles decrease the electrical efficiency according to Yu et al. [
55]. According to the same authors, the length of the baffles should be less than 150 mm and the slope of the baffles should be greater than 30° to obtain better air mixing in the duct. In addition, a collector slope of -30° moves the vortices towards the center of the channels, unlike a slope of +30°, which improves the heat transfer rate [
55]. The use of perforated baffles in an air-cooled PVT hybrid collector shows that the total exergy efficiency of the air-cooled PVT hybrid collector with perforated baffles ranges from 24.8% to 30.5% when the total energy efficiency ranges from 44.1% to 63.3% [
56]. With curved baffles, thermal and electrical efficiencies vary from 37.1% to 6.4%. The annual heat gain is 644 kWh and the annual electrical power generated is 118 kWh [
57]. When triangular-shaped obstacles are used in the air duct of a PVT hybrid collector, the daily average thermal, electrical, overall and exergy efficiencies are 24.73%, 15.59%, 62.83% and 15.57%, respectively, while these efficiencies for an unobstructed air PVT hybrid collector are 17.08%, 15.30%, 54.47% and 15.13% respectively [
58]. The annual energy and exergy yield of the PVT hybrid collector with triangular obstacles are 12.84% and 1.98%. These values are higher than those of the air-cooled PVT hybrid collectors without obstacles. Triangular and perforated obstacles can therefore effectively improve the electrical performance of the air-cooled PVT hybrid collector (see
Figure 8).
With the application of the circular ribs (
Figure 9.a) in the air duct of a PVT hybrid collector, the temperature of the PV solar cells dropped by 10°C compared to the PVT hybrid collector without ribs at an inlet air velocity between 1 and 3.5 m/s. The presence of the ribs induces large recirculation zones so that the air cooled near the bottom of the channel is partially re-injected upwards to extract heat from the PV cells. Similarly, the electrical efficiency of PV solar cells depends on their temperature and increases with increasing incoming air velocity. The rib configuration, where the ratio of the distance between the circular ribs to their diameter is 8, offers better performance [
59]. According to Popovici et al. [
31], the increase in maximum power produced by the PV module with ribs is 6.97% to 7.55% for rib angles of 90° to 45°, respectively compared to the PV module without ribs. Finally, according to Saadi et al. [
60], increasing the number of triangular ribs (
Figure 9.b) decreases the PV solar cell temperature and increases the PVT hybrid collector outlet air temperature. The inter-rib spacing provides the turbulent air flows that promote heat transfer by forced convection within the airflow channel and can be optimized for all values of inlet air velocity [
Integrating the fins into the air flow channel increases the heat transfer area between the air and the duct. A significant improvement in the cooling of PV solar cells and a high temperature at the outlet are obtained [
61]. Numerical and experimental studies of the electrical performance of PVT hybrid air collectors have therefore been carried out in recent years. The use of a finned PVT hybrid collector has the potential to significantly increase electricity production and reduce the cost of electricity [
A numerical study of a PVT air collector with fins on the inner side of the absorber plate showed that the fin structure in contact with the rear side of the PV module improves the heat transfer between the PV cell layer and the heat transfer fluid [
63]. A steady-state thermal analysis of the finned and finless air PVT hybrid collector using the matrix inversion method showed that the finned air PVT hybrid collector has higher electrical and thermal efficiency than the finless air PVT hybrid collector. Output temperature, thermal efficiency and electrical efficiency are 41.39°C, 43% and 14% respectively for the finned air PVT hybrid collector [
64]. An energy and exergy analysis of a PVT air hybrid collector with and without fins using a theoretical approach for different solar radiation (from 600 W/m² to 800 W/m²) and mass flow rates (from 0.01 to 0.05 kg/s) showed that the fluid temperature and overall efficiency of the PVT air hybrid collector with fins are 39.93°C and 55% respectively. The increase in energy efficiency of the PVT hybrid finned air collector is 7% and the exergy efficiency is 1% [
