@article{202407.1286, doi = {10.20944/preprints202407.1286.v1}, url = {https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202407.1286.v1}, year = 2024, month = {July}, publisher = {Preprints}, author = {Leticia Gómez-Sánchez and David Gonzalez-Falcon and Rocio Llamas-Ramos and María Cortes-Rodriguez and Emiliano Rodríguez-Sánchez and Luis García-Ortiz and Ines Llamas-Ramos and Marta Gómez-Sánchez and Manuel A. Gómez-Marcos}, title = {Relationship of healthy vascular aging with the Mediterranean diet and other lifestyles in the Spanish population. EVA Study.}, journal = {Preprints} }