2.1. Green Entrepreneur Orientation
In recent years, the worsening of ecological problems and the environmental disasters caused by these problems have led businesses to the field of environmental sustainability. In this direction, problems such as global warming, acidification of sea water, biodiversity problems, pollution, deforestation and adverse weather conditions have become important for all businesses. Therefore, increasing awareness on this issue has increased the importance of green practices for businesses [
6]. With the attention to environmental issues, higher environmental requirements for businesses, markets and products have emerged and the literature has gradually focused on green entrepreneurial orientation [
3]. Although there is no universally accepted definition of the term entrepreneurial orientation (EO), it is a multidisciplinary concept. Many terminologies and researchers often use the terms "
venture, intrapreneur and corporate entrepreneur" to refer to EO [
7]. EO is expressed as a precise decision-making process and a disposition that favours entrepreneurial activities. It covers the processes followed by an enterprise and EO firm behaviours are expressed as autonomy, innovation, risk-taking, proactiveness and competitive aggressiveness [
Green entrepreneurial orientation (GEO) is a trend that encourages the creation of regulations for the protection of the environment as a result of environmental destruction caused by the rapidly increasing industrialisation in the 1960s [
1]. Green entrepreneurship represents the sum total of activities aimed at solving environmental challenges and problems in the process of producing exactly the products and services needed by the market for sustainable development [
8]. GEO refers to the tendency of green entrepreneurs to adopt environmental sustainability [
9]. In the context of green entrepreneurship, GEO is a concept that aims to improve production processes and environmentally friendly products necessary for businesses to solve economic, social and environmental problems [
10]. GEO is also defined as the proactive ability to perceive and change opportunities for environmental constraints [
11]. GEO is the tendency of a business to pursue and evaluate potential opportunities that generate both economic and ecological benefits by offering environmentally friendly products and services [
12]. As a proactive strategic orientation, GEO represents the process of considering risks and benefits by comprehensively evaluating the enterprise's environmentally friendly business opportunities [
Although green entrepreneurial orientation is defined to pursue sustainability [
14], it has been associated with various terms with different meanings [
5], such as environmental entrepreneurship sustainable entrepreneurship, ecopreneurship [
15]. Although researchers in the past [
14] have addressed GEO in various ways, the main focus of all authors is to proactively pursue business activities through environmentally friendly methods and attract consumers by claiming to be environmentally friendly [
4]. There are also various conceptualisations of the green entrepreneur concept as an orientation including eco-entrepreneur and sustainable entrepreneurship. The purpose behind these expressions is to enable businesses to generate income while reducing their harmful effects on the environment in their commercial activities [
GEO enhances environmental sustainability and social welfare through various mechanisms. Thus, GEO aims firstly, to realise economic value and reduce market failures by reducing environmental degradation and increasing market efficiency; secondly, to reduce toxic substances and harmful emissions so that the health and safety of business employees is not harmed [
17] and thirdly, to change the structure to respond to the rapidly changing environment. In addition, GEO also contributes to financial benefits [
18]. While GEO expresses the tendency of enterprises to continue economic activities, it aims to be both environmentally friendly and to add value to society. GEO consists of behaviours that are "determined to take risks, innovative, competitive and autonomous" [
19]. Therefore, GEO consists of three dimensions as "green innovation, risk-taking and proactiveness" [
14]. The entrepreneur's risk-taking behaviour indicates projects that are likely to fail and his/her willingness to implement them. In addition, proactiveness encourages the entrepreneur to act quickly. Innovativeness, on the other hand, is the business's creative processes, actions and practices, its preference for developing and implementing a new mechanism through research and development to bring a new product to market [
20]. A business that follows the three aspects of GEO will be in a position to respond better to the external environment [
GEO represents a strategic approach for businesses characterised by "innovation and proactivity" to design and deliver green solutions using available new practices and resources. Such enterprises lay the groundwork for competitiveness and sustainable performance [
19]. Moreover, it enables businesses to identify their capabilities, seek opportunities and renew their activities in an environmentally friendly way [
4]. Although GEO is expressed as the tendency of businesses to actively implement green products, services, technologies and practices [
21], it is also expressed as an environmental approach that seeks environmentally friendly opportunities to reduce pollution and improve the sustainable environment [
22]. GEO is the tendency of a business to focus on opportunities and generate financial and environmental benefits through the use of green activities [
The development of GEO businesses has been expressed as a successful method of identifying technological opportunities that can meet consumer needs in an environmentally friendly way [
4] and making profits while protecting the environment [
23]. In addition, today, it is also considered as a good marketing strategy to attract consumers. As a result, GEO ensures both sustainability and profitability by enabling businesses to achieve environmental goals [
16]. Therefore, it helps businesses to increase process efficiency, minimise waste and reduce costs by exploring new ideas [
2.2. Sustainable Firm Performance
Today, firm performance has become a strategically important concept and is frequently emphasised in management research. Although it is a very common concept in the literature, there is no consensus on its definition and measurement [
24]. Despite many developmental criticisms over the years, performance remains a difficult concept to understand [
25]. According to [
25], performance is defined as the value created by an organisation using its productivity. They also stated that factors such as maximising profits, providing high returns in the long term, and realising the economic goals of the firm reveal firm performance. [
26], emphasised that firm performance is an important standard for evaluating the profitability, asset operation level and solvency of firms and directly reflects the ability of these firms to develop further. [
1], stated that firm performance is the ability to achieve maximum output through available resources to achieve the organisation's goals and objectives. [
24], argued that a well-performing firm can bring high and long-term profits and also create employment opportunities and increase the income of individuals.
