@article{202311.1199, doi = {10.20944/preprints202311.1199.v1}, url = {https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202311.1199.v1}, year = 2023, month = {November}, publisher = {Preprints}, author = {Kyung-Hyun Cho and Hyo-Seon Nam and Na-Young Kim and Myeong-Sung Lee and Dae-Jin Kang}, title = {Combination Therapy of Cuban Policosanol (Raydel®, 20 mg) and Intensive Exercise for 12 Weeks Resulted in Improvements in Obesity, Hypertension, and Dyslipidemia Without a Decrease in Serum Coenzyme Q10: Enhancement of Lipoproteins Quality and Antioxidant}, journal = {Preprints} }