Over the years, various models have been developed in the stages of the mining process that have allowed predicting and enhancing results, but it is the breakage the variable that connects all the activities of the mining process from the point of view of costs (drilling, blasting, loading, hauling, crushing and grinding). To improve this process, we come up with an idea to develop a breakage prediction model; on the basis of the main variables involved in the drilling and blasting process. For this purpose, we design a computer model based on an Artificial Neuronal Networks (ANN), built by using the most representative variables that come into play with drilling and blasting, such as: the properties of the explosives, the geomechanical parameters of the rock mass, and the design parameters of drilling-blasting. For its experimentation and validation, we have taken the data from a copper mine as reference located in the north of Chile, because of we have the dataset of that ore deposit, which is valid and reliable to evaluate prediction problems based on ANN applied to copper mines. The ANN architecture was of the supervised type, feedforward, with 3 layers and 13 neurons in the only hidden layer, trained with the input data using a dataset with the previously mentioned variables, which then were compared with the breakage results. The model was feed backed in its learning process until it becomes perfected, and is a prediction option that can be used in future blasting of ore deposits with similar characteristics using the same representative variables. Therefore, this is a valid alternative for predicting rock breakage, given that it has been experimentally validated, and has achieved moderately reliable results, providing higher correlation coefficients than traditional models, and with the additional advantage that an ANN model provides, due to its ability to learn and recognize compiled dataset patterns. In this way, using this computer model we can obtain satisfactory results that allow us to predict breakage, providing an alternative for evaluating the costs that this entails.