Although there is no clear definition of firm performance due to the versatility of business activities, it is seen that it is handled with different variables in each study in the literature. Firm performance is evaluated with financial measurement criteria such as return on investment (ROI), market share, profit margin of sales, ROI growth rate, increase in sales, growth in market share and competitive position [
27]. However, firm performance also represents the responsibilities of an organisation towards its stakeholders. In this respect, measuring firm performance on the basis of financial indicators covers a narrow perspective. From a broader perspective, performance indicators that play a role in the realisation of long-term goals of enterprises are sustainable firm performance [
28]. Sustainable firm performance (SFP) refers to the environmental, social and financial performance indicators of the enterprise. While social performance defines the social improvements that occur due to the responsibility of the business towards its stakeholders [
29], environmental performance refers to the improvement for the environment in terms of improving environmental degradation by reducing emissions and pollution [
30]. In addition, in the existing literature, sustainable firm performance is also considered as corporate green performance, which focuses mainly on environmental efficiency [
31]. Considering the existing literature, it is seen that sustainable firm performance, in which businesses take into account especially environmental factors and stakeholders' expectations, is analysed in more than one dimension. In this study, SFP was evaluated in 6 dimensions as financial, environmental, social, sustainable, entrepreneurial and green innovation performance to cover all dimensions.
In addition, the study is based on examining the relationship between GEO and SFP. Therefore, when the literature on the subject is examined, it is seen that GEO affects business performance in various ways and significantly [
4]. [
21], emphasised the impact of EEO on business performance and pointed out that it can help firms to develop. [
22], emphasised that GEO strengthens firm performance. [
20] and [
1] argued that GEO has a positive impact on firm performance. From this point of view, the hypothesis H
1 was proposed considering that the relationship between green entrepreneurial orientation and sustainable firm performance is positive and significant.
H1: The relationship between GEO and SFP is significant and positive.
32], revealed that GEO can improve the financial performance of the firm in a good way. Similarly, [
20], argued that green entrepreneurial orientation significantly affects financial performance in terms of firm profitability, growth and competitive advantage and that GEO is an important predictor of financial performance. [
14] and [
1] stated that GEO leads to improved financial performance. [
5], argued that there is a significant positive relationship between GEO and financial performance. Likewise, [
33], stated that GEO positively affects financial performance. In the light of the findings in the literature, H
2 was developed.
H2: The relationship between GEO and financial performance is significant and positive.
33], concluded that GEO positively affects environmental performance in terms of enabling the reduction of hazardous emissions and environmental pollution. Similarly, [
5] argued that there are significant relationships between EEO and environmental performance. [
22], revealed that GEO aims to ensure the production or supply of environmentally friendly products to improve environmental performance against environmental degradation, reduce hazardous waste and CO
2 emissions, improve green workplace environment, improve job satisfaction and green, and thus there are positive and positive relationships between GEO and environmental performance. [
19], stated that GEO enables firms to seize green and sustainable opportunities and promotes environmental performance. Therefore, based on the findings of the relevant study, the hypothesis H
3 was developed.
H3: The relationship between GEO and environmental performance is significant and positive.
14], revealed that firms adopting green entrepreneurial orientation have positive effects on social performance. [
5], stated that there are significant positive relationships between green entrepreneurship and social performance. Similarly, [
34] revealed that green entrepreneurial orientation activities have a positive impact on the sustainable social performance of firms. Based on the literature, the hypothesis H
4 was put forward.
H4: The relationship between GEO and social performance is significant and positive.
4], explained that GEO leads to sustainability in enterprises and improves the financial health of the enterprise and stated that there are significant relationships between GEO and the sustainable performance of the firm. According to [
2], green entrepreneurial orientation helps to increase sustainable business performance. [
5], argued that the relationship between GEO and sustainable performance indicates a significant and positive relationship. [
35], argued that green entrepreneurial orientation has positive effects on sustainable performance by stating that sustainable performance helps to manage the image of the business and also increases the satisfaction of employees, suppliers and customers. Similarly, [
36] and [
33], revealed that green entrepreneurial orientation affects the sustainable performance of the firm. Based on this, the hypothesis H
5 was developed.
H5: The relationship between GEO and sustainable performance is significant and positive.
16], argued that the adoption of green entrepreneurial orientation is necessary and beneficial for entrepreneurial firms and argued that GEO positively affects entrepreneurial firm performance. [
21], explained that GEO will ensure long-term sustainable development by reducing entrepreneurial risks and improve entrepreneurial firm performance by enabling competitive advantage. Based on the findings, Hypothesis H
6 was put forward.
H6: The relationship between GEO and entrepreneurial performance is significant and positive.
16], revealed that GEO has a positive impact on green innovation performance. [
21], reported that green entrepreneurial orientation helps green innovation, encourages employees to new initiatives, focus their energy on green processes and green product innovation activities, which will increase their competitiveness, green product innovation will give businesses a brand image, and thus GEO will positively affect green innovation performance. [
22], argued that GEO supports green innovation performance, prevents the negative effects of business activities on the company, improves the eco-system and increases organisational performance, and argues that more attention should be paid to green innovation. [
34] and [
14] proved that green entrepreneurial orientation has a positive impact on green innovation performance. Therefore, the current study has developed the hypothesis H
H7: The relationship between GEO and green innovation performance is significant and positive.
Based on the related literature, it has been observed that there are positive and positive relationships between GEO and SFP and their sub-dimensions and each study has addressed this issue separately. Therefore, this study aims to examine the relationship between green entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance by Meta-analysis method and to reach a single conclusion. The conceptual model of the research, which is based on the literature, is expressed below (
Figure 1).