An air-cooled PVT hybrid solar collector with a double-pass configuration and with vertical fins in the channel, perpendicular to the airflow direction was studied by Kumar and Rosen [
66]. The addition of extended fins significantly reduced the temperature of the PV modules from 82°C to 66°C. With the addition of the rectangular fins, the maximum thermal efficiency and electrical efficiency obtained were 56.19% and 13.75% respectively for four fins at a mass flow rate of 0.14 kg/s and solar irradiance of 700 W/m². Operating costs are reduced because the aluminium fins and metal foil fins are small compared with the width/length and depth/length ratios of the PVT hybrid collector [
67]. Tonui and Tripanagnostopoulos [
14] presented the use of a thin flat metal sheet suspended in the middle of the air duct or fins on the back wall of an air duct to increase heat transfer in an air-source PVT hybrid solar collector. Under natural air flow, the temperature reached around 12°C in the early afternoon on sunny days and led to sufficient air flow for adequate air ventilation. For forced convection with a flow rate of 60 m
3/h and a duct depth of 15 cm, the use of fins gave an overall efficiency of 30%, followed by thin sheet with 28%. The reference PVT hybrid collector with an overall efficiency of 25% for the models studied and the suggested modifications gave better electrical performance due to the cooling of the PV module. The parametric analysis shows that the mass flow rate, and therefore the thermal efficiency, decreases with increasing ambient temperature and increases with increasing tilt angle for a given level of insolation. It is also shown that there is an optimum airflow channel depth at which the mass flow rate is at its maximum and is between 0.05 and 0.1 m for the different configurations [
14]. According to [
68], optimum operating conditions are achieved for a PVT hybrid collector with a length of 1.5 m, a channel height of 1 cm and an air velocity of 2.3 m/s. For the optimal design, the overall efficiency and output temperature values are evaluated at 53.4% and 310.9 K respectively. Parametric analysis has shown that the addition of fins improves the overall efficiency of the PVT hybrid collector by up to 19%. However, the addition of fins does not significantly affect the outlet air temperature nor does it improve the overall efficiency of the PVT hybrid collector above a critical channel height. Tabet et al. [
69] have shown that the electrical efficiency of the PVT hybrid air collector increases as the number of fins increases. Al-Damook et al. [
70] showed in their study that the use of offset fins has a significant impact on the electrical and thermal efficiencies of the PVT hybrid collector. The maximum combined efficiency for the PVT hybrid collector with offset fins is 84.7%, whereas the PVT hybrid collector without fins is 51.2%. Gholampour and Ameri [
71] have shown that the energy and exergy efficiency of the PVT hybrid collector increases with increasing fin number and height. The same authors suggested that optimal operation of the PVT hybrid collector requires a mass flow rate of 0.074501 kg/s and a number of fins of 7.915937. Finally, when the collector is operated at a high mass flow rate, the temperature of the PV solar cells is reduced and the electrical efficiency of the PV module is increased [
Figure 10 illustrates the different fin configurations in an air duct.
Jet impingement cooling (
Figure 11) is used to improve the energy performance of solar energy technologies such as PV panels, PVT hybrid collectors and concentrating PV panels [
72]. The high heat transfer coefficient is achieved between the absorber plate and the air using impact jets. Geometric characteristics such as jet diameter, jet spacing and jet height influence the electrical performance of the PV module. Non-concentrating and concentrating PVT hybrid collectors (CPVT) cooled by impact jets produce more thermal and electrical energy [
73]. A predictive model of a PVT hybrid collector using impact jets has been developed and predicts a total daily energy of 10% and 11% of the experimental value for thermal and electrical energy, respectively [
Figure 12 below shows the effect of PV module temperature on the electrical efficiency of the PVT hybrid collector with and without fins for a range of Reynolds numbers (400-2200). The temperature is inversely proportional to the Reynolds number; this is because the convective heat transfer coefficient is directly proportional to the Reynolds number.
