This work is addressed to the analysis of the reliability of the CVC hypothesis or the CVC effect in the neutron lifetime. The effective low-energy Lagrangian of
weak interactions takes the standard form [
are the Fermi weak constant and the Cabibbo-KobayashiMaskawa (CKM) matrix element [
2], respectively,
is the hadronic
are the operators of the electron and electron neutrino (antineutrino) fields. The amplitude of the neutron
is equal to (for more details see
Appendix A)
are the wave functions of the free proton and neutron with 3-momenta
and polarizations
, respectively. Then,
are the Dirac wave functions of the free electron and electron antineutrino with
and polarizations
11], respectively. In the Standard Model (SM) the matrix element of the hadronic current we take in the following form
which is similar to that used by Nowakowski et al. [
12] and Leitner et al. [
13], where
are the Dirac wave functions of the free proton and neutron. Then,
, where
is a
momentum transferred, is the phenomenological term responsible for the CVC in the neutron
-decay. The term
, where
are the neutron and proton masses, defines the contribution of the weak magnetism, where
is the isovector anomalous magnetic moment of the nucleon, defined by the anomalous magnetic moments of the proton
and the neutron
and measured in nuclear magneton [
2]. The contribution of the axial current is given by the last term in Eq.(3), where
is the axial coupling constant [
4] (see also [
11]) and
is the charged pion mass [
2]. In the limit
(or in the chiral limit) the axial current is also conserved [
15]. Skipping standard calculations [
1] we arrive at the rate of the neutron
-decay given by
is the theoretical value of the neutron lifetime, calculated in [
1] for
. It agrees perfectly well with the world averaged value
2] and recent experimental one
3]. Then, the phase space factor
of the neutron, calculated order
caused by the contributions of the weak magnetism and proton recoil and the radiative corrections, respectively, is equal to
. The phase space factor of the neutron
, caused by the CVC effect, is given by the expression
is the end-point energy of the electron energy spectrum of the neutron
-decay [
is an absolute value of the electron 3 -momentum,
is the relativistic Fermi function describing the proton-electron Coulomb final-state interaction [
1]. Then,
is an element of the solid angle of the electron-antineutrino momentum correlations. Since we analyse the main contribution of the CVC effect, the integrand of the phase space factor
is calculated to leading order in the large nucleon mass expansion. Because of the numerical value
the contribution of the CVC effect to the rate of the neutron
-decay is equal to
. This corresponds to the relative correction to the neutron lifetime
that gives
. Unfortunately, such a huge increase of the lifetime by the CVC effect cannot be accepted for the neutron and should be substantially suppressed for the correct agreement with recent experimental data
3] and world averaged value
2]. In this connection it is important to emphasize that in the SM there are no contributions, which are able to diminish such a huge increase of the neutron lifetime, induced by the phenomenological term
responsible for the CVC in the neutron
-decay [
18]. Indeed, the contribution of the pseudoscalar term for a physical mass of the charged pion
decreases the neutron lifetime at the level of
. However, in the chiral limit
the contribution of the charged pion may only aggravate the problem. Hence, in order to reduce a huge contribution of the CVC effect at the level of
to the level of
one has to turn to interactions beyond the SM.