(1) Background: This paper examines the organizational readiness of Polish energy enterprises in the face of these challenges, exploring factors [1-2] that influence their ability to undertake exploratory innovation and meet the demands of the energy-climate nexus. The study aims to investigate the organizational readiness of Polish energy enterprises, focusing on their capacity to explore and adopt innovative solutions in response to the dual pressures of advancing energy technologies and addressing climate imperatives [3-4]; (2) Methods: briefly describe the main methods or treatments applied; (3) Results: The model illustrates the impact of each interaction among the three types of affordances, presenting a corresponding set of results specific to digital affordances and entrepreneurial dynamics.; (4) Conclusions: Furthermore, it offers policy recommendations to support the sector’s adaptive capacity and proposes frameworks for energy firms to enhance their exploration capabilities in response to both market and regulatory imperatives [5]. The research objective is to assess the current state of organizational readiness among Polish energy enterprises for implementing and scaling new technologies that contribute to both enhanced energy efficiency and resilience to climate change [6-7].