Doubly even self-orthogonal codes constitute a well-explored class of error-correcting codes that find significant applications, particularly in the construction of quantum error-correcting codes [
1]. In this paper, our focus centers on self-orthogonal doubly even binary codes with dimension 9. Extensive research in the literature has already examined the algebraic and combinatorial properties of self-orthogonal doubly even binary codes, including the study of their automorphism groups, with a specific interest in codes possessing large automorphism groups [
5]. In our investigation, we identify three-weight, self-orthogonal doubly even binary codes with a dimension of 9. We introduce the concept of linear codes to provide a theoretical foundation for our analysis. If C represents a k-dimensional subspace of
, where
denotes the Galois field with 2 elements, then
C is referred to as an
binary linear code. Let
denote the number of codewords with Hamming weight
i in a code
C of length
n. The weight enumerator of
C is defined by
A code
C is said to be a
weight code [
10] if the number of nonzero
in the sequence
is equal to 3. Overall, three-weight linear binary codes play a crucial role in various applications where error detection and correction, data security, network optimization, and data storage are paramount. Two common ways to represent a linear code are through a generator matrix or a parity check matrix. A generator matrix denoted
G, for an
C is a
matrix whose rows form a basis for
C. On the other hand, a parity check matrix denoted
H, for the
C is an
matrix defned by [
The rows of
H are independent and can also serve as the rows of a generator matrix for the dual or orthogonal code, denoted
. It is worth noting that
is an
code. Alternatively, the dual code
can be defned through inner products as
Recall that the ordinary inner product of vectors
To delve into the automorphism properties of codes, we introduce the concept of the automorphism group, denoted
. The permutations of coordinate places that preserve C form the automorphism group of
C. In particular, the automorphism group of
C, represented by an
P, belongs to
if and only if
for some nonsingular
K. It is important to note that the group
is isomorphic to the group
7]. To explore the automorphism properties in our study, we focus on the group
with an order of 20160, which serves as a large automorphism group for a family of three doubly even,
weight, and auto-orthogonal linear codes of dimension 9. By utilizing the group action notion of
on specifc vectors from the vector space
, we investigate the structural characteristics and properties of the codes under examination. Our analysis demonstrates that codes within this family, sharing the same Minimum Distance
. If
G and H are generator and parity check matrices, respectively, for
C, then H and
G are generator and parity check matrices, respectively, for
6]. We call a code
C self-orthogonal if
C is called self-dual if
. We say that a binary vector is doubly-even if its weight is divisible by 4. A binary vector is singly-even if its weight is even but not divisible by 4. In general, we have the following definition [
We also recall that the group
is isomorphic to the group
The general linear group
is the group of
invertible matrices with entries in the fnite feld
denotes the set of
matrices with entries in
, and
is the determinant of matrix
A. The special linear group
is a subgroup of the general linear group
. It consists of all
matrices with determinant equal to 1 in the fnite feld
. The Projective Special Linear Group
is defned in [
9] as the set of left cosets.
In the next section, we present three self-orthogonal doubly even binary codes of dimension 9 all are three-weight codes.