@article{202405.2019, doi = {10.20944/preprints202405.2019.v1}, url = {https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202405.2019.v1}, year = 2024, month = {May}, publisher = {Preprints}, author = {Marwa Chouikhi and Imen Tlili and Imen Henane and Sándor Takács and Hussein Daood and Zoltàn Pék and Lajos Helyes and Anna Montefusco and Monica De Caroli and Gian Pietro Di Sansebastiano and Muhammad Azam and Mohammed Wasim Siddiqui and Riadh Ilahy and Thouraya R’him and Marcello Salvatore Lenucci}, title = {Agronomic and Functional Quality Traits in Various Underutilized Hot Pepper Landraces}, journal = {Preprints} }