Phase synchronization is one of the key issues that must be addressed in the bistatic synthetic aperture radar (BiSAR) system. LuTan-1 is an innovative L-band spaceborne BiSAR mission of China. An advanced synchronization scheme is used in the LuTan-1 system. The synchronization pulses are exchanged immediately after the ending time of the radar echo receiving window and before the starting time of the next pulse repetition interval. Therefore, it can not interrupt the normal SAR data acquisition, further improving synchronization frequency and avoiding the data missing effect. In order to accurately monitor system malfunctions and compensate for the phase synchronization errors introduced by hardware system, an innovative internal calibration strategy is designed and employed in the LuTan-1 mission. The test data acquired from the ground validation system of LuTan-1 are used to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed scheme. The results validate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme and prove the promise for its future application in LuTan-1.