A Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) film with a thickness of approximately 1.5 μm was fabricated on a Mo-coated glass substrate by annealing a CZTS precursor fabricated from nanoparticle ink. The chemical states of the elements in the CZTS thin film in the depth direction were studied to identify the presence of secondary phases, which are detrimental to the performance of solar cells containing CZTS. X-ray diffraction was unable to detect any secondary phases in CZTS because of their small relative amount. Instead, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), which is highly sensitive to chemical state, was conducted at different depths in the CZTS film to further check the presence of secondary phases. XPS analysis revealed peaks shift consistent with the presence of secondary phases. For the CZTS film annealed in a S atmosphere at 575 °C for 3 h, the film surface consisted of a secondary-phase layer composed of CuS, ZnS, and SnSx (x=1 or 2) originating from the decomposition of CZTS. At depths below 80 nm, the film was pure CZTS. Formation of MoS2 at the CZTS–Mo interface was confirmed by XPS analysis of Mo and S.