Preprint Review Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

EGFET Based Sensors for Bioanalytical Applications: A Review

Version 1 : Received: 11 October 2018 / Approved: 12 October 2018 / Online: 12 October 2018 (04:38:42 CEST)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Pullano, S.A.; Critello, C.D.; Mahbub, I.; Tasneem, N.T.; Shamsir, S.; Islam, S.K.; Greco, M.; Fiorillo, A.S. EGFET-Based Sensors for Bioanalytical Applications: A Review. Sensors 2018, 18, 4042. Pullano, S.A.; Critello, C.D.; Mahbub, I.; Tasneem, N.T.; Shamsir, S.; Islam, S.K.; Greco, M.; Fiorillo, A.S. EGFET-Based Sensors for Bioanalytical Applications: A Review. Sensors 2018, 18, 4042.


Since 1970s, a great deal of attention has been paid to the development of semiconductor–based biosensors because of the numerous advantages they offer, including high sensitivity, faster response time, miniaturization, and low–cost manufacturing for quick biospecific analysis with reusable features. Commercial biosensors have become highly desirable in the fields of medicine, food, environmental monitoring as well as military applications (e.g., Hoffmann–La Roche, Abbott Point of Care, Orion High technologies, etc.), whereas increasing concerns on the food safety and health issues have resulted in the introduction of novel legislative standards for these sensors. Numerous devices have been developed for monitoring of biological–processes such as nucleic–acid hybridization, protein–protein interaction, antigen–antibody bonds and substrate–enzyme reactions, just to name a few. Since 1980s scientific interest moved to the development of semiconductor–based devices which also include integrated front–end electronics, such as the extended–gate–field–effect–transistor biosensor which is one of the first miniaturized chemical sensors. This work is intended to be a review of the state of the art focused on the development of biosensors based extended–gate–field–effect–transistor within the field of bioanalytical applications, which will highlight the most recent research works reported in the literature. Moreover, a comparison among the diverse EGFET devices will be presented giving particular attention to the materials and technologies.


EGFET; ISFET; electrochemical cell; enzymatic biosensor; DNA–DNA biosensor; immunosensor; antigen–antibody biosensor; ionic sensor


Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering

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