Intuitionistic fuzzy set, which can be represented using the triangular intuitionistic fuzzy number (TIFN), is a more generalized platform for expressing imprecise, incomplete and inconsistent information when solving multi-criteria decision-making problems, as well as for reflecting the evaluation information exactly in different dimensions. In this paper, the TIFN has been applied for solving some multi-criteria decision-making problems by developing a new triangular intuitionistic fuzzy geometric aggregation operator, that is the generalized triangular intuitionistic fuzzy ordered weighted geometric averaging (GTIFOWGA) operator, and defining some triangular intuitionistic fuzzy geometric aggregation operators including the triangular intuitionistic fuzzy weighted geometric averaging (TIFWGA) operator, the ordered weighted geometric averaging (TIFOWGA) operator and the hybrid geometric averaging (TIFHWGA) operator. Based on these operators, a new approach for solving multicriteria decision-making problems when the weight information is fixed has been proposed. Finally, the proposed method has been compared with some similar existing computational approaches by virtue of a numerical example to verify its feasibility and rationality.