4.6. Cooling of Photovoltaic Modules by Coupling Fins or/and Baffles with Phase-Changing Material
The coupling of the fins or obstacles with the PCM regulates the temperature of the PV modules by improving their electrical performance. The use of PCM coupled to fins has led to a good distribution of module temperature compared to the use of single PCM, significantly improved cooling of the PV module and leads to high outlet air temperatures [
Coupling the fins to the PCM accelerates the fusion of the PCM by 3.5 min at a depth of 2 cm and 14 min at a depth of 3 cm compared with using the PCM alone [
94]. The temperature of the PV module decreased by 18.3% when using only PCM and 27.8% when the PCM is coupled to the fins compared to the PV module without PCM. In addition, to control the temperature of the PV/PCM module with fins, the best distance between successive fins is 25 cm, the best fin thickness is 2 mm and the best fin length is where it touches the bottom of the air duct [
78]. Ma et al. [
95] have shown that an increase of 100 W/m² in solar radiation can cause a temperature increase of about 5°C in the PV module and that optimal performance can be achieved when the melting temperature of the PCM is slightly higher than 5°C, at room temperature. The PV module using a PCM coupled to the fins is shown in
Figure 16.
An experimental analysis of the energy and exergetic efficiencies of five different absorber configurations in the air flow channel of a PVT hybrid collector is conducted by Srimanickam and Sarayan [
53]. The absorber configurations were; reference air channel, single fin channel, multiple fin channel, T-baffle-coupled fins and V-baffle-coupled fins (
Figure 17). The results showed that the coupling of the fins to the V-shaped baffles has higher electrical and thermal performances compared to other configurations due to its physical geometry being rich in artificial roughness. The coupling of fins and baffles ensures a good turbulent air flow in the duct, which increases the electrical performance of the PVT hybrid collector [
4.8. Cooling by Different Configurations of the Conduits and Absorbers
The use of extended surfaces in the airflow channels of PVT hybrid air collectors is a cooling technique that increases the heat transfer area between the absorber surface and the air flowing through the duct. In the literature, extended heat transfer areas include the dimensions of the absorber and flow channels, the insertion of double or multiple air channels, the integration of porous media with the air channels and the development of absorber plates. Design parameters such as absorber thickness and fluid flow channel diameter influence the energy performance of PVT hybrid collectors. Farshchimonfared et al. [
122] showed that the optimal depth of the air flow channel increases as the length-width ratio (L/W) and the surface area of the hybrid PVT air collector increase. In addition, the optimum depth for a hybrid PVT collector with specified areas and values of the L/W ratio considered varies between 0.09 and 0.026 m.
The direction of air flow has an effect on the electrical and thermal efficiency of single-pass and double-pass hybrid PVT air collectors with rectangular fin absorbers. The use of a dual-pass hybrid PVT air collector increases its performance compared to single-pass hybrid PVT (see
Figure 23). With an air mass flow rate of 0.048 kg/s, the thermal efficiency reaches 73.23% and the electrical efficiency 10.16% [
123]. A comparative study of a solar PV module, a standard hybrid PVT air solar collector, an air-based PVT glazed hybrid collector and a double-pass air glazed hybrid PVT collector showed that the overall efficiency of the double-pass air glazed hybrid PVT collector is 74% higher than other solar systems with an air flow rate of 0.023 kg/s. By integrating an indirect solar dryer system into the PVT hybrid collector, the electrical, thermal and overall efficiencies were 10.5%, 70% and 90% respectively for a flow rate of 0.0155 kg/s [
Absorbers of different shapes increase the airflow path in a PVT hybrid collector; this improves its energy performance. An examination by Wu et al. [
125] shows that there are seven different types of thermal absorbers and four corresponding integration methods for various PVT hybrid collectors. Absorbers such as heating micro-channel heat pipe network, extruded heat exchanger, roll-bond heat exchanger and cotton wick structure are promising compared with traditional thermal absorbers, such as sheet and tube structure, the rectangular tunnel with or without fins/grooves and flat tube due to significant improvement in efficiency, structure, weight and cost, etc. The vinyl acetate-based integration method is the best option for integrating PV module with thermal absorber compared to other conventional methods such as direct contact, thermal adhesive and mechanical fixation. According to Jin et al. [
126], the single-pass hybrid PVT collector with a rectangular tunnel absorber provides better electrical and thermal efficiency than the hybrid PVT collector without a rectangular tunnel absorber. The electrical, thermal and combined efficiencies obtained are respectively 10.02%, 54.70% and 64.72% for a solar irradiance of 817.4 W/m², a mass flow rate of 0.0287 kg/s and an ambient temperature of 25 °C [
Othman et al. [
93] have shown experimentally that at a mass flow rate of 0.11 kg/s, the thermal efficiency of the single-pass PVT hybrid collector with v-groove is 71% and that of stainless-steel wool is 86%. The electrical efficiency of the systems is 7.04% and 6.88%, respectively. With a v-groove absorber, the output temperature, thermal efficiency and electrical efficiency are 75.96°C, 80.10% and 24% respectively [
127]. A theoretical and experimental study of a V-groove absorber shows that the electrical, thermal and overall efficiencies are in the range 10.39% to 10.26%, 41.78% to 41.57% and 52.17% to 51.81% respectively [
128]. An energy analysis of a V-groove hybrid PVT collector at steady state shows that the average energy efficiency is 65.52% and 66.73% for theoretical and experimental studies, respectively [
65]. Yu et al. [
129] analyzed the heat transfer in parallel cooling channels with periodically expanded grooves. The presence of periodically expanded grooves causes vortex in the grooves and pressure losses in parallel cooling channels. The average temperature of the PV module with periodically expanded grooves is about 4 K lower than that of a smooth channel. A theoretical and experimental study of a V-wave absorber in an air-powered hybrid PVT collector provides exergetic efficiencies of 13.36% and 12.89%, respectively [
130]. An iterative simulation applied to different absorbers, namely the V-grooves and curved grooves, indicates a decrease in the temperature of the PV module and the air outlet temperature. The energy efficiency of the PVT hybrid collector with curved grooves in the absorber is improved when the absorber form factor is between 1.3 and 2 [
Figure 24 shows the cross-sectional view of a PVT hybrid collector with a V-groove heat exchanger.
Modification of the structure of the standard PVT flat-air hybrid collector by removing the top glass layer or adding a gap with an upper glass layer or creating a double pass channel (see
Figure 25) for cooling PV solar cells, effectively improves the overall performance of the PVT hybrid collector. According to El-Hamid et al. [
132], the average daily overall energy and exergetic efficiencies are 85.06% and 13.92% for the single-glazed and double-pass hybrid PVT collector respectively and 82.12% and 12.95% for the double-glazed PVT hybrid collector [
132]. In addition, the single-pass double glazing configuration with air blade has the lowest thermal and electrical efficiencies. Omer and Zala [
43] have experimentally shown that the overall daily efficiency of a glass-coated hybrid PVT collector is 90.48% while that of the non-glass-coated PVT collector is 62.16%.
An experimental study of two air duct configurations, one double-pass and the other single-pass, using a hybrid PVT air collector shows that the average electrical efficiency increases from 14.23% to 14.81% with an increase in the mass flow of air. In addition, the average overall efficiency increased from 49.44% to 71.54% [
133]. To determine the optimal configuration, Dadioti [
134] studied the parameters that influence the optimal performance of hybrid PVT solar collectors. The simulation results show that single-cover, glazed PVT hybrid air solar collectors have proven to be the optimal configuration for residential applications where power generation is a priority [
Figure 26 illustrates the different techniques for improving energy performance of hybrid PVT air solar collectors and the factors that affect them.